By NilaKeis

284K 14.6K 1.7K

I wont's write much about this story because I want you to enjoy Arnav's and Khushi's journey. So there is no... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
The Winner is

Chapter 54

2.8K 180 23
By NilaKeis

Chapter 54

Mahendra Singh Raizada was one old, but still strong and proud man. The way he stood in front of the door, his legs firm on the ground, showed how much power he still wore inside him. He didn't look as he would back off and Anjali wasn't pleased to see him on the door.

He walked one step inside and Lavanya was still behind him looking at Anjali. Khushi could see everyone and all feelings in their faces.

>>You? What are you doing here, uncle?<<

His eyes traveled to Khushi and he answered Anjali's question.

>>I came for my daughter.<<

>>Did he send you?<<


Mahendra answered without hesitation and it was glass clear whom Anjali meant, when she mentioned the word he.

Anjali's uncle walked now fully inside and Lavanya walked to Khushi.

>>Khushi. I am so happy to see you again.<<

Khushi was happy to see her but she was just irritated that Lavanya was here. How did Lavanya knew where to find her? Was she here for Khushi or someone else? And who is the daughter of this old man?

Khushi's eyes moved to him and she saw his glance directed at her. He started to walk, his eyes never leaving her. They were observing and curious, but not unfriendly. He looked like a man who knew what he wanted and take it. Khushi wasn't scared, but she was careful when it came to new faces and also careful, when she sees, old faces from her past again.

There was always a risk to get hurt.


Anjali wasn't happy to see her uncle here. The things between them weren't the best anymore and she didn't like him around Khushi. She feared he would come for her and here he was, one day later, ready to snatch Khushi away.

For an outsider it's too difficult to understand their complicated relationship. After Anjali's mother suicide, Anjali and Arnav didn't want to have much contact to their father. They blamed him for their mother's loss and weren't ready to understand him.

It's sad but their own uncle. Their mother's own brother, showed this understanding for their father. It didn't go well with Anjali and Arnav. Anjali never forgave and married Shiyam as soon as possible, to become independent. She loved her husband but she needed to be able to leave uncle Mahendra. After a simple wedding, Anjali explained everything to Shiyam and amazing as her new husband was, he understood her. That was the reason she loved him so deeply. Then when she moved out and took Arnav with her, she could finally create a good life for her small family, without the ghosts of the past. Her uncle tried often to keep contact with them, but Anjali refused any of this.

She couldn't understand uncle Mahendra and his way of thinking. She couldn't understand how her own uncle, brother of her death mother, have any understanding for their cheating father.

Sadly, Arnav decided to rebuild some relationship with him.


Mahendra Singh Raizada looked at the girl who was now his new family member. His eyes run down to her stomach and looked at any traces of her pregnancy. Of course he knew it because his nephew told him everything on the phone.

Arnav told him about the pregnancy and what happened before she left him. Mahendra knew already what happened three years ago and he hoped for the future for them, but it seemed the destiny wasn't kind to this two.

Arnav told him what to do and he got his instructions. All he needed to do it to create friendly and trustworthy relationship with Arnav's wife and take her with him to her new home. It was simple but complicated at the same time. The girl Arnav send to his house hugged Khushi and showed some real feelings towards her. She was obviously very glad to see Khushi and Mahendra would not forget her kind behavior. Everyone who behaved good with his family, will get his respect and this girl Lavanya got just a lot of it.

He stood now in front of them and waited for the girl to let go of Khushi, so that he could take a chance and talk about the future.

In the moment Lavanya let go of Khushi, Mahendra saw the tension in her eyes. He didn't like to talk unnecessary, so he tried to concentrate on direct conversation without all this around the bush.

He placed his hand on Khushi's head and gave her his blessings without any hesitation. Mahendra saw how confused she was, but she didn't hit his hand away and he was glad about this. His hand still on her head, Khushi looked deeply in his eyes with questions in her face and intended to answer some of them with pure honesty.

>>I am Arnav's and Anjali's uncle. My name is Mahendra Singh Raizada. You can call me uncle or dad. I am going to call you my daughter.<<

Her glance moved from Lavanya to Arnav's uncle and back. It seemed like she wanted to hear from Lavanya how to react. Lavanya came late in the night and she slept already in his house. She was extremely friendly and fresh. Manorama, Mahendra's wife liked her immediately and opened her heart for this girl. Mahendra truly hoped his wife would open her heart for Khushi too.

Manorama knew only few about their past but enough to want Khushi in her house.

>>I am here to take you with me. Your mother is waiting at home for you and is very excited to meet you, Khushi.<<

Khushi continued to stay silent. It was ok. Mahendra knew that she rarely talked to anyone.

Anjali stepped in between and her face showed how unpleased she was.

>>You can't take her with you. She just came back with us. You can't force her.<<

His eyes moved to Anjali and once again he realized how deep the dig was between them. She still didn't forgave him for understanding her father. He looked down to hide his feelings and shook his head slowly. The thing with young people is that they are too fragile for the complexity of this world. They have been raised to live in a perfect world with perfect people. They have been taught from their parents to believe in perfect way of life.

The truth is, that the life was far away from being perfect.

Back in the time he and his sister married, young people have very less to say who to marry and spend the life with. Your family decided and you have to do what they want you to do. It was same rule for girls and boys. While Mahendra got the pleasure to met his soulmate, his sister has only bad luck in her relationship. They tried hard to keep it together, but failed. Maybe his sister loved him more than he loved her, but it could also be, that she felt responsible and forced to be together with her husband because she was married. Girls have always been taught to respect their parent's decisions and in the time they married, it was so that girls and even boys didn't get any say in their future. It was the family who decided who is the life partner. Not the kids.

As much he understood his sister and her high values, Mahendra also understood the want to be free of the society and everything else that force people to push themselves into the system. He understood how hard it could be for someone to live in a relationship with someone with whom you are unable to create the connection.

>>I know that you booked a flight to States with your husband. You planned to stay for two months. Do you really want to leave her here alone?<<

Anjali was stunned but got her feelings very fast under control.

>>What I do, or not, is none of your business. I don't think I need to explain anything to you.<<

Mahendra didn't want to argue with Anjali. She was too much into the defense modus, so he directed his words to Khushi.

>>I am here because I wanted to meet you. You are the new family member and I wanted to invite you personally to your home. I know this all is maybe too much at the moment and I would gladly give you time to adjust to the new situation, but it's not possible. From today is SR and everything what belonged to Arnav, yours. You can do as you please. If you want to sell everything it's your right. Whatever your decision is, we will respect this.<<

>>But, before you take your decision, I need to tell you that the responsibility is yours too. I am old my child and I can't take care of the whole company alone. And even if I could, I would not be able because whatever decision I made, it needed to be covered with your sign and agreement.<<

>>I wish I could give your more time since you came back yesterday, but too many people are going to end hungry and on the streets if there is no one who takes care of the business.<<

He saw how Khushi became pale like a sheets.

She walked few steps back and since Mahendra knew about her pregnant state, he didn't want to upset her.

>>Try to relax Khushi. You know why you need to calm down.<<

His eyes moved to her belly and he saw when he connected his eyes again with Khushi's that she realized, he knew about the baby.

Anjali spoke in between.

>>You can't come here and take Khushi away. She just came back with us to Lucknow.<<

He knew all this, but he wanted Khushi with him and his wife. It was Arnav's order and wish and Mahendra was going to do everything to fulfill it.

>>We have a lot to do and you too need to prepare everything for the small one. I request you to come with me. I promise, you will not regret your decision, Khushi.<<

Anjali wanted to interfere, but Mahendra didn't allow her to speak. Before she could say one word he spoke.

>>Anjali are going to be away for months. I don't think you can take Khushi with you. Or do you want to cancel the trip?<<

Anjali saw guilty to Khushi.

>>We already paid the tickets and I can take Khushi with me.<<

>>I don't think Khushi should travel so far away from her home in her state.<<

>>What state?<<

Anjali looked very concerned to Khushi. It was then Mahendra who spoke.

>>And you know, she needs and passport. How much time do this take?<<

The two sentences he said to Anjali were distracting. Anjali didn't think about Khushi's state anymore, but more about her missing papers. This could really create problems and she would not be able to come with them.

Mahendra used the moment and continued.

>>Khushi can stay with us till you come back, Anjali. We could clear everything and then she can decide what to do and where to go. I need her to sign some papers and make decisions.<<

>>Too many people are going to lose too much, if we do not take care of the business.<<

Mahendra turned around and wanted to leave. He hoped that Khushi make one good decision about the future and of course decide to come with him.

He heard Lavanya speaking to her and walked intentional slowly to give her more time.

It was his last chance and Mahendra knew, he would have to come tomorrow if Khushi doesn't come with him today. It was hard and he was too old for this action, but it have to be done. Family is most important this world and this girl was his daughter. Mahendra knew before he even met Khushi, he would do everything for her.

It was then Khushi who spoke and stopped him.

>>I want to work. I can take care of myself. I just need to find and job and I am gone.<<

He stopped to walk and turned around.

>>You already have one job. You are a head of SR imperium. The future and lives are in your hands. If you don't take care, than people are going to lose their jobs, live on the streets and be hungry. I can't wait any longer. Arnav was too long away from Lucknow and the business here suffered enough. I have to sell it, but I can't. Arnav gave everything, including SR Company to Khushi Singh Raizada who is obviously you.

You can probably understand my problem.<<

>>My hands are bonded and I can't do nothing to protect all this women and their children from ending on the streets and I think you my child know better than anyone else what this means.<<

He turned around again and wanted just to shout back that he was going to come back tomorrow, to give her time to think about everything, when Khushi called him.



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