The Run ©2014 Sydney Wray

By sydneywrayy

3.4M 114K 36.4K

"Who the hell are you?" A boy demanded. He had tousled, chestnut hair. His green eyes were wide with confusio... More

The Run
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Saving Elliot
Cover Contest!
Exciting Things!! READ!!
Huge News!!

Chapter 32

50.3K 1.6K 194
By sydneywrayy

"Spin! Spin, spin!" I giggled, watching Nindsey spin around as he followed my comand, (and also the treat that was pinched between my index finger and thumb.)

Arms suddenly looped from behind me, gently picking me up with strength I still didn't understand.

I laughed, "Nathaniel! Let me go!"

I heard him chuckle, and he nuzzled my neck, "You're just so irresistible."

Chills ran up my spin. "You're not so bad yourself."

This was my moment. I reached behind me, and jabbed his sides with my pointer finger. He dropped me immediately.

"Ow." I jokingly muttered, rubbing my lower back.

He had a strange look on his face. "What did you just do?"

"I tazed you." I replied, looking up at him.

"What does that mean?"

I triumphantly sighed. "Nevermind. It's too challenging for you're brain to understand."

Nathaniel grinned, and rushed forward to me.

I squealed starting to stand up, but it was too late. He grabbed my waist, and pinned me on the floor by my wrists. Straddling me by his legs, he started to tickle me.

I laughed immediately; almost screaming, until tears leaked out of my eyes.

The front door opened, and in came Lavender. "What is going on in here?",

"Lavender." I sputtered. "Help me."

"I swear, you two are going to get me arrested one day. People were staring at our door like someone was getting murdered." She muttered, dropping her purse and crossing the kitchen.

Nathaniel reluctantly got off me, and leaned against the wall. Lavender disappeared from the room, and I exhaled, covering my eyes with my hands. My body was tingling.

"How are you doing?"

I peeked from my fingers. "I was just attacked. What do you think?"

He chuckled. "No, I mean how are you doing in general? Like with Hellen, and the release day?"

I sat up, leaning against the couch. It was funny. We were always on the ground. "Good. Hellen's the same old, same old. The release day.." I trailed off.

He waited.

"I'm nervous." I admitted. "What if they don't like me?"

He scooted closer, caressing my face with his finger. "Who wouldn't like Lindsey Garland? It's impossible."

I smiled, than gulped. "I'm having the dreams again."

Nathaniel's romantic smile was replaced with a concerned look. "About-"

I nodded.

He sighed. "Why do you think that's happening?"

This was it. I didn't want too; I really didn't want too, but I had too. "I came down one morning, and he was in my kitchen. Everyone else was out-"

"Did he hurt you?" He immediately asked, searching my cheeks and neck with his hands.

I smiled, taking his hands and pulling them off. "I'm fine. It's just-he's back."

Nathaniel stood up, and held out a hand to me. I let him pull me up, and he guided me to the door with his clasped hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"The police station." He replied nonchalantly.


I watched Nathaniel's gestures, as I sat clasping and unclasping my hands. The nerves pulsed through me, as I studied the nods from the policeman.

Moments later, Nathaniel's head swiveled toward me. He nodded, and I stood. Walking across the fancy marble floors, I reached the 6 foot man.

He presented me with a warm smile, wrinkles joining at the forehead. "Hello Lindsey. My name is Officer Steve. Would you mind joining me in my office?"

Wonderful. I had to talk about it now? But I nodded anyway, and glanced at Nathaniel.

"Alone." Steve cleared his throat.

I should've known. I think Nathaniel knew too, because he offered me a knowing smile.

Steve gestured forward. "If you'd follow me please."

As I followed Steve, I glanced back at Nathaniel. He was making his way to the waiting chairs, where I was originally sitting, and I noticed his back muscles tensing as he took each step. Still following the policeman, I watched the buzz that took place. A woman, biting her nails and crying about something. A man, clearly agitated, tapping his foot and drumming is fingers against the wooden coffee table. The last one I caught a glimpse of a little girl, sitting by herself. A policeman stood nearby, murmuring to another officer.

"Right in here, Ms. Garland." Officer Steve interrupted my thoughts, standing outside of an office door.

I walked in, taking a seat. The room was quite neat, apart from the hastily stacked papers.

Steve closed the door, and sat across from me, folding his hands over his desk. A document sat in front of him. "Now, can you tell me how you know Walter?"

And so I told him. Everything from what I've done, (also including the fact that it was a defensive act,) to the kidnapping, and finally the recent events.

When I was finished, I watched his facial expressions carefully. They were hard to study; just a blank face and a few nods.

He was quite. "And you didn't tell anyone about the kidnapping?"

I hung my head. "No. I didn't think it was-"

"That is a serious crime. Not to mention trespassing in a government-owned facility." He interrupted, shaking his head. "And what happened after he hit you?"

Something dropped in my stomach. I had wanted to admit it so bad, but could that lead to Hellen's arrest?

The Officer noticed my troubled expression, and his expression spoftened. "You need to tell me, so I can file a proper report and line up the exact offenses and facts."

Offenses. That word rang in my head. But quicker than I'd expected, it fell out. "I was kicked out of my Foster House."

He looked taken back. "By Walter?"

"No." I shook my head, taking a steady breath for what I was about to admit. "It was Hellen, my Foster Mom."

A quick in take of breath escaped from his lips, and he scribbled something down on his paper.


Nathaniel jumped up as he spotted me. "So? What happened?"

"Walter is going to be arrested." I said.

He smiled. "That's good though, right?"

"I told him about Hellen." I spilled almost immediately, the guilt building up.

Nathaniel made an 'o' with his mouth. "What she did was illegal, Lindsey."

"That doesn't make it any better." I whipped, staring at the floor.

He was quite, until he gently raised my chin up. "Hey, I'm sorry. I know it must've been hard to do that."

"What if she gets arrested?" I asked, concern lacing through my voice.

"I'll guess we'll find out." Nathaniel murmured, motioning to the door.

The ride back to my house was almost silent. I was scared; scared of the fate that awaited Hellen. It'd be completely my fault, and I didn't know if I could live with that.

But as Nathaniel rolled up to the house, it was the same, boring project that stood there daily.

Nathaniel parked, and got out. I watched him cross to my side, and open my door. He put a hand to the small of my back, and guided me into the house.

As soon as I entered, I called out, "Hellen?"

"Yes?" She called back.

I let out a sigh that seemed to be built up. She hasn't been arrested.

"See? She's fine." Nathaniel faced me, kissing my forward softly.

I nodded under him. The guilt would've been too much.

"Wait, aren't you meeting Lucy?" He suddenly pulled away.

I gasped. I had completely forgotten. "Can you drive me?"

"Of course."


I walked into the coffee shop, and looked around. The smell of coffee, and pastries wafted around me.

"Lindsey?" I looked to a familiar, pretty brunet whom I assumed to be Lucy.

I smiled. "Hi."

"David is at the table. Come on over." Lucy put an arm around my shoulders.

A man, also brunet, sat at a table while squinting at a menu. He looked up, and smiled immediately. He wore a dark suit, with a red tie.

"You must be Lindsey." He shook my hand. "I'm David. Lucy has told me much about you." David glanced at Lucy, "You weren't kidding. She is beautiful."

My cheeks warmed. "Thank you."

"Sit down." He assured, pulling out the chair for me. Lucy sat down next to him, and put her hand in his.

"So your eighteen?" David asked, folding the menu in front of him.

"Seventeen." I confirmed.

He nodded. "Great. Do you have any plans for college?"

"I was thinking about NYU, but it's incredibly demanding to get in. Only few slots are available." I explained, sitting up straighter.

"Well I know your a bright girl, and we'd love to help you get there." David said, which made me feel comforted. "We live in Chicago, however."

Something inside me paused. "Oh. You must've driven far."

"It was worth it." Lucy interrupted. "We have Mariella at home, with my mother."

I had forgotten. Lucy had adopted Mariella. "How is she?"

"She's an incredible little girl. We love her." Lucy cooed.

The next hour and a half were pleasant, amusing conversations. David was very nice, and I liked them both. They asked about The Foster house, school, and friends. It was the most comfortable I've ever felt with adults.

"And no one has ever wanted to adopt you before?" David asked.

I swallowed, taking a sip of my iced-coffee. "No. They haven't."

"I know Lucy was in the Foster system until she was eighteen, so it sounds hard. I'm sorry you've had to go through that." David empathized.

"Speaking of Foster systems, the time has flown by." Lucy grimaced, checking her time.


"We should get you back." David said.

I shooed it away. "No worries. My boyfriend can bring me back." And I pulled my phone out, texting Nathaniel.

He answered almost immediately, telling me he'd be there in five.

"We'd love to meet him." Lucy smiled, looking genuinely interested.

Exactly five minutes later, Nathaniel had walked in. I waved at him, standing. He passed, looking unsure in whether he should intrude, but I waved once more to come.

They'd said themselves they wanted to meet him.

Lucy stood, along with David, and shook Nathaniel's hand. "It's so nice to meet you, Nathaniel."

He looked surprised she'd known his name. I must've mentioned him without knowing. "You too, ma'am." Nathaniel reached over to David, and introduced himself also.

"Well, we'll see you soon honey." Lucy said, surprising me with a hug.

"Really?" I asked, against her neck.

She pulled away. "Of course! We're setting it up as soon as we get home."

I nodded, smiling. So they weren't done with me!

David hugged me, telling me it was a great time. They gathered their things, and Lucy grazed her thumb against my forearm. "See you soon, hon."

And that was that, as they both waved and put their arms around each other's waist.

"So, how'd it go?" Nathaniel asked, raising his eyebrows.

I grinned, and aligned my cheek with his. "Amazing." I whispered into his ear.


Nathaniel, again, walked me to the door and inside. We shut the door, and the usual chatter from the kids was there.

"I'm really happy for you, Linds." Nathaniel whispered, looking at me in a way that I loved.

"I am too-" a knock interrupted my reply, and I frowned at him. Holding up a finger, I cross the room to the door and opened it.

A small gasp escaped my lips, as I looked at the two policemen standing on the doorstep. "Hello. Is Hellen O'brier here?"

I barely nodded, before they came in and shut the door themselves.

Hellen came down the stairs, holding a laundry basket. "Who's at the door-" she stopped short once she got a glance at our visitors. "Hello. Is there something I can help you with?"

The policemen shared a look, and the male cleared his throat. "Actually, there is."

He pulled out handcuffs, and her eyes widened. Nathaniel stood to the side in alarm, barely moving. "Hellen O'brier, you are under arrest for inexcusable acts of the banning of a child owned by the Government."

Under arrest. Owned by the government. These two sentences rang in my head.

The entire room fell silent, as Hellen simply dropped her basket and walked to the polieman. He cuffed her while reciting, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say.." It became fuzzy as my vision enveloped in tears and shock.

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