SGE His Broken Heart (Sequel...

By FeatherxClaw37

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A lion and Snake whose rivalry goes deeper than anyone could ever realize... One brother who wants to be king... More

Chapter 2 Playing the Part
Chapter 3 Right Here
Chapter 4 Dreams Come True
Chapter 5 Bleeding Out
Chapter 6 Forgive and Forget
Chapter 7 The King and His Liege
Chapter 8 Actions are Stronger than Lies
Chapter 9 Dead of Night
Chapter 10 Regretful
Chapter 11 Sinful Thoughts
Chapter 12 A Worthy King
Chapter 13 Stay With Me
Chapter 14 Doing Right
Chapter 15 Loyalties
Chapter 16 Revelations
Chapter 17 Past Present
Chapter 18 The Bloody Door
Chapter 19 As Broken as Ever
Chapter 21 Not So Empty After All
Chapter 22 Don't Lose Yourself
Chapter 23 The Sweetest Poison
Chapter 25 Broken Hearted
Chapter 26 The Dying Hope
Chapter 27 Fire and Ash
Chapter 28 Power of A Thousand Words
Chapter 29 How to Love
I got Tagged...😐
Everything SGE!!!
~ Preview of Chapter 26 ~
~ Preview II of Chapter 26 ~
~•• His Gaurded Heart ••~
~His Guarded Heart Sneak Peek~
Omigoshhhhh guysss 😆

Chapter 24 To Letting Go

456 23 109
By FeatherxClaw37

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my twin sister, Amanda. You are the best of me and I am the worst of you. May I never forget our twin bond and may I never love anyone the way I love you. ❤️

A/N—The answers to the question in the previous chapter was D.) Japeth is gonna pass the first trial 🎉 and F.) Japeth is gonna attack the School for Good and Evil. 🦢

"In the far off, distant future, you'll be happy, Japeth...and that's all I ever wanted."


Instead of going back to Sophie after seeing who the mysterious visitor was and learning that it was Krushem, Japeth stayed in the throne room.

Krushem and Japeth ended up talking with the topic of their conversations being Aric. Never once did Krushem inquire about Japeth's obviously sour and fidgety mood, and not once did Japeth question Krushem about his strange behavior either.

Japeth knew he had greater things to worry about. Those greater problems certainly couldn't be solved when he was delving into the past. But speaking of Aric so openly and learning who Aric had become after Arbed House was soothing for Japeth.

"Aric was closed off," Krushem told Japeth. "He always had this tough facade on that nobody would dare try to break. The other boys feared him for it."

Krushem paused and ran his fingers through his hair. The two were standing in the throne room still as the first rays of morning sunlight began to filter through the throne room windows to bathe the floor in a golden glow.

The two had been deep in conversation for what felt like forever. Japeth had asked Krushem what Aric had been like in the School for Boys, and Krushem had gladly indulged him. It started off simple at first with Japeth wondering about Aric's daily routines at the school for boys and wondering about what classes Aric had. The answers were simple enough too; Aric's daily routine was usually to attend classes and torture boys between class time, and the classes Aric had had included Weapons for Boys (which involved swordplay—a feat Aric was "remarkable" at according to Krushem), defense against girls (another class Aric excelled in), and Forest fitness.

Japeth found himself listening intently as Krushem told him all about how Aric overcame all his class challenges without fail. He was the top ranked and most intimidating boy in the School for Boys at the time, and even the teachers seemed a bit scared of him.

"I see why you were one of his henchman," Japeth said, watching Krushem. "I'd rather be loyal and follow Aric than to fear him."

Krushem had been fiddling with his fingers as if out of habit or out of nervousness. But when he heard Japeth's words, he cocked his head upwards and stuffed his hands into his tight pants' pockets. "Me too. Being a follower was better than being beneath him..." Krushem paused before he fixed Japeth with a deep look. "But that's the difference between you and I, your majesty. You would never be his follower or be beneath him, because you would be Aric's equal, through and through."

The intensity in Krushem's gaze rendered Japeth speechless for a moment. Krushem's gaze was brimming with a strange emptiness and look of pain as if Krushem's drunkenness had worn off, leaving him with the regret and guilt that he'd ever consumed a drop of alcohol in the first place. Somehow, Japeth found himself relating to the boy before him. Krushem was obviously dealing with issues of his own and perhaps he turned to alcohol to deal with those issues, just like Japeth was dealing with his own problems and struggling to keep those problems at bay by taking advantage of Sophie's closeness.

Something Krushem said had also stood out to Japeth. Krushem had been adamant that Japeth and Aric would be equals. While that was true, Japeth wondered how Krushem had even come to that conclusion. Perhaps Krushem knew how much Aric meant to Japeth considering Krushem had seen the great interest Japeth had taken in getting his hands on Aric's whip and dagger. That was the only explanation as to why Krushem had come to such a conclusion.

"About those rumors of you seeking to control the Storian..." Krushem began, his tone contemplative. He seemed to hesitate at first before going on. "What's you're endgame with that? I mean, when you finally get to that point and the powers are your's, what then?"

Japeth opened his mouth to respond, but at first, no words escaped from between his parted lips. For the first time since Japeth and Sophie's failed wedding when Japeth first began seeing Rhian's ghost, he realized that he'd almost forgotten what he was meant to do. He'd forgotten his greatest motivation and the one thing that had been his goal from the very moment he'd learned of Aric's death; Bringing Aric back to life.

Yes, it could be argued that Japeth hadn't lost track of that goal. After all, hadn't he hunted Tedros and Agatha down in the Stymph Forest and fought against them in an attempt to get Tedros's ring. If he'd done that, couldn't it be very well concluded that Japeth hadn't lost track of his goal of bringing Aric back?


It was inconclusive simply because for the past few weeks, Japeth had had to recover from the stab wound Tedros had given him. Not only that, but Japeth had been too out of his mind dealing with his brother's death to think about continuing on his path to ensure Aric's return.

Love...That was what fueled Japeth to want to bring Aric back. Yet, it was also love that had broken him. It was his love for Rhian that had crushed Japeth's soul without remorse. Without Aric, Japeth was friendless and broken. Broken in a way that was different than the way Japeth was broken now.

And without Rhian? Without Rhian, Japeth was left without a brother. Without Rhian, Japeth was truly alone. It was an aloneness he'd feared long before Rhian's death had ever occurred.

Japeth had been faced with the fear of that aloneness only two times in his life before. The first time was when he'd chosen Rhian over Aric when Aric had been banished from Arbed House. The second time was when Rhian had thrown him in the Camelot dungeons, leaving Japeth feeling betrayed. Both of those times, Japeth had felt fearful that he would lose Rhian, even while he feared losing Aric at the same time.

"To be honest with you, Krushem," Japeth said at last, swallowing hard, "I'd forgotten what I was supposed to do. I'd forgotten my path..." He turned to Krushem and saw Krushem in a new light. No longer was Krushem the mysterious thief who'd gone out of his way to earn Japeth's trust. Now, in this new light, Krushem was a loyal follower, a mere stranger, who'd reminded Japeth of his devotion to Aric.

Because Krushem was right. Japeth and Aric were equals. Even death and time couldn't change that. Even the looming reminder of Rhian's death couldn't keep Japeth from continuing on his path to become the One True King.

"My goal is to bring my true love back from the dead," Japeth reaffirmed, his voice coming out steady and strong.

Krushem stared at Japeth. "Aric?" He asked, but the answer was already clear. Japeth didn't need to confirm Krushem's question. It was obvious by the knowing expression upon Krushem's face that Krushem already knew who Japeth's true love was.

"Are you certain this Kei guy isn't a threat?" Krushem prodded, taking a step forward. His green eyes were wide and calculating. But deep within his dilated pupils, there lingered an emotion Japeth couldn't identify. "If you'd like, I can hunt him down. Free of charge."

Japeth shook his head in response. Kei was harmless to him. There was no need to eliminate Kei. Tedros and Agatha, however, were a threat to Japeth. A threat Japeth had to take care of on his own.

Japeth forced a laugh. "And here I thought you were a thief, not an assassin—"

Japeth was cut off when the sound of the throne room's double doors opening caught his attention. He turned just in time to see Sophie step tentatively through the doors. When she met his gaze, her cheeks reddened in a blush. Her embarrassed reaction made Japeth's thoughts turn back to their kiss, and feeling the tiniest bit bashful himself, he rubbed the back of his neck.

"You were gone a long while," Sophie stated, approaching Japeth. Her gaze landed on Krushem, and she arched an eyebrow in question. "Oh. Who's this?"

Oh, he's just my deceased best friend's ex henchman and also a thief I hired to bring me all my deceased best friend's belongings...Japeth struggled to come up with a good response to give Sophie as to who Krushem was without bringing up anything complicated, but Krushem spoke up before he could.

"Hey, Fillip," Krushem greeted her. He smiled, but the smile was flat and forced. "It's good to...good to um see you again."

No recognition crossed over Sophie's face at the name Krushem called her. In fact, it didn't even register in her mind that she'd had a male counterpart at all. She fixed Krushem with a strange look like she was regarding him with great scrutiny and uncertainty.

"My apologies." Japeth stepped in before things could get even more awkward. He watched Sophie studying Krushem closely. Deep within her brain, the wheels in her head were turning like crazy. Deep within her head, her lost memories were struggling to break free from the locked door they'd been trapped behind.

"Sophie, this is Krushem," Japeth explained. He found himself drawing close to pull Sophie to his side with an arm around her waist. "He' old friend of mine."

Japeth felt Sophie relax against him, and she snuggled closer as if she wished Japeth could hold her forever. Japeth could see Krushem eyeing Sophie out of the corner of his eye, staring at her in a mixture of what looked like disgust and loathing.

"Well, it's nice to see that you're catching up with old friends," Sophie simpered, capturing Japeth's hand before he could pull it away. She fixed Japeth with a loving look before her gaze flitted back to Krushem standing there, and she smiled. "Where do you know Rhian from? I'd love to hear about how you two came to be friends—"

Sophie was oblivious to Krushem's darkening look. She was too relaxed, too happy snuggled in the arms of the boy who she thought was her fiancé. Japeth could feel the awkwardness hanging over Krushem's head thickening, and he felt a stab of pity for Krushem.

"Oh, Sophie," Japeth forced a laugh, moving his arm from around her waist to throw it over her shoulders. "You don't know when to shut up, do you?"

Sophie gave him a confused look, but before she could have time to get offended, Japeth nudged her with his elbow in a playful manner. "I'm only teasing, my love," he told her. He turned his attention to Krushem and gave him a firm nod. "I'm sure Krushem has other matters to attend to. It's best if he's goes on his way."

Krushem smiled tightly, but his smile was once again forced. He looked from Japeth to Sophie and back again as if he was trying to determine something. But Just when it seemed that Krushem was just gonna stand there and stare, Krushem suddenly took a step backwards.

"His majesty is correct," Krushem said, veering towards the throne room doors, his black boots thudding against the floor as he began to walk away. "So I guess I Hope to see you both sometime again. But for now, I'll just be on my way."

Japeth watched as Krushem pushed open the throne room's double doors before he stepped out, his long blood red cloak swishing behind him. Then, the double doors creaked closed behind him and he was gone, leaving Japeth in Sophie's company.

"Are you doing alright?" Sophie asked softly once Krushem was gone. Japeth turned his head to the side to find that Sophie's green gaze was all knowing. It was clear as day she was referring to Japeth's breakdown. She feared he'd have another episode, and honestly, Japeth feared it himself too.

"I'm fine for now, little minx," he reassured her, tightening his arm around her shoulders.

Sophie didn't look convinced of Japeth's words, and her shoulders brushed against Japeth's chest as she turned around to face him. Being just a few inches shorter than Japeth, Sophie had to look up at him, craning her neck back to meet his gaze.

"If you say so..." She said at last, admitting defeat this time. Suddenly, her hands landed on his face, not in a slap, but in the gentlest of touches as she cupped his cheeks with her palms. "You wanna know something, Rhian?"

Japeth couldn't help but flinch at the sound of his brother's name rolling off Sophie's tongue. Her voice was steady and her gaze held his. The Band of the engagement ring on Sophie's left hand was cold against Japeth's cheek, and Japeth's gaze zoned in on the cluster of diamonds making up the ring.

Japeth recalled the day Rhian had gotten that ring. While the brothers had still been engaging in their fake battles as the Lion and the Snake, Rhian had come to the decision to get Sophie a ring. It was the night after the attack on Four Point. After meeting Sophie, the girl he was meant to marry, for the first time, Rhian sought out a place that sold rings of all kind.

Japeth had thought it was stupid of Rhian to want to purchase a ring that cost more than anything the two brothers currently owned. But Rhian insisted that he buy Sophie the biggest, flashiest ring there was. ("The bigger the ring, the more likely chance she'll say yes when I ask her to marry me," Rhian had told Japeth).

In the end, Rhian had purchased the biggest, shiniest ring he could find. In the end, Sophie had accepted Rhian's proposal, not because of the beautiful ring he was willing to give her, but because she'd thought he was her Happily Ever After, and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.

The origins of the ring Sophie wore only served to flood memories of Rhian back into Japeth's mind. He struggled to push the thought of his brother away as well as abolish the insanity creeping up behind him and threatening to dig its claws into his back.

Sophie was staring at him, unaware of Japeth's battle with his inner demons. Slowly, she straightened her spine and perched up on her tiptoes to heighten herself up. "I wanted to say that..." She began, trailing off.

There was a brokenness in Sophie's gaze that Japeth felt drawn towards. He realized Sophie herself was broken because although she had a good life as far as she was aware of (After all, she was an apparent princess, was to soon be married to a handsome king, and was to soon become the Queen of Camelot), Sophie's memories of her old life were wiped away. Sophie probably felt helpless and confused over her memory loss. That's why she looked so broken.

While Japeth, unlike Sophie, still had his memories, he felt lost in a similar way Sophie did. As much as Japeth hated to admit it, he was lost without his brother. Like Rhian last said to him, he truly was more broken than ever.

"I—I'm literally falling for you," Sophie blurted. When Japeth didn't respond, too shocked to answer, she shook her head nervously like a little kid who'd just told their crush they liked them. "These days, I smile like a crazy girl all the time...I—I guess that's what falling for someone means." She paused, her voice softening to barely a whisper. This time, she couldn't meet him in the eye as if she was too overcome by nerves to look at him. "And I like that feeling of falling for you...It feels kinda weird, but I like it."

Japeth wanted to tell Sophie her feelings were nothing more but a lie. He wanted to push her away and tell her he felt nothing towards her, but instead, he found himself drawing her closer, wrapping his arms around her back in a hug. She seemed to melt into his chest, and he rested his chin atop her head.

In that single moment, two lost souls, two broken hearts, were joined in a loving embrace. It was an embrace that tried its best to heal them both. But there was no healing Japeth's broken heart. His darkening mind however, could be healed. He didn't have to allow the insanity to consume him and go on to fail the first trial in the test.

Japeth could do better. Japeth could continue on with his quest of becoming the One True King rather than remaining stuck in one spot his whole life. He could chase after the hope of getting Aric back rather than letting go of that hope.

But to chase after that hope of getting Aric back, Japeth had to do the hardest thing he'd probably ever have to do in his life; Let Rhian go. Let the one person go who he ever truly cared for despite their differences.

It shouldn't have been so hard for Japeth to let Rhian go. In fact, it should've been easy. Japeth had killed Rhian after all, but killing Rhian and letting Rhian go were two entirely different things.

Now the thought of Rhian was plaguing him, Rhian's ghost too had popped back into the vicinity. Over Sophie's head, Japeth caught sight of his brother standing in the distance, close to the throne room doors.

Just when Japeth had thought he'd had his hallucinations under control, they'd come back to slap him in the face with full force.

Although Sophie's close proximity did somewhat help distract Japeth from Rhian's presence, he couldn't just go around kissing Sophie every time Rhian's ghost popped up. If anything, that would serve to piss Rhian off.

No, if Japeth truly wanted Rhian to stop haunting him and if he truly wanted to ensure Aric's return, he had to pass the first trial and let Rhian go.

Japeth and Sophie were still hugging. Sophie's nose was buried in Japeth's shirt as she nuzzled into his chest, blissfully unaware of Rhian's presence behind them. Japeth felt his heart race, pounding against his chest like a war drum. But he couldn't panic now. He had to have a level head if he wanted to focus on ensuring Aric's return from death.

So, trying his best to remain calm, Japeth rubbed his chin against the top of Sophie's head as he averted his gaze away from Rhian standing just a few feet away. "I must do something," he admitted breathlessly, his voice shaky, "And that something I must do is gonna be pretty difficult. It'll probably be the hardest thing I'll ever do."

Sophie's hands found their way to Japeth's shoulders and with Japeth's arms still wrapped tightly around her, she gently curled her fingers into his shoulders. Then, she gently began to knead his shoulders with her fingers as if to relieve them of tension.

"Whatever it is you must do," Sophie said gently, her breath hot against the side of Japeth's cold neck, "I know you'll do your best. Believe in yourself, like I do."

That was all Sophie said. She didn't prod any further or ask what it even was that Japeth needed to do. She just accepted his words like any trusting fiancée would.

Sophie's warmth washed over Japeth as the both of them held each other close. To anyone, it might've seemed like a strictly loving embrace between two people who loved each other unconditionally. But the truth was was that Japeth and Sophie's closeness was just an act of deep friendship.

"Th—Thank you," Japeth blurted. Suddenly, he pulled away from Sophie and gripped her shoulders, holding her at arm's length. "I have to go." At the worried look Sophie gave him, he reached out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I promise, I'll be back soon, little minx."

Before Sophie could call him back, Japeth was racing for the double doors, only stopping once to glance at Rhian. Rhian was watching him, and when their gazes met, Japeth felt his whole body became seized by an emotion he couldn't identify. Was it fear or anger or...was it sadness? Perhaps, it was all those feelings even. It was all those feelings of fear and rage and pain jumbled up in one big mess.

For a moment, Japeth stared at Rhian, his heart feeling heavier and heavier with each passing second. Japeth's lips parted, but no sound came out of his mouth.

But the moment was over all too soon when Japeth tore out of his reverie and pushed through the throne room doors, his mind locked on only one thing; Aric.

Not even twenty minutes later, Japeth found himself intercepting Omeida in the royal gardens, skidding to a halt in front of her. "Gather the rulers of all the nearby kingdoms," Japeth ordered. "I declare we launch an attack upon the School for Good and Evil. Before you protest, I'll let you know that I can easily cut your tongue out of your mouth. Got it?"

Omeida gaped at Japeth as if he had two heads. Her wrinkled forehead creased in disapproval, but heeding Japeth's warning and taking note of his icy glare, she nodded. "Yes, your highness," she said, dipping her head. "It will be done."

Omeida hurried off, leaving Japeth to stroll through the royal gardens alone.

It might've seemed sudden and rash on Japeth's part to declare an unexpected attack upon the School for Good and Evil after weeks of him not making a big move against Tedros. But the fact this attack would be so sudden and unexpected was the beauty of it.

Camelot was an ever kingdom. And one rule of good was that it defended, not attacked. Tedros, Agatha, and the rest of the heroes wouldn't be expecting Japeth to order an attack upon the School for Good and Evil and risk some of the leaders of other kingdoms to doubt him.

Tedros and Agatha would never knew what hit them.

And if luck was on Japeth's side, he would be able to get the last ring from Tedros this time around and beat the prince at his own game. He would prove NotRafal wrong; He was stronger than Tedros, and he was deserving of becoming the One True King.

Soon enough, while Japeth was wandering around the royal gardens, passing the orangerie time and time again until he'd lost count of how many times he'd passed it, a Camelot guard came into his view. The Camelot guard stepped straight through the illusion of Rhian that had been following Japeth like a pesky shadow and cleared his throat.

"Your majesty, the rulers from Ginnymill, Jaunt Jolie, Mahadeva, Putsi, and well...all the other kingdoms in the endless woods have arrived to Camelot," the guard informed him.

"All of them?" Japeth asked, surprised that Omeida had delivered the message so fast that all the rulers be aware of Camelot's intention to declare war upon Tedros.

"All of them expect for Pasha Dunes, Bloodbrook and Pifflepaff Hills, Sire," The guard said. "Some of the rulers were unable to come, so they sent delegates to represent their given kingdoms in their place."

Japeth nodded, recalling how he'd once overheard that the kingdoms of Pasha Dunes, Bloodbrook, and Pifflepafff Hills had chosen to ally themselves with Tedros after Rhian had ended up calling off the execution. Unlike Rhian, Japeth wasn't going to make such a mistake and risk losing the loyalty of the other kingdoms who were allies with Camelot.

Besides, if Japeth were to wage war upon Tedros and Tedros's friends at the School for Good and Evil, Camelot would need all the allies it could get.

Not bothering to thank the guard for giving him this important news, Japeth started back towards the direction of the throne room. Instead of finding the rulers awaiting his arrival in the throne room however, Japeth found them gathered in the Camelot courtyard just outside the palace.

"Forgive me for keeping you all waiting," Japeth muttered a fake apology before he immediately jumped to the point. "I'm sure you all know the reason I didn't request your presences via Lionsmane. If I had made an announcement that I wanted you all to gather in Camelot for all the woods to see, it would warn Tedros that I was planning something."

Some of the rulers spoke up, wondering about Japeth's health, but Japeth reassured them that he'd recovered from Tedros's attack in the Stymph Forest.

"Tedros and his allies are intent on stealing my place on the throne," Japeth pointed out, staring at the audience before him. "And given that Tedros—as much as it hurts to admit—beat me last time, We cannot afford another loss. We must have an advantage over those slimy traitors. It is up to all of you to decide whether to follow me as I converge upon the School for Good and Evil with lethal force. But just know that the endless woods will never be at peace so long as Tedros is alive and has the final ring."

The crowd was silent before murmuring to each other anxiously as if they were pondering whether or not to help Camelot attack the School for Good and Evil. It was understandable that the rulers would have their reservations when it came to attacking the School for Good and Evil. After all, many of them had once believed the Storian to be the lifeblood of the endless woods, and the schools only represented that balance.

Japeth hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath in silent anticipation until he scanned the crowd of rulers and spotted one king different from all the rest.


Japeth felt the familiar sense of fear clutch him in its iron grip, squeezing tighter and tighter. But he couldn't freak out now, not when there was an audience before him. With that fear also came a spark of sadness as if it pained him to see his brother.

It was only when the rulers began to speak up after conversing Amongst themselves that Japeth tore his gaze away from Rhian. The rulers one by one agreed to attack the School for Good and Evil in order to capture Tedros and his allies.

With the support of every ruler standing before him, Japeth's thoughts turned to the hope of finally snatching the final ring from Tedros. But he didn't have much time to think because then him and the rulers began to discuss the plan to attack the School for Good and Evil.

It was decided that the combined forces of Ginnymill and Camelot would enter into the Stymph Forest while some of the never kingdoms allied with Camelot would send their forces to march right onto school grounds. Tedros and his allies would be so focused on the never armies that they wouldn't notice the ever armies coming too. Tedros and the students at the school for good and evil would be severely outnumbered.

Then, when the discussion was all but over, the rulers left to gather their armies and begin their march to the schools. Japeth followed suit, gathering a few dozen of his best Camelot knights.

Traveling to the Stymph Forest took longer than Japeth hoped, but it gave him plenty of time to think of what he was to soon do. But no matter how much he thought of passing the first trial, nothing could truly prepare him to let Rhian go.

But when the Camelot army finally reached the Stymph Forest and were soon followed by the rest of the armies, Japeth felt a sense of deep trepidation he couldn't suppress. In an attempt to push away his dread, Japeth recalled Sophie's words; "Whatever it is you must do, I know you'll do your best. Believe in yourself, like I do."

Those words resonated deep within Japeth's soul, engraving into his whole self like a permanent reminder he'd never forget. He used to despise Sophie so much, but now he came to appreciate her. As ironic as it was, Sophie was his greatest support at the moment.

As Japeth found himself walking onto school grounds to follow the Never armies, he kept hearing Sophie's words echo in his skull. For a moment, he closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath to compose himself. When he opened his eyes, he saw a figure standing in the distance, the School Master's tall silver tower silhouetted behind them.

Japeth knew in his heart who the figure was without having to see their face yet. With each step he took feeling heavy as if his feet were made of stone, Japeth drew towards the figure, slipping away from the army of Nevers without being noticed.

There was no more time to delay. If Japeth didn't pass the first trial now, he was going to lose to Tedros, and he couldn't lose to that stinking prince again.

Still, despite Japeth's determination to pass the first trial, he still wasn't prepared to do what he knew he had to do in order to pass that first trial.

But Japeth had to be prepared. It was now or never. Win or lose.

Now, it was all down to Japeth's will to do what must be done to pass the first trial. The first trial in a test that he had to win or else all hope of bringing Aric back would be destroyed for good.

There was only one thing to do now.

Seeing the ghost that had haunted him since the very moment he'd become broken for good, Japeth felt his breath hitch. His heart clenched as if it was being squeezed by an iron fist, tighter and tighter until Japeth couldn't breathe clearly.

Just like all those other times Japeth had seen Rhian before, Rhian stood there, as silent and as emotionless as ever. For a moment, Japeth was taken back by how cold and reserved Rhian appeared to be, and he realized that Rhian appeared to be him. Usually, Japeth was the emotionless, cold, reserved one, and Rhian was the warm, open, friendly one.

Each brother were two sides of the same coin. One dark and evil, the other light and good. Yet, despite their differences, they completed each other. Without the other, they were broken. And Here they were, apart and broken.

Japeth and Rhian had been made for each other. But were they meant to be apart? Had fate meant to separate them like this?

Perhaps, it was fate after all that had torn the two twins apart. After all, hadn't their father, Rafal, also served to destroy his twin bond with his brother by killing his own brother in the Great War?

Past was present and present was past. Isn't that how things went in this world?

For a moment, Japeth couldn't speak a word. He could only stare at his deceased twin who stood before him now, the School Master's tower silhouetted behind him. It reminded Japeth much of the nightmare he'd had the previous night in which Rhian and Aric had insisted that he'd failed them both.

Japeth hadn't wanted to believe it. He hadn't wanted to believe that he failed his brother and his best friend both. But he could no longer deny the truth.

"There are some people you just can't let go of." Rhian's voice was soft but knowing. Confident, yet strangled.

It was jarring to see Rhian's lips move, to hear Rhian's voice so clearly. Japeth felt his whole self begin to tremble as he watched Rhian's gaze zone in on him.

"You couldn't let go of Aric and you certainly can't let go of me, even after all I did to hurt you."

That line Rhian spoke was the inevitable truth. Japeth felt like an invisible fist had sunk into his cheek in the sole intent of knocking him off his feet. But somehow, Japeth held his ground.

The only thing that mattered in that moment was Rhian. The only thing that mattered now was finding a way to let Rhian go, even if it would hurt.

"You didn't mean it," Japeth breathed, his voice cracking. "You didn't mean to hurt me. I see that now."

Rhian's features softened as if he was touched by Japeth's words. Slowly, he took a step forward, closer so that Japeth could make out his familiar green-blue gaze and his smooth face that was so similar to Japeth's own.

Japeth remembered it all. The times him and Rhian had been so close and the times him and Rhian had fought and been at odds. Even when they'd fought though, they'd still loved each other. Despite their animosity, they could never truly hate each other.

Even while Rhian had been bleeding out in Japeth's arms, Japeth still loved him and always would.

And it was because they loved each other deep down that made them hurt each other so much. It was because of Japeth's love for Rhian that he was finding it so incredibly difficult to let Rhian go. Because if he let Rhian go, he feared he'd have nothing left to hold onto of his brother. If he let Rhian go, he'd be admitting that he was broken and always would be.

The thing was was that Japeth had already been broken enough in his life. But this—this act of letting his other half go? That would kill him.

"Just say it, Japeth," Rhian's voice cut through his thoughts. It was weak, reflecting the weakness Japeth felt in that very moment. "Say goodbye. Say  you'll let me go. Just say it and you'll be that much closer to getting Aric back."

Rhian's tone was almost pleading as if he wanted nothing more to hear Japeth agree. But Japeth's heart was breaking as he stared into his brother's dead gaze, and he couldn't bring himself to speak. Literally, when Japeth opened his mouth, no words came out, only a pained sound that resonated in the thickening silence.

Japeth couldn't say it. He couldn't say those fateful words, because a part of him didn't want Rhian to leave. After all that time Japeth had wanted nothing more but for Rhian to stop haunting him, the thought of Rhian actually leaving now pained him.

"Don't make me say it...please." Japeth felt tears prick the corners of his eyes and his chest rise and fall rapidly as his breaths came out harder. His whole body was panicking, and he couldn't stop himself from shaking. "I—I can't say goodbye."

"You let our mother go, as did I," Rhian pointed out, looking as torn as Japeth felt.

"This isn't the same thing," Japeth retorted, his voice shaking. He felt like there was a heavy weight boring down on his shoulders, threatening to crush him at any moment. But he'd much rather allow that weight to crush him than push that weight off.

Oh yes. Japeth would much rather live with Rhian's death continuing to haunt him than let Rhian go.

"Then why are you even here?" Rhian question incredulously. He fixed Japeth with a stern brotherly look Japeth was so used to seeing over the years. But instead of being annoyed to see Rhian looking stern like Japeth usually felt, Japeth felt a pang startlingly deep sorrow.

"Say it," Rhian insisted, but Japeth continued to stubbornly refuse.

Japeth had forgotten how much he missed Rhian's every little action. Things he once found to be annoying about Rhian were now not so annoying as they used to be.

The stern brotherly looks Rhian would give him when Rhian used to lecture him in Arbed House...How Rhian used to be so boastful at the idea that he was the lost king of Camelot and therefore Camelot's rightful heir, even when everybody in Arbed mocked him for it...Even those past times him and Rhian would be in no one but each other's company staying in their old home, both grieving the loss of two different people—Rhian grieving over their mother and Japeth mourning over Aric's absence.

The memories of Rhian were hard to forget. Japeth could see it all as those memories flooded back to him like a tsunami he couldn't repel.

Rhian knew full well why Japeth was here. He was here to let him go, and if couldn't let Rhian go, Japeth would just be allowing Tedros to win to him.

But Japeth now realized this first trial wasn't just about letting Rhian go. It was about seeking forgiveness for all the wrongs he'd done, and it was about moving forward. If Japeth truly wanted to return Aric from the dead, he would have to be free of Rhian's death.

"I didn't know at the time, but you were my life, Rhian..." Japeth breathed, his tone thick with despair. His voice wavered with each syllable he spoke as if it was a struggle for him to admit his feelings. But he went on, his chest tightening as he felt his already broken heart begin to break even more. "You—you were everything I ever needed."

It shouldn't have been possible for Japeth to feel more broken than he already was, but somehow, he felt shattered. Fractured. Lost. Those cracks in his heart only widened until the darkness began to seep through those cracks, threatening to overcome his entire being.

"You still have your life, Japeth." Rhian looked torn as if part of him was sympathetic of Japeth's inner conflict while another part of him was choosing to give it to Japeth straight. "You only took mine away because you chose your wants over your needs."

As hurtful as those words sounded coming from Rhian's mouth, it was the agonizing truth. By killing Rhian, Japeth had chosen Aric. By cutting his twin's life short, Japeth had chosen his wants over his needs. Japeth would always need Rhian to make him whole, yet he'd chosen Aric, who he wanted more than anything else.

"I made a mistake in that, I see that now," Japeth hissed. His scims writhed, not in anger, but in a strange mixture of frustration and sorrow. "We've both made mistakes. But I loved you, and I know you loved me, even if I couldn't see that before—"

The sight of Rhian's smoldering gaze made the words catch in Japeth's throat and he trailed off, falling into silence. For a moment, he waited for Rhian to turn against him. To tell him what a jerk he'd been for killing him. After all, deep down Japeth knew he deserved Rhian's scorn. He deserved Rhian to hate him after what he'd done to Rhian.

But rather than scold Japeth and tell him what an awful person he was, Rhian did the opposite. He stepped forward, just a step closer to Japeth, and said; "That doesn't matter now. What matters now is that you need to live the life you still have—even if it's without me."

Those very words felt like a knife piercing Japeth's heart. The blade embedded itself into his broken heart and twisted in its place, leaving Japeth grasping desperately for a sign of hope.

"No, no, no, Rhian," Japeth found himself blurting. The thought of letting his twin brother go was too much for him to bear, and he felt his knees buckle before he found himself sinking to the ground. He looked up at Rhian, his face a mess of tears he couldn't wipe away. "I can't do this without you! I don't just need you anymore—I—I want you...I—I want you so much it hurts."

In that moment, Rhian drew forward, closer and closer. Unlike last time Japeth had seen Rhian up so close that one night after dinner, Rhian's face was unbloodied and his clothes were crisp and clean. But still, that glazed look in Rhian's eyes and the ashy, dreary complexion of Rhian's skin remained as it was.

It was a heavy reminder to Japeth that his twin brother, his other half, was dead.

"You know what you need to do, brother...Let me go. It's time for you to go on without me. Just let go. Do it and the guilt will be gone, I promise you." Rhian's gaze found Japeth's and Japeth felt his entire body stiffen as a wave of pain overcame him.

There Japeth was, on his knees, as vulnerable as he could ever hope to be. He was giving all himself to Rhian, pleading Rhian for forgiveness that Japeth didn't think he deserved. It was all too similar to how Rhian had once gotten on his knees and implored Japeth to let Aric go when he'd had Japeth locked up in the Camelot dungeons.

"You don't understand..." Japeth's tone was hollow as if he was empty inside, and that very well may have been closer to the truth than he realized. Because all Japeth felt was deep pit of emptiness. There was a black hole in his heart. A hole that had been dug up by Rhian's absence, and there was nothing Japeth could do to fill up that hole.

"I deserve the pain," Japeth went on his hollow tone. Something tugged him forward, like a moth drawn to a flame, and he found himself reaching out to touch Rhian. His fingers came into contact with Rhian's feet, but Japeth felt nothing but thin air. There was no solidness to be found, and Japeth felt a lump form in his throat that he couldn't swallow down.

Feeling nothing but thin air was proof to Japeth enough that Rhian was not really there. Rhian was just a figment of his imagination. An illusion conjured up by his guilt ridden mind. Therefore, the Rhian standing before Japeth wasn't real, and the real Rhian was gone.

"Like you said, we've both made mistakes, Japeth." The illusion that looked so similar to Rhian had a voice laced with sympathy. "When you make mistakes, you learn from them. Do you know what I'm saying? Learn from my death. Find yourself. You can be happy without me, trust me."

Japeth wanted to listen to what Rhian was saying, but a part of him was riddled by too much guilt to believe that Rhian would want what was best for him after how he'd taken Rhian's life.

Hot tears rolled down Japeth's face. Tears of pain and sorrow he couldn't suppress. It was all too much for Japeth to bear.

In that very moment, all Japeth wanted was Rhian. In that moment, he forgot about his long lost friendship with Aric, the one boy he loved with all his heart. All he could focus upon was his broken brotherhood with Rhian.

"I don't want you to go..." Japeth admitted sorrowfully, choking out a sob that would have Aric scowling in disapproval if he heard it. "I—I'm sorry, Rhian! I didn't mean to kill you. I didn't want to...I miss you, brother. I miss you so much!"

As soon as the confession slipped from Japeth's lips, he felt as if a heavy weight had lifted up off his shoulders. But he could still feel the guilt of Rhian's death consuming him whole like a vengeful monster. With that guilt came a heavy sense of sorrow that seemed to cling to him so tightly he couldn't get rid of it.

"Did you think this was gonna be easy, Japeth?" Rhian's voice seemed to sound right in Japeth's ear. Japeth found himself relishing the sound of Rhian's voice. It was so much warmer and welcoming than his own tone. It was his other half's tone. The voice belonging to the one person Japeth needed in his life to make him complete.

There were so many times Japeth and Rhian had seemed to drift apart. Times they had hurt each other. But despite all that animosity and despite the strain in their brotherhood, Japeth and Rhian had always loved each other deep down.

"I'll always be there for you, Japeth," Rhian said, his voice soft and gentle. Japeth mustered the strength to look up. He found Rhian on his knees in front of him. "Nothing can take back the time we had, and nothing can take back the time that will pass," Rhian went on. "But no matter what, I will be there to wipe away all your fears when you feel alone...You can't see me, but I'm there. This I know you know to be true."

Both on their knees, the brothers stared at each other. One alive but forever haunted, and the other dead but hopefully at peace.

A snake and a lion.

Two halves of a whole...Incomplete and broken.

"I'll never leave you, Japeth," Rhian insisted. Rhian's hands touched Japeth's cold cheeks as if to wipe away Japeth's tears, but Japeth couldn't feel Rhian's touch at all. "Letting me go doesn't mean you'll lose me."

Japeth's lips parted. He wanted to say something, anything, but the words got stuck in his throat, and only a pained sound escaped from his mouth. The tears blinded him, and he struggled to blink them away, afraid that this would be the last he'd ever see of Rhian.

As much as Japeth hated to believe it, Rhian was right. Passing this stupid trial didn't mean Japeth would lose Rhian forever. No matter what, Rhian would always be in Japeth's heart.

"The pain isn't for forever. In the far off, distant future, you'll be happy, Japeth..." Rhian murmured, his blue green eyes brimming in hope and sympathy. "And that's all I ever wanted. Now, You know what must be done."

Japeth stared at Rhian through his teary gaze. There was such a steeliness and conviction in Rhian's expression, Japeth couldn't help but feel moved by the sight of it.

But how could Japeth just say goodbye to his brother? How could he just let him go like that?

That was the thing; There was no right way to say goodbye, nor was there a right way to keep himself from feeling hurt.

But still—Japeth had done too much to go back now. Being the Snake, hurting others, and eventually killing Rhian had all been acts of a broken boy who'd just wanted to bring his true love back from the dead.

Failing this first trial would be like Japeth turning against everything he'd fought so hard for. Failing this trial would be a betrayal to Aric, and betraying Aric was one of the last things Japeth wanted to do.

And if Japeth couldn't say goodbye to Rhian, but he was bent on passing this trial, there was only one thing Japeth could say; "How about...Until We Meet Again?"

It wasn't a goodbye, technically. Instead, it was a phrase of hope. Perhaps that hope was false, and Japeth and Rhian would never meet again. But Japeth couldn't say anything else but that.
Saying anything else other than that would be too painful for Japeth to bear.

"We will meet again, Brother," Rhian confirmed. There was a note of finality in his tone. It was a clear indication that the very moment Japeth had dreaded was coming to pass.

Rhian was going to leave, and all Japeth could do was watch as Rhian's form started to come undone. It flickered in and out like a blinking light before it started to become transparent, and Japeth realized Rhian was disappearing before his very eyes.

Japeth felt desperation seize him. Desperate to hold onto Rhian just a little bit longer, he leapt to his feet and flung his hand out to snatch at the disappearing image of his brother. But his fingers went through thin air, and in a heartbeat, Rhian was gone for good, leaving Japeth standing there, feeling more alone than ever.

For a long while, Japeth stared blankly at the spot he'd seen Rhian fade away into nothing. Even when he heard the distinctive shouting of fights breaking out as the Never Armies attacked students, Japeth didn't move. He continued to stare at the place Rhian had last been.

It was only when an oddly familiar voice spoke up from behind him that Japeth glanced away from the spot his eyes had been glued to for the past twenty minutes.

"You have indeed defied my expectations," NotRafal greeted him, as formal as ever. His chilly blue gaze found Japeth's teary gaze, and the frost haired boy cleared his throat. "Lucky for you, you've passed the First Trial. If Tedros had been just a bit faster at passing his trial, he would've won before you had."

Japeth could barely allow himself to feel surprised or elated at the news that he'd passed the first trial and beat Tedros. He was too numb over having to let Rhian go, that he didn't even question how he'd even accomplished such a feat.

"I let go of that which held me back by choosing to move on from the guilt I felt from Rhian's death," Japeth pointed out, his voice pained, and he struggled to sound calm and reserved. "But letting in that which brings me hate? What was that?"

NotRafal stepped forward. His footsteps were barely audible and his very presence seemed to be just a transparent figure. Japeth wondered if NotRafal was in his head, just like Rhian had been.

"There was only one thing, one person, who was the source of your hatred, my son," NotRafal pointed out, his response as vague as ever. Japeth followed NotRafal's gaze to the silver tower looming into the sky. The School Master's tower cast a long shadow across the ground, and the shadow seemed to stretch on forever, only stopping at the water's edge where the lake on good's side began.

Japeth recalled spending time in that tower. He was familiar with it after having spent time cooped up in it since he took refuge there after Rhian had him kicked out of Camelot.

Was the Storian writing right now, recording every moment and action that Japeth took? Was the Storian silently aware of how the ending to this story would play out?

The realization hit Japeth as to how he'd solved the second half of NotRafal's riddle without even being aware of it. NotRafal was right...There was only one person who'd been the focus of Japeth's hatred, and it wasn't Rhian.

It was Sophie.

Japeth used to despise Sophie for tearing his family apart. But then, little by little, his hatred for her gave way to a feeling of understanding and acceptance. By relating to Sophie despite her misgivings, Japeth had been unknowingly letting in the one person he'd hated.

But now Japeth had passed the first trial, there was only one thing that was unclear; What now?

With his heart feeling more heavy than it ever was but his determination strong, Japeth stood tall and turned his attention to the distance where his allies were battling with students.

"The second trial will be revealed to you in time, I assure you," NotRafal said, his voice chilly and sure. "Now go. And remember...Those you've lost are not gone forever."

Japeth looked back at NotRafal. Their eyes met, and for a moment, Japeth was gripped by emotion. He recalled Rhian, and he felt his scims stir in sadness.

"We will meet again," Rhian had said.

Japeth's mind locked onto that one thought, that one shred of hope, and he felt a pained smile split across his face. He put all his hope into that saying and began to believe it to be true.

Indeed, Japeth and Rhian would meet again...And Japeth would no longer be broken.

No, he wouldn't be broken at all.

He'd be complete.

Undoubtedly, undeniably complete.

Literally, no words can express how sorry I am for taking such a long time to update...Forgive me? 🥺

I also wanted to thank you all for your patience. You guys are really awesome.

I wanted to thank the following people for being so patient and supportive;




Anyway, I hope this chapter made up for the long wait I made you all endure.

What do you guys think about Japeth letting Rhian go? Were you sad? Did you cry?

I hope to update soon, but I don't know when the next update will be.

Anyway, what do you guys think is gonna happen in the next chapter?

A.) Japeth is gonna get the last ring. 💍
B.) Sophie is gonna regain her memories. 🧠
C.) Someone is gonna get really hurt. 🩸
D.) someone is gonna die. 😭
E.) Japeth is gonna admit to Sophie that he loves somebody else (Aric), not her. 💔

Hint: TWO of the above options are gonna happen in the next chapter, so stay tuned for that.

Comment and vote!

Thanks for reading, you guys!

—Alexis Peters

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