A Hybrid's Tale (ninjago x re...

By anon13mus

79.8K 1.5K 2.1K

Originally from Quotev... A girl who possesses many elements is taken in by a strange man offering a life of... More

Masters of Spinjitzu (Part One)
Masters of Spinjitzu : Your New Family (Part two)
The Golden Weapons
The Golden Weapons ( Part two )
Rise of the Snakes
Never Trust a Snake
Can of Worms
Snake King
Tick Tock
Powerful Secrets
Once Bitten Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
Green Ninja
All of Nothing
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope
The Return of the Overlord
The Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist

Rise of the Great Devourer

1.5K 45 32
By anon13mus

(3rd person pov)

It was a stormy day, dark clouds and thunder surrounded the ship. Kai, Jay, and Nya all sat around at a table with the Fang Blades. "Why is it that the Torchfire Mountain is the only place that can destroy the Fang Blades?" Nya questioned.

"Because, the Fang Blades are made from the original teeth of the Great Devourer. They're so strong, they can only break in extraordinary heat." Kai answers.

"Can someone pass the salt?" Jay asked. Suddenly, the ship rocked harshly, and and the salt shaker slid right to him. "Hey, thanks." He winked at Nya.

Cole barged in, and had a greenish tint over his face. "Please. No one talk about food."

The ship continued to bounce and move, thunder also heard. Cole tilted and leaned around the door. "How much longer until we get there?"

"Not long." Jay answered with a concerned face. "Hey Cole, you're looking a little green over there. How you like a mucous salt sandwich?" He smirked while raising his sandwich in the air.

Cole takes one look at the sandwich, and holds his mouth, rushing to the railings. Jay laughs out loud, and continues. "Hahaha. Speaking of green, who would've guessed little Lloyd Garmadon turned out to be the Green Ninja?"

Nya nodded. "I know. He was such a brat at first, it's hard to believe he'll gonna become the greatest ninja that ever lived..."

"Where is that runt?" Kai harshly cleared his throat.


(Y/n's pov)

Training equipment popped out from the ground, and Lloyd and I trained. He was trying to teach himself Spinjitzu, even thought I advised him not to. I decided to stay with him so I could watch him and make sure he didn't accidentally hurt himself.

He pulled his ninja gi hood on, and narrowed his eyes at the equipment.

"Serpentine, it's time I Spinjitzu you back into the filthy holes you came from." Lloyd said.

I rolled my eyes at his attempted heroism, and chuckled. "Ninja kick! Tiger claw! Ninjaaaa go!"

He spun in a circle, then tripped over the spinning punching bags. He flipped over, and was thrown into the machines. Finally, the machines stop hitting him, and he sits up. I contain my giggles, and reach out for him. "Haha. You oka-" I pause to widen my eyes.

I throw my fist to punch him, but he swiftly caught it. Pythor laughed at my failed attempt, and smiled. He let go of my fist and became invisible.

"What a joke." He cackled. Lloyd rushed up and ran to me. "Y-Y/n? What's Pythor doing here?"

"Trespassing." I reply.

We frantically look around for the invisible snake, when Lloyd and I are lifted from the ground by his hands. He strangled me while he grabbed Lloyd's shirt collar.

"You were always a boy who chased stupid dreams." He cackled. I felt his attention turn to me as he spoke. "And you. You're just a waste of flesh who will never belong. You will always be a useless, abnormal, hybrid." He slithered.

I grunted as he held my throat, and tried kicking him.

"Let....go...of Lloyd...you.....you...slithering...sack of sc-scales....." I said through my teeth. He became visible again, and slithered towards the door. "You think I'd allow you ninja to steal the Fang Blades from me?" He smirked. He transferred me to his tail, as he wrapped Lloyd onto a punching bag. "You'll never get away with this!" He shouted. He continued to shout, but became muffled when a piece of duct tape was placed over his mouth.

"Oh tsk tsk tsk. I wouldn't worry about that. As they say, out of sight, out of mind." He smirked and placed duct tape over my mouth, carrying me out.

I heard Lloyd's shouts of protest before Pythor dragged me out, and shutting the door. He became invisible, making my appearance disappear too.

"Any word that comes out of that filthy mouth of yours will be a push and shove to the ninja. I know you won't say anything. Your compassion is too overwhelming." He made a gagging sound.

I did as he said, and kept my noise level down. As he slithered down the halls, the PA system went off.

"Will everyone please place their seats back and their tray tables in the full upright and locked position? We haven reached our destination, Torchfire Mountain."

I grunted and struggled to get free, but Pythor wasn't having it. "Stop moving, or I'll throw your pretty little head off of the ship."

"Hmph." I pouted. There wasn't really much I could do except sit there and play hostage. "Now you'll tell me where the Fang Blades are, and I can let you go." He grumbled.

I violently shook my head. No way was I gonna give up the Blades just like that! Especially to someone like him. "Well then. Looks like you won't be hearing the word free for a while now, won't you?"

I furrow my eyebrows in anger. His attempt in trying to intimidate me wasn't going to work. He slithers into a room, and grabs a huge stone hammer, and we come back out. He raises the hammer, and I widen my eyes, shouting in protest.

He throws it at the control panel, making the whole ship tilt. As soon as we open the door to the deck, Lloyd's voice echoes on the PA system. "Pythors on board!"

To my surprise, everyone was hanging off of a wooden board over the flaming magma. Pythor hides me behind his back, as he slithers towards the Blades on the deck. He picks them up, and chuckles, gathering the ninjas attention.

"Sorry if I don't lend a hand, but I really am in a rush. Got this whole Devourer thing going on. Haha, toodaloo." He smirks. I shuffle around in his tail, and he stops as if he had suddenly remembered something. "Oh, and one more thing,"

Everyone looks up to him, giving a, what now? look.

He evilly chuckled, and moved his body so they could see me in my "kidnapped" state. "Y/n!" They all gasped. I moved my face so I could barely see them. My messed up hair was all up in my face.

"hmm yes. I didn't want her to leave without saying goodbye. I mean, what kind of monster would I be if I didn't?" He evilly smirked.

He turns around, and Lloyd stands in the way. "Where do you think you're going?"

Pythor scoffs. "A bit cliche, don't you think? The future Green Ninja, heroically stopping the serpentine from unleashing the Great Devourer, but also saving the damsel in distress."

I make a noise through the tape to show my shock and anger. I was not a damsel! And I sure as heck not in distress.

I try to get our If his grip, but fail.

I think....

"Uhh, cliche?" Lloyd confusingly asked. The snake only shook his head. "I wouldn't expect a child to understand."

"Hey! I've grown up a lot!" Lloyd shouts while putting his hood over his head. He takes his wooden staff, and charges towards the purple snake.

He takes a small strike to Pythor, as the snake simply takes a step away, dodging the attack. "Hmm. Puny strength, no fundamentals, sloppy foot work. You think you can defeat me?" He smirks.

Lloyd sits up, and smiles. "I'm not trying to defeat you, I'm just trying to keep you busy until the calvary arrives."

He points behind Pythor, and Nya comes flying down in her exo suit. Pythor lowers down in fear, and starts whimpering as Nya walks closer and closer to him.

I smile under the tape, and silently cheer for them. Lloyd jumps into the air, and kicks Pythor straight in the face. That causes the snake and I to stumble back into a wall as Lloyd cheered in proudness. "Haha, I did it guys! I hit him! Did you see that Y/n?!"

I try to nod, but the grip on his tail tightens. Nya attempts to grab Pythor, but the longer he dodges her metal arms, the more amused he becomes.

"Oh, as much as I would like to play with your overgrown toys, we have a ride to catch." Pythor smiles. He slithers and then slides off the edge, and we fall off into the sky. I hear the guys shouting my name, when we land on a small platform. Hard.

I find out we're flying on one of the serpentines air crafts, when I hear Scales voice. "So long, sssuckers!"

The helicopter dives down, and flies away. "The city of Ouroboros is miles away. This rattlercopter will never make it there in time." Pythor complained.

"Well, we'd probably get there fassster if you didn't bring along the extra weight. Why did you bring the girl along, anywayss?" He asked.

My tape had loosened a bit after the fight with Lloyd, so after hearing that absurd comment from that blue snake, I just said what I had to say.

"Extra weight?! At least I don't drag a bloody tail with me wherever I go. And yeah, why do you need me?" I frustratedly asked.

He only rolled his eyes at me, and pulled out more tape. Where the heck was he getting all this stuff?!

"Because, dear Y/n, you seem to have a very special connection to those boys. And I intend to use your relationship as and advantage on my part. If you are to be my lovely hostage, it will do me a great favor in luring those meddlesome ninja into a trap." He says while cutting the tape and placing it back on my mouth.

I hummed in protest while Scales continued to speak. "About returning to Ouroboros, we've already made preparations."

"What preparations?"

The copter neared what seemed to be a tour bus. Serpentine soldiers guarding the sides. "I take it you're pleased?"

"Very. Very pleased, Scales." Pythor grinned.

The dust from the helicopter blades caused the tourists to fall and cough. I see a little boy through a window pointing at me and talking. I see them being kicked off, and fearfully watch as the snakes board the busses.

"A ninja! What are they going to do?" The same boy widens his eyes and turns to his mother. The mom only wears a worried face as I give her a reassuring one. I make eye contact with her, and look up to the Bounty full of ninja. She looks up to it, and nods to me as I'm shoved on board with the snakes.

"Next stop, Ouroboros." Pythor smiles. The bus pulls away, and drives down the rocky path. "Um is this some sort of special trip?" The driver questioned. I roll my eyes at the oblivious man, and activate my form ability. I transformed myself into a Venomari soldier while they weren't paying attention.

I shuffled around to catch Pythors attention, and when I did, he looked at me with a confused expression. "What? Where did you come from?!"

I only make muffled noises, when he quickly rips off the tape. "Ow. The girl....she essscaped. Her skillsss too ssstrong." I slurred my s's to make a convincing performance. "Why that little..." he grumbled.

He untied me, and slithered away, in search of....well me. I got up, and walked around the crowded compartments of snakes, confidently staring ahead.

Before reaching the last compartment of the train, Pythors voice was heard around on he speakers. "If you look off to your left, and behind you, you'll find the ninja. So annoying. Man your stations, chaps! Lets make sure we give them the ride of a lifetime!"

I watched as he snakes stood up, and onto the roofs. I looked out the window, and saw the ninja gaining up on us. I smiled, and rushed out the last door, switching back to myself. The train transformed into a snake-mobile, making me cringe at the scale insides.

The door opens, and I wave to them. "Guys! Over here!" I say as I clutch the sides of the door frame. Zane spots me, and zooms quickly towards the train. I walk across the tail, and hold on to the spikes.

"Y/n! Grab on!" He held a hand out for me to grab. I reached out to hold on, when I was pulled back, and the door in front of me slammed close. "Thinking we could escape, did we?" Pythor narrows his eyes.

He dragged me back to the front of the train, and chains me to the poles. "Seriously? Where are you gettin all this stuff from?" I question.

He ignores me, as Scales makes an observation.

"We're running out of time. If the ninja stop us from getting to the city of Ouroboros, we may never awaken the Great Devourer."

Pythor looks annoyed as he faces the Hypnobrai General. "Don't lecture me. Faster!"

"I can't. If I drive any faster, the engine could explode!" The driver informed.

"Fine. Then I'll do it. Get out." Pythor scoffed. "Now?"


He opened the side door, and immediately jumped out. I gasped, and watched as he landed on the ground, pouting.

"Dont let them reach the front." Pythor warned. "I'll personally see to it myself." Scales nodded. As he exited the compartment, Pythor stepped on the gas further with his tail.

"Pythor, stop. If that thing blows up, you're risking everyone's lives." I said. Obviously, he didn't listen.

"Oh hush, child. Everything is under control." He shushed me. I looked over to my left to see all the compartment monitors. Each showing different battles of the ninja and snakes. At one point, the were in the car right behind mine. I eagerly anticipated their arrival, when I saw Kai. He seemed to be talking, when Sensei jumped in front, and used his bamboo staff to disconnect the carts.

What was he thinking?

I silently watched, as Sensei peeked though the window, and widened his eyes as he saw me chained to the poles. I glanced at Pythor to make sure he didn't notice, and motioned for him to come inside. He walked inside, and caught the attention of Pythor.

"This ends now!" Sensei shouted.

"So be it." Pythor growled as the two battled. The snake tried to slash the old man with his staff, only to be deflected by Sensei golden Spinjitzu. He continuously tried to hit the old man, but it was no use. Finally, Pythor had successfully knocked him out of his tornado, and choked him with his staff.

"No! Sensei!" I shouted, squirming even more. My hands ignited with fire, and melted the chains. When I was finally free, I walked over to the snake to teach him a lesson.

As Pythor lowered his head to bite off Sensei's, I jumped up and spun around, kicking his head. Pythor fell to the side, and held his head in pain.

Sensei stood up, and we stood back to back. I brandished my fans, as he revealed his staff. "Cmon Sensei. Lets show this lizard what it is a girl and her Sensei can do."

Right before we engaged contact with the snake, the bus tilted to the side, and Sensei pushed me to the side, making me land on a soft chair, while he was thrown into a hard wall.

"Sen....Sensei!" I shouted. My vision became slightly blurry, as the bus slowed to a stop. I rushed to Sensei's side. I put his arm around my shoulder as I helped him up.

"Come...come on, Sensei. We need to stop Pythor from reaching the statue. I'm not...im not leaving you." I say as I support Sensei's weak body. When we arrive, Pythor stood before the statue, a green venom like liquid surrounded him.

"What have you done?!" Sensei shouted.

Pythor evilly smiled at the two of us. "Dont you see? Releasing the Great Devourer is the only way to get back at the people of Ninjago for locking my kind underground for all those years. We should've been the ones ruling the surface. Not you."'He said with great envy.

"Pythor! That was the past! Our ancestors only did what they thought was right! I'm sure if you put and end to this, the serpentine don't have to be feared or disliked! Times have changed!" I try to reason with him.

"Pfft. And I'm just supposed to believe that? It's too late, anyways. My mind is made up. And so is the Great Devourers appetite." Pythor cackled.

"You're playing a game with power that cannot be controlled. It'll consume everything, even the serpentine." Sensei said. The statue of the Great Devourer cracked and crumbled. Pythor gasping and smiling. "Unleash, Great Devourer and be free to do my bidding. For I have awakened you!"

"Pythor you idiot! Didn't you hear us? The snake is going to eat you! There's no way of controlling it!" I shouted. He only ignored me, and smirked at the falling statue.

Suddenly, the statue completely collapsed, and Pythors was left in shock. "No! No! If it isn't in the statue, then where is it?!"

We looked down to see the huge monstrosity slithering up from the underground. I open my mouth to say something, when Sensei speaks up. "Y/n, there is something I need you to know. I am sorry for your past, and wish I could stay longer for your future. But I can't deny my fate, and that is why, I'm going to say it now.............you were always the daughter I never had."

I widen my eyes at that comment, as he pushes me out of the way, and my body goes numb. I can only hear ringing, as the Great Devourer arises from the ground. The ninja appear to my side, and Kai rushes to me.

All I remember, is trying to get back to my Sensei, but a hand grabbing my arm preventing me. I turn to see a sorrow Kai, and I turn back to Sensei.

"Y/n, we have to go."

"But Sensei! I...I have to go back!" I choke. He pulls me harder, and I watch as the snake engulfs my Sensei, my only real father figure......gone forever.



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