SGE His Broken Heart (Sequel...

By FeatherxClaw37

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A lion and Snake whose rivalry goes deeper than anyone could ever realize... One brother who wants to be king... More

Chapter 2 Playing the Part
Chapter 3 Right Here
Chapter 4 Dreams Come True
Chapter 5 Bleeding Out
Chapter 6 Forgive and Forget
Chapter 8 Actions are Stronger than Lies
Chapter 9 Dead of Night
Chapter 10 Regretful
Chapter 11 Sinful Thoughts
Chapter 12 A Worthy King
Chapter 13 Stay With Me
Chapter 14 Doing Right
Chapter 15 Loyalties
Chapter 16 Revelations
Chapter 17 Past Present
Chapter 18 The Bloody Door
Chapter 19 As Broken as Ever
Chapter 21 Not So Empty After All
Chapter 22 Don't Lose Yourself
Chapter 23 The Sweetest Poison
Chapter 24 To Letting Go
Chapter 25 Broken Hearted
Chapter 26 The Dying Hope
Chapter 27 Fire and Ash
Chapter 28 Power of A Thousand Words
Chapter 29 How to Love
I got Tagged...😐
Everything SGE!!!
~ Preview of Chapter 26 ~
~ Preview II of Chapter 26 ~
~•• His Gaurded Heart ••~
~His Guarded Heart Sneak Peek~
Omigoshhhhh guysss 😆

Chapter 7 The King and His Liege

686 20 58
By FeatherxClaw37


Japeth and Rhian had fought so hard to get to this moment. They'd struggled endless hours, day and night, to reach this goal.

Now, it was finally here.

Camelot was finally theirs. Rhian was the king and Japeth, his liege. Gone was the lion and the snake. Instead, they brothers were no longer "enemies." They were the lion and the eagle.

Dressed in a blue and gold suit that closely matched with the gold and blue king's uniform Rhian wore, Japeth faked a smile at the crowd below him. Beside him, Rhian was waving, holding Sophie close to his chest with the blade of Excalibur rested precariously against her spine.

Tedros and the rest of his friends had been thrown into the dungeons and now Rhian addressed the crowd of citizens from various kingdoms, his voice strong and deep—the baritone of a mighty lion.

"I fought and slayed the snake while Tedros did nothing," Rhian's voice echoed, sharp as a whip. "I saved your kingdoms and did everything Tedros was too cowardly to do. Tedros may have Arthur's blood just as I do, but I'm more deserving of Camelot's throne than he could ever be..."

Rhian continued on, his voice carrying out but Japeth was no longer listening. He studied Rhian's cocksure smile and the way Rhian gripped Sophie tightly.

Japeth could see Rhian's dreams coming true, unfolding right before him. To be Camelot's king was all Rhian had ever wanted and with Japeth's help, that moment was finally here.

If only Rhian's beliefs had been true. But it was nothing more but a lie.

Japeth knew for a fact that King Arthur was not their father. He never was, which meant Rhian was not the deserved King of Camelot. He was a fraud.

Japeth had to lie to him, his own twin, because he couldn't risk the prophecy of the One True King never being full filled. He couldn't risk not ensuring Aric's return from death.

Japeth was broken, empty inside and if he wanted to be fixed, if he wanted to be full, he had to have Aric back. Aric was the only person Japeth loved more than anything. Aric was Japeth's only wish.

Bonds of blood weren't enough anymore. Rhian and Japeth's brotherhood wasn't enough anymore. What would be enough was Aric.

Japeth wanted his true love back. He was choosing love over family. Friendship over blood.

Maybe secretly wanting Aric back and lying to his own twin about who their father was made Japeth out to be selfish. Maybe Japeth had always been selfish, always wanting Aric more than he could ever want Rhian. But Rhian was selfish too.

Rhian had never accepted Japeth and Aric's friendship. Rhian had seen their friendship as something that was unnatural and wrong, and that's why he'd cast Aric from Arbed House against Japeth's wishes.

Rhian believed it was Evelyn, their mother, that he wished to have back. But it was Aric Japeth wished for.

"My princess is quite eager to get going on the wedding preparations," Rhian's voice snapped Japeth from his thoughts and he watched as Rhian leaned close to Sophie to whisper something in her ear. By the way Sophie's face blanched, Japeth knew his brother had told her something menacing. "So I shall leave her to it," Rhian said to the crowd, tugging Sophie away. "You're all invited to the events that shall take place before the wedding—"

As Rhian spoke, he moved Sophie towards a trio of armored pirates. As the pirates were about to guide Sophie away, Japeth found himself intercepting them.

"I'll take it from here," Japeth told them, and the pirates nodded curtly.

Japeth met Sophie's emerald eyes. Her blonde hair fell past her shoulders like a waterfall of gold and with the billowing pink gown she wore, anyone could've mistaken her to be a princess. But she was a witch. A witch Japeth and Rhian's father had once thought was his true love. A true love who'd ended up killing him in the end.

"Come with me," Japeth said. When Sophie didn't move, Japeth curled his fingers around her wrist and yanked her beside him.

"Hey, watch it!" Sophie snapped, clearly not enthusiastic about being manhandled as Japeth dragged her along. "That hurts."

Japeth didn't care. He tightened his grip on Sophie's wrist and dragged her into the palace with Sophie stumbling to keep up with his long strides.

"You're the snake," she breathed as he led her through the refurbished halls. Every shred of Camelot's old decorations were gone and replaced by lion themed decorations; various skinned lion rugs lining the floors, lion shaped nightlights being installed, and new golden portraits hanging on the walls. Maids and servants scurried about, still not quite finished with their remodeling.

"I'm the eagle, the King's liege," Japeth told Sophie, yanking her past the kitchens. "The snake is dead."

"You're obviously a liar—" Sophie shot back before Japeth's fingernails dug painfully into her skin and she released a gasp.

Japeth shoved Sophie into the King's chambers and watched her stumble away from him, her fingertip glowing hot pink. The rage was clear on her face but Japeth wasn't alarmed. Calmly, he smirked at Sophie.

"Go ahead and try to attack me, you little prat," He baited her. "You think I won't hurt you with my scims? Trust me, I will. So go on. Attack me."

Sophie looked like she was on the verge of doing what Japeth said. Her face reddened in rage, her teeth gnashed, and her fingerglow flickered as if she were prepared to cast a spell on him. Than, at the last moment, she seemed to think better of it and backed off, her expression impassive.

"Good choice," Japeth told her, striding over to the edge of the king sized four poster bed to pick up the satchel sitting on the comforter.

"What do you want from me?" Sophie breathed, eyeing him warily. She tensed as Japeth stuck his hand into the satchel as if she feared he was about to pull out a weapon on her.

Instead, Japeth's fingers curled around the lacy fabric of his mother's dress and gently he pulled it out of the bag. He took care to spread it out upon the bed and caressed its ruffles with his fingertips.

"What is that?" Sophie questioned, staring at the dress like it was a foreign object.

Japeth felt a flare of annoyance in his chest as his gaze snapped to her. "A dress, of course," He hissed, curling his fists. "What else could it be?"

Sophie stared dubiously at the dress, and Japeth saw her lip curl and her nose wrinkle up in a sign of disgust. It took everything in Japeth not to lash out at Sophie right than and there. He couldn't imagine how him and Rhian's father had put up with her for so long.

"Is it your girlfriend's?" Sophie went on. This time, her voice wasn't full of curiosity, but rather full of sarcasm. It was as if she'd seen Japeth's barely restrained anger and was trying to goad him further. "Although I can't imagine someone as bloodthirsty as you having a girlfriend—But if I'm wrong, well, let's just say that'll be shocking considering you paraded around in a mask attacking helpless kingdoms. And if that dress is your girlfriend's, than I pity her. Not just because she's with a monster like you, but because that dress is just tasteless and honestly, mediocre."

Japeth was shaking now. His jaw clenched and he ground his teeth together as he exhaled sharply in an attempt to compose himself. He would've just exploded right than and there if Sophie's gaze hadn't betrayed the hidden fear within her.

"I don't have a girlfriend," Japeth spat, his icy blue gaze scorching into her. "Like I'd be caught dead dating some girl. No...Actually, this dress is for my brother's girlfriend."

Sophie's self righteous look suddenly crumbled as Japeth's words dawned on her, and her mouth hung open in horror. Japeth smirked at her, victorious.

"The chances of you dating a girl are as slim as the chances of me wearing that...that repulsive frock!" Sophie stared bluntly, turning her nose up at the dress.

"Tell that to my brother's fiancé," Japeth said, stalking towards Sophie as she backed away, her back hitting the wall.

Trapped, Sophie's face paled and she eyed Japeth's gold and blue uniform warily like she was sure Japeth's scims would appear and lunge at her any second.

"Your precious Teddy was so sure he could trust Rhian," Japeth whispered, placing both hands on the wall beside her shoulders until Sophie's body was trapped in his arms. "And look where that got him; In a dungeon cell alongside all his friends. Now, I'm going to be clear right off the bat so you don't try to rope me in like I know you'll try to rope in my brother—"

Japeth leant in close, thrusting his face so close to Sophie's that the tips of their noses brushed. Their sudden closeness felt strange to Japeth and he wanted nothing more but to pull away. But he remained in his place and took delight in the uncomfortable expression that came across Sophie's face.

"I don't trust you," Japeth told Sophie, glaring into her emerald eyes. "You, Sophie, are nothing more to my brother and I than a puppet we can use to our own gain. Now, I know things may seem confusing and that you have a lot of unanswered questions, but it'll all be very clear soon enough. Whatever you do or try to attempt, just know I won't be as easily fooled by your tricks as Rhian will."

Sophie shoved Japeth away, her hands pushing against his chest. Japeth stumbled back from the force of her push, and his body screamed in pain. He was still deeply wounded from his fight with Tedros and he gritted his teeth in agony as a pinprick of pain lanced through his stomach.

"You won't have to worry a bit about trust when I tell everybody the truth about who you are!" Sophie threatened, jabbing a finger so hard into Japeth's chest that his scims squirmed in pain.

"You're the Snake!" Sophie declared, confidence surging as she took note of how wounded Japeth was. "You attacked hundreds of kingdoms in some trick to claim Camelot, and once everybody knows that, you and Rhian both will be as good as dead."

That's the moment Japeth lost it. A snarl ripped from his throat as his liege's suit magically reverted back to his suit of scims. Although his body was partially bare taking into account the many scims he'd lost, Japeth only saw red. With a burst of strength, he lunged for Sophie and every single scims shot off his body to skyrocket towards her.

The scream that arose from Sophie's throat became muffled as one scim wrapped tight around her mouth, sealing it shut. The others set to work latching onto the rest of her body—her arms, her legs, even her torso—until every inch of Sophie's body was covered in slimy black scales.

"Look who's the snake now," Japeth sneered, watching Sophie attempt to struggle against her binds. But it was no use.

Sophie's angry voice was muffled through her gag as she spat profanities at him, but Japeth paid no mind to her rage. He watched in amusement as Sophie's body was plastered against the wall, immobile with all his scims wound tightly around her.

"You disrespect me or my mother's dress again, and I'll cut out your tongue and feed it to you," Japeth seethed, glaring into Sophie's emerald eyes. "Am I clear?"

Sophie quickly nodded and beads of sweat rolled down her face. Japeth saw the distress on her face and he felt a sense of satisfaction curl in his gut.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed down the hall and the closed bedroom door swung open to reveal Rhian, a wide smile on his face. At the scene before him, Rhian's smile fell and he looked between his bound princess and his very naked brother.

"Took you long enough," Japeth growled, crossing his arms. "I was this close to slicing your queen's throat. I swear, she has no filter."

Rhian's gaze flickered to Sophie still pinned against the wall like a fly caught in a sticky web. Than, he glanced back at Japeth and raised his eyebrow in disbelief as he shook his head.

"I should've known you two wouldn't get along," Rhian chuckled, amused at the whole situation. "Just a few minutes alone in a room together and you're already fighting amongst each other."

Rhian went quiet for a second as if contemplating something before he gave Japeth a pointed look. It was a brotherly look full of sternness, and Japeth rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Fine," Japeth spat and every single scim peeled away from Sophie to fly back onto his body.

Finally Freed, Sophie stumbled against the wall and stared between Japeth and Rhian like she was unsure who to attack first.

"I don't know what you did or what you told my brother, but you better realize he's not quite as lenient as I am," Rhian informed Sophie.

"I don't care!" Sophie burst, her green eyes blazing as her fury rekindled at the sight of the boy who'd not only stolen her heart, but her trust as well. "As far as I know, you're both monsters and whatever you say or do to me, just know I won't break! I'll never be your little puppet or queen or whatever it is you want me to be because I'm—"

Suddenly, Rhian was gripping Sophie's wrist hard and he wrenched her forward. She buckled to her knees at the action and struggled to rip away from Rhian, but his grip was too strong.

"On the contrary," Rhian began, thrusting her arm forward so her fingers were mere inches from touching Japeth, "I think you will be my queen. You'll do as I ask and won't try to defy me if you want your precious friends to live. And while you're keeping your friends safe from death, I'm not the only one who'll you'll repay for this...No."

Sophie cried out as Rhian brought her arm up to Japeth's chest and than, he reached for Excalibur hanging at his belt. The blade of Excalibur gleamed in the morning sunlight shining in through the bedroom window. As Rhian slashed the blade across Sophie's wrist, Sophie shielded her gaze from the blinding blade.

Blood welled up from the cut Rhian had inflicted on Sophie's wrist and trickled down the length of her arm. As a few droplets of blood threatened to fall to the floor, Rhian brushed Sophie's wounded wrist across the scales of Japeth's chest.

"In exchange for your friends' lives, you won't just be my loyal queen," Rhian pointed out. "You'll also be my brother's healer."

Sophie's mouth hung open in shock as she watched the blood smeared across Japeth's chest begin to move all on its is as if it were being pulled by a magnetic force. The blood crisscrossed across Japeth's flesh, filling in the naked patches of snowy white skin on Japeth's suit. Pain ripped through Japeth's body as Sophie's magical blood came into contact with some of his most sensitive wounds. Than, the healing fever seemed to befall Japeth as the pain dispersed as suddenly as it had come.

When Japeth looked down at his once torn suit of scales, there were no more patches of snowy white skin to be seen. The pain he'd felt was gone and even his black eye had vanished completely as if he'd never endured a fight with Tedros in the first place.

Japeth felt renewed and stronger than ever.

Sophie gaze was wide in utter horror now and the blood drained from her face until her complexion was as white as Japeth's. She sucked in a gasp and gripped her bloody wrist tight.

"You see, Sophie," Rhian said, putting Excalibur back in its sheathe. He pulled her face close to his and looked deep into her shocked gaze. "It was never your fate to become evil's queen or to become evil's dean. It wasn't Tedros, nor the School Master who was to be your true love...Your fate is to rule alongside me in Camelot, lording over both good and evil. Now, we may not be soulmates or whatever, but our destinies are intertwined more tighter than you could possibly imagine."

Japeth took note of the hopeful gleam on Rhian's expression as if he believed that Sophie would listen to his words. Rhian believed it'd be much easier to get Sophie to trust him in order to keep her in check. But after the way Rhian had deceived her and thrown her friends in prison, it wasn't very likely that Sophie would give Rhian her trust once more.

A scoff ebbed from Japeth's throat as he stared at the two of them.

"No," Sophie blistered, ducking away from Rhian's hold. "You're both snakes in disguise. Just kill me if that is what you wish! I'd rather die than be your slave. Just let my friends go."

Sophie was breathing heavily, her emerald gaze glistening in unshed tears as she awaited Rhian's response. Rhian looked disappointed by Sophie's reaction and he released a deep sigh before his gaze found Japeth.

"You don't have a choice," Japeth spoke up, his tone ice cold. "Now, you either be Rhian's loyal queen or every single one of your friends dies alongside Tedros. So, what's it gonna be?"

This time, Sophie was obviously torn. She shook her head feverishly and deciding on the selfless path, she silently bowed her head in defeat.

"You may be a loudmouth, but you do have smarts to go along with that pretty face of yours," Japeth observed, picking up the dress off the bed and carrying it over.

Before Sophie could react, Japeth thrust Evelyn's dress into her arms and she held onto it. Despite giving in to Rhian and Japeth's demands, Sophie's gaze was burning as she tracked Japeth's movements across the room.

"This will be your uniform," Japeth told her, nodding to the dress in her arms. "You shall wear it every single day, so I insist you'd better get used to such a 'tasteless, mediocre, repulsive frock.'"

Japeth stared Sophie down until Sophie looked away, her gaze downcast. A smirk found its way upon Japeth's face, knowing he'd won the battle this time. Soon enough, Sophie would know her place if she didn't know it already, and hopefully, Rhian and Sophie's wedding would happen in no time.

In the meantime though, Rhian had a lot of work to do on his part. Before the wedding between him and Sophie could even commence, Rhian had to convince all the rulers in the kingdoms to burn their rings.

How Rhian was gonna go about doing that, Japeth didn't know, and he didn't care. It wasn't his problem to solve. He wasn't Camelot's King—Rhian was.

"I hope to see you at dinner tonight, Sophie," Rhian said after casting Japeth a strange look. "Please, don't be late or there will be severe consequences for your friends Locked up in the dungeons."

Rhian smiled at Sophie tightly and Japeth watched two maids file into the room. They guided Sophie away to get dressed and when they had left the room, Rhian turned to Japeth, his smile gone.

"What was that?" Rhian demanded, his voice an angry shout. "You can't just attack Sophie just because she got on your nerves! Have you forgotten that we need her in our plans to bring the one we love back from the dead? Have you forgotten that we need her alive?!"

Japeth was unfazed by Rhian's outburst. He nonchalantly leant against the wall and examined his fingernails.

"I wasn't gonna kill her if that's what you're so worried about, brother," Japeth explained, waving his hand dismissively. "I was putting her in her place. She has to know she can't fight back because she'll always lose. No matter what, you and I have the upper hand here. Relax. Soon enough, you and her will be at the altar, making your lovesick vows and than, the powers of the Storian will be at your very fingertips."

Rhian sighed heavily, an uneasy look upon his face as if he was thinking of all the possibilities that could go wrong at the wedding or before than too.

"Are all of Sophie's friends accounted for?" Japeth asked, examining Rhian's expression closely.

Rhian tapped his chin in thought before he nodded deliberately in response. "Yes. I believe so. If anyone important is missing, Kei will let us know when he checks up on them in the dungeons...Brother?"

Japeth heard the sudden crack in Rhian's voice and he saw Rhian's blue green gaze burn in furious intensity. Rhian stepped towards him and for a moment, Japeth feared Rhian was going to apologize all over again for making him fight Tedros.

"Do you..." Rhian started, his voice shaky and his words clumsy as if his whole body was jittering with nerves. "Do you remember Arbed?"

Japeth was shocked by Rhian's question which had seemingly come out of nowhere. What kind of question was that anyway? Of course Japeth remembered Arbed House! It was the very same place he'd met Aric after all. It was the only place that'd ever felt like a home.

"I—I need to know," Rhian continued, his hand running along his cropped hair. Japeth's gaze followed Rhian's fingers as it trailed over the scar etched into his skull.

A lump formed in Japeth's throat as a feeling of dread curled in his gut. Somehow, he knew what Rhian was gonna say. If Rhian dared mention anything about Aric, Japeth would snap for sure.

"I need to know if you—" Rhian's voice was suddenly cut off by a resounding knock.

"Rhian?" A familiar voice called, and Kei stepped through the doorway, his dark eyes roaming the bedroom before his gaze landed on Rhian. "The rulers of various kingdoms are requesting your presence. All the while, Camelot citizens are protesting outside the church and the rulers demand that you put it  to a stop."

Rhian cleared his throat and awkwardly turned away from Japeth as if to brush away the strange moment the two brothers had had only seconds before Kei decided to interrupt them.

Japeh took notice of the way Rhian's expression morphed into a steely mask and the way his shoulders squared. "I shall meet with the rulers in the throne room liege takes care of the protestors," Rhian told Kei, his tone authoritative.

Kei nodded briskly and walked away. With Kei gone, Rhian turned to Japeth and opened his mouth to say something. Japeth had a hunch that Rhian was going to restart the conversation that Kei had interrupted. But Japeth wanted to hear nothing of what Rhian possibly had to say regarding Arbed.

"Save it," Japeth muttered, starting for the door. His scaled suit magically morphed back into his liege's suit as he halted in the doorway for a brief moment. "I'll see you at dinner, brother. Just don't let that Sophie girl fool you. She's smarter than she looks."

Rhian called Japeth's name as he stormed out of the room. But Japeth didn't look back. He kept on walking, a sense of restlessness enveloping him as he stalked down the corridor and down the staircase to the courtyard.

The morning sky was overcast, but rays of sunlight filtered through the clouds to cast shadows across the ground. Japeth stared up at the sky and than his gaze flickered down to himself to stare upon the gold and blue suit he wore.

Japeth knew what Aric would say about him wearing such royal like attire. Aric would most likely point how foolish it made Japeth look and he'd say that he liked Japeth's suit of scales much better.

Is that what Japeth felt wearing this idiotic suit? Foolish. Did being Rhian's liege make Japeth his brother's fool?

This suit was meant for Sir Japeth, the Eagle. But Japeth was no eagle. He was the Snake and he didn't wanna yet again pretend to be something he wasn't.

Yet Japeth had to continue playing the fool, especially since the Snake was meant to be dead. Ironically, Japeth knew in his nonexistent heart that he would gladly be his brother's fool if it meant Aric would come back.

So Japeth gladly played the fool, and hurried off to complete the task Rhian had given him.

He found the group of protestors gathered outside the Camelot gates. They were all Camelot citizens, holding signs and waving banners that supported Tedros.

Japeth had brought a dozen Camelot guards along with him and at his signal, the guards moved to break up the crowd, snatching their signs and ripping their banners to shreds. A few protestors retaliated against the guards and began to throw rotten food and yell profanities. The guards restrained the riled up protestors and soon put a stop to their escapades.

After getting his chest pelted with a rotten tomato and narrowly missing a punch to his face, Japeth ordered the guards to take the protestors to the dungeons until King Rhian decided what to do with them.

If it was up to Japeth, he'd have all the protestors killed. But Rhian would most likely show them mercy, for they were Camelot citizens after all—their loyalties just lied in the wrong person.

Japeth's lips twisted into a scowl as he hastily wiped the front of his suit and watched the guards escort the restrained protestors away who were still screaming insults.

Japeth found himself wandering back towards the castle, trailing behind the guards as they herded their prisoners in the direction of the dungeons. He couldn't help but stare around the partially deserted courtyard bathed in sunlight. There were servants scrubbing the remnants of the battle off the stone walkways, cleaning up all the blood that had been spilled and discarding dead scims.

Japeth walked past the workers and went onwards until he reached the palace. But he faltered at the doors, half afraid that if he went inside, he would run into Rhian and Rhian would try to rope him into another conversation.

All Japeth wanted now was to be alone with his own thoughts. He didn't wanna worry over Sophie's pathetic attitude or worry over his brother's kingly duties. Japeth wanted nothing more but to clear his head and try to establish a sense of hope for Aric's return. There was no hope if Sophie betrayed Rhian and Japeth because the brothers needed her in their plans, and if Rhian failed at being Camelot's king and failed at getting the rulers to burn their rings, Japeth would be distraught.

Much to Japeth's annoyance, he found himself becoming overwhelmed by all his pressing thoughts. A pinprick of anger stabbed at his insides as he struggled to push away his emotions. But it wouldn't work.

What had Japeth done to deserve such torment? What wrongs had he committed to deserve this situation now?

Once upon a time, Aric had told Japeth that he didn't deserve Rhian as a brother and that Japeth deserved more than what he had. At the time, Japeth believed him, but now? Now, all that Japeth felt like he deserved was Aric.

And maybe Japeth was wrong about that. Maybe, he didn't deserve to have love and friendship after the way Aric died.

"Somebody please save me from this hell," Japeth muttered under his breath, shaking himself hard in an attempt to clear his mind. He moved to open the palace doors when he was suddenly struck by a wave of dizziness.

Japeth stumbled for the second time that day, but there was no Rhian there to catch him this time as he plummeted to the ground. He tried to stop his fall, but it was no use and he winced, preparing for his impact to the ground.

But Japeth never landed. Instead, something dark overcame his senses, like a thick fog blinding him and seizing him tight in its iron grip.

When the dark fog cleared, Japeth glimpsed a vast inky black sky above him. He found he was positioned upon a cloud that was acid green. In fact, all around Japeth were hovering green clouds. In the sky, Japeth also made out sharply pointed snowflakes with bright green gems in the center of each one.

The air was light but Japeth still felt as if there was a heavy weight resting precariously upon his shoulders.

He wasn't in Camelot anymore, that was for sure...

It didn't take him long to conclude that this place he'd conjured was a thinking place. Every wizard had a thinking place and since Japeth had wizard blood passed down from his father, he too had a thinking place.

Japeth supposed having a thinking place was one benefit to being the School Master's son. And it was plain luck that the moment Japeth needed alone time the most, his thinking place magically popped into existence out of nowhere.

Staring around him, Japeth felt a calm resolve sink into his bones and the sudden worry he'd felt was gone as he bounded across the clouds. He took note of the bleakness of the sky and considered that something important was missing.

Japeth couldn't help the mischievous grin that split across his face as a dozen scims peeled off his suit that had morphed back into his scaled black suit. He watched in delight as the scims set to work upon the sky, their knife sharp tips slashing into the darkness to carve unmistakable letters into the sky...

——————             ——————

Japeth didn't know how long he stayed in his thinking place, tracing the initials of him and Aric's names with his fingertips until his throat began to constrict and he had no choice but to leave.

Japeth ended up right where he'd left off, standing before the palace doors, his liege's suit back in place.

He was in a better mood than he had been before and so he walked into the palace, steering straight for the dining room. When he'd gotten back from his thinking place, the sky was dark and he suspected Rhian and Sophie would be eating dinner by now.

Just as Japeth opened the doors leading into the dining Room, he spotted Kei muttering something to Rhian, his voice low. Thanks to Japeth's keen senses, he heard every word.

"All of Tedros's friends are accounted for in the dungeons, sire," Kei told Rhian. "But..."

"But what?" Rhian questioned, a look of unease creeping across his face.

"There was only one person unaccounted for in the dungeons," Kei said. "It's—"

"Agatha," Rhian breathed.

Sorry for the wait! I just started online school a few weeks ago and it's a lot of work! Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and be sure to comment and vote!!

Thanks for reading!! 🥰

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