♚ Egomaniacs ♚ | vkook (ON HI...

By DinsFire

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After countless expulsions, Jeon Jungkook gets thrown into one of the toughest boarding schools in the countr... More

Ayo ladies and gentleman
Characters (updated April 16, 2020)
Introduction: Welcome to Hell
Chapter 1: Fresh Faces
Chapter 2: The Apprentice
Chapter 3: Deskmates
Chapter 4: "Friend" Or Foe?
Chapter 5: Save Algie
Chapter 6: Retaliation
Chapter 7: Opening a Can of Worms
Chapter 9: A Loose Cannon
Chapter 10: Questions Arise
Chapter 11: Endurance Test

Chapter 8: Heeding the Warnings

251 31 27
By DinsFire

Jungkook sits in the grass, half-listening to Taehyung and the new arrival seemingly bicker back and fourth. Most of what they're saying just goes in one ear and out the other, as Jungkook has no clue what they're talking about. All he can tell is that there is some obvious bitterness between the two of them by the way they scowl at each other, but honestly, he couldn't be bothered to try and figure out why. Instead, he sits there keeping to himself, staring out at the two ducks who are now peacefully paddling through the pond's waters.

"Can't you see I'm busy, Derby?" Taehyung says. "Or is your gigantic nose getting in the way of your sight?"

Ignoring Taehyung's attempt at getting a rise out of him, Derby redirects his attention down onto Jungkook who has his back turned on them, holding his knees closely to him. "I don't think sitting on your bum eating junk food qualifies as being busy." Derby says.

"It does in my book." Taehyung says, taking a sip on his smoothie.

"Well, instead of all this meaningless chatter, and if you're not gonna pay me my money..." Derby mumbles bitterly before he continues, "the least you can do is introduce me to your friend." He crosses his arms.

"I believe that is the new student." A boy says, standing a couple feet behind Derby, rubbing the top of his bandaged up hand.

"Yes, Chad, that's right. I believe his name is Jeon Jungkook." A third, black-haired male says who is standing next to Chad with his hands clasped neatly behind his back. Unlike the other two boys who use a faux British accent, he speaks with his normal American accent.

"Jeon Jungkook, you said Parker? Oh...so this is who Gord and Justin were talking about." Derby says, and Jungkook - his interest now peeked - glances over. "Derby. Pleasure to meet you." He says with a slightly questionable tone.

Jungkook glances over at Derby, then over to the two boys behind him. "Nice to meet you." He says then reaches his hand out to take Derby's outstretched hand, but Taehyung Karate chops them down before they were able to shake.

"Be careful, Jungkook. You don't want to touch him or else you're going to contract the stuck-up-prick virus." Taehyung says and Derby rolls his eyes.

"I would have thought you would have grown up since the last time I spoke to you, Taehyung." Derby says, putting his hands on his hips.

"Indeed. How crude." Chad says.

"It's quite shameful." Parker adds.

"And I would have thought you would have realized how much of an idiot you sound like. Really, that accent isn't doing anything for you. I'd honestly rather listen to a pig squeal then have to listen to you." Taehyung replies.

Derby's jaw visibly tightens as he grits his teeth together, and he angrily runs his hand through his silky blonde hair. "Hmph. Your insults are meaningless to me. When are you finally going to admit that you're just jealous of me?"

"I'd rather be homeless on the street than be a shallow millionaire like you." Taehyung says. "That old bum, Rudy, has more character than you ever will."

"You know what, Taehyung?" Derby says. His voice is getting shakier with anger. "I've been patient with you, but now...my patience has ran out." He says, pointing his index finger at him. "You have until the end of the week to give me my money. If you don't, well...I think you already know what's in store for you."

"Ooo...I'm sooo scared!" Taehyung says sarcastically, fake biting his nails.

"You better be." Chad says. "Derby means business."

"Tsk, tsk. Getting on Derby's bad side is one mistake you don't want to ever make." Parker says, shaking his head back and fourth.

"I'm shaking in my boots. Really. I'm terrified." Taehyung says with the straightest face he can manage. "Are you gonna send your daddy after me?"

His face slightly red in anger, Derby glances over at Jungkook. "I would advise you drop this imbecile before he starts causing problems for you." He says, but Jungkook remains silent, not knowing how to reply. "Better yet, why don't you come with us?" Derby asks, peeking his friend's curiosity.

"Derby...we don't even know him." Chad says.

"Yeah, I think allowing him into our posse isn't the smar- er...we don't want to make any mistakes befriending just anyone." Parker says.

"Don't make me laugh. Jungkook couldn't last one second hanging out with you rich pricks." Taehyung answers for Jungkook.

"How about you let him do the deciding?" Derby says, then glaces back over at Jungkook. "Believe me, Jungkook. If anyone knows Taehyung, it's me...and I can assure you - Taehyung isn't worth your time. No, we do not know each other...but this is a great chance for us to start." Derby says, and Chad and Parker peek over at each other anxiously.

"What is he doing?" Chad whispers to Parker.

"I don't know..." Parker whispers back, looking over at Jungkook. "I don't feel comfortable allowing a stranger into our group like this.."

"He's making a big mistake." Chad replies.

"Well, Jungkook? What do you say? We have a free spot at the lunch table that's in desperate need of being filled."

"Um..." Jungkook rubs the side of his arm and Taehyung looks over at him.

"You're not seriously debating, are you?" Taehyung asks, he sounds almost in shock at Jungkook's hesitance.

"It would be best to just end your connection with Taehyung as early as possible. You won't want to end up like the others who had the misfortune of trusting him." Derby says.

"The others..?" Jungkook raises his eyebrow a bit.

"He's just trying to scare you, Jungkook." Taehyung says. "He has it out for me."

"Yeah...him and everyone else, it sounds like.." Jungkook replies.

Taehyung stares over at Jungkook for a few moments in disbelief before he throws his hands up in the air. "Whatever. Do what you want - I don't care." He says. "Just remember who was the first to take you under their wing." He warns, then stuffs his hands angrily in his pockets.

As Taehyung starts walking off, Jungkook looks back over at Derby, who is still offering his hand out. Derby's friends still stand behind him, both looking visibly anxious. "I appreciate the offer, but...no thanks." Jungkook says and Derby slowly lowers his hand down. "To be honest, I don't really know anyone yet, and well, maybe you're right about Taehyung but as for now...I know more about him than you - even if I hardly know anything about him at all. And I don't typically open myself up to strangers." He replies, and Chad's and Parker's face immediately soften in relief.

"I suppose that's fair. But don't say I didn't warn you." He says bitterly, then turns his back to Jungkook. "Come on, chaps. Let's head to the boxing ring and pretend the sandbags are Taehyung's face." Before he leaves, he takes one last look over at Jungkook. "Farewell, then. But if you ever change your mind, my offer still stands."

Jungkook raises his eyebrows, then turns away without saying any more.

. . .

Taehyung is walking through the park with his hands still in his pockets, staring down at the ground when he hears footsteps coming up behind him. "Hey." He hears, peeking his attention and he looks over at Jungkook who pops up beside him.

"Hey." Taehyung replies with a quieter voice than usual.

The two are silent for a few moments as they walk side by side, until Taehyung chimes in. "You didn't have to take my side."

"Hanging around rich snobs isn't really my thing." Jungkook replies. "Besides, I've had my experiences with rich kids and it never turned out well."

"Derby will do anything to get under my skin. That's the only reason why he invited you into his group." Taehyung says.

"Yeah, I caught onto that. I'm not an idiot." Jungkook says. "So uh...you know I gotta ask...what'd he mean by "the others" anyways?"

"I've had my fair share of friends. But they were all backstabbers." Taehyung says.

"Where are they?"

"They're not here anymore." Taehyung says, staring forward.

"Well, that's vague." Jungkook says.

"Well, they're not." Taehyung says, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know what else you want me to tell you."

"Well...how about you tell me where they went?" Jungkook asks.

"Who knows." Taehyung replies. "Anyways, wanna grab dinner before we head back?"

"I'm pretty full from the smoothie, actually." Jungkook says, rubbing his stomach.

"How about a slice of pizza? We can eat it later when we get hungry." Taehyung says.

"Okay, that works."

"I suppose I should get three slices...Petey will probably cry if we don't bring him back one." Taehyung says and the two of them start on their way towards the pizzeria. "I just hope we don't run into that big ape on our way there."

. . . . .


"You actually remembered Mediterranean was my favorite??" Pete says, taking the pizza that Taehyung was offering out to him.

"How could I not? You went on and on about it last time." Taehyung says, plopping down on Pete's bed beside him. "And here." He says, reaching into his pocket. "Your ten bucks...with interest." He tosses over a wadded up 10 dollar bill and a bag of M&Ms.

"Awww...." Pete says, nearly in tears as he reaches down for the money and bag of m&ms. "See, I knew you could be a decent person, Taehyung."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get all ooey-gooey over it." Taehyung says, leaning back and taking a bite of his slice of pizza.

"Well, I accept your apology then." Pete says, he too, taking a bite of his pizza happily. "Sit down, Jungkook!" He says, patting the spot beside him on his bed.

"Jungkook stands there with the slice of uneaten pizza in his hands. "Actually, I'm probably gonna head back to my room now. I'm beat."

"You're free to rest in here." Pete says with a mouthful of food.

"Yeah, let's have a slumber party!" Taehyung says in an exaggerated voice.

"Uh...no thanks...three of us crammed on a single bed? Doesn't sound very pleasant to me." Jungkook says.

"Pete's small." Taehyung says, lowering a long string of cheese into his mouth.

"Yeah, I can sleep in the middle. You wont even know I'm there!!" Pete says.

Jungkook looks to and from the two boys. "I can't tell if you two are being serious or not."

"I am." Pete says.

"Well, I was joking at first, but then I saw how excited little Petey got and I'd hate to break his fragile heart." Taehyung snickers.

"Sorry, but I think I'll have to pass." Jungkook say.

"Aww..." Pete says, frowning. "Well, are you going to stay in here, Taehyung?" He asks, glancing over at the older.

"Eh, why not." Taehyung says.

"Yess!!" Pete says, jumping up from his bed. "This is gonna be awesome!"

"Well, thanks for the stuff, Taehyung." Jungkook says.

"Don't mention it. And don't forget - I want my clothes back by tomorrow morning."

"Will do." Jungkook says, and after the three bid each other a farewell and a goodnight, Jungkook steps out of Pete's room. As he is heading back towards his dorm, he passes by a male who's eyes immediately fall onto the pizza in Jungkook's hand.

"Aw, lucky!!! Where'd you get that? Edna was serving her tuna surprise again and... I think I found a toenail in it." He says, going a bit green even mentioning the word.

"Here. Take it." Jungkook says, handing the male his slice of pizza.

"Wow!! Gee, thanks man!" The male says.

"You're welcome." Jungkook says, and before he steps into his dorm, he's stopped one last time.

"Hey, wait. You're new here, huh? Nice to meet you - I'm Lance."

"Nice to meet you too." He says, and glances over his shoulder at the boy who was scarfing down his pizza. "Hey, uh...by the way, did someone die in this room?" He says, pointing towards his room.

"I sure hope not." Lance says. "That would be some seriously scary stuff right there."

"Oh...okay. Just checking, 'cause I heard a rumor." Jungkook says. "Anyways, see you."

"See ya around!" Lance says, and he walks down the opposite way of the hall as Jungkook steps into his room. He closes the curtain behind him.

. . . .


It's hard to believe it's only been a few days since I've arrived at Bullworth...it feels like an eternity ago. Luckily, I didn't wake up to Taehyung's creepy little face at the end of my bed this morning, so hopefully that's a good sign I'll have better luck today...though I'm not betting on it.

I had a dream last night, though, that everyone in the school was showing up dead, and it turned out, Taehyung was a serial killer. I seriously hope that's not an omen. Honestly, with the weird vibes I've been getting from him, I wouldn't be surprised. Especially after what that guy, Derby, said.

Anyways, I did something last night I never thought I would do, and that was write a letter to my mom. I've had a lot of pent up anger, and I figured if I wrote her a letter telling her everything I ever wanted to tell her, it would make me feel better - but not to my surprise, it didn't. It only left me feeling angry. And needless to say, I hardly got any sleep.

I'm keeping the letter safe in my drawer for now. I doubt I will ever send it to her, but it's nice to be able to get my frustrations out. Even if she does deserve to know how I feel. Maybe one day I'll find the courage to show her - God knows I could never actually tell her. I have never been good with words, no matter how strong I feel about about something.


"So, I see you've been getting into some trouble, boy." Mr. Crabblesnitch says, eyeing Jungkook's forehead as the two walk side by side through the school courtyard. "I never expected you to start fighting with the fellow students this early."

Jungkook reaches up to touch his bruised forehead. He had tried covering it up with his bangs, but apparently it didn't work. "What, this?" Jungkook says, and waves his hand back and fourth. "No, no, no. This wasn't from a fight - someone threw a dodgeball at my head...twice."

"Don't lie to me, Jungkook. I hear things, and word's been going around you have been picking some fights with a handful of my students."

"Me? Picking fights??" Jungkook says, stopping in his tracks, to which Crabblesnitch does the same. "You got it all wrong, I'm not the one picking fights - your students are picking fights with me."

"Nonsense. My students would never do such a thing! Bullworth prides itself on our considerate, diligent and respectful students!"

"Wow, you could have fooled me." Jungkook says.

"What was that?" Crabblesnitch asks with his eyebrows raised.

"I said, you could have fooled me." Jungkook repeats. "This school is filled with bullies, snobs and maniacs at every corner. I can't even walk to class without seeing someone being tossed into a trash can, or stuffed into a locker - or being threatened myself!"

"That's what you call some good old fashion hijinks! We aren't completely uptight here at Bullworth, as you may think, Jungkook - a practical joke is always welcome every now and then as long as it doesn't hurt anyone...it builds character!"

As much as Jungkook wishes he could stand there and go down the list of everything flawed with Mr. Crabblesnitch's way of thinking, he decides to just hold his tongue and let it go - figuring there's no point in even trying. So he simply responds with, "Okay, then..sir."

"Now, run along now, boy. Don't be late to class." Crabblesnitch says, and Jungkook nods his head.

Before Jungkook turns to leave, Crabblesnitch adds one last thing. "And remember, keep your nose clean."

. . .

As Jungkook is about to turn to head into the school's main entrance, he bumps into the stern chest of another student, sending him stumbling back a bit.

"Hey." The male says.

Jungkook's eyes trail up and they land on a familiar black eye. Crap...it's Tom... He backs up a little bit. "What do you want? I don't want any trouble." He says, grasping tightly on his backpack's straps.

Not now...please not now...

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