Grave Keeper

By PenguinKiwi

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All for One is gone, Gray still walks the earth as a Servant. The next Chapter to Class 1-A's lives is about... More

Grave Keeper: Chapter 1
Grave Keeper: Chapter 2
Grave Keeper: Chapter 3
Grave Keeper: Chapter 4
Grave Keeper: Chapter 5
Grave Keeper: Chapter 6
Grave Keeper: Chapter 7
Grave Keeper: Chapter 8
Grave Keeper: Chapter 9
Grave Keeper: Chapter 10
Grave Keeper: Chapter 11
Grave Keeper: Chapter 12
Grave Keeper: Chapter 13
Grave Keeper: Chapter 14
Grave Keeper: Chapter 15
Grave Keeper: Chapter 17
Grave Keeper: Chapter 18- Finale

Grave Keeper: Chapter 16

56 2 0
By PenguinKiwi

I've been grinding the event and forgot to post again.


The pain from her side was intense and if she had been a normal, living human, she would have certainly be on the way to death. She could hear Toshinori yelling in the back of her mind as Add slipped from her hands.

Nighteye gazed up at her in frozen horror and blood welled up from her lips as she coughed. The red liquid spattered his glasses, but he didn't seem to care.

What rotten luck.

First the Quirk Bullets and now this? She needed to remember to stop getting into trouble like this the next time she walked the earth.

Her eyes focused on the green and yellow haired man near her and she smiled.

"H... hey... I'm glad... I could change what I saw..." she managed, blood dripping from her mouth. She could hear Chisaki crowing about something. "You... should leave it all to Circe now... Don't worry... I'm not going die from this... It hurts... but no vital organs... aah- b- but you have to live..."

She took a painful gasp of air before she raised her hand up. Circe dove down, uttering an apology before she grasped her hand, pulling up and, with a cry of pain, Gray was freed.

Unsteady, but on her feet, the Assassin picked Add back up, panting and trembling.

"If it means stopping death..."

Circe had said that and she was glad she had. Unlike what she had given Mirio and drank herself, Gray had been given a mix of potions.

And it would only work once on her body.

She felt the muscle and vessels knitting themselves back together now that there was nothing obscuring the wound. She slowly calmed her breathing. She felt the rush of a Command Seal from Toshinori and she knew that her flesh had knitted back over her exposed side. Toshinori, she knew, was watching through one of Circe's tools... he was a quick thinker, to use the Command Seal so quickly in order to heal her.

"It seems you underestimate Witches and my Master," the Assassin said as she said, managing a small smirk through her pain, she spun Add before she shifted her stance— eyes level and challenging the Villain before her. Chisaki snarled before launching spires in her direction.

Circe swooped down as the two clashed, breaking the spire that kept Nighteye from moving with her staff. She picked the man up and flew back to the rest of the group, dumping him at Aizawa's feet.

"Gray told me what she saw," she said as she landed, watching the Assassin leap and bound through the spires. "I'm not much of a frontline fighter, so if one of you young men can help Gray while I patch up Nighteye...?"

Midoriya took up the challenge, leaping into battle with the girl without a second thought. Circe hummed, kneeling down by Nighteye.

"When we entered into battle, I made Mirio drink something," she told him, gently taking his arm and glancing over the wound. "It was a protection potion. I studied the drug and while it's not going to be in effect immediately, he will get his Quirk back eventually... oh my, this will be difficult..."

She hummed, frowning a bit before she weaved a few basic healing spells. It was enough to stop the bleeding and knit some of the nerves and muscles together, but she was a master of transfiguration and poisons— Chiron was the healer, and as much as she hated to admit it, this was something beyond her with only her magic. Had she had more potions, then it would have been a different story.

A loud rumbling made her look up as the ceiling caved in, the large form of the Shie Hassaikai Ryukyu had been fighting was sent through it. Ryukyu followed, still transformed and Circe sighed.

"Looks like villains get to explain things but I don't," she grumbled before she stood. "Right now I can't do anything for your arm. I only prepared enough potions for Gray and myself. But combined with the Command Seal All Might used and the regeneration potion I gave Gray, well, Servants are durable, after all."

Her wings shimmered before they extended and the Pro Hero stared.

What was thought to be wings were not actually such at all, but a Mystic Code in the shape of falcon's wings. The Caster had grafted them to her Circuits a long time ago, but the inside still glowed with magic runes, seeming to shimmer and change between pinks, blues, and purples.

"Now watch!" she said before she took off, grabbing Gray's outstretched hand and taking her high into the sky. Midoriya took the hint, grabbing the two girls that fell with the Shie Hassaikai member before he bounded out of the way. Ryukyu looked up before she shrunk and got out of there as well. Chisaki was distracted, however, gazing up at them before he slammed his hand into the large villain near him, absorbing the man into his own body somehow before it contorted and changed again.

He had already been pretty gross before, but to see him fuse with the other Shie Hassaikai member?

It was repulsive in Circe's eyes.

Circe flew faster, higher, and out of reach as Chisaki's new form toppled buildings and the ground groaned from under him. He was monstrous and repulsive as he sent spires of earth their way and as the wind whipped past the Caster's ears.

Higher, higher, higher!

Gray's hair came undone, the silver strands loose and flowing in the wind as Circe carried her higher still. A pillar of earth nicked her mystic-code wings, but she didn't stop. She couldn't stop until they were high enough.

And then they were there. High above the city's skyline. The sky was a wonderful blue and Circe looked down at Gray.

The two Servants' eyes met before she let go of the Assassin.


Gray twisted her body as she fell, holding Add tightly. She was high enough that her Phantasm wouldn't kill Chisaki, or anyone else, but close enough that he would wish he were dead. His new form was repulsive and insanely large, but that would hopefully lessen the blow on the surrounding area.

"When I looked into Eri's eyes, I realized something!" She cried as the wind rushed past her face. "She was just like me all those years ago! Her head hanging down with her knees to her chest! Curled in the corner of a room for all this time!"

She could see Eri and the others peering up for her as she descended on the pillars and spires that Chisaki was flinging upwards towards them. She wasn't sure why she was talking, but something inside of her told her that she needed to.

"A girl who had never been asked, who had never asked herself what she wanted to do!" she continued before her voice raised even more. "Eri! Nobody will know if you don't tell them! So tell me, Eri! What is it you want!?"

Below her, the white-haired child's eyes widened.

"I want..." she started softly before she raised her voice. "I WANT TO LIVE! I WANT TO BE FREE!" the child cried to the sky and that was all Gray needed to hear. Her eyes sparked, before green was enveloped with orange and she brought her arm back, holding Add behind her as she plummeted towards Chisaki.

"About time!" Add crowed before his voice changed. "Pseudo-Personality suspended. Mana yield exceeds regulation. Second stage restraint rescinded. Seal Thirteen... Decision, start!"

"This is a Lance filled with Prayer," Gray chanted as Add glowed in her hand. "A prayer consolidated into thirteen shapes! I will not bow my head, but listen to the prayers that thirteen people prayed in history!"

"Third Stage Restraint rescinded," Add spoke and she raised him above her, the code transforming into the sacred lance

"Grave for you." She murmured. "Old Mystics, Exterminate sweet Mysteries. All will return to the void!"

"Return Eri to me!" Chisaki snarled as she lowered her arm towards the madman. She didn't know why he followed, but his mind had been lost. His focus of attack was on Gray and so he followed her to the sky to take Eri, despite the fact that the girl was not with her or Circe.

"Sacred lance, releasing restraints!"

On the ground below her, she saw them.

Nighteye, holding his now useless arm.

Mirio, whose Quirk would remain gone for a long time.

Eri, crying as she clutched onto Midoriya.

She saw Uraraka and Ryukyu and Asui. Nejire and Aizawa. She saw the golden light of the Holy Spear reflected in their eyes as Circe flew above her.

It was like another hand was guiding her and she could feel the anger that Toshinori held towards Chisaki.

She steeled her resolve, pouring her power into her final strike.


With an explosion of light that rivaled the one that brought One for All down, the last thing that Chisaki saw was the rage of the gray-haired girl bathed in golden light.


Circe caught Gray as she fell, landing next to Eraserhead and Nighteye. Chisaki's fall was less graceful, the man plummeting to earth as the police began to swarm the area. The blast from the holy spear had separated the other Shie Hassaikai from the leader, the other landing in the rubble elsewhere for Ryukyuu to take care of. Circe doubted that he was still alive, but it wasn't her call to make.

Nighteye stumbled through the police and paramedics, ignoring them as they called for him, choosing instead to make his way over to the Caster and Assassin. Circe allowed him to take Gray from her, his good hand slowly but with a frantic sense of urgency checking the exhausted Assassin's pulse. Circe had to smile.

She could tell that without realizing it the quiet girl had created an odd family of many fathers. Eri would no doubt end up a part of that family as well.

Mirio slowly brought Eri over with Eraserhead and Midoriya.

"So that's it..." the Ereasure Hero said slowly, "Looks like the hidden problem child did it again."

"She's unnaturally strong, especially for an Assassin," Circe hummed. "But regrowing all that muscle and tendon must have done it in for her, not to mention letting loose a blast that powerful. I bet that the light could be seen for miles around. Still..."

She glanced aside at the green-haired man, who held the half-conscious girl close.

"I have a feeling that the real reason that she survived was because of her Master... Gray was so determined to keep Sir Nighteye alive, I'm sure he felt it as well," she continued before shaking her head. "Oh, well, Chiron might kill me, but that's not something I'll have to worry about right now. I could use a warm bath and a few other luxuries back on my Island right about now."

Eraserhead nodded, watching Nighteye and Gray as well before Mirio and Midoriya joined the turned the reunion into a hug, Gray gently pulling Eri in as well.

"So Mirio will keep his Quirk?" he asked finally and Circe hummed.

"I only had a few days to whip something up, but the potion I gave him should slowly rebuild his Quirk Factor. He'll have to retrain, of course, but he's a smart boy. It's all DNA after all!" She stood, stretching her wings out before she stretched herself.

She glanced back over to the Nighteye "family" with a small smile. "In a way, I felt like I understand the reason why people would want to remove Quirks. In the beginning, I hated Quirks, when they first appeared, you know? Like many Mages, I thought it was a mockery to our work. Like we had been cheated." She shook her head with a sigh. "But you're not all that bad. Every time period has good and bad people. But I don't plan on sticking around for too long, no I'd be considered too much of a villain by your world's standards. Too Chaotic, too sadistic. I much prefer the Mage life of walking the line between good and bad."

Aizawa seemed to be at a loss for words as she spoke, watching her as she used the end of her staff to carve runes into the ground.

"Chisaki is an interesting fellow. He's not exactly cute, so I don't think I would have joined him, but I might keep him!" she said before laughing at the Hero's startled expression. "I'm joking. Well, maybe. Honestly, that Tartarus place— fun name, by the way— isn't exactly the best place to house the worst of the worst. That's just asking for a breakout. I can at least put criminals to use on my Island."

"You've lost your mind," Aizawa sighed and she shrugged.

"Perhaps, but enough of that," she said as she finished drawing the runes. "One of your students, the pink one, she has a Gravity ability, right? Let's get everyone to the surface!" the Caster declared as a large slab of concrete was suddenly cut from the ground.

Aizawa nodded and walked off to go and gather the Nighteye group as she walked to Chisaki's prone form. She pulled a vial from her cloak before she poured it into his mouth.

Should he wake on the way to the station, he would be paralyzed.

That was the most she could do as of now.

She turned, smiling to Mirio and Midoriya as they walked to her, stepping onto the slab that would take them up. Gray was leaning against Nighteye, a smile on her face as she held Eri's hand.

"Let's go back to the surface."

And like that, we're slowly coming to a close in this series...

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