Masters of Spinjitzu : Your New Family (Part two)

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Wu, Kai, and I climbed our way up the mountain. Beads of sweat sliding down my face. I use my just as sweaty arm to wipe myself, in order to cool down a bit. I decide to rest for a bit, and I looked down at Kai. He seemed to be struggling... a lot ......

Sensei Wu however, seemed to be doing just fine. Obviously faring better than Kai and I. As I reached a ledge to rest on, I saw Wu already resting on it. I then heard Kai's grunts in attempt to climb the mountain. I leaned over the edge and put out a hand for him to grab. "So. How's it hanging?" I snicker. Dang. I have really horrible jokes.

" Ugh, don't even." he chuckles. "Hey. So how long is this training gonna be?" Kai asks the old man. He only looks at the tiredsome teenager, and says," Patience."

When we reach the top, a huge monastery is revealed. It was beautiful. The doors automatically opened.

Woah. Creepy much?

"You are ready when you are ready." he simply states. "Not a minute sooner."

Kai enters the monastery, panting his heart out.

"Wow, you have a lovely home." I say to the old man.

"Thank you Y/n. Very kind of you." he smiles to me.

" A monastery? You expect me to learn and fight in a place of peace?" Kai asked confused. " Not fight. Traaaiiin." Wu pauses." To become a ninja, first you must be able to see what others do not."

"No offesnse, Sensei Wu, but there's nothing to train with." I try to say without being rude.

The old man gives me an Oh really? look as he tilts his head. He hits a golden dragon stand with this staff, and the statue falls back. A red button reveals itself within the dragon. Wu presses the button, and wouldn't you know it? A training course pops right out. "Woah." exclaims Kai. "Is this what's gonna teach us that awesome move?" I excitedly ask him. Kai jumps on one of the wooden pillars and starts doing martial art poses. I let out a giggle. It started to lower farther and farther down, which made me silence my laughter, and raise my eyebrows in curiosity.

Wu and I only watch while Kai looks down, concerned. "Oh dear."

Kai was launched into the sky, coming back down, and hitting the top of the swinging punching bags. "Ooh. Are you okay?"

I couldn't hold it in. I burst in laughter. I hold my hand out for him , as he pulls me down to the ground with him. We all get in a fit of laughter, when Sensei Wu gives us his first directions. "Complete the training course before I finish my tea." he sets down his napkin on his lap," then, we will see if either of you are ready."

He pours his tea into his cup, and starts sipping loudly. Kai and I only watch him. Highly confused. As he finishes drinking his tea, he puts it down and says the unexpected. "Today, you failed." he backflips to the door behind him. "Tomorrow, you will try again."

"Failed?! But I didn't even start t-" Sensei closes his door. Leaving both me, and Kai in shock. "What in ninjago...?" I say.

"Pshh. Whatever. Cmon, let's go figure out where we're staying."

"Hey." I said to get Kai's attention. He looked at me with sad eyes. " We'll save her. And that's a promise."

He looks at me, without the sad eyes, but rather with hopeful ones. He chuckles." Pinky promise?" I nod.

"Pinky promise." I giggle slightly. "Haha.....thanks Y/n."


Before we leave, I hear Wu say again, " Patience."

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