Chapter 1

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Faya opened her eyes.
She blinked briefly into the bright light. The sun shone through a window at the opposite wall. She laid in a bed, which wasn't hers, in an unfamiliar room. Furthermore, there was a tree trunk, which seemed to grow right through the whole place.
Where was she? In a treehouse? And if so, how did she came here? Why was she here? Was she alone? Who brought her here?
Thousands of questions buzzed around her head but then, all of the sudden, there was only one big:
What happened?
Thereupon everything splashed down on her like a sudden, unaware rain shower. Everything was back.
The voyage, the Mirkwood, Thranduil, his elves, her parents, Òre. Where, by the Valar was he actually?
The door opened, and a tall brown-haired woman entered the room. She saw Faya awake, smiled and came closer. Now the girl could see that the stranger had to be an elf. But... an elf with brown hair? Was that natural? All elves she had ever know had had blonde or silver hair but not brown.
"Good morning, little one.", the woman said in Westeron, the common tongue of Middle-earth. "My name is Arwen Undómiel. What's your name?"
Faya remained silent and considered Arwen.
Her ears were pointy like it was usual for elves, she was tall and beautiful like an elf, but still her hair was brown instead of blonde. Which elf had brown hair? And why was that elvish woman so friendly, while Elves and Half-wolves were enemies. Since the beginning of time. Well... it felt like it.
Was that a trap? Oh, and if so, what could the girl loose? Maybe Arwen knew where Òre was.
"Faya.", she said after a while. "My name is Faya."
Then: "Where is Òre?"
"Excuse me, who?"
"Òre, my brother. The boy, who was with me. Where is he?"
The countenance Arwens changed from questioning to sad.
"Is he... ?", the girl asked.
"Yes." The elvens voice was broken, quiet and Faya thought to see tears in Arwens lovely blue eyes.
"Oh.", she said.
"I'm so sorry, we couldn't do anything anymore. The wound was already infected when he arrived. He was already mostly dead by the time we found you, it-"
"Is ok. It isn't your fault. It wasn't your arrow.", Faya interrupted.
Then: "Can I see him, please?
Arwen looked dumbfounded down on the little girl on the bed. "You want what?", she asked.
"See him. But if I'm not allowed to-"
"I do think you're allowed to, but... are you sure, you want to see him?"
"Of course I am. He was my brother."
Arwen sighed, turned around and went to the wardrobe, which stood next to the bed. She took out a white dress and gave it to Faya, so she could put it on. It was to big but when she rolled up the sleeves and tied up the hem with the silver ribbon, she got from Arwen, she could wear it. When she was ready, the woman and the girl stepped outside, where the sun shone down on them.

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