Bullets & Promises ✔️

By FeralClaws

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BOOK 2 of 'Bubblegum Gucci Punk & Gangster Model Hunk' •Be it night or be it day, the voices in his head, alw... More

1. Gears of Fate Rewind
2. Hope Against Hope
4. A Futile Closure
5. The Last Warning
6. Breaking Reality
7. People Shaped Voids
8. Guardian Angels & Reapers
9. The Bullet of No Return
10. Promises Honored, No More
11. The Illusionary Reality
12. Out from the Shadows
13. Emerging from a Blindspot
14. Altruistic Innocence
15. Living a White Lie
16. A Frail Fortress
17. Not Bulletproof Anymore
18. The Eyes Tell
19. Their Bruised Love
20. Dealing with Devils
21. A Game of Cat & Mouse
22. A Glimpse of the Old Times
23. In the Clutches of a Reaper
24. A Piece on the Board
25. Exchange at a Price
26. Entering Personal Space
27. Hanging on by a Thread
28. Heart on a Sleeve
29. The Beginning of the End
30. The Long-Awaited Closure
31. Renewing Losses
32. A Smile to Remember
33. Falling into Old Habits
34. Through the Highs & Lows
35. The Art of Golden Healing
36. Birth of a New Master
37. Close to the Mark
38. The Charming Vixen
39. An Unusual Usual Day
40. Anger Issues & Discoveries
41. The Prepared Goodbye
42. The Final Showdown
43. The Aftermath
44. The Red line of Life
45. Bullets and Promises
Epilogue: The Ever After

3. Holding Back Scars

96 27 143
By FeralClaws

March 15, 12:07 A.M.

One sip. Two sips.

The liquid burns his throat, the all too familiar sensation feeling like nothing but home. The presence of the bottle has been something constant in his life over the last four years. Is the drink a true companion or a slow poison? He knows it is the latter, but his hand cannot help but hold onto the neck of the glass bottle.

The man in a charcoal tank top and joggers looks up when a knock is heard on the door. "I've something to report," calls a voice from outside.

Bullet puts the bottle back on the nightstand and moves to sit on the leather couch adjacent to his bed. "You can come in."

The said male enters and closes the door behind him, his hand holding a folder. His baggy clothes overshadow his already small figure, his pale skin illuminating his dirty blonde hair even more.

"I just got information that the shipment will be leaving tomorrow at midnight, instead of next week," Shadow informs, handing the folder to the other.

"Looks like Kyung is restless to transfer the drugs out of the country. Get seven men ready, we need to speed up the plan. The earlier we get the goods, the faster we can sell them."


"Is there anything else you need?" Bullet asks when Shadow doesn't leave the room.

"Not really. But you know you can talk to me if there's anything on your mind, Dae Ho," Shadow says, tearing his eyes away from the bottle on the nightstand.

The older man's tone isn't judging but it hits an irritated chord in him. Shadow means well but Dae Ho cannot handle the expectations that come along with love and care. His mental state has been worse in the last few weeks, especially after the accidental encounter with who most probably was Haneul's daughter. He couldn't get the image of the girl's eyes and smile that resembled her father's. He kept himself away from them, knowing their involvement would soften the wounds he burns with. That is why, he doesn't need Shadow to invade his personal space.

"Chang Min-ssi, we only have a professional relationship, that's all. I don't have time to waste chatting with members of the group." Dae Ho bites with gritted teeth. He doesn't need anyone to pity him and be there to help him. He can handle himself just as he has been for years now.

"You're not just a member to me, you already know that. You should open up, maybe not to me but at least to someone else."

Dae Ho shuts his eyes and taps his foot on the floor. "Please leave, I need to sleep."

Shadow clicks his tongue with a pinched expression, his eyebrows furrowing. "More like waste yourself with that poison." He exits the room, closing the door with a loud thud.

Dae Ho presses his lips together in a slight grimace, hands coming up to his face and elbows supporting on his knees. He stays in the position for a while, till he gets up and drops himself on the bed. He opens the nightstand drawer, grabs a cigarette from the pack, and lights it, placing the stick between his lips and finally grabbing the alcohol bottle once again.

One sip. Two sips. A bottle. Three.


March 17, 8:21 P.M.

Haneul groans throwing his mobile phone on the coffee table, a hand running through his chocolate brown hair. After Dae Ho disappeared without a single trace years ago, there has been a shift in his and Jisoo's relationship but none of them has commented on the matter. There's obvious tension but they refrain from opening the topic up.

"What did the poor mobile phone ever do to you to deserve such treatment?" Choi Yoon quips with a playful grin, sipping his boba tea and leaning on the table.

"Nothing. It's just...never mind." Haneul reaches for his doughnut and takes a big bite out of it.

"Now that your wife isn't staying at home, how are you juggling work and Soomin?"

Haneul wipes his buttery fingers with a tissue and pats it over his mouth. "For now, I have a babysitter who picks her up from nursery and stays till I reach home. She even cooks our meals. But..." Haneul fiddles with the metal ring on his index, his insides quivering. "But I don't want to continue like this. Soomin is going to feel neglected because most of my hours are spent at the hospital. She may get more attached to whoever is taking care of her, instead of her own family and I don't want that. I just want her to have a healthy upbringing, but I can't be something close to a mother or— hell, I'm not even a good father. I divorced Naeun for my happiness. I—"

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Yoon snaps his fingers and waves a hand in front of Haneul's face. "If you and Naeun had conflicts and were not compatible, it would ruin your child a lot more. There are many single parents whose children are brought up in ways much better than the ones having both parents. I'm in no way dismissing the idea of having a mother and father, but even one parent can make their child happy. It's about the environment, they need love and attention, and less toxicity."


"No buts, Haneul this topic comes to an end now."

The doctor gives Yoon a wavering smile, pressing his lips into a thin line. "You're right," he says with a voice lacking enthusiasm.

Yoon is a good friend, Haneul appreciates him and he is grateful to him for being helpful in situations but at times he needs someone who'd just listen to him without any interruption. Someone who would let him vent to his heart's content, a quiet companion. Someone like Park Dae Ho.

Although Jisoo dismissed Haneul's texts, the doctor couldn't bring himself to just not think about him. Mostly the twin's attitude towards the matter appalls him, the indifference being something new.

Haneul goes home after drinking his coffee and receives another text he'd rather not converse about. His mother sets him up with blind dates, insisting his daughter needs a mother figure. How can she be sure it'll be good for her when the girl's own parents couldn't provide her a haven to grow up in.

Haneul turns his head, his eyes falling on Soomin's sleeping figure. He places his mobile phone on the nightstand and pulls her pink blanket up to her neck. He kisses her forehead, a small smile gracing his lips. "I promise you, everything will be alright." He can only hope.

The father closes her bedroom door and walks to his. Looking at the empty room makes him uneasy, vocalizing that the separation from Naeun is real. A white king-size bed sits in the middle, with a dresser on its left and a walk-in closet on the other side. Haneul scrunches his nose at the unwashed laundry on the black couch. "I should get a housemaid for the extra work."

He walks to the kitchen to prepare some chamomile tea after changing into comfortable clothes. Haneul stares at the wall clock in his living room, contemplating if he should sleep or watch a movie. "Maybe I should watch something till I fall asleep." He concludes nodding his head.

He sinks into the grey, modular sofa, and places a glass of water onto the centerpiece, a bag of chips by his side. He props his legs on one end of the sofa and lays his head on the handrest.

Haneul is almost halfway through his second movie when his doorbell rings, followed by several loud and quick knocks on the door. The doctor jolts up from his seat, confused as to who'd visit him at such a time. He takes a quick look at the clock and rushes to the door. "I'm coming! Hold your horses."

It's already past two in the morning and Haneul doesn't know how to feel about the uninvited guest. His eyebrow quirks up when he looks at the man on his intercom monitor. "Yoon, what are you doing here?" Haneul asks opening the door for him.

With sweat running down his temple, Choi Yoon licks his lips a few times before he answers the other. "H-haneul...I-I need your help."

"At this time?" The doctor tilts his head in confusion, still trying to grasp what the florist means.

"Y-you'll understand...once you see it." He tugs Haneul's sleeve, trying to make him walk with him.

"Alright, but wait. Let me take Soomin, I can't leave her alone." Haneul says, already walking inside.

Yoon paces at the front door, his hands crisscrossed on his chest. Haneul comes out with Soomin curled up to him, her arms around his neck and head on his shoulder.

"Let's go."

They walk for a few minutes, stopping in front of a truck that is parked away from the attention of people who may pass by, in the shadow of a tall building. "It's better if you go inside but leave Soomin with me here."

Yoon's behavior makes Haneul antsy but he doesn't question it. He hands Soomin to him before opening the back door and climbing in. He sees two men, one crouching and one lying down. "What is going on here?" The doctor takes a step back, turning to Yoon.

"Please...just check him."

Haneul does as he is told, squatting down to take a look. His eyes widen when he sees the man's shirt drenched in blood, his hair sticking to his forehead due to excess sweat. The doctor moves to check his vitals, fingers coming up to the man's neck.

His body freezes and blood runs cold, stupefied at the face of the man when he gets closer. He screws his eyes shut with a hiss. He calms his breathing, counting numbers in his head. It cannot be real. He must be too tired and his conversation with Jisoo must've induced his hallucinatory response. The doctor takes in a breath and glances at the man's face, only to find the same one he had last seen years ago.

Park Dae Ho is covered in blood yet again.

Four years. Four damn years after dropping out of sight, Park Dae Ho has the audacity to appear before Haneul, bloodied, as if asking to be pardoned for his long, sudden disappearance. The distasteful feeling makes the doctor's stomach curl and his jaw slacks with closed fists. 'Why- why is he here now?'

"Now is not the time to reminisce your memories," the blond-haired guy sitting next to Dae Ho says, "I suggest you fix our boss first." He pushes a first aid kit, the screeching sound of the box against the metal board, bringing Haneul out of his astonishment.

He brings a hand to Dae Ho's shoulder and squeezes it softly, confirming if the man is real or just an illusion. "...I-I can't."

"What?" The pale man questions raising an eyebrow, his words sounding more like an accusation.

"H-he's stabbed...take him to a ho-hospital," Haneul replies, his brain still not registering the situation.

"Pandora!" The man calls out, his voice lacing with annoyance. "I knew taking your advice and trusting you would be a mistake."

Choi Yoon climbs onto the truck too, his lips pressed together. "Shadow, he is the only one who can help us right now," he starts and turns to Haneul, placing his hands on the latter's shoulder. "Look Haneul, I know you have a lot of questions, but first we need to take care of this." He points to an unconscious Dae Ho.

"Where is my daughter?" Haneul asks instead, standing up and pushing Yoon away.

"Chill, she's sleeping in the driver's seat." Yoon holds Haneul in place, pulling his forearm, hoping the doctor would give in.

"I-I don't trust you guys. Who the hell are you? And what did he do to get stabbed in the middle of the night?! This is wrong and il—"

Shadow grunts, his lips curling into a frown. "Don't act all righteous doc, we know how you worked in the underground. Just because you've stopped, doesn't mean your past doesn't exist. You're not a saint either."

Haneul is about to rebut the man, but he's interrupted again. "If you don't want to help, get lost. We'll figure something out ourselves."

Yoon groans, hands covering his face. "Shadow, please be a bit respectful, and Haneul, seriously? What is wrong with you?"

The doctor blinks, realizing how absurd his words have been. 'I have a stabbed man in front of me and I'm overcome with feelings of betrayal. Truly, what in the world is wrong with me? Congratulations, Kim Haneul, you've taken pettiness to a whole new level.' He drops to his knees and takes an audible breath, moving the cloth covering Dae Ho's torso to examine his wound.

"It's a deep cut, he'll need surgery." Haneul opens the first aid kit and puts on surgical gloves. "I-I'll do what I can but let's take him to the hospital."

"No!" Shadow fumes, his eyes hostile. "If he goes to your hospital, he'll definitely be killed."

"He'll die either way!" Haneul clutches the anesthetic bottle in his hands, aggravated by how the man opposes his every word.

Choi Yoon grabs the doctor's arm, diverting his attention from Shadow. "Haneul, people are searching for this guy, they know he's hurt. It's a golden chance for them to kill him. So please, even if you hate him right now, I know you'll do everything to keep him safe. He's Park Dae Ho after all." The younger's eyes are sincere, his voice soft.

"Of course, I'm a doctor, it's my job to save lives." Haneul bites the inside of his cheek, eyes darting to Dae Ho. "But you need to trust me and I have a condition."

"What is it?"

"You tell me what in the world is happening."

Shadow makes a sound at the back of his throat, a scoff leaving his lips. "Yeah, no way."

Pandora throws him a dirty look first, then answers Haneul, "I'll try."

The doctor cleans the wound with alcohol, wraps it with gauze, and removes his gloves to fish out his mobile phone. "Hyung, I need help." He talks on the phone for a few minutes and turns to the other two when he's done. "I know someone who runs a clinic and there's a private room where no one will know about him getting admitted."

Shadow stays with Dae Ho in the back while Haneul and Yoon take the front seats. They go to the clinic as per his instructions.

He still hasn't recovered from the sudden arrival of Dae Ho after years. Albeit, it's involuntary since the man is stabbed and unconscious. Haneul has no idea what he should feel. Happy, that Dae Ho is alive? Angry, that he was alive and still left him behind without an explanation? Right now, Dae Ho is nothing but a patient to him until he explains what in the world happened four years ago. Haneul isn't going to let him off the hook easily this time.

The doctor's shoes tap against the floor repeatedly as they wait outside the hospital room Dae Ho is in, carrying Soomin in his arms. She is not sleeping but her eyes are half-closed, almost falling into slumber.

"How long will the surgery take?" Yoon asks. He's seated beside the doctor, typing away on his laptop. "Are you sure no one is going to know we're here?

"At least half an hour more, and yes, no one will know. The doctor is my friend and I've asked him to keep this a secret. There will be no records of the surgery and this is a small clinic, only a few patients come throughout the day." Haneul licks his lips, eyes darting to a sleeping Soomin. "And now it's your turn to answer my questions."

Choi Yoon looks at Shadow standing at the end of the hallway. His face is twisted into a permanent scowl, hands crisscrossed over his chest. Yoon intertwines his fingers and lowers his head. "I'm going to get kicked for this, but tell me, what do you want to know."

"Who are you all? What has Park Dae Ho been doing all these years? Why do you call him boss? Wha—"

"Woah, woah, one question at a time, Haneul. And you shouldn't be asking those questions to me, don't you think?" The younger chuckles, eyes trailing to the operation room door. "I can't answer the questions you want to ask the boss."

"Then tell me this..." Haneul holds his breath, playing with the ring on his finger. "You meeting me wasn't...an accident, right?"

Yoon squeezes his eyes shut, his brows pinching together. "W-what are you talking about, i-it's not—"

"Truth. Yoon, I just want to hear the truth. I'm not stupid. I can easily put two and two together. Your shop is right in front of my apartment building, everyone knows that I and Park Dae Ho were very close friends. And now for some reason, you call him boss, and you're called Pandora." The doctor explodes, his nostrils flaring and jaw clenching. "So tell me, what in the world is going on and have you been spying on me all this time!"

"You-you're right, our meeting wasn't accidental," Yoon admits out loud, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm sorry," he murmurs.

Haneul stands up, chuckling humorlessly. "Don't be sorry, I'm the fool here." He gives Yoon a pained look, his eyebrows coming together and eyes dulling, moving a step away from him. "So, you were never genuine, it must have all been a damn mission to you." He lets out another dry laugh and continues, "At least I deserve to know why have you been doing this."

"Ha-Haneul please, you need to understand. At first yes, it was be—"

"Why? I don't care about your explanation right now, answer my question," the doctor clips, his tone harsh.

"Because you—because you were...a threat."

Haneul's chest tightens, narrowing his eyes in confusion. "A what, threat? Why wou—" The operation room door opens, cutting off the doctor's question.

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