The Golden Weapons ( Part two )

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( Cole's Pov )

I looked for a way out of this mess. I mean, I'm the leader for Pete's sake! I can get us out.....

I gulp.


Samukai raises his swords. We all close our eyes, bracing ourselves for the blades impact. We hear grunts and someone clear their throat.

We opened our eyes and saw something none of would ever guess.

"Y/n!" we all say with wide smiles.

She stood there with the Golden Fans in her hands, grinning widely.

Kai got up as fast as lightning, and gave her a huge hug.

(Y/n's Pov)

"It's good to have you back (N/n)." Kai whispers in my right ear.

I look at all the smiling ninjas, and responded back to the red ninja. "Thanks Kai. It's good to be back." I pull away to reveal a blushing Kai. "What's the matter, Kai? Am I.....too epic for you?" I giggle, striking a pose with my Golden Fans. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something white move. "Ugh, they're still awake. Okay, follow my lead." I say. They all nod, except for Cole who hesitates. "Sorry, Cole. It'll only be temporary." He nods in agreement.

We ran through all the remaining skeleton foe, eliminating the ones in our way. I lead the way, and strike them with my earth powers, making the ground shake and jumble up the bones of our enemies.

In the sky, we saw the dragon circling above us, shooting ice shards down on us. Along with fire, lightning, and other various elements.

As we nearly reached the end of the forest, Samukai jumped in front of us. Blocking our way.

"You're not getting away that easily. And you." he points at me, " Where are you going? You aren't off the hook just yet, missy."

"Oh, yeah? How's this for off the hook!" I click my fans to my back, and shoot sound waves off of my hands, launching him into one of the nearby trees.

We use this to our advantage to make a run for it, and dash back to Sensei Wu.


(3rd pov)

Sensei Wu and all of the ninja surrounded the fire. Cole on the drums, Kai, Zane, and Jay dancing, Sensei watching, and Y/n sitting in a tree, looking at the stars. She swayed to the music Cole played off of his drum, and closed her eyes. She leaned back and rested her head on the branches. Her foot bouncing to the beat. While she was lost in thought, little did she know, someone had climbed up to join her.

The crunching of leaves had caught her attention, and she turned around to find the white ninja. "Not going to join us?" he politely questioned me.

"I will. Eventually. I was just studying the stars. They always had a comforting feeling whenever I looked up at them. Like I was being watched over. It really helped me move on over the years, especially after--" she pauses, choking up. "You were saying?" Zane tries to get her to continue in the nicest way possible.

"It's fine. I've said too much. You probably don't wanna hear it anyways."

A tear falls out of her eye, freezing half way down her cheek. She quickly wipes it off and sniffs.

She turns to leave when a cold yet, warm hand reaches out for her arm, stopping her from leaving. She takes a moment to look into his icey eyes.

"Who said I didn't?" he warmly smiles.

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