Before Us ✔

By dyingmelodyyy

6.5K 333 55

"Let's break up" That phrase changed my life. More

Intro and Prologue
Forever isn't for everyone
The price of memories
Silence and sound
Stars on the sky
Nobody likes being heartbroken
Broken toy
Colours of autumn
Catching on by letting go
Your name doesn't hurt anymore
Just friends
How to find Mr. Right?
One step closer
Don't ask me if I love him
See through
Water and wine
The trouble with love
To fly, to drown
A bridge you can't cross
What we had
Still your best friend
That kind of love
Butterflies and peace
Dear future husband
Marriage isn't an ending
After Us- Epilogue

Back to seventeen

194 13 0
By dyingmelodyyy

Here's the update.

We are soon going to hit 100 reads! I'm happy!

"I hate him," I said to nobody in particular, all of us are drunk. No one is sober enough to even call a texi except me, I couldn't get drunk no matter how much I drank. My alcohol levels are really low but somehow even five bottles of Baekju (beer) couldn't get me drunk.

So Mi and Ah Rin are giggling about  Kim Soo Hyun's new drama and how hot he is. I would've joined them in the mess if my mind was any clear, it was too messy already with Chance's thoughts.

Nam Kang Joon is trying his best not to get drunk because he came alone. He has to drive all the way back and that didn't look like a good option. I didn't know what to do. So I just sat there with three drunk idiots, glaring at the beer bottles in front of me for not getting me drunk.

"You hate me, I know," Nam Kang Joon slurred as he looked up at me. When his gaze met mine, I tried to avert my gaze. He has these hazel eyes which look like they are searching for your soul. Dragon's eyes, hazel and luring. Out of all of his stunning features, his eyes stand out. They are the kind of eyes which haunt poor teenage girls. He was the Kingka for a reason afterall.

If I was a masterpiece like him, maybe I'd be self-obsessed too. I had no reason to hate him, I just do because he is good at everything. Best looks, best ranks, best job, fame and popularity, there wasn't a thing he lacked. He isn't someone who'd even have a single insecurity. But then I wouldn't know, I was never close to him.

I sighed, "I wasn't talking to you, Nam Kang Joon."

"Then there is a guy here other than me?" He is still annoying even though he isn't sober. Being annoying must be his second nature.

"It's not you."

"Then who?"

"Forget it."


"Don't irritate me, you-"

He yawned, "See you were talking about me."

I scoffed, "I do hate you but I wasn't talking about you. Not everything revolves around you, you pig!"

He looked offended, "Pig? I'm too-"

"Handsome, yes, I know," I rolled my eyes at him.

His lips lifted into a cute grin, his eyes creasing like crescents, "See? You can't deny that I am."

"I never denied." I shrugged as I sipped my beer.

His grin faded, "You denied."


"When we were in highschool-"

Laughing about how stupid it was to even think about becoming Lee Min Ho's girlfriend, we were eating sweet and sour pork ribs in the canteen of our highschool.

It was one of the rare days that the canteen sells sweet and sour pork ribs. No one from the school would miss a chance eating them. Whole senior high was in the canteen, packed up and conjusted because of the menu today.

Ah Rin looked up at someone passing by. "Isn't it Nam Kang Joon? He is really so damn surreal," She sighed as she eyed the poor boy who was trying to avoid every stare shot at him.

So Mi batted her lashes dreamily, "He is indeed the dream boyfriend of our campus. He isn't even a player, he just minds his own business."

"No wonder he is a topper unlike us three," Ah Rin pouted.

I groaned loudly, "Can we not talk about him? What's so good about him anyway? He is like just any other boy who thinks he is too good for any girl here to date. Narcissist."

Nam Kang Joon's ears perked at my words. He scoffed as he came to our table. "If you really want to not talk about me or see me, then why do you?"

"I was just explaining them that there's no need for them to worship you like a damn God," I rolled my eyes at the boy in front of me. He is such an eyesore, he is literally the boy of magazines. I'm not complimenting, I'm saying that he is someone who runs after trends.

Nam Kang Joon had long hair, curled at the ends. He is even wearing his uniform as if he wants to look like a model. His shirt is partly tucked, tie loosely hanging over his neck and his hair was ruly. It's the trend now, to look like the actors from the highschool dramas.

He ran his fingers through his hair, "I am a God, you are just atheist."

"I don't think so, you're not as attractive as you think you are." I threw harsh words on his face. I knew it was wrong of me to do so but he pisses me off all the time.

"You are denying it?"

"Kojo (Get lost)," I waved him off.

He glared at me before walking back to his table. It was like he was plotting my murder in thirty different ways with just chopsticks. Ah Rin and So Mi looked at me like I just gobbled their portion of pork ribs. I would have done that gladly if he didn't ruin my appetite. I don't know why they worship him.

I remembered that one incident from highschool days which instead of distancing us, got us closer in college days. I became his female friend because there was no girl except me who didn't have a crush on him. We even hung out often along with Ah Rin and So Mi. It sometimes was at his home, sometimes it was at mine. My father grew fond of him and my mother loved his sarcasm. That's one of the reasons my father wanted me to marry Kang Joon. He thought he is the perfect match for me because he is good at almost everything, which included handling my mood swings.

I laughed, "Well you know I didn't mean it."

"You still denied it that day. So it does count, even though we became close later on," He pouted.

I rolled my eyes, "Mian (sorry)."

"You're not sorry at all!"

"Because I'm not."

"You are such a cat,"

My brows furrowed, "Mwo (What)?"

"You really get so mean when you are having bad days just like cats." He stuck his tongue out.

I snorted, "Are we still seventeen or something? Nicknames are too old for us, Kang Joon."

"It feels like we are back to seventeen today. I mean, the vibes from today were just the same from the times you hated me." He chugged on his bottle.

"I still hate you,"

"Why? Because you forgot that we got close in college?"

"No, just because we hung out without killing each other doesn't mean I don't hate you. Ah Rin and So Mi are found of you is all," I glanced at those both who fell asleep.

"Just admit it, we were good friends back then. My family likes you, your family likes mine, that should explain how close we are!" He frowned.

I scratched my neck awkwardly, he has a point. "Dream on."

"I dream of us being more than just friends- ouch!"

I smiled sickly sweet at him as I kicked his feet again, "Don't even complete that sentence. You can dream all you want, you are not the only one who is good looking here."

He shook his head at me as he chuckled. "You are still the same, Park Ji Hee."

I quoted his words from morning using my fingers to air quote them. "Why? Did someone say that there's a rule that a person should change in over a couple of years?"

He squished my face, "You're becoming a mini me again."

I swatted his hands away, "I'm never going to become a narcissist."

"I'm not just a narcissist,"

"Yes, you're far worse than just a narcissist." I fake coughed.

"Whatever I am, I still am very handsome." He smiled to himself before smirking at me.

I nodded sarcastically, "You're not the only handsome guy."

"That's true, but I still am handsome, aren't I?" He cupped his face.

I laughed, "Yes, yes, you are."

"You know-"

His words were cut off when my phone rang. He frowned as he picked it up from the table instead of me. "Who's Chance?"

My heart started beating fast just at the mention of his name on my phone. Chance was calling. I grabbed my phone from him, I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I picked it up, "Hello?"

"Jiji, it's me! I-"

There died my hope once again. Why did I even expect Chance to call me? He would never care for me but his pride. He wouldn't be able to get over the high hate of pride, he never has. It was my fault to expect the call must be from him.

"Yes, Chichi?"

"You sound disappointed that it's me,"

"I am not, I just didn't expect Chance to let you call from his phone."

"Oh, he is not sober and my phone died. I would've skype called you from my laptop but I'm outside." He explained.

I frowned, "Did you drink?"

"No, I was getting bored in the party so I thought I'd call you."

"Isn't it too early to be drinking there?"

"Say that to your ex, I've been begging him to go home but we are stuck at this bar!" He whined.

I sighed, "I can't stand him at all, he gets all emotional when drunk."

"Oh, I know. He was crying before he became too silent, his eyes are sleepy and he might pass out any moment-"

I cut him off, "Why did you let him drink?"

"When did he ever listen to me?"

I changed and reframed my question, "Why did you even end up going with him to a bar?"

"I went to pick him up. He was partying all night. After picking up Linda, he came home to change his clothes. Then the next thing I know, Linda texts me to pick Chance up. He was crying when I got here, now he's sleepy," He heaved a heavy sigh, sounding tired.

I closed my eyes, "Just take him home."

"I would if- no, it's not Ji Hee" My brows furrowed before I understood that he was talking to Chance. He was lying about talking to me probably because Chance would fuss over at it for using his phone.

"It is Ji Hee, I know-"

"It's not!"

"Then who?"


Some shuffling sounds came before it was Chance spoke to me, "Ji Hee?"

My breath hitched at the way he said my name. It's been so long since we talked after that fight, I missed his voice. I love the way he called my name. I don't know how my father said I've to move on while listening and seeing him, I'd melt over him just calling my name.

"Chance..." Tears blurred my vision.

"Why are you crying?" Kang Joon asked me, worry etched oh his face. He was slowly becoming sober when we were talking, so I guess he is sober now.

Suddenly the words left me. I pressed the phone harder against my ear to not even miss a whisper of Chance's voice. I longed to hear his voice. I need to move on but nobody likes moving on. Nobody does, we move on out of the desperation- not because we want to forget that person ever existed. It wasn't as easy as the breakup songs tell us. It's not.

"Ji Hee," Chance called me again and a tear rolled down my cheek. "I miss you, Ji Hee."


There was shuffling again before it was Mitch who spoke. "Jiji, he is drunk and lonely, please move on from him. I don't want you to get hurt."

"M-mitch," A sob left my lips, "I want him, Mitch."

Kang Joon grabbed the phone from me, glaring at the caller. "She doesn't want him. She's drunk, don't mind her. I'm not letting her put herself down for a guy who is the cause of her tears. I might not know who he is or what the story is, but if he is the reason she's crying, she doesn't need him."

With that he hung up. I was about to protest and curse at him for grabbing my phone, but he wiped my tear. "Think wiser, we are not seventeen anymore to make stupid decisions and expect it not hurt."

"I wasn't-"

"You don't need anyone who makes you cry like that." He repeated.

I opened my mouth to say something but he shut me up by kissing me. He leaned more to make himself comfortable as he cupped my face. I couldn't believe what was happening. Kang Joon was kissing me. I didn't respond out of the shock. I wasn't planning to kiss him back but I wish I did as he pulled away.

He caressed my cheek, "I think I like you, Ji Hee."


"I think I've been, all these years. I think I liked you back in college, I think I like you now too- it isn't a coincidence to meet me twice. I heard you were back in Korea and I didn't waste a moment to meet you. I thought I was going crazy when I realised I liked you all the time. So I came to get drunk and erase you but you- you are still here. I don't like you crying over that guy- you don't have to like me back yet, I'm going to make you fall for me sooner or later." He ended his long confession with a wink.

It felt like we were back to seventeen, all lovestruck and dreamy as the butterflies erupted in my stomach. I don't like him back but it's been a good time since I last someone confessed to me this way.

So I said what I would as I smacked him, "You are drunk."

Because it was too stupid to be freaking again, we had to be drunk to behave this way.

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