SGE His Broken Heart (Sequel...

By FeatherxClaw37

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A lion and Snake whose rivalry goes deeper than anyone could ever realize... One brother who wants to be king... More

Chapter 2 Playing the Part
Chapter 3 Right Here
Chapter 4 Dreams Come True
Chapter 5 Bleeding Out
Chapter 6 Forgive and Forget
Chapter 7 The King and His Liege
Chapter 8 Actions are Stronger than Lies
Chapter 9 Dead of Night
Chapter 10 Regretful
Chapter 11 Sinful Thoughts
Chapter 12 A Worthy King
Chapter 13 Stay With Me
Chapter 14 Doing Right
Chapter 15 Loyalties
Chapter 16 Revelations
Chapter 17 Past Present
Chapter 18 The Bloody Door
Chapter 19 As Broken as Ever
Chapter 21 Not So Empty After All
Chapter 22 Don't Lose Yourself
Chapter 23 The Sweetest Poison
Chapter 24 To Letting Go
Chapter 26 The Dying Hope
Chapter 27 Fire and Ash
Chapter 28 Power of A Thousand Words
Chapter 29 How to Love
I got Tagged...😐
Everything SGE!!!
~ Preview of Chapter 26 ~
~ Preview II of Chapter 26 ~
~•• His Gaurded Heart ••~
~His Guarded Heart Sneak Peek~
Omigoshhhhh guysss 😆

Chapter 25 Broken Hearted

679 20 357
By FeatherxClaw37

A/N—The Answers to the question in the previous chapter was C.) Someone is gonna get really hurt 🩸and D.) someone is gonna die. 😭


Unexpectedly, it seemed that the schools had been prepared for Japeth's attack. While Japeth and the allies of Camelot should've gotten the upper hand against the schools, it seemed as if the students at the School for Good and Evil had been expecting the attack all along.

Left and right, every which way, first year students and Nevers apart of the Never kingdoms allied to Camelot were engaged in combat. First year students were using defensive spells against their opponents while Nevers resorted to attacking back ruthlessly.

Even Stymph had joined in on the fight to defend first year students by carrying Camelot allies off.

Japeth narrowly dodged a swooping stymph's long twisted talons. He ducked low to the ground to avoid it, and the Stymph miscalculated Japeth's move and flew over Japeth before crashing to the ground.

A brave first year student rushed towards Japeth after that, deciding to try to attack Japeth. But Japeth evaded the student easily by tugging the student to the ground using a lone Scim. The Scim darted back onto Japeth's suit stealthily before anyone else could notice.

Japeth couldn't use his scims anymore without risking his true identity being revealed. Right now, he was Rhian. He was the good hearted king of Camelot who'd come to capture Tedros.

As much as Japeth hated it, he had to continue playing the part.

In that moment, he was not the Snake. Nor was he the broken twin who'd just let his other half go.

Japeth was strong. Japeth was the only person standing in the way of Tedros and Tedros's rightful place upon Camelot's throne.

Japeth had already won the first trial in the test. If he was determined enough, he could win the next two trials. He could easily beat Tedros before Tedros could make another move against him. 

But first, Japeth had to make sure Tedros and the other heroes were aware that he meant business. This was no child's game.

This was war.

"Take prisoners!" Japeth hissed orders as he passed by Never soldiers taking down first year students. "Shoot the stymphs out of the sky if you have to! Just get rid of them—"

Japeth's voice suddenly trailed off when he glimpsed that there were a few figures streaking across the battlefield, emerging from the glittering castle of the School for Good.

Japeth felt that familiar tingle of power he'd only tasted once before in that brief moment he'd thought he'd gained the Storian's powers at him and Sophie's failed wedding. It was the final ring. It was singing to him, calling him forth.

Like a magnet, Japeth felt attracted towards it, closer and closer until he found himself rushing across the school grounds in pursuit of the figures.

Yet again, Nobody took notice of Japeth leaving the battle. Everybody else was too engaged in their own fights to see Japeth chasing after the figures.

Japeth followed the figures, further and further along. It was only when the figures slowed to a halt far away from the others battling it out that Japeth finally stopped too.

Tedros and Agatha turned to face him, their expressions steely. Japeth had thought he'd only been following the prince and Princess, but then he saw that Tedros and Agatha's friends were there too.

Hort and the coven of witches were there too as if they'd been waiting in that spot long before the attack had been launched upon the Schools.

Tedros and Agatha must've known Japeth would follow them. They knew Japeth was after Tedros's ring after all.

They'd led him into a trap to try to ambush him.

Japeth's gaze bounced between the heroes. Just when it seemed the heroes were about to make a move, Japeth suddenly watched Agatha freeze.

There was no panic or alertness on her expression. The princess wasn't bracing herself for the upcoming battle or bracing herself for Japeth to attack. Instead, Agatha's gaze went past Japeth to fixate on a target behind him.

Confused, Japeth spun around and reeled in surprise at the sight behind him.

"Rhian." Japeth watched the unexpected arriver draw close. Her green eyes weren't focused upon Agatha or the heroes. They were locked on Japeth.

For a single moment, Japeth thought there was a hidden look of vengeful intent in Sophie's gaze. Then, he realized it wasn't vengeful intent at all, but a look of deep concern.

Japeth didn't have time to think of why Sophie had come all the way here after he'd left her behind in Camelot. He was so sure she would stay behind without having to have the Mistral Sisters keep an eye on her. He was certain the scims squirming around in her head would keep her from doing anything rash.

But somehow, here Sophie was now.

"Sophie," Agatha said. She took a step forward, but stopped when Sophie's gaze found her's. Japeth was all too relieved when he saw that Sophie's blank stare was intact, indicating she still had no memory of her old life, let alone no memory of her sister and best friend, Agatha.

"What are you doing here?" Japeth questioned. His tone came out harsher than he intended, and he tried to feign concern. It wasn't that hard to act as the concerned boyfriend when he truly was afraid that Sophie being here would only cause complications.

Sophie stared warily at the heroes before she turned to Japeth. "I—I was just so worried about you," she breathed, her concern so palpable that Japeth saw her fingerglow flickering a familiar shade of pink. "Queen Jacinda...She came to me after you'd left. She told me that she was working as a spy for Tedros and she insisted I go with her—"

Sophie's voice was fast and quick, panicked. She was breathing heavily as if she'd rushed here as fast as she could to warn Japeth that there was a spy in their midst.

Queen Jacinda...Of course.

The Queen of Jaunt Jolie must've been suspicious of Japeth from the start. She'd been so deathly pale when they'd first "met" at Rhian's ball weeks ago. She'd clearly recognized him from his time as the Snake. After Tedros and Agatha learned that Japeth had murdered and stolen Rhian's identity, they must've convinced Queen Jacinda of their claims. And after the meeting in which Japeth announced his plan to attack the School for Good and Evil, Queen Jacinda must've secretly gotten word to the heroes about the looming attack.

It was unfortunate that Sophie hadn't come to warn Japeth on time. Now, he realized too late that Tedros and the other heroes had been expecting him to attack all along. That's why they'd led him here in hopes of ambushing him.

Japeth was so busy pondering over what to do about Sophie when he saw Tedros move forward out of the corner of his eye. There was a weapon clutched in Tedros's hand.

At first, Japeth Suspected Tedros would try to stab him again. Kill him off and there'd be no imposter sitting upon Camelot's throne.

But No, Tedros would be a fool to think he could get the chance to stab Japeth again. There was only one person Tedros and the other heroes were after this time; Sophie.

If Tedros and Agatha took Sophie away from Japeth, Japeth wouldn't be able to marry her and ensure Aric's return from death. He couldn't lose Sophie, because losing Sophie would mean he'd lose Aric.

So Japeth spun towards Sophie. She gave him a wide eyed look, her green eyes alight in concern. Before she could speak a word, he snapped his head back to find all the heroes were drawing closer, not just Tedros.

"Sophie!" Japeth cried, watching as the heroes tore closer and closer. "Run!"

Sophie's gaze bulged wide at the desperation in Japeth's tone. She glanced in the direction of the heroes still charging forward. She looked between them to Japeth and back again, hesitating as if she hated the thought of leaving Japeth to fend for himself.

"But what about you?" She began, and Japeth gave her a chilly smile of reassurance.

"Don't worry about me, my sweet," he told her, urging her forward. "I can handle myself. It's you I worry for. Now, run, Sophie. Run and don't look back. You cannot let Tedros and the others catch up to you. Go!"

Sophie snatched Japeth's hand in her's and tears brimmed in her emerald eyes. Japeth rubbed her knuckles in a gentle manner before urging her again to leave. Sophie looked crestfallen still at the idea of leaving Japeth behind, but eventually she obeyed his orders, bunched up the hem of her frilly dress and took off running.

Japeth made sure she was far ahead before he turned his attention back to the heroes still running forward. Tedros's teeth were gnashed in rage and Agatha was close behind him, her golden fingerglow lit up in support. Japeth also saw Hort, Hester, Anadil, and Dot in the group. 

Japeth was severely outnumbered from one to six, and for a moment, he panicked. Surely, the heroes would get the best of him and overpower him. It was Sophie who they were after and they wouldn't stop until they got ahold of her...But neither would Japeth.

He couldn't allow the heroes to beat him. This was a fight he didn't intend to lose. Luckily, he had his scims on his side.

"Stand down, Japeth," Tedros called, skidding to a halt a few feet away.

"Just give us Sophie," Agatha butted in, coming up to Tedros's side.

Japeth tipped his head back and chuckled darkly. "Oh? Give my enemies the one person I need to bring Aric back?" He scoffed. "I don't think so. Even if I did consider giving Sophie to you, she doesn't remember a thing about her old life. She's nothing more but a dead brained puppet. You see, Sophie thinks she's in love with me and she thinks I love her in return. And isn't love the most powerful magic of all?"

Agatha and Tedros didn't waver from the self righteousness dripping from Japeth's tone. In fact, it seemed they hadn't even heard a word he'd said to them as they drew forward, their fingerglows raised threateningly.

"A heart full of love can endure anything. But a heart full of darkness? A heart full of hate?" Agatha spoke up, taking a step forward. Her brown gaze locked onto Japeth. "A heart full of hate and darkness will just wither away to nothing. Your heart is dark, Japeth, and it's not full of any love whatsoever. Because if it was, you'd have endured Aric's death. You'd have endured having Rhian as a brother and you'd have accepted fate as it was written. Perhaps Aric was fated to die, just as Rhian was fated to die at your hands."

Japeth felt a wave of anger burn his insides, turning his blood into lava, so scorching hot, he clenched his fists in hot rage. His scims stirred, wanting nothing more but to run Agatha through and see to it that Tedros suffered too. They deserved that much after all. They deserved to pay for trying to stop him time and time again. They thought they were the heroes to Japeth's story, but they were the villains, the one obstacle that was standing in the way of Japeth achieving his true goal.

"When I am crowned the One True King at last, I'll be the master of good and evil," Japeth sneered, rounding on Agatha, his icy blue gaze blazing like twin flames. "I will be able to control fate, so it doesn't matter if Aric was fated to die. I will bring him back and prove you wrong."

Japeth saw Agatha was finally listening to his voice, and he extended his arms outwards like wings as if daring the so called heroes to strike him. They didn't move, and a dark chuckle escaped Japeth's lips as he looked back at them, a smirk finding its way upon his face, a smirk eerily similar to the trademark smirk Aric would always wear around.

"My heart may be dark, but it isn't full of hate," Japeth hissed as his scims rose up off his suit, their squeals echoing through the air. Japeth looked Agatha dead in the eyes, determination alight on his cold face. "My heart is full of love, because I will endure my quest to bring Aric back, and nothing is going to stop me."

Without warning, scims peeled off Japeth's suit to rocket towards the heroes. Their tails turned knife sharp as they slashed at the heroes. Tedros yelled in outrage as he swung out his fists to hit scims away from his head, and Agatha used her glowing fingertip to obliterate the flying eels. With a bellowing howl, Hort transformed into a man wolf and began to crush scims to a pulp with his furry paws while Hester's demon shot fireballs at swerving scims, and Dot turned scims to chocolate. Anadil jumped to Hester's side in support and used a knife to cut scims to pieces.

Japeth hadn't expected his enemies to be so prepared for his attack.

For a second, he was still as stone, his gaze set upon the heroes and his sharpened scims aimed at the heroes from all sides. There was already about a dozen of Japeth's scims lying dead and scattered across the ground. If the heroes were to defend themselves like that again, Japeth could end up losing even more scims than before. The heroes would strip him of his scaled armor and then they could hurt him where he was really vulnerable.

But just before Japeth could decide what action he should take without risking losing anymore of his precious Scims, a sudden burst of light appeared forth. The ball of light seemed to emerge from thin air right before Japeth's very eyes.

Japeth's first thought was that the mysterious ball of light was some type of magic conjured up by one of his enemies.

But then a voice came. The voice sounded right in his head as if the voice was being birthed from his own subconscious; "Touch it. Touch it, and the second test will commence. Face your greatest fears and become anew."

Japeth hesitated, listening to NotRafal's voice echo in his skull. He saw Tedros was frozen too as if he too was listening to some inner voice in his head imploring him to do the same thing as NotRafal urged Japeth to do.

Japeth's gaze went from the magical floating orb of light to Tedros and back again as he contemplated what action to take. He wanted to get his hands on Tedros's ring so badly, but if he wanted to truly beat Tedros, he had to pass the next trial in the test. Pass the test and Tedros's ring would be as good as his.

So, watching Tedros give in and move forward, Japeth did the same. Japeth and Tedros's gazes locked as both boys reached out at the same time and their fingers came into contact with the glowing orb.

The instant Japeth's fingers touched the ball of light, it seemed as if a cold chill overcame him. The cold feeling spread throughout his whole body until he was trembling.

It wasn't long before Japeth realized what that cold feeling was.

It was fear. Pure, cold, and strong fear.

Overcome by that fear and unable to push that feeling away, Japeth stared into the ball of light as the light spread. The orb expanded, wider and wider, grander and grander, until he was blinded by its ethereal glow.

When Japeth blinked open his eyes and he could finally see again, he was no longer at the School for Good and Evil. He knew this because he could no longer see the tall towering spires of the schools or see Tedros or even the other heroes anymore.

Japeth took in the sky above his head, a sky which was an inky black canvas flecked with stars. A full moon hung up there too, swollen and pregnant and casting such a radiant glow that Japeth couldn't help but feel enraptured by the very sight.

Japeth scanned his other surroundings and found he was sitting upon a tall structure. There was tile beneath his outstretched legs and when he peered out over his heightened position, he glimpsed the lit up town of Foxwood.

Japeth was in Arbed House. He was back here because he had to face his greatest fear in order to win the Storian's stupid test, and now, catching glimpse of the figure shrouded in black beside him, Japeth felt his heart deflate.

He understood now what his greatest fear was, and what it had always been, seeing the oddly familiar boy sitting beside him.

The boy's muscular shape was silhouetted by the moonlight. Japeth's gaze couldn't help but trail over the boy's black lace up boots, his dark leather pants, and the sleeveless black shirt that gave him the perfect view of the boy's thick arms, taut with muscle. The boy's face didn't disappoint either. His face was the image of perfection in Japeth's eyes with his deep violet eyes, slick black eyebrows, and ghostly pale cheekbones that were just begging Japeth to reach out and stroke a finger across his cheek.

"Aric?" Japeth breathed.

Aric's violet gaze met his. Everything else seemed to fall away as Japeth glimpsed his own reflection staring back at him in Aric's gaze. Japeth's reflection was rugged. His hair was no longer gelled and styled to perfect Rhian's haircut, nor was his fake tan visible.

Instead, in Aric's gaze, Japeth's own reflection was visible. His pale skin. His icy blue eyes. His messy copper hair.

Japeth felt his lips part. His mouth opened, but no words escaped. Only a noise of pain and shock burst forth as Japeth stared longingly at his deceased best friend sitting before him.

"I missed you, Japeth." Aric's voice shattered the silence, breaking through the storm of emotions raging within Japeth's broken heart. "You know, you've made such a mess of things, pretending to be Rhian. Pretending to be someone you aren't. You've lost yourself trying to find me. Trying to get me back."

Japeth felt a lump form in his throat he couldn't swallow down. Aric wasn't wrong, not at all. Japeth had almost lost himself along the way. He'd almost allowed the insanity to consume him before he found the courage to bring himself to let Rhian go.

Now, this second test was pushing Japeth to face his greatest fears, which was losing Aric for good. After losing his brother, he had to lose his best friend too in order to pass the first two trials.

"You're right, I did it all for you, Aric," Japeth said. "I made a big fat mess killing Rhian and then taking on his identity for myself. But I did it all to try to bring you back. I let my brother go for you. And yes, while I may have lost myself along the way, I've grown. I'm not the same person you once knew."

Aric inched closer. Their shoulders brushed, and part of Japeth couldn't help but melt into Aric's touch.

"You should've let me go a long time ago," Aric said, shaking his head in disapproval. "We've both changed, Japeth. Nor am I the same person you once knew. And the thing is is I'm dead. You were just too damn stubborn to move on from me. You think I want to come back?"

Japeth couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knew Aric, and he knew Aric would never be against him bringing him back. Aric should've been proud that Japeth had done all these things for him. Aric should've been overjoyed to see Japeth here and now.

But Aric wasn't here. This wasn't the real Aric, because this was not the Aric Japeth knew oh so well.

"You think I want to come back and play along with your ruse of pretending to be your brother?" Aric went on, heated. His violet gaze sliced into Japeth, drilling a hole straight into Japeth's very soul.

"But—but I want you," Japeth told him, reaching for Aric. His pinkie wound right around Aric's before their fingers became intertwined, and Japeth was holding Aric's hand tightly in his own.

Although this Aric wasn't real, he surely felt like the real Aric. He felt like the Aric Japeth knew.

"I want the real you. The Aric I know," Japeth breathed. He was brought back to the moment only minutes before when he'd had to let Rhian go.

The fake Aric's expression changed in an instant. It went from serious to soft. It was as if he was showing his vulnerable side to Japeth. "No. I may not be the same boy you knew, but I am still your Aric, I assure you," he insisted, his voice sounding just like Aric's own.

Japeth wanted to believe him. He wanted to believe him so bad. He wanted this Aric to be the Aric he knew so badly. But he couldn't believe this lie.

Japeth realized he could let this fake Aric go. He could let this imposter go. This Aric wasn't the real Aric, after all.

"You're not my Aric," Japeth stated, ripping his hand out of Aric's grasp and turning away. "You're not my Aric and "letting you go" doesn't change the fact that I'm going to bring you back, no matter what it takes."

It was that moment that should've sealed Japeth yet another victory against Tedros. It was the words Japeth spoke that should've prompted NotRafal to appear and tell Japeth that he'd passed the second test by letting Aric go.

But nothing happened...

Japeth was still sitting on that roof beside the illusion of his true love. Confusion seized Japeth as he stared at Aric. Aric was smirking now. It was so similar to the real Aric's smirk that Japeth couldn't help the way his heart skipped a beat at the sight.

"Did you think letting me go was your greatest fear?" Aric chuckled, and Japeth felt a flare of frustration overcome him as he gaped stupidly at the raven haired boy.

"But—but yes!" Japeth cried, his tone incredulous. "Letting you go is me facing my greatest fears. I should be the winner of the second trial now."

Aric shook his head as if he thought Japeth was stupid. Just seeing the action made Japeth's cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"You know deep inside what you're truly afraid of," Aric pointed out. He stared at Japeth with those eerily familiar violet eyes of his and Japeth stared back, unable to look away.

But for a few moments, Japeth had no clue what this Aric was speaking of. He racked his brain for an answer, an idea. But his mind kept drawing up a blank over and over again until the frustration was too much for him to bear.

"I don't understand!" Japeth's voice shook in a mixture of frustration and anger. The anger won, and he snapped. His scims peeled off his suit and struck the boy who looked so much like his best friend. "Tell me!"

Sharpened scims nicked Aric's face and arms, and Japeth was shocked to find that this Aric could bleed, just as the real Aric once could. But this Aric held no reaction to the sudden attack. He merely glanced down at his bleeding arms before looking back at Japeth, as strangely calm as ever.

"You know what you're so afraid of," Aric pressed. Japeth shook his head in denial, his entire body shaking in barely contained fury.

Slowly, Aric drew closer to Japeth, oh so closer until their shoulders were back to touching. Then, Aric turned his body, and both boys were facing each other, barely just inches apart with their chests touching.

Their lips were so close that Japeth could feel Aric's breath upon his face.

This was familiar. It was all too familiar, in fact.

Japeth and Aric had done this before. Months ago, they'd shared their last happy moment together before Aric had been banished from Arbed House. They'd sat on this same roof in no one but each other's company, lost in each other's gazes as they drew closer and closer until their lips almost touched.

But Rhian wasn't here to interrupt them this time and ruin the moment. And...the real Aric wasn't here either.

The real Aric was dead, after all.

So Japeth drew back, turning his face away from the Aric before him. "I'm not..." Japeth began, looking away. "I'm not afraid to love him. I do love him."

That was Japeth's fear all along, wasn't it? No. He wasn't afraid to love Aric...The truth was was that he was afraid Aric wouldn't love him in return.

If he wanted to pass this second test, he had to face the possibility that Aric wouldn't return the same feelings Japeth held towards him. Japeth had to accept that Aric might not love him the same way he loved Aric.

But how could Aric not love Japeth? After everything Japeth had done for him, how could Aric not care about Japeth?

Blood dripped down Aric's arms. The blood trickled onto the roof to form a scarlet puddle at Japeth's boots.

"Okay, I get it now," Japeth whispered softly, his fury dissipating like fog after a rainy day. He nodded once, and turned back to the Aric siting beside him. "Even if you don't love me, I still love you. I always will, and I'll get you back, no matter what it takes."

The Aric raised an eyebrow as if he was impressed that Japeth had caught on so quickly and was so willing to accept the possibility that his real true love might not love him in return.

It was a difficult thing to accept, but Japeth had to if he wanted to pass the second trial.

"That sounded pretty convincing, but it's not true," Aric said, surprising Japeth once more. "Deep inside your broken heart, you are unable to accept the possibility that all you've done to get me back might all be for naught. You're too broken hearted to face the fact that me, your true love, might not appreciate what you've done for me."

"No," Japeth protested, feeling his anger come back. He leapt to his feet and glared down at the boy who looked so much like his Aric. "I accept it! I do! I'm not broken hearted. I'm not. My heart is healed. It will fully heal once I have Aric back by my side, I assure you."

That's when Japeth felt that cold feeling creep back up, wrapping about his entire body. The coldness chilled his skin and numbed his bones. The fear pushed back, and it was as if an invisible force had pushed him backwards, knocking him off his feet.

Then, Japeth was being dragged right off that roof and all he could do was try to hold onto the tiles to keep himself from being pulled down. But he couldn't hold onto anything and the force pulled him down until he was free falling straight off the roof.

The last thing he glimpsed was the image of the fake Aric standing on the roof. His violet gaze watched him, and Japeth glimpsed his own gaze in Aric's violet gaze.

Japeth's gaze expressed failure, defeat.

That failure stuck with Japeth as he was suddenly swallowed up by a dark cloud that enveloped his entire being. The darkness blinded him and suffocated him all in one.

"Every true king must show mercy," NotRafal's voice sounded in the darkness of Japeth's mind. "Mercy is the key to passing the final test..."

When Japeth could finally see and his stomach had stopped churning, he found he was back where he'd been before. The ball of light was still there, shining like a beacon, and as Japeth watched, a sudden body lurched from the light.

The glowing orb seemed to spit Tedros out like it didn't like the taste of him. Tedros was spit out with such force that the prince landed face first upon the ground. Agatha immediately rushed to Tedros's side.

Tedros picked himself up off the ground, and as he rose to his full height, surprisingly steady upon his feet, Japeth glimpsed the flash of silver belonging to the ring nestled upon Tedros's finger.

"You failed," Tedros stated spitefully. His gaze was trained upon Japeth.

Japeth glared right back at the prince, feeling his blood boil like lava. Despite his defeat, he stepped forward.

The glowing orb flickered before it vanished, and there was nothing standing in between Japeth and Tedros.

So Japeth rushed at Tedros. When Tedros's friends jumped to defend Tedros, Japeth used his scims to hold them back. While Agatha, the coven, and Hort were too busy battling Scims, Japeth drew closer to Tedros.

"Bask in this victory while it lasts, prince," Japeth hissed, his muscles tensing as he prepared himself to attack Tedros

Then, Japeth lunged forward, his hands outstretched to grab at Tedros.

But a sudden body slammed into Japeth, bringing him to the ground.

Startled, Japeth looked up into a pair of familiar brown eyes and watched as no other than Kei raised a knife in his fist, about to bring it down. There was an expression of deep pain and anger reflected in Kei's brown gaze Japeth understood.

"For Rhian," Kei declared, plunging the blade down without a hint of remorse.

Japeth screwed his eyes shut, prepared for the onslaught of pain.

But the pain didn't come.

Suddenly, the weight of Kei's body on top of his left, and Japeth shot open his eyes to see someone new hauling Kei off of him. Before Japeth could comprehend what was happening, he watched as Kei's unused knife clattered to the ground before Kei and the newcomer both slammed into each other, landing punches and dodging blows.

Kei threw a punch for the newcomer's head, but the newcomer jerked to the side and Kei's knuckles barely grazed the newcomer's cheek. In retaliation, the newcomer sunk their fingernails into Kei's neck as if to choke him.

Japeth recognized the newcomer's rich brown hair and deep green eyes, and he identified the newcomer as Krushem.

A former soldier of Altazarra, Krushem struck Kei and danced away when Kei tried to land a blow back at him. Circling each other like sharks, the former soldier of Altazarra and the former Captain of the Camelot guard stood off, their fists raised defensively.

Swift on his feet, Kei ducked his head and swerved towards Krushem. Japeth watched as Kei's fingers clenched into a fist before he threw his arm out. Krushem's head snapped to the side as Kei's fist sunk into his cheek, and blood splattered across the ground.

With a grunt of pain, Krushem stumbled away from Kei, stopping only for a moment to wipe the blood off his face using the back of his hand before he leapt back into the fight, his back rigid and his muscles bulging as he launched himself at Kei.

For a moment it seemed that Krushem had the upper hand, seizing the back of Kei's neck before he began to pummel Kei, his knuckles slamming into Kei's face over and over again until Kei's face was a gashed, bloodied mess. Then, Krushem let Kei go and Kei's whole body fell to the ground. Kei was clenching his teeth from the pain as he blinked the blood from his eyes to look up at Krushem who was wiping his knuckles on his shirt, smearing blood on the fabric.

"Do you know your loyalties lie with a Snake, a Monster who killed his own flesh and blood!" Kei roared. His voice was strangled and he coughed up a mouthful of blood. Droplets of blood splattered across the ground as he spat at Krushem.

Krushem was undeterred by Kei's words. In an act of finality, Krushem struck Kei, jamming his boot so hard into Kei's bloodied face that Kei's head snapped back from the heavy blow.

"I know where my allegiances lie," Krushem hissed at Kei.

Kei's deep glare seemed to cut through Krushem. It was like something in Krushem snapped and he suddenly surged forward, gripping Aric's dagger in his hand. He pressed the blade against Kei's throat and his arm muscles clenched as he prepared to slice the blade across.

Japeth watched, holding his breath, unable to move. He'd killed so many times before. It was different seeing someone's life about to come to an end at someone else's hands other than his own.

Krushem could so easily slice the blade of Aric's dagger across Kei's throat and watch as Kei bled out. But as if Krushem suddenly had a heart and a slither of mercy, he suddenly wrenched away from Kei, leaving Kei's throat unmarked.

Krushem turned back to Japeth, and Japeth was surprised to see a look of relief in Krushem's green gaze.

"Your majesty—" Krushem began, stepping forward. His voice was suddenly cut off as a sudden blade dug into his back, the wound inflicted by Kei who'd gotten up and snuck up behind him.

A groan of pain ripped from Krushem's mouth as he stumbled forward, falling to his knees. Kei loomed behind him, the bloodied knife in his hand.

"Krushem!" Without a second thought, Japeth targeted Kei. Before Kei could defend himself, five scims tore at him, plunging through his chest and splattering blood all across the ground.

Kei looked at Japeth in shock before he fell backwards. "No, no, no..." Kei gasped, clawing at his bloodied chest, but he knew his time had come. The blood seeped from his wounds to form a thick red puddle upon the ground. Kei's chest rose one last time before it caved in and his head fell back.

Japeth stared at Kei's dead body before he turned his attention back to the injured thief who'd saved his life.

The coppery scent of blood invaded Japeth's sinuses as he stumbled forward and pressed his palms against the wound in Krushem's stomach. Krushem's countenance was pale and clammy. His facial features twisted into a look of shock and pain as Japeth applied pressure to the wound, struggling to staunch the blood flow the best he could.

The blood seeped through the front of Krushem's clothing, soaking the palms of Japeth's hands. Once cold and stagnant, the blood was overpowering and fresh staining Japeth's fingers.

Japeth didn't know what compelled him to draw close to Krushem and press his hands hard against Krushem's wound. Perhaps it was the fact that Krushem had literally saved Japeth's life that urged Japeth to ty to do the same to Krushem in return.

Japeth knew nothing of Krushem except what he already knew of Krushem. But as a person, he didn't know who Krushem was.

Yet, Krushem had given Japeth so much. He'd given Japeth Aric's stuff and for some unexplained reason, he had taken a great interest in Japeth's goal to bring Aric back.

Japeth just couldn't let Krushem die. Not after everything Krushem had done for him.

"Hold on, Krushem," Japeth urged.

That moment should've been the perfect moment for Tedros and the others to attack Japeth, but the sound of distant cries indicated to Japeth that his enemies were busy defending themselves from a bunch of Camelot allies who'd showed up out of the blue.

Luckily, Japeth's suit of scims was hidden by his king's uniform.

"I—I—I," Krushem's voice was shaky, and Japeth felt Krushem's body tremble against his. Krushem's skin was drenched in a cold sweat as his body reacted to the pain of getting stabbed.

"Don't speak," Japeth told him. "It's gonna be alright. I'm going to save you."

Krushem's green gaze met Japeth's gaze, and through his look of pain, Krushem's gaze reflected a look of undeniable jealousy. It was a deep spiteful look that had Japeth reeling in confusion.

"You," Krushem whispered. His gaze seemed to burn a hole into Japeth, and the hostile look Krushem was giving him made a sense of uncomfortableness sink into Japeth's bones.

Japeth figured Krushem had started to become delusional from the amount of blood he was losing. He opened his mouth to tell Krushem that he was going to be fine, but Krushem spoke again before he could utter a word.

"I wanted to hate you," Krushem admitted. His glare never wavered. "You. You were his before I even had a chance. You were always his, and you always would be."

Japeth stared down at Krushem, struggling to make sense of Krushem's words. He figured Krushem was so delusional that he was mistaking him for someone else. But then Krushem continued, and Japeth felt his heart deflate.

"He—he didn't care," Krushem said, obviously talking about Aric. "He didn't care about anything or anyone except for killing his mother...But, there—there was something else. Someone else; You. You were always there in his head. He tried to hide it. He tried to hide his pain, but I could see it."

Japeth felt his arms begin to shake as he applied even more pressure to Krushem's stab wound.

Now, Japeth started to understand.

Krushem wasn't just loyal to Aric. Krushem was in love with Aric. That's why Krushem had gone out of his way to get Japeth Aric's stuff and had taken such a great interest in Japeth bringing Aric back from the dead.

The realization that there was another boy who loved his true love made Japeth tear away from Krushem. Forgetting for an instant about the fact that he'd been trying to save Krushem's life just seconds ago, Japeth removed his hands from Krushem's wound. His palms were painted red, drenched in Krushem's blood.

Japeth stumbled to his feet, struggling to comprehend what he'd just heard. He began to wonder if anything had ever happened between Krushem and Aric back at the School for Boys. Had Aric reciprocated Krushem's feelings? Had Aric turned his back upon his friendship with Japeth to be with Krushem?

But Krushem had said that Aric had always cared for Japeth, even when he'd tried to hide it. And Japeth knew deep down that there was no way Aric would ever care for Krushem.

" love—loved him?" Japeth breathed, his tone heated. He couldn't contain the feeling of rage that rattled his bones.

Krushem stared up at him, his green gaze brimming in tears. He nodded his head once and screwed his eyes shut. A single tear rolled down his cheek. "I'm—I'm ready," he mumbled so softly Japeth had to strain to hear him. "I'm ready to die. Just let me die—die already."

Japeth was jarred by the defeated tone in Krushem's voice. Krushem sounded so sure of his death. It was as if he didn't fear his death, but accepted it and welcomed it with open arms.

"Jus—just do one—one thing for me, if you don't hate me," Krushem requested, his voice hoarse. Japeth found himself drawing close again to listen what Krushem had to say.

"When you get Aric back, tell—tell him I'm sorry," Krushem told Japeth. Krushem's voice broke as he went on; "Tell him I'm sorry I left him be—behind after the trial. I didn't mea—mean to. Tell him I—I missed him. Please."

Japeth found himself reaching out again to press against Krushem's wound again. Yes, Krushem had just basically confessed that he cared for the same boy Japeth cared for. And yes, while Japeth was a bit angry at that fact, he knew he still owed Krushem a great debt. Krushem had saved Japeth's life, after all.

"You can tell him it yourself, Krushem," Japeth said.

Krushem's gaze widened in surprise. Then, his head fell back all of a sudden and his body went slack. But Japeth could see his chest rising and falling, indicating he was still very much alive.

"Hey! Over here!" Japeth hollered at a few Camelot soldiers approaching. "Take him back to Camelot to treat his wound. Go, now!"

Japeth watched as the Camelot soldiers carried an unconscious Krushem away. As they left, Japeth's attention turned back to Tedros who'd just knocked a Never soldier off his feet.

A sudden realization sank into Japeth's bones.

He'd passed.

He'd passed two out of three of the trials in the test. He'd not only let Rhian go, but he'd shown mercy to Krushem when he could've let Krushem die.

As if Tedros could sense Japeth's victory, the prince looked over at him, and the two stared at each other.

Japeth's gaze went to the ring upon Tedros's finger, and the prince suddenly turned white as a sheet like he knew what Japeth was thinking.

Oh yes. All that had to be done now was for Japeth to take that ring from Tedros and burn it as well as marry Sophie.

Then, after that all was said and done, Japeth would no longer be broken hearted. He'd have Aric, and having Aric by his side...Well, that was enough for him.

I'm SO sorry you guys. I know, I know. I took a long time to update this story again, and I apologize for that. 🥺🙏

But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and good job to those of you who guessed Krushem had a crush on Aric cause you were correct. 😅

Anyway, what'd you guys think of Japeth seeing Aric again, even if it wasn't the real Aric?

And were you guys surprised when it was revealed that Krushem has a crush on Aric?

ALSO, an important announcement;

I'm thinking about posting this threesome I wrote between Japeth, Sophie, and Aric. Yes, it contains sexual content. So if you guys are interested in reading that, please let me know.

Don't forget to Comment and vote.

Thanks for reading! 🥰

—Alexis Peters ❤️

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