Heartbeat - The 8th Member [D...

By XxJimoutxX

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Eunmi has been there from the start. BTS was always an 8 member group. Follow Eunmi on her journey from audit... More



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By XxJimoutxX

A few days later we were all chilling in the house waiting to be picked up and taken to where our next "mission" awaits us.

"Hey Eunmi," a voice scared the absolute shit out of me and I turned round to face Jungkook, hand over my erratically beating heart.
"Oh my god, you just scared the shit out of me." I breathed out while calming myself down and Jungkook chuckled, "what's up?" I asked once I was good again.
"Can I talk to you?" He asked and I nodded, "in private maybe?" He whispered.
"Ahh, yeah, sure. Come on." I said and led him down to the gym.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked and Jungkook shifted nervously.
"I uhm, I don't want to seem too nosy or anything. But there's something that you're being the tiniest bit obvious about." He explained and I tilted my head.
"What am I being so obvious about?" I asked.
"I, well uhm, from a few weeks ago I've noticed you looking at uhm Jimin hyung an awful lot." Jungkook said, "you, you don't like him, do you?" He asked.

"Oh well, uhm..." I scratched the back of my neck nervously and he seemed to catch on.
"You do?" Jungkook asked and I shyly nodded.
"I'm trying to get rid of the feelings, though. I don't want to cause this group any problems." I admitted.
"Yeah, I was gonna try and suggest that without seeming too forcing. Since you're going to be setting me up with Erin, and I've noticed something different with the way Namjoon and Jin hyungs are acting, I just figured that less relationships would lessen the chance of being found out." Jungkook explained and I nodded. "You don't know if there's anything going on with Namjoon and Jin hyungs?" He asked and I laughed nervously.
"Yeah, they've been together for a little while. Don't tell anyone though, only you, Yoongi hyung and I know now." I admitted.

"Anyway, how are you planning to lose feelings for Jimin hyung?" He asked curiously.
"Uh well, Minki's kinda cute." I said shyly and he took a second to think.
"Isn't Minki that guy from school? Your friend?" Jungkook asked and I nodded. "You do know it's more normal for the boy to ask the girl out and not the other way round?" He asked and I chuckled while nodding. "So how do you plan on this?" He asked.
"When we get back to school could you possibly see if he likes anyone?" I asked, "please hyung?" I pleaded and he sighed.
"Fine. But don't hurt him if you can't get over hyung. Just end it if you still have feelings." Jungkook told me.
"I know hyung. I'd never hurt my friends." I smiled at him.
"What about me? Would you ever hurt me on purpose?" He asked.
"That's a difficult question." I sighed and he hit my shoulder. "Of course I wouldn't hurt you or any of the others on purpose. Accidentally is an entirely different story." I said and we laughed until we were cut off.

"Jungkook! Eunmi! We're going now!" Jin called for us and we hugged before racing back up to the main area.

"Great you're here. Let's go." Tony smiled and we headed out and back into the van.

Soon the van stopped next to a street and we had to get out to walk to wherever we were heading next. A few of the boys were handed basketballs and I took the random guess that a basketball court was where we were headed to.

When we arrived it was extremely warm and all I wanted to do was lay down and sleep. We introduced where exactly we were to whomever would watch the show.

"Suga hyung is the basketball player in Bangtan. What do you think about this place, hyung?" Namjoon asked Yoongi.
"The hoop hight is the height for an elementary kid." Yoongi replied.

So I doubt I'll be able to get anywhere near the hoop.

Short gang.

"I think I'll be able to dunk." Taehyung bravely stated, Jungkook soon telling him to have a go. Without hesitation, Taehyung ran for the hoop and actually held onto it.

"Eunmi won't be able to do it." Jimin laughed and I hit his arm.
"Yah! Neither will you." I fired back making him laugh even more.

"Today, we're gonna spilt up into two teams." Tony interrupted the madness that was going on. Nate and him were picking the teams, I wonder which teams would like midgets like Jimin and I. They played rock, paper, scissors to decide who would pick first and Tony won, having first pick and choosing Jungkook. Nate then picked Suga, automatically making him win fair and square.

By the end of the picking, Tony had Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon. Nate had Yoongi, Taehyung, Jin and the one and only smallest member of BTS...me.

"The game is first to 20 points and the loser has to buy ice cream for everyone else." Tony announced as Yoongi and Taehyung made a team name for us: Kim Man Duk. Then proceeding to show off our, already horrible, teamwork.

We soon got straight into the game and to say I was at a height disadvantage was an understatement. Jimin seemed to be doing fine with his, a few inches taller than me, height.

In the very end Tony's team won and Jimin celebrated by hugging his only true love: Tony of course.

"Let's go buy these guys ice cream." I said and attacked Yoongi as we left the courts.

Because Jin is Jin and Jin is the most caring mother ducker to exist, he offered to buy all of us ice cream. Thanks for saving my nonexisting money.

We all filed in to pick our ice cream like a mob and I quickly disappeared from the gathering with a blue bubblegum ice lolly.

I just stood outside waiting for everyone once I borrowed Jin's money, sucking on the lolly as I tried so hard to keep my unholy thoughts out of my head.

God what happened to baby me?

If people saw me right now they would see that my actions are screaming the complete opposite to swag as I probably looked like a 10 year old.

When everyone else left I was nearly asleep standing up as I watched the world move around me. It may sound boring but it's quite calming, especially when in a different country that is ran in a different way and has different cultures.

"Jiminie hyung," I whined while eyeing his ice lolly and he laughed before holding it up to my lips. I pushed mine over to him and took a bite out of his, wincing as the coldness hit my sensitive teeth.
"You good?" He asked and I nodded.
"Cold, sensitive." I forced out in a hiss and he chuckled. "That's why I don't usually bite ice cream or ice in general." I pouted as I took my own ice lolly back and enjoying my treat.

~A Few Days Later~

The eight of us were rudely woken up, again, by the training duo and I pulled my duvet over myself in an attempt to sleep again.

"Yo Eunmi, wake up." I heard Tony and let out a sound similar to a dying pig, that was meant to be a whine, and heard laughter.
"Eunmi, up." Nate said and I felt a hand hold my duvet, myself scrambling to grab it back but being too late as Jin threw the warmth off of me.

When we were all ready we were all pushed out of the building, a few of us still half asleep.

"Where are we going?" Yoongi asked, showing the same confusion we all had.
"We're being kidnapped again, this must be our good luck charm." I announced as we got into the van again.

After a journey, Namjoon, Yoongi and I ended up at a random hotel.
"Woo this is so epic." I said sarcastically as we all didn't look excited one bit.

"What are we supposed to do? I mean, they kinda didn't tell us." Yoongi questioned as we walked around.
"I don't know but one thing I'm positive of is that this hotel costs more than I'll ever make." I spoke as I looked all around me, "let's just savour us being in an expensive ass place before we go back to being poor for the rest of our lives." I said, negative I know. But who the fuck cares right now?

We came to a reception and were told to go to the third floor.
"Third floor?" Namjoon questioned.
"Yes hyung, third floor. You know, the floor which is the third?" I asked Namjoon as we finally headed to the right place.

"Those look like cleaning supplies." Namjoon pointed out as we walked.
"If I have to clean I'm getting on a plane back to Korea." I stated and Yoongi slapped my shoulder, "what?" I asked and he just shrugged.

Yoongi called a women out and told Namjoon to take care of the English speaking as I awkwardly stood next to them.
"Do you know what we've got to do today?" Namjoon asked the woman.
"I'm Candy, head of housekeeping of this hotel," She spoke. Housekeeping? This doesn't sound good. Can I leave?
"We clean?" Yoongi asked, obviously not wanting to hear the answer being 'yes'.
"Yes, clean the room and the restroom." Candy replied, confirming what none of us wanted, and I went to sneak away but Yoongi's hand on my arm stopped me.

The first thing we had to do was organise the beds and let me tell you that I absolutely hate doing this. So annoying.

"We came all the way to America and we're stuck cleaning hotel rooms. Where does any sense come into that?" Yoongi asked as we worked.
"People just love seeing us do what idols don't do." I replied as I efficiently sorted out my bed with one thought in my head. The faster I do this the faster we get to leave. Simple.

Next we got to cleaning and I hoped to every living being that Namjoon didn't break anything expensive.

We finished off pretty quickly with hoovering before moving onto the bathroom.

"Everyday, 27 rooms." Candy said once we'd finished everything. 27 rooms? That must get the slightest boring.
"How much time?" Namjoon asked.
"One room, two people, 30 minutes." Candy answered, woah.

"Go to the kitchen and clean the plates." She told us and Yoongi and I left the room and Namjoon, a pout clear on my face.

And there I was thinking we were finished.

The two of us found our way to the kitchen after getting lost a few times and coming across a woman who could speak Korean, surprising Yoongi who was struggling with English.

The two of us greeted the workers once we got into the room and put aprons on to start right away.

We were both near each other but had different cameras on us.

"I'm used to this since I work at the café back home and I sometimes wash up. Yoongi hyung has to do other stuff and I feel sorry. They must not think I can do the hard work, I have muscles." I explained and flexed my muscles before getting back to cleaning dishes.

Yoongi got a bowl of rice and I was asked if I wanted any but politely passed on it.

~Time Skip~

When we left the kitchen Namjoon was walking up to it.
"What did you two do?" He asked.
"I cleaned dishes the whole time while Yoongi hyung got to do other stuff." I replied.
"It took me 30 minutes to change the sheets." Namjoon complained.
"What do you think the others are doing?" I asked.
"Try calling them, I'm quite curious about what they're doing." Yoongi replied and Namjoon got his phone out to call them.

Jin answered and they're on a yacht.
"You're on a yacht?" I asked.
"Yeah, we're at the sea." Jin replied.
"We've just cleaned bathrooms at a hotel." Namjoon said.
"And did kitchen service." Yoongi added on.
"We're eating sashimi and lobster while cleaning together." Jin said and I whined.
"You're eating lobster right now?" Yoongi asked.
"Our boss is very nice." Jin answered before they started talking about lobsters dramatically.
"Yah yah, hang up on him." Yoongi told Namjoon and he hung up, the three of us complaining to ourselves as we walked off.

A little while later we were sat on the stairs talking about our day at "work".
"Later, when I earn a lot of money, I'm going to come back here for a vacation and stay at this hotel." Yoongi said.
"We might get kidnapped again if we come back." I stated, "plus you might get Namjoon hyung as your housekeeper." I added on with a chuckle.

"Joon, did you eat?" Yoongi asked Namjoon and he shook his head, "I'll try asking one of the guys that us two worked with. Maybe they'll be nice enough." Yoongi said and we headed back into the kitchen.

We easily got ourselves some food and immediately dug into the Korean dish.

~Time Skip~

We finally finished our duties after eating and Candy thanked us for our help and paid us.

"If it's $550," Yoongi trailed off while looking at the money.
"I think it's definitely enough for our concert's contribution money." Namjoon said.
"We'll use this to prepare a good concert." Yoongi smiled.

When we were finally all back together we were once again joined by Tony and Nate.

"Our team went to the landing field for airplanes. They let us ride the helicopter. This is LA and over there is New York, where are we flying up to? We went all the way up to the hemisphere then back down." Jimin explained his and Jungkook's flying experience.
"We really didn't get to eat a single meal." Yoongi said.
"One of the kitchen staff came out and was like 'what? You want food?' since Yoongi hyung sounded like a begger." I explained.
"So we went in and ate, we looked really pitiful and sad." Namjoon said.

"Wow these guys must've had a hard time. For us, while we were floating on a yacht, we caught food." Jin said.

"So, Imma think you guys made some money?" Tony asked us all and we showed positive reactions.
"Was it worth all the hard work that hall put in?" Nate asked.
"I didn't know that the hourly wage in America was this strong." Yoongi admitted and handed Tony our envelope.

"Rap Monster, Suga and Eunmi, let's see how much y'all made." Tony said while opening the envelope, "$550." He concluded after counting up all the money.

Jin, Hoseok and Taehyung earned $450 for their work.

"For the kind of work we did I'm saying that luxurious laborers like us earn $550." Yoongi said.
"We earned a lot too, with just the two of us." Jimin said as he took out his and Jungkook's money.
"$500." Tony said after counting it all up.

"First place, Rap Monster, Suga, Eunmi." Tony announced, oh yeah I forgot this was a competition for once since we came here.

"Say something in celebration of getting first place, since you got first place for the first time out of all the other missions that we've done so far." Yoongi told Namjoon to celebrate his new win.
"Of course, it feels the best when you win with money." Namjoon smiled, dimples.

"If you come to America to work, go to the hotel. Yacht? No. Landing field for airplanes? That's not it either." Yoongi concluded for everyone out there.
"Please just don't go to the landing field for airplanes. A 14 year old kid teaches you." Jimin warned.
"Don't go to the yacht either, you'll get severely tanned." Hoseok pointed out.

"So what are we going to do with this money now?" I asked curiously.
"I heard that this money is going to be used to prepare for our concert." Namjoon said and Tony shook his head in denial, shocking Jimin.
"We're gonna take the money, we're gonna buy some food, and we're gonna take it to the less fortunate down on Skid Row." Tony explained and I smiled at the thought of helping people who need it more than us.

"So BTS, you guys are very fortunate. You have a million fans," Tony began, a million fans? I find that hard to believe. "A lot of times in the hip hop community, artists and big name celebrities take what they make and they give it back to people that aren't as fortunate." Tony explained to us.

After a big shop in a local market, we headed off to Skid Row in order to gift as much as possible to as many people as possible.

Yoongi, Namjoon and I went first and Nate introduced us to the man.
"They're from Korea and we're teaching them about giving back so we came here to give you some food." Nate explained.
"In yourself, cos you know, if you don't have a higher power, it works for some people. Just do yourself, you know what I'm saying so, that's what I would do." The man explained and we handed him some food before moving on, handing out more food and having more meaningful conversations.

"We all understand how important giving back is now, right?" Namjoon asked as we were all gathered up once again. We all nodded and Jimin stepped up to thank Tony and Nate.
"Thank you for that opportunity. I've learnt a lot." I bowed respectfully towards the two tutors.

"Thank you guys too, y'all did a really good job." Tony thanked us.
"Y'all did a really good thing, you know, coming here today and giving back to the less fortunate, ya know what I mean. Like, I thank y'all for also being strong and brave enough to be here. Y'know, a lot of people sometimes forget about people like this. So, you guys remember then today, even though, you know a lot of people said thank you, a lot of people maybe didn't say thank you, everyone really, really appreciated it." Nate explained and we all gathered to do a group chant before walking back to the house.

"I've learnt so much today, it might not seem like it but I've grown to like America. I'll really miss it." I said out loud as I layed back on my bed. Everyone started doing their own things when we got back just as the sun set.
"Yeah, it's definitely memorable. Especially the whole kidnapping incident." Jungkook replied as he pulled himself up onto my bed and practically layed on top of me.
"The whole maknae line looked like they were gonna cry." Yoongi joked from the sofa.
"Shut up, Hobi hyung was petrified so it's not just us four." I replied and he chuckled as he looked back at his phone.

"How bad was that kid that you two had?" I asked Jungkook.
"I never saw him much but Jimin hyung had it all. He was really angry, weren't you?" Jungkook asked the male who was chilling on his bed.
"I wanted to punch the kid. The boss wasn't nice either." Jimin replied.
"Yeah he was overdoing it a little bit." Jungkook hummed.
"Well at least the hotel staff are nice." I smiled and Jungkook hit my shoulder.
"Stop bragging about your nice treatment." Jungkook whined.
"Okay okay, I'm sorry. But guys, do you really think Jin hyung and them lot got food. It seems fishy." I said, chuckling at my own horrible joke.
"One. You're turning into Jin hyung, stop, it's scary. Two. Just wait until the episode is out and we can find out the truth then." Jimin answered.
"Hm okay." I smiled and pulled my phone out.

Damn I really am gonna miss this place...

Okay, hello, I'm back. Number one, I'm sorry for the wait in between the publishing of these. American Hustle Life really isn't a favoured show of mine, this being the first time I've watched it. I straight up didn't like how the boys were being treated at some points and simply didn't want to continue watching and writing it. But I had already written one or two chapters when I started having those thoughts and didn't want to stop it randomly with a time skip (which I apologize for the amount in this chapter).

So being me I decided I would do it but I would need to build myself up for the amount of time I could be sat in one place. Honestly the amount of starting and stopping gets annoying so I'm glad there's only one episode left.

Okay rant over, number 2:
Happy ARMY Day everyone🎉🎉
Army day was one of the only reasons I was motivated to write and update today (hopefully it overrides me updating on Heartbeat's birthday if I don't have the time).


CuteAustralianGirl HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎉🎉

Fun fact, your birthday was another reason I was motivated to write this chapter. I would never forget this, it was actually on my mind a lot since I was thinking of how to wish you a happy birthday. It seems I found my way to do so.

As always, once again,


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