Reincarnation - Story Of A He...

By Cyclone499

56.1K 1.8K 563

Wakaba Yuuki, a girl who had a painful and empty childhood, had her heart broken by the betrayal of her best... More

Chapter 1 - A New World
Chapter 2 - Imagination Magic And A New Familiar?
Chapter 3 - Alchemy? Chemistry? Biology? Medicine?
Chapter 4 - Are Monsters Friendly?
Chapter 5 - I've Got Many 'Neighbours'!
Chapter 6 - A Goddess Visited Me!
Chapter 7 - Two Divine Beings Visit!
Chapter 8 - An Evil God And Wisdom's Determination
Chapter 9 - This Dense Guy....
Chapter 10 - A Certain Village And A Blindfolded, Silent Woman
Chapter 11 - Home
Chapter 12 - The True Leader Of The Beasts
Chapter 13 - Prelude To A Battle
Chapter 14 - Sleep Peacefully, My Strongest Familiar...
Chapter 15 - Revival And Reunion
Chapter 16 - Blessings Of The God Of Life And Death
Chapter 16.5 - A Day With The God Of Life And Death
Chapter 18 - A Farewell
Chapter 19 - The Past
Chapter 20 - Alone
Chapter 21 - An Elder Sister
Chapter 22 - Divines Visit
Chapter 23 - Listen
Chapter 24 - Her
Chapter 25 - Us

Chapter 17 - Visiting The Village Again!

1.3K 56 7
By Cyclone499

A new chapter has come! Please enjoy. Sorry for the long wait. I just couldn't find both the time and motivation.
After the visit of Shin, Celestia and Yanaria, a few days had passed already. Samba did not wake up yet but he was certainly breathing and his condition was fine. Even though Shin had already said he would be all right, I still felt a little unsettled when I saw him sleeping for a few days. However, I believed that he would wake up given enough time. I just had to wait for a while.

Then, after another couple of days, Samba woke up. I didn't notice that he had already waken up until I brushed his fur. Only then, I saw his eyes were opened albeit a little. I was surprised but happy to know that he woke up. I asked him many questions like 'are you all right?' and 'do you feel any discomfort?', but he only replied me with a silent look. However, I understood what he meant by that since he was my familiar.

He was fine. He meant to say that. Samba's silent attitude returned. He was not as talkative as he was when he was angry. I didn't hate that.

Although Samba had waken up, I did not let him do anything outrageous and just nursed him until I feel like he was in perfect condition. Only then, I let him do what he wanted to do. I took a few days to make sure he did not do the same thing again like before where he sacrificed himself just to fulfill my wish. I made sure to engrave that into his mind that I didn't want him to die for my selfish wish.

I didn't know whether he truly understand or not but I'll let it be for now.

Thus, a week or so had passed as I took care of Samba.


"It has been a while since I visited the village..."

I muttered out loud as I drank Floria Tea on the second floor of my house. I thought of the villagers who treated me kindly even though they were so suspicious of me in the beginning. I remembered Mia-chan, the girl who treated me like an older sister to her.

I missed the village already. How long had it been since the last time I went there? It had not been a year, right? I felt like I lost my sense of time after reincarnating.

Wisdom, how long has it been since I last visited the village?

«Answer. Approximately five months, Master.»

That long, huh...

Maybe it was true that my sense of time was getting worse. Well, it was not like I would be dying anytime soon as Shin already notified me. At worst, even if I die, I would not have any regret at all.

The village, should I go there?

Thinking about the village, it made me feel like talking to people again. Sure, it was fun hanging out with my familiars and Wisdom. But, sometimes I would like to chat with normal people. Making up my mind, I decided to visit the village today since the sun was still up in the sky. It would probably take not too long if I ride on Byakko.

I wore my blindfold and donned my mask. I also made sure to wear an attire which was not extravagant and eye-catching. I prepared myself enough to make sure my appearance was proper enough to meet someone.

After a few minutes preparing myself, I saw no flaw in my appearance. For the last check, I asked my most trustworthy partner.

Wisdom, do I look proper enough to meet anyone?

«Answer. Affirmative, Master. If anyone is to look at you at this moment, they will surely be unable to look away from you.»

Thank you, Wisdom. It seems to me that you have been very fluent in giving praises. You have quite the silver tongue, aren't you?

«Answer. I merely stated my honest opinion and fact, Master.»

This Wisdom...when did he get so good in flattering me? Every now and then, he gave me praises which supply me with a boost of confidence. I wonder how did he get so much better in doing that.

I walked out of my house without thinking too much about that. As the view of my front yard filled my special vision of the blindfold, I shouted the name of my familiar.


The shout was echoing throughout the forest and not even ten seconds passed when a figure of a giant white tiger rushed to me with great speed. Byakko arrived. Even after rushing here, he did not seem to feel tired at all.

[I'm here, Master. What can I do for you?]

"Byakko, can you send me to the village back then?"

[That village? Of course, Master. Please get on my back and make sure to hold on tight. Would you like to get there quickly or would you rather enjoy a slow ride?]

"Hmm, I think I will choose neither. I would like to enjoy the ride but at the same time, I would like to get there in a short amount of time."

Hehe, I deliberately gave a slightly confusing request to Byakko since ei wanted to test him a little bit. Unsurprisingly, he knew what I wanted and chuckled maturely.

[I understand, Master. Then, let's get moving.]

I got on his back and held on firmly yet gently to make sure I did not pull or hold too tight. As usual, his fur was very comfortable to sit and touch. It was as if it was made to be touched by me.

Then, Byakko began moving with a comfortably fast speed. The wind was gently breezing passed my entire body. My hair was fluttering throughout the ride. Haha, Byakko, he managed to figure out the speed that I wished for. A commendable action.

"Good job, Byakko. You really did as I expected."

[Thank you for the praise, Master!]


"Byakko, you can let me down here. If you go with me in this form, you'll cause a huge panic for the villagers."

I got down from Byakko to walk for the next few tens of meters. If Byakko was to go into the village with his beast form, I'm sure that the villagers would be in fear. After all, he was one of the most powerful monster in this world.

[I understand, Master. Then, I shall return home for now. Please call me when you wish to return.]


With that, Byakko disappeared from my vision. That guy, he sure was very fast, wasn't he? It wasn't even a second before I lost him. Nevermind him.

Well now, let's walk to the village. Far from the eyes, the village I had visited a few months ago had been improving itself. I could see from this far that the previously crumbling houses became very pretty and stood strong on the ground. They were arranged efficiently and coordinately too. There was even gates and walls around the village. The building also increased. That signified that there was an increase in the number of people.

I was happy to see that the village was growing rapidly in a few months. I wonder if they still remember a person like me.

Hopefully, I would not be turned against by them.

I arrived at the gate. As always, to the villagers I would communicate using writings rather than voice. I saw two guards were standing straight at the gate.

What a coincidence! They were the same guards who were the first people who I met. Did they remember me? I really hope they remember me.

I walked toward them calmly while holding a pencil and a book in my hand. Then, they saw me after I got close enough for their sights to find me.

At first, they seemed to be on guard, but realizing that it was me, they relaxed and put on a smile.

"It has been a while Yuuki-san. How have you been?"

Ooohhh! They did remember me! This made me feel very joyful. I made sure to write it on the book.

-Yes, it has been a while. I'm living my life to the fullest in the mountain. I am happy that you remember me. I thought you guys would forget since I only come here for the second time.-

Reading my message on the book, that one cheerful guard replied.

"There is no way we can forget you. You have such unusual appearance. Not to mention, you have made quite a few contributions to this village."

As I thought, my appearance was a bit, no, very unusual wasn't it?

-Am I really unusual?-

"Oh, no. It is not you that is unusual. It's just your mask and blindfold which stand out. I mean, there are not  many people who would wear that on their faces."

-I see.-

"Well, I don't want to hold you here for long. You can get in, Yuuki-san. Have a good time. You can consult us for any problem."

-Thank you. Good luck for you.-

The guards let me in as they waved their hands while I passed by them. They were good guys. Not the most rememberable people but, somebody noticeable at least.

I walked into the village while waving back at them. The view I saw in the village was positively surprising. As I got a closer look, the houses were built with care and very strong. There were many other buildings too. A park could be seen, probably for children since I saw some boys and girls playing there. Furthermore, I noticed there were a few food stalls and shops along the way.

Maybe because some of them were new, there were some villagers who stared at me curiously. Some with curiosity, some with cations, some with hesitation. Well, I couldn't blame them for being like that. I knew that I looked suspicious anyway.

«Notice. Master, please prepare yourself for impact.»'s Mia-chan, right?



As I smiled, I turned around and hugged the little girl who was running toward me. Mia-chan's body fell on my body but I managed to hold her.

"I miss you, Onee-chan!"

Mia-chan said to me. Hearing such honest feelings, it was inevitable that I would broke into a very big smile. I noticed that Mia-chan had grown considerably well in these months. However, her behavior was still that of a child. Well, that was what make her so adorable though.

I let go of her and wrote on the book.

-I miss you too, Mia-chan. How are you?-

"I have been very good. Hey, let's go home. Mom has surely been waiting to meet you."

-Hmm, I want to go to Paul-san first. Can I ask you to guide me there, Mia-chan?-

"Okay! But, we're going to my house later, okay?"

-All right.-

Since the landscape had changed, I didn't know where Paul-san's house would be. He was still the village chief, right? Then, I should pay a visit and say hello. Since I had Mia-chan to guide me, there was no problem I encountered when heading to his house.


"Yes....oh, it's you, Yuuki. It has been a while."

Still with the rough and stern face, Paul-san appeared from the door. As soon as he saw me, he greeted me despite a little bit surprised.

-It has been a while, Paul-san. I've come to visit this village once again, so I thought I should come and say hello to you first.-

"Quite the polite little miss, aren't you? Well, you can walk around as you wish. Our village has been growing lately, so be careful not to get lost, though you're probably will be able to find a way out one way or another."

-Thank you. Then, I'll get going then. I want to meet Carla-san next. See you later, Paul-san.-

"Yeah, see you later."

"Come on, let's go and meet Mom already."

Mia-chan pulled my hands and led me to her house right after I finished my talk with Paul-san. It seemed that she couldn't hold back her excitement. Well, not like I could not understand her. I also wanted to meet Carla-san.


"Well, who do we have here? Yuuki-chan, has it not been a while since you come?"

-Good day, Carla-san. I've come to visit. Am I bothering you?-

"Of course not. Please come in. I've just finished cooking lunch, so you've come at the right time."

Carla-san invited me in as a smile bloomed on her face. I went in with Mia-chan and waited at the dining table. From there, I could smell delicious aroma of her meals. As I thought, I still had long way to go. Carla-san was a very good cook. I myself had to admit that I was far below her skill. I wonder if I can ask her to teach me?

As Carla-san finished setting up the table and meals, it was time to eat.

"Don't hold back and enjoy. Fortunately, I cooked a little bit more today. So, there was more than enough for a few people."

-Thank you.-

We ate the lunch she prepared with great speed. The more I eat, the more I realize that I need to learn the way of the kitchen from her. Let's ask her later.

"By the way, Yuuki-chan. Why don't you walk around with Mia-chan? There are many new things in our village, so look around to see if there's anything that interest you."

-Oh, that sounds good. Will you be my guide, Mia-chan?-

"Of course!"

Mia-chan enthusiastically agreed.


Mia-chan showed me around. Now I know, this village began to accept non-human beings. There were a few demons, beastmen and there were even elves. They were all minorities of the villagers though. Yet, I noticed no discrimination among them. On the contrary, they seemed to be living in harmony.

While Mia-chan was talking about some things, I heard a frightened voice behind me.

"You, what are you?"

I turned around and saw a male elf was looking at me with terrified expression, as if I was a monster. This was the first time I was given such look, so it was quite a shock for me.

Before I could give any reply, Mia-chan intruded.

"Ahh, Lucas-san! That is a rude, you know."

"O-oh, Mia. Do you know her?"

They were acquainted, I see. Hearing Mia-chan, the elf, Lucas-san recovered from his shock but still did not manage to hide his fear away from me. Thanks to this blindfold, I could notice his fear very well.

-Nice to meet you. I'm Wakaba Yuuki. A neighbour from the mountain.-

"Wakaba Yuuki....from the mountain?"

He was surprised again. Then, he asked me.

"Forgive me if I'm wrong. Are you saying, you're from the Grave Mountain?"

Grave Mountain...oh, I remember. Shin did say that it was the mountain I live.

-Yes, if I'm not mistaken.-

"That's impossible...not even a first-rate adventurer dare to go there. And you're saying that you live there?"

-Yes. Is there anything wrong with that?-

Was it that weird? Shin said that it was not dangerous for me to live there. That meant that it was relatively safe, right? Well, the Forest Of Nowhere was one thing. But, other than than, I don't think it was that dangerous.

"Mia, get behind me for a moment."

Lucas-san pulled Mia-chan behind him as if hiding her from me. Then, he faced me. His demeanor switched from frightened to cautious in a second.

He asked me another question. This time, there was a noticable weight and pressure in his voice.

"Let me ask you again, what are you?"

As I was wondering what kind of answers did he want from me, Wisdom's voice interrupted me.

«Warning. A huge amount of Mana is being amassed. Source : Lucas Hawlud. Hostility detected. Preparing countermeasures...completed. Probability to win : 100%. Risk of Master getting hurt : 0.1%. Increasing Master's safety....completed. Refresh. Probability to win : 100%. Risk of Master getting hurt : 0%. Ready and standby for action.»

Wisdom, what is happening?

«Notice. Please be careful Master. The elf, Lucas Hawlud is currently planning to threaten you.»


Why was this guy trying to threaten me even though it had been only a few minutes after we met?

"I ask you, what are you?"

-Even if you ask me that, I can only say I am Wakaba Yuuki. A girl who lives in the Grave Mountain.-

"I know that! What I want to know is what kind of being are you to be able to live in that zero-survivor mountain? Furthermore, that astronomical amount of Mana oozing from your body, it is not something to be possessed by a human or even a demon! I ask you again, what are you!?"

The situation was getting worse. More people were turning their attention here, specifically to me. Ugh, I'm bad with this kind of attention. Am I the bad guy here? I know that I was suspicious but that didn't mean I was planning something bad.

What am I supposed to answer here? What kind of answer does he want? Why am I being treated like this? Why did everyone look at me like that?


Before I noticed it, my breaths were getting shorter. I could feel my heart beating faster by seconds. Everything was getting darker. It was getting harder to breathe now. What is happening?

I turned my face around. I saw many eyes watching me with vigilance, fear and caution. Why, why are you looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?

«Warning. Master's emotion is beginning to be chaotic. Master, please calm yourself. Everything will be fine.»

Is it gonna be okay? Will it be fine?

«Affirmative. Please breath slowly, Master. You do not have to do anything.»


"Answer me, you—!"


Before he could finish his sentence, a loud, childish voice cut him off with great vigor.

I looked in front of me and saw Mia-chan's back. She was facing Lucas-san bravely despite the huge gap in power and physical body. It was as if she was trying to protect me from him.

From the look of Lucas-san, he seemed to be anxious.

"Mia, get away from her! She is dangerous! She—"

"Don't bully  my Yuuki-onee-chan! She is kind!"

"She may look like that, but her power are even more than a strong monster! If she wish for it, you may d—"

"Onee-chan isn't like that! She is very kind! She saved Mom! She helped us before! There is no way she is a bad person!"


-Mia-chan. It's fine.-

I weakly wrote on the book. Hahaha, what a joke. Even if I was given powerful abilities, without the courage and skill to utilize them, they were as good as nothing at all.

"There's no way it is fine! Onee-chan is, Onee-chan is the right one! Why are you the one who is seen as evil!?"

-Mia-chan, can you do me a favor? Call Paul-san for me.-



I put my hand on her head, gently brushing her hair. With that, she understood what I meant.

"Just wait here, okay?"

She then ran with her fastest speed. Then, only Lucas-san and I were left. The villagers around me were the people who only met me for the first time. They were not the one who I met during my first visit. Therefore, they did not know who I am.

-Lucas-san. I don't know what I can answer for you. Honest. Even if you force something out of me, Wakaba Yuuki, that's who I am. A silent and blindfolded girl. Nothing more, nothing less. That's how I see myself.-

Even with that, Lucas-san did not believe me.

"Then, shall I truly force you to speak the truth!?"

Then, tens of arrows of fire were shot towards me. It was fast. I couldn't believe that magic could be casted this fast. I didn't have time to react since I was not trained to fight with my magic. All this time, I had been only using magic for my daily life. Never did I try to use it to hurt someone.

Just before the arrows could come close to me, a white barrier glowed around me. It was Yanaria's barrier. I still wore the bracelet she gave me. This was the second time she saved me.

Along with that, the arrows were reflected back to Lucas-san with the same power and speed. He was shocked to say the least. I could see the shock on his face as he hurriedly casted a defensive spell. A wall of earth rose from the ground. The arrows of fire hit it and disappeared, leaving many marks on the wall.

«Notice. Executing Plan B. Master, pardon me. I will borrow a little bit of your Mana.»

Eh, okay?

Suddenly,  I could feel my Mana being absorbed out of my body. It was not much and it did not affect me at all. The Mana drawn from my body formed an orb of light in front of me. Lucas-san and the other villagers who saw it became anxious.

"So, you have finally shown your true nature, you monster!"

Due to my strong sensitivity to Mana, I knew that Lucas-san was trying to cast another spell to stop the orb of light. It was unfortunate for him since before I even knew it, the light orb rose into the sky with high speed. Then, a bright and blinding light shine in the sky. I could barely see it since the blindfold Shin gave me protected me from any damaging vision.

However, it was not the same for the others. They were having trouble opening their eyes since the light was blinding their eyes. The light then shone one last time in the sky.

"What are you planning!?"

Lucas-san who recovered first asked me impatiently. I wanted to answer but how could I since even I did not know what happened.

Then, from the corner of my eyes, Paul-san and Carla-san came here running. They looked very anxious and serious.

"Yuuki, are you all right!?"

"Yuuki-chan! Are you hurt anywhere?"

They asked me if my well-being. How kind...

I wrote on my book to answer them.

-I'm fine.-

"I'm glad... On the other hand, Lucas. What do you think you're doing?"

Paul-san was relieved to know that I was unhurt. He then turned his attention to Lucas-san and proceeded to inquire him.

"Paul-dono, you may not know but this girl possesses a dangerous amount of power within her. Furthermore, her suspicious attire is not to be taken lightly. She—"

"I know that much!! What I want to know is why are you attacking her!"

For the first time since my meeting with Paul-san, this was the first time I had ever heard of his angry voice. I could feel a slight pressure from his voice.

«Notice. Detecting a strong pressure from the individual named Paul. Launching actions to protect Master... completed.»

"I-I merely trying to protect Mia from her. It would be dangerous if she—"

"Did Mia not say that Yuuki is a good person? Did she not mention that Yuuki had saved her mother's life?"

"S-she did but that monster—"

"Don't you dare call her a monster!!"

Even though I was not the one receiving his anger, Paul-san's anger somehow made me feel small. Once again, it was getting harder for me to breath in this kind of mood. It was like I am the one in the wrong. I knew that I was the source of this problem because of my suspicious attire but, do I deserve this much misfortune? Am I the one in the wrong now?

"It's okay, Yuuki-chan. You did nothing wrong at all."

Suddenly, my head was taken into Carla-san's chest. I did not notice that she was doing that at all in the beginning. The action was very natural as if she was my mother.

"You merely trying to be as normal as you can. That's fine. Your mask and blindfold are suspicious but it was a dime a dozen in another place. It's not wrong at all. Therefore, don't blame yourself over what happened. Let Paul handle this matter."

She and her motherly air made me feel safe. I no longer had any trouble to calm myself. Her actions made me feel like I was protected from any harm.

Since I had calmed down, I wanted to settle this myself. I hoped that at least no one would be in the wrong. I did not want this village to be chaotic because of me. I didn't wish for the villagers in the village to argue with each other.

I remembered that Yanaria once told me.

"I wonder why the demons, humans, elves and many other races couldn't just sit down at the same table and laugh, having fun together?"

She hoped that the races in her world could coexist with each other without fighting. Her face was one of sorrow when she said that. This village perhaps was the beginning of her wish. I didn't want it to be destroyed by me, who was helped by her many times.

At least, even if I have to cast myself away from them. Even if I have to be the villainess. Even if I have to sacrifice my peace, I will at least let her dream comes true.

"Take this!!"

Suddenly, before I could take action, Lucas-san casted a barrage of magics aimed at me. Arrows, lightnings, fire, water. All of them directed to me. I did not do anything as those magics would simply be reflected by the barrier that Yanaria casted.

I knew of that. However, I failed to realize that only I and Wisdom knew that.

"Stop it!!"

A tiny figure of a girl entered the magics' trajectory. She opened her arms as if to take on all those magics. Despite her tiny figure, the huge courage overshadowed her little capabilities. It was Mia-chan.

She tried to protect me from the magics. However, if she received them, there is no doubt that she would die. Not only Carla-san, but also me were panicking and hurriedly ran to her to protect her from those spells.

Unfortunately, even the stupid me could figure that the spells would be earlier. Yet, I clung on to the non-existent hope that I would arrive before the magics.

Please, please make it in time!

No, not her! Please! Anybody... Wisdom!

«Notice. Sorrow is detected. Master, please do not worry. That child will be safe.»

Even after listening to Wisdom's words, I could not believe it. After all, the very scene of Mia-chan getting hit by the magics was to be unfold in front of my eyes.

Nevertheless, a sudden flash of bright light passed by me. The speed was unbelievable as I could barely register it with my enhanced eyesight. I could see blue flames around the light. It was huge.

Then, an explosion occured. Smokes from the aftereffects of magics and dust from the damage upon the ground gathered up.

Carla-san who recovered first from the shock, immediately shouted Mia-chan's name worriedly.


She tried to go to the center of the battle but was held back by Paul-san. The anguish and impatience was obviously shown on her face.

"Let me go! Mia, she—"

"She's fine. I can assure that."

"How can you know that! Those magics directly hit her!"

"Wait and see!"

Shouted by Paul-san, Carla-san took a moment to calm down even though she could barely restrain herself from jumping into the smoke.

Then, a huge figure of a white tiger with blaze on its body was shown to be protecting Mia-chan.

A smile grew on my face as I was very familiar with the figure of the tiger.

He had arrived. My familiar had arrived and saved Mia-chan!

«Notice. Individual Byakko, the Invisible Tiger has arrived.»

[Girl, I praise you for trying to protect my Master. Thank you.]

Byakko's voice could be heard directly. Mia-chan who was startled from his sudden appearance could barely answered him.

"Y-you're welcome..."

Byakko let go of Mia-chan and Carla-san immediately took her away from Byakko since she still could not stop worrying about her. After all, who would not worry if their child was near a clearly dangerous beast?

Back to Byakko, I could sense that he was very furious. The blaze on his body did not disappear, instead it only grew stronger by minutes. Then, he turned his eyes to the source of those magics.

[Now then, are you the insolent being who tried to harm my Master?]


Done for now! Might be bad a little about this chapter. I just couldn't get the vibe to write right now. Sorry if it was bad though.

One more thing, I don't want to put your hopes up. I might not update regularly. Not weekly, monthly or whatever. I might update but definitely not regularly.

Thanks for reading!

Cyclone out! Peace~✓✌️

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