Homecoming - Paul Lahote

By illene23

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Cameron Mercia lived on the reservation until her parents got divorced when she was 8. Her mom moved to Seatt... More

Chapter 1: Moving In
Chapter 2: Beach Day
Chapter 3: The Cookout
Chapter 4: Night Swimming
Chapter 5: Port Angeles
Chapter 6: Facing The Truth
Chapter 7: Bonfire
Chapter 8: First Date
Chapter 9: Vampire on the Res
Chapter 10: Movie Night
Chapter 11: Family Game Night
Chapter 12: Wolf Girl
Chapter 13: Party Time
Chapter 14: The Next Day
Chapter 15: Dress Shop
Chapter 16: Meeting the Cullen's
Chapter 17: Forgiveness
Chapter 18: Bad News
Chapter 19: Check Up
Chapter 20: Wedding
Chapter 21: What?
Chapter 22: Sleepover
Chapter 23: Funeral
Chapter 24: First Day of School
Chapter 25: Getting Ready
Chapter 26: The Big Night
Chapter 27: Day of Relaxation
Chapter 28: Birthday
Chapter 29: What now?
Chapter 30: Rumors
Chapter 31: Family Dinner
Chapter 32: Problem
Chapter 33: Jackson
Chapter 34: First Appointment
Chapter 35: Thanksgiving
Chapter 36: Best Friend Bonding
Chapter 37: Christmas at the Uley Household
Chapter 38: Paul's Birthday
Chapter 40: March Check up
Chapter 41: Baby Shopping
Chapter 42: Surprise
Chapter 43: Easter and Alone Time
Chapter 44: Time with the Girls
Chapter 45: What Happened
Chapter 46: Finally Home
Chapter 47: Bella
Chapter 48: First Fight
Chapter 49: Waiting
Chapter 50: Something Happened
Chapter 51: Feeling Better
Chapter 52: The House
Chapter 53: Officially Ours
Chapter 54: Invitations
Chapter 55: Good Things Come in Three's
Chapter 56: Wedding Talk
Chapter 57: Hospital Visit
Chapter 58: It's Going To Be A Good Day
Chapter 59: Olivia Lahote
Chapter 60: Overreacting
Chapter 61: Wedding Drama
Chapter 62: Anniversary
Chapter 63: Imprinting
Chapter 64: Going Back
Chapter 65: Helping Protect
Chapter 66: Hoping
Chapter 67: Baby Uley
Chapter 68: Sick Olivia
Chapter 69: Meeting Baby Lucca
Chapter 70: Graduation

Chapter 39: Emergencies

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By illene23

      Emily and Sam left to go food shopping, so I was sitting at the counter, working on homework. I had started the history notes that our teacher makes us take at the start of a chapter, when there was a really loud car door shutting outside. 

      Before I was able to get up and see who it was, Jake stormed through the door his heavy footsteps echoing in the kitchen. He was huffing like he was trying to catch his breath, "Where is Sam?", he yelled as he made his way toward the living room. 

      "He went to the store with Emily, what is your issue?", he turned to me when he realized I was the only one in the house. 

      "I smell a vampire, I don't know where but there is one around", my eyes opened wide at the news. All of the pack is either at home or patrolling, Paul and Jared were the ones that were scheduled for right now but some of the others decided to join them because they were bored. 

      Jake opened his mouth to start again, but there was a loud howl echoing in the surrounding forest. Jake looked at me, "When I leave lock the door behind me". I nodded and followed him, I watched as he phased into his wolf when he ran away into the forest, I locked the door and moved back to my spot at the counter. I stared down at my book, but I couldn't focus on the work when I know that there is a vampire around and that pretty much everyone I care about is out there right now. 

      I turned on some music, making it a little bit easier to continue my homework. I was able to get all of my homework done when Emily entered the house, bags covering her arms up to her elbows. "Do you need help Em?", she nodded her head and placed her bags onto the counter. I made my way out to the old Chevy truck, grabbing the last of the bags and then went back inside. 

      We put all of the groceries away, when Emily finally spoke for the first time since she got home, "Did you hear the howl?". I nodded and watched as the worry took over her entire face. 

      "Yeah, Jake came over here because he smelled the vampire. He was looking for Sam and when I told him that you guys were out, the howl came and he ran", she nodded and just continued to put the groceries away. 

      "Sam left the store when he smelled the vampire, I haven't seen him since", I gave her a hug as I heard her voice crack. This has been really hard on us, the pack is always out and since Paul was one of the first ones to phase, Sam has given him more responsibility. That leaves Emily and I home alone more now. 

      We sat down at the table together, she seemed more and more worried as time passed, I reached across the table and gave her hand a gentle reassuring squeeze, "They'll be back soon Em. Everything will be okay". She nodded her head and we sat in our chairs just staring at the table until her phone rang. 

      "Hello... Oh my, is she okay?... Yeah, I'll be right there", with that she hung up the phone quickly and grabbed her purse before she turned around, "I have to run to the hospital, my sister got into a car accident. She's okay and Claire was with her father, can you tell Sam to meet me there when he comes back?". I nodded my head and she grabbed the truck keys and left, I watched as she pulled away and then moved my way to the living room. 

      I turned on the television and it was on the Hallmark Channel, I grabbed a bag of pretzels and just watched whatever movie was playing. Although it was really cliché, it gave me a distraction from everything going on around me. I laid down on the couch, my hand rubbing my stomach and then I whispered, "We'll be okay little wolf, they will get her eventually and then we can all live our lives". I turned my attention back to the movie playing on the television, I heard howling off in the distance and it made me nervous again but I decided to try and not think about it. I finished that movie and when the next one started it was pretty much the same as the first, so I let myself drift off. 

      I woke up when I heard yelling in the kitchen, "Cammy, Cammy where are you?". I sat up slowly feeling a little nauseous as I moved, I tried to speak but it didn't come out the first time. 

      "In here, I fell asleep", Paul rushed to my side and gave me a hug. He rested his head on my own and my head was against his chest, I could hear is extremely fast heart beat. "Where's Sam", I lifted my head up and watched as Sam came in the back door. 

     "Where is Emily?", he looked at me and I could see the worry in his eyes when he didn't see her with me. 

      "Her sister got into a car accident, she is fine but she wants you to go meet her at the hospital. I think you should bring Quil so he can take Claire off their hands while they deal with the hospital", he nodded and caught Quil before he entered the house. They borrowed Jake's truck and made their way to the hospital. 

      Jared was the last one to enter the house with his phone in his hand, "I just called Kim and she is going to come over and stay with Cammy because we need to go back out". Paul sighed next to me, giving me a reassuring smile before laying down and putting his head in my lap. I put one of my hands on his chest while moving the other to play with his hair to try and relax him. 

      "I'll be fine Paul. I honestly would have just kept sleeping here, I probably shouldn't have eaten those pretzels though", he opened his eyes when I finished. 

      "Do you feel nauseous?", I nodded my head slowly knowing that I've been feeling this way off and on for about a month now. When we hit the three month mark in the pregnancy, it started happening more frequently and I normally just brush it off but it was worse than normal right now. 

      "I'll grab you a cup of water, maybe you haven't been drinking enough", he hopped up off the couch and returned in less than a minute with a cold glass of water. He handed it to me and watched as I sipped it, he gave me a small smile and then placed a kiss on my forehead. 

      Jake entered the living room with Embry and Seth tailing behind him, "I think we should head back out, Kim is on her way and then Quil is going to come and drop off Claire so he will check in". Paul nodded and then looked at me again with worry in his eyes. 

      I grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes, "Go catch this damn vampire, I am tired of not seeing my best friends", he chuckled and gave me a kiss before getting up and following the rest of the pack outside. I heard the tearing, signaling that they were all in their wolf form and then I listened as their loud footsteps faded into the distance. As their footsteps disappeared, Kim entered the house, "Cammy, are you in here?". 

      I responded, "In the living room". She placed her bag down on the floor and plopped down onto the couch next to me. She just leaned her head on my shoulder with a gentle sigh, I leaned my head to rest it on hers, "They'll be okay". She nodded in agreement and just stared at the television. 

      About a half an hour later, the movie finally ended and I decided that I wanted a sandwich, "I'm going to make a sandwich do you want anything?". She nodded her head and we made our way out to the kitchen just as Quil entered with Claire holding his hand. 

      Claire ran to me, "Aunt Cammy", she said with her little 2 year old voice that I adore. I picked her up and sat her on the counter next to where I was making the sandwich.

      "Do you want anything to eat Claire", she nodded her head but didn't tell me what she wanted. "Do you want a piece of cheese", I held out a slice of cheese which she took happily and just munched on it as I finished making my sandwich. 

      "I am going to go back out with the boys, are you guys okay?", Quil asked. Kim and I both nodded our heads. He gave Claire a hug before leaving the house and howling to others before his loud footsteps faded as well. 

      "Claire, sweetie, do you want anything else?", she shook her head and reached her little chubby arms out to me so I grabbed her and let her down on her feet. She took off to go play with her toys in the living room, Kim and I followed behind her. 

      Once we finished our sandwiches, Claire immediately handed us each a doll so that we could play with her. We played with the dolls for about an hour before Claire got tired and wanted to take a nap. Kim turned on the Disney channel, we all sat down on the couch together pulling a blanket over us. Claire laid across the two of us, her head was on Kim's lap and her legs were on mine. 

      I didn't even notice that I nodded off again, but when I woke up Claire and Kim were both still asleep next to me. I slipped off of the couch, careful not to wake either of them up, and made my way to the bathroom. Once I was done, I washed my hands and walked quietly down the stairs and into the kitchen. I got a glass of cold water and drank the whole thing trying to ward off my nausea. I put the glass down on the counter when I heard a knock on the front door, I walked over and opened it to be met by the entire pack. 

      I moved out of the way, letting everyone come into the house. They all took their seats at the table, just joking around with each other when Jared asked, "Where's Kim". I pointed to the living room, where the other two girls were asleep. Jared got up and joined them on the couch, while I sat on Paul's lap. 

      "There is my gorgeous girl, how are you feeling mama", he gave me a kiss on my lips and then one on my shoulder. His eyes never left mine as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest. 

      "I was a little nauseous but I am much better now that you are here", I winked at him causing him to laugh. 

      "I'm glad I could help. Have you heard anything from Emily?", I shook my head and listened as Claire started to cry in the other room. Quil was quick to get up and bring her back to the table with the rest of us. 

      Quil spoke, "When I picked up Claire, they were doing some tests to make sure that she is okay. They said that it wouldn't be more than a few hours". We all nodded but did not answer at all. 

      Paul's hand moved from my side to my stomach, I have actually started showing now but I wanted Paul to notice. This morning I put on one of my own sweatshirts and it is slightly tight around my stomach now. He rubbed my stomach and then looked up to me, "Wait, you're showing. This just made my day a thousand times better. You look so good". I shook my head and smiled at his excitement, wrapping my arm around his neck and bringing him in for a kiss. 

     "Cammy, come on. I don't want to see you two making out like that, I already have to deal with you guys cuddling all the time", Jake rolled his eyes at us as we pulled away to look at him. 

      "You could always just close your eyes", he rolled his eyes again but shot me a smile afterwards. We all laughed at the small conversation and then Claire got off of Quil's lap and started to run around. 

      Quil sat in his chair shaking his head, "Claire, calm down. I don't want to chase you today", he dragged out the last word and threw his head back. We all laughed at his reaction and I waited for Claire to get close to me before I scooped her up and put her in my lap. I started to tickle her and give her kisses all over her face. "Aunt Cammy, stop", she laughed the words out so I stopped tickling her and lifted her up so she was sitting on my lap. 

      Paul gave her a kiss on top of her head and she giggled, pushing his head away from her while saying "cooties". I pushed his head away from her and passed her over to Quil, she gave him a huge hug before settling on his lap and messing with his fingers. I watched as she entertained herself just playing with his very large hand. 

      I was so entranced with her cuteness, that I didn't even realize Paul's hand was on my stomach again and he leaned really close to my ear, "You are so good with kids, and I've got to say it is extremely hot. I am so thankful to have you as my imprint and the mother of my baby". I gave him a kiss before the boys started to complain about being hungry. 

      I picked up the phone, ordering a bunch of pizzas gathering money from each person and putting it on the counter. I opened up the fridge and looked through it, trying to find something to feed Claire who doesn't really like pizza. I heard little footsteps coming up next to me, Claire looked up at me with her hazel eyes, "Aunt Cammy, I want mac n cheese". Well problem solved I guess. 

      "Mac n cheese coming right up", I grabbed a box of Kraft mac n cheese and started boiling the water. We all just sat around and waited until a couple of them had to go get the pizzas, while Seth and Leah were gone I finished up Claire's mac n cheese. I put it into her bowl and placed it in front of her before telling the boys that they could eat what's left. 

      The rest of the night was spent eating and waiting for Emily and Sam to come home, but I ended up taking Claire up to my bedroom when she started to get cranky. Emily always kept extra clothes in her bedroom for nights where Claire slept over randomly just like this. I grabbed her pajamas and changed her into them before laying her down. She fell asleep instantly, I put a blanket over her and than made my way back down stairs to say goodbye to Paul before he left for patrol. 

      He looked up at me as I walked down the stairs, "Claire is already asleep, I just wanted to say goodnight. I will be asleep when you get home, but just climb in bed". I gave him a kiss and as he pulled away, I caught his hand and pulled him back, "Be careful, all of you". They all nodded and everyone but Quil headed out so that Claire and I were protected.

      I watched as they all ran off into the forest, I said goodnight to Quil and then made my way upstairs to lay down on the bed next to Claire. When the bed shifted, she cuddled closer to me and even knowing that Quil was downstairs helped me fall asleep. 

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