Chapter 12

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"Faya, hurry up! We're going to be late."
The Dunedàn restlessly paced up and down the room. In a while the counsel would begin and his companion didn't want to leave the bathroom.
"I can't wear this!" Her voice was muffled by the closed door.
"What did you say?" Aragorn stepped to the door. "Can I come in?"
"No way!  I look terrible!"
"Well, then you have to come out."
He could hear her sigh. Then the lock cracked and Faya stepped out. She wore a long, dark green dress with transparent bat sleeves. (A/N: Image at the end of the chapter.)
The Half-wolf looked at him desperately.
"I look like a Lady."
"Now, they will never let me go with them."
"Maybe it's better this way.", he mumbled.
"Oh, nothing... you look great."
"Funny, Aragorn."
"I was serious. Come on now. We're late and they're surely waiting.", he said and turned to walk out of the room. Muttering she followed.
She liked to wear pretty dresses, but... the woman, who had looked back from the mirror in the bathroom, had been a beautiful Lady and not Faya, the wild she-wolf from the woods.
When Arwen gave her the dress, she had said that Faya had to comply her duties as queen. "So, you also have to look like one.", her friend had said.

At the door to the counsel-room stood Elrond and waited for them. The two Lords bowed for each other, while Faya curtseyed.
"Why do I have to dress up and he doesn't?"
"Well, his ancestry should yet be a secret.", Elrond tried to pacify his 'daughter'.
She just sighed. "Ok.", she said then. "Let's do it." And she went to open the door, but Elrond held her back.
"Wait.", he spoke and fetched a little casket from under his coat.
"Would you please kneel?"
Confused Faya glanced at Aragorn, who, also confused, shrugged. So, she kneeled in front of the Lord of Rivendell, who opened casket and took out a fine, golden, studded with glittering stones tiara. (A/N: Image at the end of the chapter) Carefully he laid it on her hair and told her to stand up.
He looked at her.
"Has somebody ever told you, you got your mothers eyes?"
"Aragorn wasn't sure if he had seen tears in Elronds eyes, when Faya stood up.
"Yes.", she smiled. "You tell me this since I'm here. Was it hers?"
The elf nodded, laid his hand on her shoulder and looked her into her eyes.
"Don't do anything stupid, while you're in there. That's a serious matter. So, please, once in your life act like the Lady you should be."
A break arose.
"Now in with you."

And suddenly the adventurous woman had vanished, and a queen was with the Dunedàn. Faya tried hard to keep a straight face when they entered the big hall. He could saw that the most men looked at her, as they passed, and he had to control himself, so you wouldn't laugh when he saw Legolas' face.
Lindir, on the contrary, smiled cheeringly at them.
He had been their teacher at archery, when they were still children. It must be hat for him to see them both as adults.
Faya saw him and gratefully smiled back.
Aragorn nudged her. "Sit down there. I'll be standing right behind you.", he whispered in her ear. She nodded stiffly and sat down on the chair he sowed her.
He comfortingly laid his hand on her shoulder.
The whole counsel seemed to looked at them and the Dunedàn could feel, how unwell she felt, but he didn't know what to do about it.
Luckily, Elrond stepped in a moment after and draw all attention on him.
Aragorn felt how Faya relaxed. He took a deep breath.
Now all they had to do was waiting. Waiting for the Hobbits and Gandalf.

They had to wait almost half an hour until the bell ringed and the counsel officially began. A short while after, Frodo, Bilbo and Gandalf came in. Elrond showed them their seats. Prides of honour to be exact.
Then the counsel really began.
They disputed, explained, told, and deliberated.
Not everything, they spoke and discussed has place in here, so let's summarise it: the Hobbits told their adventures, Legolas confessed that Gollum had escaped and Aragorns' true name was revealed.
Well, fact was, the ring must be destroyed. And Frodo volunteered. Aragorn, Legolas, and a dwarf called Gimli decided to go with him. And also, Boromir, a man from Gondor and (of course) Gandalf agreed to go with the Hobbit. Even Frodos friends Sam, Merry and Pippin insisted to come too.
Elrond happily crossed his arms and started to say something, when Faya stood up.
Instantly all eyes were on her. She blushed, but she kneeled before Frodo, took his hands in hers and said: "Allow me to come with you, Frodo Baggins."
Frodo looked at her in surprise. it took him a while to answer. "Gladly, Lady Faya. It would be a pleasure, to have you with me."
"The pleasure is mine, mister Baggins."
She smiled at him and stood up.
"What?", she asked, when everybody was starring. "Why is everybody staring at me?"
A long silence followed.
"You're a woman!"
Everybody turned, to see who had spoken.
"I know.", Faya answered calmly. Aragorn knew she would love to jump into Boromirs face for this. But she promised to behave. And she did. Just like a real Lady
He grinned.
"Exactly.", Boromir continued. "We can't take care of four Hobbits and woman. I'm sorry me Lady but it's impossible."
"So? And would you be so good and explain why it's impossible?"
Elrond stepped behind Faya and laid his hand on her shoulder.
"Please clam down.", he said quietly and Aragorn saw how she took a deep breath and smiled. Her smile was spasmodic, as if she wanted to kill Boromir, but only he Dunedàn could see that.
"Faya, are you sure you want to go with them? It is dangerous."
"I know, Elrond. And yes, I am sure. And I will go. You can't do anything to stop me."
"I wouldn't dream of even trying to stop you.", the elf defended himself and added a quiet "Please be careful."
"What?! With all respect, you can't do this. Do we look like nannies?"
Aragorn saw how Fayas expression chanced and decided to step in, before his friend would really kill Boromir.
"Boromir, I completely understand your worry about Lady Faya here and I really appreciate it but Fay is an excellent archer and her work with the sword is nearly perfect. So, I doubt we have to watch her."
The man looked at him speechless for a short while, that his expression changed to offered.
"Fine.", he said. "We'll take with us." He sighed.
"Well, you wouldn't have a choice anyways."
Elrond smiled and said the counsel was done now.

The dress:

The tiara:

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The tiara:

The tiara:

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