A Hybrid's Tale (ninjago x re...

By anon13mus

79.8K 1.5K 2.1K

Originally from Quotev... A girl who possesses many elements is taken in by a strange man offering a life of... More

Masters of Spinjitzu (Part One)
Masters of Spinjitzu : Your New Family (Part two)
The Golden Weapons
The Golden Weapons ( Part two )
Rise of the Snakes
Never Trust a Snake
Can of Worms
Snake King
Tick Tock
Powerful Secrets
Once Bitten Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
Green Ninja
All of Nothing
Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
The Last Hope
The Return of the Overlord
The Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist

Island of Darkness

1K 21 28
By anon13mus

(Y/ns pov)

We made it to the Island of Darkness, and all we could do was wait for the perfect time to search for Garmadon. Kai comes back from his hiding position, and sighs. "This place is swarming with Garmadons indestructible Stone Army.

"Good thing we're ninja, and we know how to hide." Jay says while placing a leaf down.

Cole grunts. "Who wants to hide when you can fight?! I'm getting tired of burying our heads in the sand. I wanna fight these guys." He impatiently throws his shovel on the floor.

I smile. "Wellll sometimes violence isn't the answer."

Zane stands up from the hole he was digging. "While that is true, they still seem to have no apparent weakness. It would be unwise to start a fight we cannot finish."

Sensei walks out of the Bounty to inform us. "That is why we must find the temple of light."

*timeskip brought to you by your lazy author :p *

We set out for a search on Garmadons camp. Lloyd stayed behind, we didn't want to provoke an early final battle before Lloyd was prepared. That would be chaos.

The five of us spied overhead on a tall cliff, giving us a view on the crowded little army. "Look," Jay pointed. "That must be Garmadons camp!"

I shook my head. "You think?"

"No, I thought this was a take out restaurant!" Kai said as he rolled his eyes."It looks like they're building something, but building what?"

Cole shushes them. "Quiet you bozos. We still need to find what the medallion matches up to." He holds up the gold medallion and looks through the carved shape inside.

Zane takes it from his hands. "Let me see." He scans the camp with the coin and finally stops on something. "...Wait."

"What do you see?" I say while scooting closer, trying to find what he's looking at.

He points at a table under one of the tents. "Look, there."

My eyes enlarge. "Is that....."

"The falcon! I thought it was shot down and was gone for good." Kai said. He spoke what we were all thinking.

Zane shakes his head while standing up. "Not if I can retrieve it and get the pieces back to my father."

Cole frowns. "Wait. You're veering from the plan. We're supposed to head to the Temple of Light and stay out of sight.

If I were any of you, I'd do the same." He looks back at the falcon. "I have to get my friend back."

He hops off the rocks, and heads into the camp. I huff. "Great. Now I have to go after him."

Kai grabs my arm. "The more of us go, the more chance we'll get caught. We just have to stay here and hope he doesn't get seen."

I frown. "If It were you stuck there, wouldn't you want me to get you out?" I question.

His grip loosens a little, and I slip out of it for the moment. I tune out his pleads for me to come back, but I'm already over the gate.

I catch up with him, and he turns to me with surprise. "You didn't think I'd let you have all the fun, did you?" I smirk.

He smiles. "Not at all."

*another timeskip brought to you ur fav author ;) jk I ain't no ones favorite )

Zane was still trying to find out how to retrieve the falcon, yet he still hesitated. After a while of waiting for him, and tapped on his shoulder, and shook my head. "Stay hidden. I've got this."

I slowly close my eyes, and when I open them, I had taken the form of a Stone soldier. Zane gasps, and nods. I pick up a stone sword, and carried it with me while I entered the tent. I took a deep breath, and stood with the other warriors.

One of them looked up at me, and said a few indistinguishable words, and I didn't understand him. I just made a low grunt, and grabbed the falcon. When I did, he yelled at me some more, not that I understood.

I started walking out, grabbing the attention of the other two soldiers. That's when I made a mad dash for the exit. I grabbed Zane's hand, and we both ran around the camp.

I turn into myself again, and his face flushed with relief. "Oh, I had forgotten you'd done that."

I shake my head with a small smile, and kept running. Eventually, we became cornered in a rock and a hard place. Literally.

A rock blocked out path, and several soldiers surrounded us.

"Dang it." I muttered under my breath.

"I sense we are in a hard predicament, my friend."

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I was speaking to the falcon." He clarified. I sigh, and nod. "Right."

Another familiar voice is heard. "Ninja? Here? Seize them!"

"Fudge cake...." I whisper.

The soldiers circle in closer than before, and we try calculating the best route out.

"Zane, you're a Nindroid. For sure you can somehow figure a way out of here!" I question.

He shakes his head. "I......I cannot."

I clutch the falcon harder, as I glare daggers into the approaching warriors.

I felt something around my hand, and looked down at it. Zane gripped my hand with a knowing look. I half smiled at him. "Aww, this would be so cute. If it weren't at such a bad time!" I shout at the soldiers.

The ground rumbles, and before we knew it, a huge vehicle comes barreling through. It runs over the herding Stone Warriors. Cole and the rest of the hand come hopping out.

"What are you waiting for, a red carpet?! Let's go!" He orders. I don't have time to object, so we start following them.

We hear Garmadons angry shouts, and that only makes us pick up our pace. "Remember when Sensei said stay out of sight?" Kai asked.

Cole panted. "Yeah! That was good advice."

We made it to the gates, but they were locked. The guys jumped over, and almost made it. The soldiers through spears, and it barely missed them. We all stood on the ground, and frowned at the upcoming warriors.

Jay panics. "We should've listened to him!"

"Why don't we ever listen to him?" Cole whined. KAi pointed, and my eyes trailed down. "Look! The gates! The way out!"

We all sprinted to the closing door, and ran across a narrow wooden bridge. Kai slipped, and a board cracked. It fell down, and left broken wood at the bottom.

"Hurry! We're half way there!" Cole encouraged. I minded my step, and carefully made it across. When I looked up, both ends were blocked by growling soldiers.

"We've been in this situation a hundred of times." Kai enlightens. "Quick! Who's got an idea?"

Jay goes first. "Uh we jump into that hole." He says while gesturing to a pit of gooey purple and black liquid.

"Next." I say.

"I say we fight." Cole suggests.

"Since when do you not suggest that?" I scoff.

"With what? We don't have any powers." Kai says.

I smile. "You may not. But I do. Thanks for the reminder."

I started using my ice to stop them in their tracks, and it worked. They growled and pounded at the ice, and I pulled the guys away.

"This way!"

We climbed over the sheets of ice, and the bridge started creaking. I look down, and see the ropes snapping.

"I got us into this mess, and now, I'm gonna her is out. Everyone grab a plank!" Zane shouted as the bridge finally collapsed.

We did some Spinjitzu, and used the planks to glide across the tall trees. Our speed slowly diminished the more we traveled, and I seemed to be the only one who noticed.

"Guys, we're slowing down!" I forewarn.

We end up sliding down the trees, and run back to the Bounty. When we make it, Dr. Julien and Lloyd spot us.

"Look, they found the falcon!" Dr. Julien announces. Lloyd scratches his head. "Why are they running?"

"Prepare for battle, they're coming." Zane says while placing down the falcon.

Sensei comes walking out. "You were spotted? By one? Two?"

Kai sheepishly chuckles. "How about, all of them."

Misako speaks up. "Did you locate the Temple of Light?"

"They're at the top of the mountain. I hope those vehicles are ready, because we sure could use them now."

We follow the elders towards the newly built vehicles, Dr. Julien speaking. "Guess you're gonna have to figure this baby out on the fly."

The rest of us hopped into our seats, and I got used to the different controls and buttons. Jay still stood outside, talking to Nya.

"We also packed a surprise in the back, perhaps it could be of use?" She smiles. Jay leans in, and they give each other a quick kiss. He cheers. "Another Nya surprise!"

I smiled, and felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned and saw Zane staring at me, his face red when our eyes met. I grinned, shaking my head. I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

He turned redder, and cleared his throat. I chuckled, and turned back around. I saw Kai's head swiftly turn, making me wonder if he saw that.

Lloyd hops in with us, and Sensei speaks. "Whatever you do, do not stop until you get to the Temple of Light. Our survival depends on it."

"This time, we'll stick to the plan." Kai confirms.

Sensei nods. "Good luck, ninja."

The hood of the car covers us, and we pull out of the hiding place.

While driving, multiple vehicles pull up behind us, chasing us down.

I turn around, leaning to speak to Cole. "Don't mean to you press the issue, but we've got company!"

Cole doesn't turn back, but he grips the steering wheel harder, and does harsh turns and drifts. We all thrown around the sides of the car, and become blocked by two Stone army vehicles. Cole changes the shifts, and we go Tokyo style drifting, and get launched over a rock.

"Whooo hooo!" He exclaims. As soon as we almost make contact with them, we land and drill our way into the ground. We pop back out of the ground, and Cole sighs. "Well, that's about as far as this baby will go. We'll have to do the rest on our own."

"But we'll never make it up the mountain before they arrive." Lloyd says.

Kai opens the hatch. "Well let's see what my sister packed then."

He walks to the back of the vehicle, and presses a button. A box launches out, and lands in the back. It expands, and becomes a giant exo suit right before our eyes.

"Oh, I love my sis!"


We arrived to the top of the mountain where the boys last saw the Temple. Barely escaping the Stone Warriors, we figured we had enough time to go after it.

As we climbed the mountain, Lloyd let out a gasp. "The Temple of Light."

We pushed open the large doors, and paintings filled the walls. Jay pointed at the drawings. "Guys, check it out! It's us!"

It went all the way from when we met, to now, at this moment. Taking a glance at everything we accomplished, we all excitedly chatted. My eyes landed on a painting of an unusual event. It was familiar, yet.....not.

I waked up to it, and realized what the painting read. It was before we became friends, before I had even known about the ninja league, before......anything.

The man in the painting was menacingly grinning at the tied up girl. It was a unwanted reminder of my past, unexpected of course.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and quickly wiped my face. Lloyd comfortingly patted my back, and I smiled. "T-Thanks Lloyd." I sniffed.

"No problem."

I stood up, brushing myself off. "So how does this place work?" I ask.

Lloyd follows. "I think I know how..." He walks towards the middle, under a huge bell. He brushes the dusty floor with his arms, and revealed a golden dragon. I turned around, and dusted my area. I backed up, looking around at the beautifully painted symbols, each the same as the ones on our backs.

"Well, now what?" I question in the politest way possible, given our circumstances. Shadows emerged, and the Stone army growled noisily. "Ughhhh why does everything have to be so hard?!" Cole huffs.

Lloyds eyes scanned the room, and he nodded to himself. "The bell, it's an instrument. You guys ready for this?"

We all nodded. "Bring it!" Cole exclaimed.

Lloyd took a deep breath, and gracefully leaned into the air. He used the momentum to pounce off the pillar, and forceful kicked the bell. It rang, and it rang loudly. He landed directly below it, and a golden glow shot from above him.

"Whoa! What's happening?!" Lloyd shouted. The noise from the bell was almost deafening.

Zane held up his hands."No one move!"

I freeze, and stare at the golden light surrounding Lloyd, worried for his safety. The light bounced off, and reflected off hanging crystals above us. It finally paused above Kai, and in a blink of an eye, a handle of a sword appeared in his hands. It traveled around a little more before stopping above Cole again.

The same thing happened to him. He glowed for a split second, and a handle appeared in his hand. Then came Jay and Zane. It finally stopped above me, and I was given a glowing handle, not that I knew what to do with it. The warmth of the glow ran across my body, and when I opened my eyes, my suit was gone, and it was replaced with a much advanced one.

We turned back towards Lloyd, who started floating, face first. Spinning in circles, he raised higher every second. His arms lay still by his sides, and a sudden rumbling on my right hand caught my attention. I looked over to the object in my head, and the dragon head design on it burst.

An indigo, blue, and purple translucent blade popped out, and formed into a sword. My different elements trickled around it. Lightning electrocuted the sides, and flames rose above it. The ice made a visible white steam with a tint of green for form and energy. I raised my fingers to touch it, and felt small yet strong vibrations, symbolizing sound waves. Lastly, came earth. Rocks floated around the blade of the weapon, and I gaped at it.

I think my fans have just been replaced.

I watched Lloyd floating above the ground, and my eyes land on a certain mural on the wall.

It was the one with the five of us surrounding the green ninja, with the handful of lights. Putting the pieces together, I had a quick realization. "Guys! Send Lloyd your powers!" I shouted.

I pointed my rod.....thingy towards Lloyd, and soon the guys copied. Energy shook the handle in my hand, and lights emmited through the top. Our items blinded us with the lights, and before we knew it, a bright red dragon flew out from Lloyd, dropping him to the ground.

I started walking to head over and help him, but stopped when I heard the familiar growling of the enemy. Lloyd grunted, sitting up. "Let em have it!"

"Ha, now we get to fight!" Smirks Cole.

I got into position, narrowing my eyebrows in challenge. "Alright you block heads. Let's dance."

I waited for the crowd of warriors to crowd me, and I raised my sword. It collided with the Generals, and he looked at me with shock. If I had used a regular sword, it would have shattered. Since it didn't, the general gazed at me with confusion.

I wore a mischievous grin, and chuckled. "That's right. We're back."

I kicked him in the stomach while he was in his shocked state. He stumbled back into his soldiers, and they all fell.

I kneeled down, and curved my mouth into a Cheshire smile. My giggle was heard, and I disappeared from view. I used my form to blend myself with my surroundings, making me invisible.

I walked around him, hearing his angry and frustrated grunts. When I was in perfect align, I used my new weapon to blast them all with a powerful flow of water.

I became visible again, and silently cheered.

I rejoin the group, and Lloyd stands in the front. He charged up a huge energy ball, and a huge golden dragon burst out. The army freaked out. "Retreat!!!"

We all smiled to each other, and raised our swords. The different colored lights bled across the sky.

When the lights finally stopped shooting, I sighed in happiness. "We did it!" I cheered, throwing my hands up.

Kai and I high fives, laughing as we did so.

"That was exhilarating." I smile.

"Yeah, it was." He replied. His cheeks, red.

I narrow my eyes in concern. "Kai, you're red. Was that fight too much for you?"

He chuckled, covering his face. "N-No. Just better than I remembered."

I punch him on the shoulder. "Okay. Whatever you say."

His face turns sour. "So......if we didn't "accidentally" find out, would you guys had......we're you guys gonna....."

"Would who do what?" I raise an eyebrow.

He bit his lip.

"If we didn't find out that....you and Zane were....together.....w-would you have told us otherwise...?"

My face becomes a straight line. "Y-Yes of course."

Why was he being so salty?

"Oh. Okay." He muttered, slightly turning away from me.

I half smiled, and nudged him. "Doesn't mean we can't still be friends, dumbo."

His smile grows broader, but falters at friends. "Y-Yeah.....I knew that..."

But why did he sound so doubtful?

He turned back to me, but didn't look me in the eyes.

"Look Y/n.......I know this may not be the best time...or place.....but I really wanted to tell you something...."

I stood a bit straighter.


"I just wanted to say, t-that.....for the record.....I-I-I....."

"Guys! Come on! We've gotta start heading back!" Called Jay.

I gave him a thumbs up, and turned back to Kai.

"Sorry. You were saying?"

He paused for a moment, and looked as if his pet hamster had just died.

"Nothing....I'm just glad we're still friends..."

I slowly nod, not sure if that's what he really meant. "Uh huh.......well, we would be no matter what. Cmon. Let's head out." I stood up, and let my hand out for him. He smiled, and took it, letting me pull him up.

"Ugh, dude. You're like....a thousand pounds." I roll my eyes.

He looks offended. "Are you calling me fat?"

"Hmm. No." I giggle. He pushes his shoulder into my shoulder, and I chuckle at his playful attack.

"You hit like a girl." I smirk.

He chuckles back. "Heh. Try me."


( A/N : Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed, sorry for a long wait. As always, see you on the flip side! )

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