Nyi ( English Translation Boo...

HsuChiKo365 tarafฤฑndan

93.9K 9.5K 237

๐˜ฝ๐™š๐™จ๐™ฉ-๐™จ๐™š๐™ก๐™ก๐™š๐™ง ๐˜ฝ๐™‡ ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ฎ ๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐™ˆ๐™ฎ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ข๐™–๐™ง. ๐˜ฟ๐™ค๐™ฃ'๐™ฉ ๐™ง๐™š-๐™ฅ๐™ช๐™—๐™ก๐™ž๐™จ๐™. ๐˜ฟ๐™ค๐™ฃ'๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™–๐™ฃ๏ฟฝ... Daha Fazla

Original Author's Statement
Burmese to English Translation Brief
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 _ Part I
Chapter 9(Part-II)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Ending part one

Chapter 2

3.1K 591 22
HsuChiKo365 tarafฤฑndan

Chapter 2

"Oh come on Ma Cho, not cool at all"

"Yeah I know I want to go with you I love to but this time is serious you know that"

"No this is beyond limit you said you would come with me this time you have been neglecting me for long I am ...."

"No No dear don't mad at me ... oh come on don't be mad with or without me you guys went there before right? When you arrive you will be fine without me OK? Have fun enjoys OK Maung?"

Yes. I am really mad this time she had been neglecting me all the time whenever I asked her to go. This time I can't take it anymore every single weekend every time. And this is a once in a lifetime chance to have yet she had to go to see her grandma again. So many reasons so many facts ... blah blah... I just ignore - take my back on her.

"As you know it Nyi if she don't go her Grand mama would be shot and might... possibly go to clinic you know how her Grand mama love her grandkids" Ko Z said to calm me ...

"You know that right Maung? Go on go I don't want you guys miss that concert all because of me and Maung you had been tired since you came back from Yangon all the setting up the shop go have some fun yourself OK" She console me.

"OK OK OK whatever"


Tantrum grouchy is his perpetuate behavior since young, every end of the week Ma Cho take a trip to her grandma he knew that but like it always being childishly to her. Yes it is a rare chance to see a show like this K-pop Concert once in a long time. Sometimes things cannot be the same as always and things can not be the way what we wanted he must learn. I had been trying to tell him teach him yet I fail. Finally he stop being childish and let Ma Cho go agreed to go with him next time whenever he ask for it. Actually Ma Cho love to go to concert it was hers ideas she brings us into this kind of music and pulp culture. She made us K-popper. For me just a music that I enjoy but for her it's a lot of fun and craziness as for Nyi too.

I myself not very turbulent as Nyi stimulate but every time when he asked me to accompany him I had never been refused. And we head back to our home Ma Cho too. Nyi is as always changing his outfit whistling around dance a little bit very very actively in to it. Me I just change my shirt and ready to roll.

After a couple of minutes here he comes all black fashion black lining eyes, looking good in that outfit fashion I must admit. A mix ethnic of Kachin and Chinese so he is looking fair skin color.. Really looking great I tell him, he looks back to me, says nothing and both of us head to the concert.

All the way to the concert he is being excessively happy, actively in to the music that he likes whistling a lot and even rapping like Chanyeol. Whatever Nyi Whatever you like to do...

It's his time his moment so we did not talk much ... he is being his and I just driving. When the concert started he is the wildest dance like a spinning wheel shout like a loudspeaker rap like a psychotic person who doesn't know what he is talking about. Wilde , Hard, Hot, Drink, Shake, Spinning, messing around and a lot of shouting... yellllllllllling what song ever the singer sings he too lip sync all of it. What move ever the dancer makes him too spinning like them ... Like a kid who first time going out without parents. When the concert takes a break every person in the square take a sit lying down and having some rest... He is just sitting closing his eyes and just sitting. I give him a drink ...


What a show, what a concert wow I feel so good. Ko Z gives me a drink I take it and he rubbed my head again I don't like it I shake my head to avoid his showing off being like an elder. Yep may be act like nothing at the concert I know he is acting a bit like a BROTHER... He can't rub my head so he smiles at me sit beside and said;

"You must be exhausting Nyi vexed about Ma Cho dance a lot your move Nyi wow I cannot believe that your lip sync all the songs." coaxing at me ...

"Oh leave it Ko Z" I wobble my head to shun his hand again you know in front of the crowd there is so many people AND girls too he is making me a halfwit I don't want those girls think I am a Uke (meaning in Japanese: passive in gay-couple). And what he's doing is taking every point acting muscularly Dude. I did told him before I don't want people seeing us like that but you know what he doesn't care much he never listens to me I think he loves to do like that oh Ko Z Ko Z.

He is a very very much alike neat freak I mean he likes clean very fastidious too but with me he doesn't behave anything of that no abhorrence or revolt or despise even he drinks with me the same glass or bottle he is sometimes hard to understand I must admit. What if others OH lord bless him or her he would be very very freaking out AND Loud... lol

It's been awhile so everyone is leaving both of us just sitting and looking around he said

"Well Nyi are you ready, let's head back home ok? I hope you feel refreshed...And there's a lot of sweat behind your back might catch a cold let's go home"

Well just like that he cares for me I like it actually I don't know why but Love it. He is right; I am a little sickly person so just need to care a little bit to myself sometimes. Nobody perfect right? Wealthy Handsome Intelligence Healthy how can that be missing it is sure someone is on it? Me nah if I am like that perfectly become I would be a Disney Prince. How about him Ko Z what would he be? He is handsome not so white or brown only in the middle of it sexy catchy attractive. I like to be like that 182 cm height an inch taller than me but whatever, software engineer how to state ummm smart? May be he is perfect I can say only one thing he had nobody around. Why I don't know... Maybe I am wrong as I saying someone has something not match each and perfectly fine RIGHT?

He handed me to stand go to the parking lot get in the car sit front seat belt on, he goes around get in the car close the door, roof, the window then seat belt on and he did it again rubbing my head those finger I hate it evade that and He said

"Nyi if you like to take a nap go on...still sweating?"

"No I will be fine the AC is on so ... I'll be fine, how is your car? " I asked

"Nothing it's fine, they are going to send me back tomorrow" He driving and answer

"I told you it's nothing happen you are just being fastidious badly" I just politely answer back

"What? You don't like that I using your car from time to time? After we both bought your car together with MY CAR, and this time is just ..." He raised his voice and asked me

"No...no I don't mean it doesn't be mad I am just saying...." I can't believe he thought like that

"Nahhh I am just messing around with you hah...take a nap yourself you'll be exhausted after dancing and singing along" Faintly smile me back

"What? I thought you serious don't do that again"

"Come on I am just kidding Kiddo"


I rub his head but he seem refusing all the time and that is why I like to do it more stick to the corner to evade my hand, his eyes are sleepy fainted and drowsy so I open a soft music from his playlist he is just nodded his head, his fingers are moving beating on his thigh with the song. I am sure he is going to sleep. I just keep quiet and driving.

All of the sudden the car driving in front of us was taunting us I hate it when I am driving when facing like this so I drive a little faster than that car and turn fast drive front of that car quickly, they aren't expecting that seems they losing might mistakenly trample the lever and brake than they hit our backs.

I'm just angry and cluck and shout "Tutttt! What the ...&*$%#!" driving fast a bit but it hit us not badly but the sound of that hit wake Nyi up.

"What What happen?" He asks

"They hit us they hit our back" I answer open the door, forget to un-belt and disarm myself get off the car, Nyi just panting "Oh No Oh NO my baby back .. Oh No NO" he too, get out of the car. We both can relief when we saw the hit not so bad just a scratch. Four people from the car stand a moment and come to us. When they near us then we know why the hack happens.


"Oh No ... Wai Yan ... just go back to your car let us get over this OK Come on Z let's go"

I don't want anything happen right now.

"Wait what oh come on.... Kaung Kaung I just want to meet you ... that's all OK please I don't mean to crash your car and hurt you I would never hurt you."

"Shut up, go away leave him alone just go or I will...." Z angrily scolds them ...

"What......tt.t.t.t.t. You scare Z? I don't have any business with you right now OKKKKK I leave you there please I beg of you I just want a conversation with Kaung Kaung ONLY not you, that is why I chase this car it's his car right?"

"YOUUUUUU" Z pisses ...

"Ko Z" I told him to be calm, block his fist to hit Wai Yan take his hand pull him from face to face of Wai Yan, grab his shoulder hard let Ko Z get in the front seat, then

"Don't you touch him" Ko Z scolds and punches him in the face while I made Ko Z in the car when Wai Yan Grab my arm. And I know everything is fuck up right now. May be Wai Yan drunk he has his company of them they are four of them what if we fight definitely we'll be a tiny meatloaf middle of the hungry Wolfpack. We can't beat them like this and I am exhausted.

The other trios quickly come after he punched him in the face. Wai Yan effaces his lip bleeding with him thumb, those eyes of him red as hell he is too piss and fury. I just don't know what to do and tell Wai Yan

"Please Wai Yan I beg you please leave me just go wherever you want to just leave us now ok I beg you just go" I grab his arm and asked him to go .... He points his hand to me and said

"Tuttttt..... Nay Kaung Myat Thu ... just because of you today he is in luck but next time I swear ...." left me .....

Ko Z standing beside open car door his fist is clutch rigorously and grinding his teeth, his fury can be heard from his breath ..... I enclasp his arm grab him to the seat help him seat bet on and close the door. Go around the back to see the hit again yep my baby has to go workshop get poke poor poor baby butt..... I tutt I just wanna kick him in the face WAI YAN this is not the end of it just you wait!

All the way home he was grinding all the time... just the moment we arrived at his front yard of his home

"Nay Kaung Myat Thu don't ever block between him and me again AND don't apologize to him you don't have to beg anything from him get that right. Next time I won't punch him the fist of mine would be in your face"

Since we were young hanging around Never Ever he call me in Full name -- most of the time he just call me - Bro / Nyi / Kaung Kaung ONLY He like to call me NYI ONLY ... Now I can tell he is outraged.

"I am not afraid of him and I beg him not because of frighten him Ko Z"

"Then why on earth you beg him why don't you fight with him why? Tell me what you are going to do with your trophies win from bloody competition you just throw them away or sell to the pawn shop for money pity sake."

"Oh come on I learn those not for fighting but for defend myself only not for that piteous quarrel it's not worth it"

"Butttttttt... ughhh whatever tuttttttt" not finish his words and look away ...

"Ko Z really hear me out I don't afraid of him why should I, you know-what I am afraid of IS YOU!! That is why ... ugh I don't want you to be caught and jail all because of me again"

He loses his temper and look at me again but saying nothing.

"The One who I know is a happy cherish active guy and polite lovely person not easily rage and temper furious you aren't like that I know that you are my guy my friend my lovely brother my closest person I just wanna see you that way only Ko Z "

"But Nyi .... They insulted you. How can I stand and do nothing I am not a Hermit or Saint

can endurable sometime those kind has limit you know and this is beyond limit ..."

"Ko Z you know I thank you REALLY I mean it I really thank you I just don't want to hurt again because of me again and again... sometimes avoiding is the good things too."

"SORRY Nyi Ok"

"Oh come on I am the one who should apologies actually. Everything's will be fine"

I smile at him and he smiled at me back hug me and he got of the car closed the door I wave him.



As I enter the front door Mom asked me

"How is Kaung Kaung Dear, hope you guys enjoy tonight?"

I just nod my head and enter my room. Her son is losing face she doesn't asked about it but NYI well... that is he has charms actually everybody loves him. I didn't say good night to Ma Ma and Pa Pa may be both of them in the reading room. What if I go and greet them they might ask me about him again that is for sure.

Yeah He has his charm.. you see I have a lot of photos of him and I, just beside my bedside desk I took a photo stand for us only ... a picture of both when I graduate he hugged my waist put on my mortarboard cap and a photo of me put his cap on my head embrace behind him. Whenever I see those he is lovely cute attractive and charming. That's why that lunatic Wai Yan loves him wanting him to be his boyfriend. I just don't want to think about that lunatic it makes me angry every time. And Every time I think of Wai Yan I also glad myself for what I just did in the past. Once he told Nyi in front of me that he likes to date him so I punch him hard that made him a week time bloody holiday in hospital huhh. And I had a once in a lifetime experience of sleeping at the jail. But it's worth it.

Our parents know each other so that nothing happen seriously, and Wai Yan parents know their son's fault. That is the reason why Nyi take serious about Wai Yan and Me. I know Nyi would be very angry and furious than me too. But all because of me he begs him to go away. Ahh I am such a douche bag to Nyi. I should have known better yet I scold Nyi bad.

Thinking a lot and I just ring him....

"Hey what are you doing?"

"Yep" he answer upstreamly

"Yeah Yeah what are you d....o....i...n...g?

"Drinking My Mom's Milk?" (What he means is drink from his mom breast, actually he telling me that ironically he is drinking milk that his mother makes for him.)

"Yeahhhhhh just behaving like a kid... you childish douche bag, have you taken a goodnight bath?"


"How is it? Strain? Or Ache? How is your back?"

"No worry Ko Z I am fine. How about you?"

"Yeah I am fine too; I am going to take a good night bath now too"

"OK Good Night Ko Z"

"Good Night, don't be so late go to bed soon ok"

And he hangs up. I never hang up first I just want to be sure about him all the time; I don't know why I just want to be like that. He and I have some connection that I can't describe but I like that attachment to him. Even 7 years older than me my own brother didn't have some you know ... I just want some connection may be ... he never gave me any affection ...... maybe that's why I give Nyi that I haven't before...

Since I go to Primary school I don't want Nyi cried at home and wait for me I just make myself late a year just for him. My parents thought I am a late bloomer but I am not I did it for him for NYI just for us. We never left beside of each since then. I never left him overnight I always with him. I just don't know WHY.


End of Chapter 2

Okumaya devam et

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