The queen of the forgotten ki...

By BlissnSorrow

1.4K 15 0

Faya lost everything when Thranduil and his elves killed her family in Mirkwood. The young princess and her b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
No Update!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2

117 3 0
By BlissnSorrow

A/N: Hello dear readers,
First of all thank you so much for reading. Second, I'm so sorry for my awe full english but you have to know it's not my native language so yeah (actually I rode this Fanfic in my native language and translated it)
Well enough explaining and welcome to Chapter 2 ;)

To her acknowledgement, Faya determined, that in fact she had been in a treehouse. A gentle wind played with the girls long brown hair, while she investigated a forest of silvern and golden trees. She didn't notice, she had stopped, so much she was bewitched by the beautiful view.
"Unbelievable...", she whispered and for one short second, she forgot what had happen in the night before.
"Oh, I almost forgot. Welcome to Lothlórien." Arwen smiled again and look down at Faya. "Are you coming?" She pointed at knitters. The girl climbed down, carefully, so she wouldn't trip over her dress, and let herself fall on the grass below. If felt tender and familiar under her bare feet.

They had to walk for a short while until they reached a river. "The Nimrodel.", Arwen explained and then pointed at at some elves by the water. All of them were blonde, but somehow Faya wasn't afraid anymore.
She went over to them.
The elves had wrapped Òre in big white fabrics. He looked so peaceful. Almost like an angel. Her mother used to call him that. Faya had to swallow at the thought of her mother, but when she saw the perplexed expressions of the elves, she almost laughed.
"Why did you bring her, Lady Arwen?", one of the elves asked almost a little angry. "She wants to see him, so she'll see him, Haldir.", Arwen replied calmly.
Faya kneeled next to her dead brother, scattered some earth on his body and buried him symbolically. The elves, although completely confused, let her. Her culture, her burial customs.
They buried him in the end. His grave was under the trees and the elves allowed Faya to write his name on a stone they set at the head of the grave.

"Traditionally we would howl now. Because of the grief, you know?", Faya said, as they walked back from the river. "So, why don't you do it?", Haldir asked. "You're good." She smiled, but when she so he didn't know what was so funny about what he just said, she explained: " Well, as you can see, I'm not really enough for a big howling and even if, I don't think the elves of Mirkwood should know, that I'm here." "I don't think they can hear you from here.", Haldir said. Now he was the one smiling. For a minute Faya was lost, but then she remembered. She was in Lothlórien. Wait... wasn't that near the Fangor and the Wold, which.... had been her home. But not anymore. Suddenly she realized there was nowhere she could go. Her family was dead. All of her folks was dead. She was alone. Again she had to swallow.

"So, tell me.", Arwen said. Three days had passed since they buried Óre. "You do know you're only three years old, do you?" "Four. I'm four years old and yes, I am aware of it.", Faya answered slightly offered. "I'm sorry.", the elf defended herself. "You just don't act like you're only FOUR." "Maybe that's because I'm a Half-wolf.", the girl said. But when she saw Arwen hadn't a clue about Half-wolves and their genetic predispositions, she continued more friendly. "Well, it's complicated, you know? I don't want to say, Half-wolves don't have a childhood, because they have one, but... well... they are... how do you say? Early? Do you know how wolves are born?" Arwen shook her head. All she knew was, that wolf pups were born with fur, so Faya explained. "When a wolf pup is born", she said, " it can walk and speak right away. It's the same with us, because we're born as pups. That's,with big distance, the biggest difference between us and... other... speaking.... beings.... in
Middle-earth. We also learn immediately how to hunt, like the pups, who we actually are... but that leads too far. So, after we learned how to survive, we learn how to fight and how to use a weapon and... no, that's not irresponsible!"
Arwen had become so perplexed about the last part, she made a face. Faya, who had now lost the thread, gave her a punishing look.
"Where was I?", she mumbled, upset about the intermission. "Oh, yes. Weapons. Ok. So", she began again. "Right after hunting, we learn how to use weapons like swords, daggers, knives, throwing daggers and such things. But everything melee, expect the throwing dagger maybe. And I think that's also the reason, why we lost. Against the Mirkwoodelves, I mean. They have bows. Ranged. We didn't even had a chance on a fair fight. I don't want to say elves would fight unfair! No way!", she said, the hands defensive raised. "I just think.... What I want to say is, that Half-wolves... thus me, because I'm the last... so... I think I should learn archery."
"Excuse me, what?!" Arwen starred at the little girl like she just lost her mind. "No way!"
"No buts!"
"But, but.", an unfamiliar voice behind Faya said.
"Haven't I just said 'No buts'?", Arwen asked heated, spun around and faced a tall blond elven woman.
"Well, yes you have.", the strange woman said.
"Oh..." Arwen blushed embarrassed. "Hello, Grandmother."
"Why shouldn't she learn archery?"
"Grandmother, she's still a child."
"May be, but she's also a Half-wolf, isn't that true, Queen Faya?"

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