Chapter 6

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So, the years passed by and Gil and Estel grew close like brother and sister. Gil learned the elvish language, archery and sword fight, behaviour and may other useful things for a Lady.
And then, shortly after her 15. birthday, there was a high visitor in Rivendell.
Estel and Gil were in the woods to practice archery and the young man, he was 20 years old now, had an ear wing of the Lúthien-song, which they had learn, and now they were singing it together.
At the exact moment, when they were signing the verse about Lúthiens encounter with Beren, stepped a brown-haired elf with a blue coat on the clearing.
When they were little, they often re-enacted the story. Every time Gil had been Lúthien and Estel had been Beren, but now it seemed like the real Lúthien had stepped on the clearing. The strange woman wore her hair open and, around her forehead, laid a tiara out of diamonds, which glittered like little stars.
Surprised Estel turned. He almost forgot Gil.
"Faya?", the stranger asked and then the two Ladies hugged each other tight.
Why did he always forget every time, that Gil wasn't her real name? her name was Faya, Queen of the Half-wolves, and he was Aragorn, Isildurs heir. But, unfortunately, the stranger also seemed like she wasn't Lúthien as well. What was her name again? Arwen, of course.
"Oh my, how long has it been. You're all grown up.", Arwen said to Gi- no Faya. Did they know each other? Of course, they do, it's obvious. They hugged one another after all. Aragorn was completely confused by the sudden appearance of the beautiful Lady, while the girls had a reunion party and told each other everything of the past eleven years.

"Lord Elrond, I want to ask you for the hand ofyour daughter."
One week had flown by since their fist meeting in the woods, and Aragorn hadfallen hard for Arwen.
Unfortunately Faya now couldn't hear another word from inside. The door was toothick... or Elrond knew that she was eavesdropping and was talking extra-quiet.She gave up and went outside, where Arwen was sitting. Faya sat next to herfriend and they talked about Aragorns plans.
Half an hour, or so, later, Aragorn came and proclaimed, he would leaveImaldris.
"And where do you want to go?" Faya starred at her best friend and brother, sadand aghast.
"I don't know yet."
"You want to leave me here? Alone under the elves?"
"I wouldn't dream of it, my dear sister. You've got mother however."
"You know that she will go back in the mountains when you're gone. But... youcould take me with you."
"No way! You're still a child."
"I'm 15."
"Still a child."
Snapped Faya followed the young man inside and helped him packing.

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