
By ClickBoomTurtles

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Read the title. If I need to post anything that I can't pm, it'll go here More

Cute OTP Thingy
Profile Pic Things
For Gladi
For Maddie
For Carter
So I Saw This
Another Rp Thing
@LAURENS207 again
Incorrect Lams Quotes
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OC Checklist: Lams Edition
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Incorrect Lams Quotes 45: Catana Comics Edition
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36 1 59
By ClickBoomTurtles

These are really fun to make and jully likes them so-
here u go LAURENS207 uwu 🥺


Alex: Gotta love knitting needles. I can make a scarf, I can make a hat, I can stab your eyes out, I can make mittens-
John: What was that middle part-
Alex: I can make mittens-


John: Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet-
Alex: What are you bidding on-
John: I'm bidding on a table


John: You can't spell cat without a-
Alex: Without a what-
John: Without a-
Alex: Without a  w H a T-


John: Just tried to make a reservation at the library-
Alex: You dont need to make a rese-
John: But I couldn't get one-
Alex: Babe please stop-
John: It was fully booked-


Alex, looking at John: Wow, he is so beautiful-
John: *trips over the lamp cord and breaks the lamp*
Alex, in awe: Gorgeous-


Alex: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more hours just in case-
John: Lex that's a coma-
Alex: Sounds festive-


Alec: Do I look straight-
John: Not in the slightest-
Alex: I meant my parking job-
John: oH-
John: In that case, yes, it's fine-


John: *pulls shower curtain back while Alex is in the shower*
John: Are we — stop screaming, it's just me — are we out of milk-


Philip: Is there a word that's a mix between mad and sad-
Alex: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
John: Smad-


John at 3am: Did you know bananas are a berry and strawberries aren't-
Alex: Peaches I love you but please stop ruining foods for me-


John: And here's your stabby grabby-
Alex: It's a fork babe-
Alex: Please hand me the spoon-
Alex: *sighs*
Alex: The soupy scoopy
John, immediately handing him the spoon: Well why didnt you just say so-


[At a restaurant]

John: You uh...shouldn't be using a straw-
Alex: I know, I know. It's bad for the environment-
John: No it's just a weird way of eating spaghetti-


John, waking up in the middle of the night to whisper in Alex's ear: 'Tis I, the frenchiest fry-


John: You know, technically, ketchup is a smoothie-
Alex: John, baby, I love you but please don't whisper these things into my ear at 2am-


John: *Stares out the window*
Alex: So beautiful, so thoughtful, my love-
John, to himself: Is cereal a soup-


[Giving advice to Philip]

Alex: Don't break anyone's heart. They only have one-
John: Yeah, break their bones. They have 206-
Alex: Please don't listen to him-


Alex: John don't say a word-
John: Yeet-
Alex: I said no words-
John: Oh so last week when we were playing scrabble it wasn't a word but now it suddenly IS because it's convenient for you-


John: Never microwave a capri sun-
Alex: What did you do-
John: Microwaved a capri sun-


Alex, drunk: I like John... he has such beautiful eyes-
Alex: I love him-
Alex: don't tell him okay-
John: okay Lex I won't-


Alex: Are you okay-
John: Yeah. I mark my territory by crying on things-


John: Being gay isn't all fun and games, sometimes you get really used to stealing your boyfriend's clothes and then he goes on a stupid trip and you have no pants to wear-
Alex: I literally packed two pairs of pants-


Alex, reading the news on his phone: A man was paralyzed after eating 43 Happy Meals-
John, cracking his knuckles: so the limit is 42-


Alex: I asked John to share his king sized blanket last night and he told me that he was a king and the blanket was already at max capacity so-


John: Do you think animals try to fit in and be relatable with their friends-
John: Like, do you think a cow is like, "Haha! Yeah, grass is rad!" but then cries at night-
Alex: John, from the bottom of my heart, what in the world goes on in your head-


John: I'M TOO HOT- *points at Alex* :D
John: :D
John: :D
Alex: *sighs*
Alex: *monotone with deadpan expression* Hot d*mn-


John: Hey Alex, what are you doing-
Alex: Eating a family size bag of chips-
John: That's a small bag, it's not family size-
Alex, with his mouth full: Any size bag of chips is family size when you're an orphan
John: Alex-


John: Sure, having kids sounds wonderful but I once put my hands in boiling water without hesitation so-
Alex: Maybe we should just let natural selection run its course-


John: Just admit you made a mistake-
Alex, stirring his coffee: I actually prefer it with salt-


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