Chapter 9

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I'm back! Sorry for the break.
I decided to have a short holyday.

But now I'm back and hope you enjoy capter 9 :)

Moon and stars were standing over Bree.
The Hobbits were already sleeping.
Only their guardians were still awake. Well, almost awake. They were sitting on the windowsill.
It had cost them much persuasion, to win the trust of these beings, but they had done it. Aragorn was dreaming of Arwen and Faya was dozing. Suddenly she sensed something.
Even in her human form, her senses were more pronounced than by "normal" human beings.
There was something dead, supernatural.
She shot up and draw Aragorns attention on her.
"They're coming.", she just whispered and he knew what she meant.
They woke the Hobbits, which was more difficult than expected, sneaked out of the back door, where they packed the little provisions, which they got from Butterbur, the in keeper, on an horse and left Bree.

"Well, if that wasn't a first-class escape."
Faya sat down next to Aragorn in the little cave, where they hid from the Nazgûl.
"You and your unbreakable optimism. Sometimes I could stab you for it.", he muttered
"Strider! Think of the Hobbits."
They looked, confused and frightened, over to the two humans.

"It's so cold.", the smallest of them, his name was Pippin, whined after a while. So, they made fire, although Faya fended violently, but they just ignored her, and she just huffily stayed silent.
Then it suddenly went cold. Ice cold.
'They're here! ', they all thought.
"Stay close to the fire, faces to the outside.", Strider shouted. "Take some of the longer sticks and brace yourselves."
They all hold their breath.
Then the figures slowly came closer and everything happened so quick, none of the six could tell what actually happened. In the end they got to brush the Ring wraiths off. But with a loss: Aragorn passed out.

When he got his consciousness back, he looked into familiar silver eyes. Faya.
"What happened?"
The woman and the Hobbits just looked at him. Then, out of joy, they began to laugh, but for him it seemed as he had seen tears in Fayas eyes.
But after the joy there was the fear. Frodo was missing.
When they found him, he was lying, like dead, in his tummy in the gras, his sword under him.
They brought him to the fire and tried to medicate the wound at his side.
"He has to go to Rivendell!"
They all looked up.
"Lady Nur?", Merry asked confused. "Are you ok?"
Faya was pale, her eyes red and puffy. Did she cry? Aragorn didn't know. In her eyes, there were something he couldn't read.
"He has to go to Rivendell!", she repeated.
The Dunedàn wanted to comfort her but she avoided him, like he had slapped her.
"I'll say it one last time!, she said, angrily now. "He. Has. To. Go. To. Rivendell!"
"Ok, ok.", Aragorn said placatory and picked Frodo up. "Come on.", he spoke. "It's a long way."

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