It was my Willing Choice

By Vyaska

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He was tired of the lies and secrets kept hidden from him by those who he had wanted to trust, but knew deep... More

Chapter I: Beware the Shadows in the Light
Chapter II: A New Home Part I
Chapter III: A New Home Part II
Chapter IV: An Unforgettable Discussion
Chapter V: Treading on Thin Ice
Chapter VI: Apologies with a Moment of Intimacy
Chapter VIII: Of Preparations and Possessiveness
Chapter IX: Everybody Deals with Emotions
Chapter X: To Tease a Dark Lord
Chapter XI: A Realm In-Between
Chapter XII: The Mother's Protection and the Father's Gift
Chapter XIII: The Board of Govenors and the Wizengamot Decide
Chapter XIV: The War of Blood and Magic Begins Part I
Chapter XV: The War of Blood and Magic Begins Part II

Chapter VII: Answers from the Goblins of Gringotts

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By Vyaska

As Harry woke the next morning, his lips automatically quirked to smile as he felt thin fingers caressing his back and over his slender hips gently. He breathily chuckled as the hands stopped suddenly before slowly resumed as he turned over to gaze at the offender.

His smile showed how not offended he was by the actions however, "Sleep well?" He murmured

Sanguine eyes lightened as the familiar face also quirked his lips and leaned over, "Yes. Much better than before."

He allowed himself to momentarily kiss his neck before a sigh came, "But as much as I would love to remain here for another hour or so; we can't. We have to get up to be able wash, dress, and eat something before our meeting at the bank."

Harry eyed him, "I won't tell you everything will be okay; because I don't know that they will be and the answers we seek are to things that aren't going to be warm and fuzzy for us. Not all of them, at the least. But I do believe that whatever answers we find there; they will allow us to be and to become more to each other."

Harry eyed him softly, "I just don't know in what manner of close we will be."

Tom curled his hand to one of his, "Another of your instinctual sensations, then?"

Harry smiled then rose a brow to him, "Perhaps, and you of all the people I know shouldn't doubt them. It is these same instincts that have permitted me to withstand whatever you devised to throw at me and to survive long enough to come here to you.

It is the same instincts that drove me to hide what I needed to; to be able to walk among lions and seem as they are when I was merely a snake waiting to strike. I couldn't have kept fighting and running all this time on pure luck and adrenaline."

Tom hummed as he thumbed the top of his hand, "I suppose so. I will try to remember that as this day goes on."

Harry rose slowly and Tom watched as the form's pale skin was highlighted in the morning dawn; he swallowed thickly as his emotions were forced to be hidden as the teen was turned from him, and he honestly prayed Harry was correct.

"I need to return to my rooms to get ready, Tom." He told him gently, "What color robes should I wear to compliment yours?"

Tom rose a brow in surprise now, "You want to? And how did you know?"

Harry rolled his eyes at him, "I do know how to read. While I might not have acted like it; I have hidden a great deal of myself. My truest nature from the rest of the world to safeguard me and my own agenda."

Harry eyed him softly but shrewdly, "These last few hours; you have been shown glimpses of the real Harry Potter. You are the only one I have ever let see that much of the real me; of the powers that I can potentially command yet still simply desire to be cared for as I care for the one who has sheltered me."

His eyes were soft, "Because I know you understand me in the same way; for you have been looked upon like I have been and still am looked at as. As we still are. If I am to share my life with you; then yes, I want to be a part of the life we will build together."

Tom's eyes distanced as he recalled the wandless magic Harry had deftly used hours ago; as if he had already known how to do it. He shook himself, "I nearly almost always wear black while out in the eyes of the public, so anything really that compliments would be okay."

He considered, "But due to the seriousness of our visit; perhaps robes that are slightly more formal would be better. Not necessarily high-collar, but I'll leave that choice to you."

Harry nodded and strode to the door to exit before he paused a moment, "It will work out, Tom. I do not know how or why I feel that way, just that I do. Whatever comes...we will be ready."

He walked out and Tom stared to him as he genuinely hoped he was right.


An hour later after they had eaten and separated to fully dress; Tom having convinced Harry to eat first with him, Harry Potter strode into the foyer with a hard and determined look to his visage as he was bedecked in luxurious silken robes of expensive emerald, black and silver silk and velvet. They were not high-collar, but still embroidered with fancy designs if one looked hard enough.

His legs were dressed in black trousers that made him seem more refined and his feet bore new dress shoes. His hair was still that Potter mess, but it was now more a somewhat contained and controlled mess.

Tom eyes were shining and he swallowed as he stepped to him, "Before we go; I have to activate our disguises."

Harry nodded, "And how did you..."

Tom raised his finger to his lips to silence him and eyed the ground, "Before I show you; I want you to know that I had to restart the design for this several times. I struggled whether or not to go through with this, as I had no way of knowing if you'd accept. Your disguise is also from me to you. A silent but present promise of that no matter what we find out today; I'll be here for you if you ever were to have any need of me."

He eyed Harry, "You may take this as you will and for it to mean what you want, but for me Harry; it is more than simply a gift. For me, this is a promise. Another vow that I intend to keep no matter what happens later."

Harry swallowed now and nodded quietly. Tom watched as he processed this and wondered if he had said something that had upset him. He internally sighed; he hoped not. Tom then pulled a box from his robes; one too large to be a ring box, but Harry could tell that it almost had to be jewelry of some manner.

He held it out to him and the younger wizard took it. He slowly opened the box and gasped to the sight of the beautifully crafted piece.

(Image of the Envisioned Consort of Slytherin Torc Necklace)

Tom smiled slightly as his gaze was distant, "I told you before now that I hadn't cared to reconstruct Slytherin's wealth; that was only partially true, as I began to realize later at how much it would benefit me to be seen as a true lord and to have it.

So, several years after my graduation and traveling abroad studying; I sought help to build it with aid from several families that were willing to help me in starting the process.

I soon had reclaimed a lot of their artifacts and heirlooms when I began to rebuild my family's fortune and legacy; it was difficult to find the traces of dead echoes that lingered only in the darkest of places among the shadows."

Tom paused here as Harry nodded to him with a gentle look; understanding what that would mean to someone like Tom. A man who had been bereft of much of his ancestry like Harry had been while growing up.

"This particular piece was made during the middle ages though you wouldn't know that by looking at it alone. I have made adjustments to it and so it has a newer look because of that. But, it was made for the Consort of the Slytherin Lord to wear. To show who they were to the people. Which, if all goes as today should, you would be considered as such to me. As my bound mate and my partner; that should be yours by rights alone."

Harry eyed the piece with so much emotion that it was difficult for Tom to watch; not knowing if he would accept the gift now knowing what it would and should symbolize to both of them.

Tom hesitated now as he spoke, "It's far more than merely decoration, however, as the piece is quite heavily layered in enchantments for protection and your disguise is the only modified spell to it since it had to be placed specifically for you.

Beyond that, the piece is sentient." Tom smiled soft as Harry eyed him, "Meaning that it can talk back if I speak to it/her/him?" Harry asked softer than he had intended

Tom chuckled, "Yes, but you might also feel the piece coil about you and exert its protective magic about you. It knows to keep you safe for yourself as much as for me no matter what becomes of us later today. It can port-key you to here if ever needed; it can even do so without command if it senses you might be endangered.

And...once you put it on; the piece will bind itself to you. Meaning that no one but you or I could ever hope to remove it from you. If you were ever to be captured; your captors would not be able to take it from you. You could escape; provided there are no anti-portkey wards are in place."

Tom's gaze was soft now as he looked to Harry and the teen felt the need to gaze back, "I personally laid your disguise to the piece and amplified every protection on it with my own magic. Even if we are not meant to be bound; I do not ask you return that to me. I want for you to keep it, and to continue to wear it as a reminder of the promises that were kept and honored."

Tom's eyes looked far-away, "If I were to ever find another person to whom I could see myself calling as my own; which I very much doubt due to how old I really am and because of how long I have already lived without them, I would create new piece for them. Make them understand why I have allowed you to keep that one."

Tom then smiled as his eyes distanced and held a certain sadness to them despite his smile, "But truthfully; I don't think I'd ever find another person that could complete me as much as you seem to. You only have to observe how quickly we've both changed in our interactions to the other; it has moved incredibly fast, but neither of us seems to care or matter how insecure or uncomfortable we are with the other or the situation.

For someone like me; who hated the mere idea of companionship or a relationship before...this is incredibly unrealistic. Yet, you have seen how I reacted to this. How much I have shown you I want this to work.

You have always had an impact to me and my goals, Harry. You have always had an impact to my actions, thoughts, and more. I don't even believe that if I were to find another person for me...that I could have accepted them as I have done with you.

You are too special to both our existences." He said gently

Harry smiled as his verdant eyes shined with differing emotions to the gift while he allowed his fingers to very delicately caress the elaborate work. He watched in fascination as the jeweled torc in the shape of a serpent coiled with a shudder; the jeweled head lifting slightly to eye him with wariness.

"Hello precious one." Harry hissed low, "Do you have a name by which I may call you?"

Tom watched in curiosity to how Harry interacted with it; as if the piece was more of a living entity than a bunch of metal and gems made to be worn.

"Are you to be my new charge; the one the other speaker spoke of?" It asked him, "I haven't spoken aloud for what seems like ages. I have not had a new charge to protect in so long. If I once bore a name to have; it has long since escaped me and been forgotten."

Harry smiled, "I am indeed your new charge to protect. The other speaker is the heir of Slytherin's legacy and I am perhaps his bound mate; we need to seek someone who can tell for sure."

"Would you like me to give you a new name?" He asked

The serpent-shaped torc relaxed and bowed its glittering head, "I would greatly like that. A new name for a new beginning at my rebirth."

Harry considered a moment, "Do you consider yourself as a male or a female, or perhaps gender neutral?"

The serpent made of precious gems hissed slowly, "I am not sure, speaker. I can be either or; my body is now made of metal and gems. Given life by the powers of magic from my creator and the spirit of his devoted familiar that passed. I have this sensation of being more female in my former life than a male, but choose that which makes you most comfortable."

Tom was then surprised; he hadn't known that the sentience had come from the spirit of a familiar to one of his relatives or ancestors. Perhaps Harry had sensed it? If so, that explained a bit more of why he was treating it more like a living being.

Tom internally felt bad that he hadn't been able to recognize that and had treated the jeweled torc with little consideration as he spoke to it. He waited and watched to see what Harry was going to do now?

Harry nodded and thought for a moment, "How do you like the name Amarinda? It is a female name in Greek that means She who Shines?"

Tom thought it appropriate but waited to see how the sentience took to the name.

"I very much like the name, youngling. I feel it is more appropriate than whatever name my last charge gave to me; though I have no memory of what that name was."

He nodded and eyed Tom softly, "Would to place it on to me?"

Tom's gaze showed how happy he was by that request; like Harry had accepted the gift as he meant it to be. He delicately lifted Amarinda now from her old box and wrapped the torc necklace to his neck as he leaned his forehead to Harry's and his eyes shut as he smiled softly. Harry doing the same and they both felt the protective magic bind to him while a flash of light appeared.

"So powerful are you two speakers." She spoke out, "Your mate's magic was felt by me as he spoke to me while fixing and adapting me to better protect you. And like his; your magic is just as powerful; so wholesomely rich and potent. I feel the graciously bountiful gifts of the Mother blessing you both so clearly.

Though I have no idea of what this 'Mother' is exactly?" She queried curiously

Harry smiled as Tom chuckled slightly to the words; they didn't think it was the right moment to tell the sentient piece of jewelry that they were the last two speakers in Great Britain, and that Harry was merely one by accident.

An accident that he caused years ago.

Tom then eyed him, "Amarinda will become invisible when we leave; to be out of sight from those who do not need to see her. But she can return to being seen on her own if she wants to, and frankly; I would rather the world see her."

Tom's tone was very...matter of fact about that; Harry merely rolled his eyes, but was touched by the fact the man didn't want to hide him away.

"The disguise itself will take effect as soon as we leave the wards; it will always do so unless you or I cancel it out on purpose. It works similarly to a combination of several compatible invisibility charms and a heavily modified disillusionment charm that is also layered with another heavily modified Notice-Me-Not charm, proximity wards, and more."

Tom smirked, "Basically, people will see us as we pass them...but they won't linger to see details and once out of sight; we are not remembered."

Harry nodded as a smile formed, "I am used to being invisible and unseen; though at least this time, it was my own choice."

Tom nodded to this; though he was gritting his teeth inside to the reminder of how Harry had been treated by his own relatives. The images of those marks to his delicate skin made him so angry.

He held out his hand for Harry, "Shall we?"

Harry grinned, "Let's. And hopefully cause Albus a few more lives to be shed off his count of years left."

Tom smirked as his gaze gleamed to that; oh, he hoped so too. He apparated them both out and to the busy cobblestone streets of the alley where several paused at the sudden appearance but soon looked away. Amarinda was visible again and she was gleaming brightly about his neck in the summer sun; hissing softly in contentment to be able to see it again.

People eyed him and the elaborate clothes and the expensive jewelry he wore; they wondered who he was but didn't delay their errands or getting back to work.

Harry's eyes softened and lightened as he eagerly looked about, "I haven't been here for three years; since my second year. It was deemed too dangerous for me to come out and expose myself." He spoke quietly, "But I am glad to see that the place is just as magnificent as it always is."

Tom smiled to him and nodded, "I always feel more comfortable and more at ease around the magic of our world; the sense of rightness to my core and being able to feel the sentient hum of it. It seems you do as well; that you too sense that we are trying to survive as the muggles are ever changing and encroaching."

Harry frowned some, "Perhaps. But we can only handle one war at a time, Tom."

Tom stilled suddenly, "I'd prefer if you called me Marvolo for now."

Harry eyed him, "Your middle name? Why?"

He sighed as a silencing barrier went about them as they walked, "Very few know my real name now and those who do; most do not dare to try and use it before me in my presence. You are the only exception I am willing to make at this time; it is something I'd prefer for only you to use when alone with me."

"There are other reasons, of course. But I will tell you them at another more appropriate time." He said slow

Harry inclined as he laid a hand to him, "Very well Marvolo, I shall endeavor to try and remember."

Tom squeezed his hand as people now looked at them oddly from either side of the street; as if they had never seen a couple of two males before.

"I know you will." He said soft, "Now, we have business to attend to."

Harry nodded and smiled as he allowed him to guide their steps to the large white marble bank. Neither noticing the two pairs of narrowed eyes that seemed confused as they watched on from both sides of the busy market.

Nor to how those eyes then decided to follow them respectively at a distance.

Tom approached the teller and cleared his throat politely as the goblin eyed him warily; they knew well to who he was even if his form was not his usual one. He had also done well in disguising his guest...though the teller was rather surprised to see the piece he had chosen to use and gift to said guest.

Idly wondering if there was more to it than mere protection.

Tom's eyes were devoid of any emotions now while he spoke in a firm and cold voice, "My associate and I have an appointment here at nine; we have arrived slightly early, so would it be possible to move things forward a little?" he asked him

The goblin then motioned to another. Harry watched in intrigue as he whispered to the other in his ears and the second one hurried off for a few moments; only to rush back in and nod to the teller.

"You are fortunate to have come when you have. It seems that your request is able to be granted, and that Director Silverfang is amenable to beginning early due to the large amounts of topics that need to be discussed."

Tom and Harry's brows rose in surprise to the fact that the director himself was meeting them as much as the watcher. Harry then inclined his head respectfully to the teller, "Thank you for your gracious hospitality then, and may your day be ever prosperous."

The hall around them stilled as every goblin paused to hear the words in wonder. The teller suddenly seemed very interested in Harry as yellow eyes watched him a moment, "I only hope you know what you are doing, young heir. For the sake of not only our world; but for all of them."

Harry stared to it now in confusion as a hard glance formed to his face, and as Tom was forced to drag him away. To follow to where they were being led. The watchers both frowning at the words; one of them seeming to know what was meant by them as his eyes turned speculative, and while the other had wondered what they meant, and to whom were those people. People who had seemed so familiar to him.


Apparently, Silverfang Bright-Axe was not one to be very patient and hated to be kept waiting. Harry breathed in very sharply as he stepped into the office as had Tom; both sensed the highly dangerous wards they both had just passed through and been blocked from re-passing as of yet.

Both narrowed their gazes to the goblin; Tom wasn't pleased to be locked in and neither did Harry appear to be.

(Silverfang's Office)

"Heir Scion of Houses Potter and Black, I welcome you to my establishment and hope to see a continued amicable partnership between your houses and the Goblins of Gringotts Bank. I apologize for the lock-down, but to prevent anything or anyone from overhearing this delicate set of matters; I felt that my full set of wards were necessary." Silverfang stood slow and walked about his desk to survey him, "There is much for us to talk of; much that will need done to fix the many grievous errors made after the time of your parents murder."

Silverfang then seemed to hate what he was about to say, "However, the answers you are seeking right now; they are not ours to give. Not all of them."

Harry eyed him sharply, "Then who has the right to give me them? I deserve to know what this is all supposed to be about. I will no longer sit and do nothing or to follow blindly while all the people I believe cared for me are secretly plotting behind my back."

"Waiting to feed me to a rabid pack of wolves." Harry growled low with great agitation

Tom watched Harry warily now; his magic had risen to the teen's defensive stance.

Silverfang nodded, "I know and I agree; had I the ability to grant you your answers; I would have done it already as soon as you re-entered this world and I knew Albus had no intention of honoring the promises of old that were made."

The goblin's eyes darkened, "Promises of Olde that were made to people you can count among your ancestors from long before you, your companion, or even Albus were ever born unto this rich earth."

The goblin's nails curled, "Your very life-blood is crying and still cries out for justice. It cries for the freedom of being able to see the will of the Mother done."

Tom's eyes widened to what this may be leading to as he then turned to Harry and eyed him with a look of wonder and skeptical criticism at the same time. Harry saw it; his eyes narrowed at him.

"What is it that he has said that has you like this?" he asked now with barely a whisper of fury, "What is it that he has told you that you have pieced together?"

Tom watched as magic continued to rise while he placed his hand to his face now, and red eyes stared with a blank face to those features. His eyes then became filled with what Harry associated to regret and the teen stilled his body as Tom tensed though looking prepared for anything.

Unafraid of the danger to the rising magic that could cause him immense harm. Tom then looked to the green eyes with nothing but honesty as he spoke.

"Had I known what I believe Silverfang tried to say; Dear One, know that if I had been in my right mind then that I wouldn't have ever come after you that Halloween night nor your family. Prophecy or no prophecy." He spoke just as quiet, "I wish I could say more as well, but like Silverfang...I cannot. It is not our place, and tradition must be adhered to; though within this instance I loathe to admit it and to allow it."

Harry's eyes glowed with such raw pain to them as his anger and his power erupted. It sent them both flying to the wall behind them as the wards began to rattle with duress and objects rumbled on shelves or the walls. They were pinned there and unable to move from the wall as Harry stepped dangerously close to them and his mana was ready to eviscerate both Tom and Silverfang.

His form shook with wrath as black mist rose from his form, "I really don't care about any fucking traditions right now, Tom. I have been abused, neglected, starved and beaten by people who I was supposed to be cherished by. I have been manipulated by both sides of this Merlin-forsaken war and I am tired of being the piece of treasure that both covet."

Wind whipped about as the magic coiled about him and Harry hardly noticed when the fine black mist thickened and seemed to pour out of his body; to coalesce and surround him. The lights flickered in and out as everything began to shake and tremble underneath the massive power.

A sudden cold then entered and Harry paused as his furious gaze turned as if with whiplash to the unannounced guest.

"Who are you?" He hissed with a warning flash to his gaze, "And what business have you here now?"

The figure was quiet as his eyes watched Harry with hidden sadness to see the boy so overwhelmed by his pain before his voice rasped, "Calm yourself my precious shadow-child; you sense the familiarity to your magic and mine. You already know internally who I am to you. You will remember if you just try.

As for why I am here; I am the one who is here to answer your questions. I am the only one who can do so fully, for I am the only one who remembers."

Harry stilled now as he froze with wariness, "Remembers? This is older than a few generations then, isn't it? And you still have not told me who you are?"

Harry had noticed how stricked both Tom and Silverfang were to whomever this was, and the figure merely chuckled darkly, "Search your core and your own magic, shadow-child. Feel of it and of me; you will know then to whom I am and to whom you ultimately belong to."

Dark eyes glaring a moment at red ones that narrowed nastily at the figure; rage rising to that pronouncement.

Harry's eyes were full of distrust but slowly breathed and slowly calmed his powers enough to do as the stranger wanted. Tom and Silverfang were dropped unceremoniously to the floor in heaps as the turbulence slowed. Harry entered his core and waited; searched for mere moments before his green eyes widened.

"No! That was why you felt so familiar to me magically. It cannot...cannot be possible, can it?" He voiced angrily

He lashed out as his magic was sent soaring at the figure; who only waved a palm and all watched as it dissipated before it ever touched him

"Yes, it is possible and it can be." He spoke soft, "I am called many things by many people; differing names and titles across many cultures, races, religions, and more. But I always am known for one particular thing; I am he who judges life when it has ended. I am Death and you, cherished shadow-child, are born of my magic through your heritage."

Death levelled his gaze to Harry stoically, "You are of the Peverell descent, but you are special; you always were. You were and are to be the instrument of this world's survival or destruction. You're the one who will decide the fate of this plane and many others in the eons to come."

Harry's eyes were wide as he fell to his hands and knees before the figure, "Why me? Why was I chosen for this? I don't understand...I haven't ever shown any extraordinary magical skill or anything?"

Death walked silently to him and knelt before him; his hand lifted Harry's face as Tom's gaze hardened while he remained silent. He couldn't interfere; no matter how badly he wanted to.

"Because it was what you were made to do. You have immense magical power within you, Harry. You have since you were born; but, most of the magic is sealed away to keep you safe. Albus knew of your connection to the Peverells and to me; I was stunned when Albus decided to keep you out of the magical world for your childhood, and I am not easily outwitted.

I became furious at him when I learned you had been abused so by those people that were meant to care for you. You are my heir and my champion; the shadow-child of the living realm and the world of the dead."

Death calmed some as Harry listened and his eyes showed shock to them as he curled his fingers and shook while eying the floor unsteadily.

"You are not whole and need time to heal; to be prepared for the role that is to come. Prepared to become a leader; not conditioned to follow orders or to sacrifice yourself." He spoke, "The Mother is dying on this plane, child. So much magic has been lost to this world already. So much that my sister Life and I do not know even if it could ever be restored."

The room was deadly quiet to the pronouncement.

"We have chosen a family, and for centuries; those families were our champions. Heirs and Heiresses born unto this plane with mana like no other every few centuries to try to restore the Mother's power to her children and her rightful place."

Death paused, "The Peverells; they were my family of choice due to the rare ability in the blood to be incorruptible to dark magic or the overexposure to light-based magic. I amplified that and made it extremely more difficult for either branch to affect them, but in doing so; I made them immortal like I am as a deity."

Death then seemed remorseful, "Of course, the immortality was not completely full at birth. There were several requirements that had to be fulfilled as the witch or wizard grew, but people did not take that into consideration because how could they have known?"

"That gift; it caused fear and the family then was hunted by their fellows for decades and beyond; so your branch eventually fled, hid for quite some time, and then changed their name to Potter before re-emerging. Your ancestors have had to hide their powers by sealing and binding them in infancy."

Death eyed him, "You especially so. I was personally present for your binding though I knew your parents were wary of doing it; but I had to be there because no amount of power conjoined by your parents and godparents would have been enough to hide your core as needed."

Harry then scrunched his brows as he made a look of confusion before his head snapped up in shock, "That was you? Wasn't it? I felt you that night and reached for your magic during the binding, but never grasped it. My mum thought I was merely reacting to all the magic there."

Death nodded, "Yes. You felt me and how similar we were. I was comfortable to you; safe." He intoned as Tom closed his eyes and tried not to lash out to that statement.

Harry stared now as he slowly sat up, "Tell me what I need to know. Show me what it is that I need to become and to be able to live my life as my own."

Death stood and held his palm out; which turned out to be no more than barely solidified white-grey mist, "I cannot tell all here. You must want to come to my alternate plane; where I can show you."

"To allow you to see the promises made and to understand the sacrifices your ancestors made when they agreed to make the pact with me that has aided them as well as brought them to me before time was ready."

Tom's eyes panicked, "Harry, no! Think about this, please."

Death then looked up, "Tom Marvolo Riddle." He spoke, "Of course you are here; I knew that you would be...but I admit I am surprised. You have never wanted to meet me face to face before now. Even if I had no desire to take your soul."

Harry eyed the entity warily, "What has he to do with my answers?"

Death paused before he looked to both of them, "Everything. Tom and you were correct; more than you realized. You and he are bound; tied to the other so fully in order to keep you both here on this plane. My sister Life; she ensured that all the Peverells had a soul-mate to ground them and you two are such despite the age gap.

However, Tom's horcruxes; they damaged the bond and very nearly annihilated it. I made sure that it was possible for it to survive the night you were born. To save his very soul from complete shattering and to save you from being left to the madness of the void when his insanity had reached its highest peak. That horcrux he so willingly gave to you that night; I changed its purpose to aid you."

Death narrowed eyes at Tom, "Had I not done so; neither of you would be alive now and Albus would have gotten his desires. To siphon the ancient power of old from your infant body to his wizened one. To use this fabled power not his own to shape this world before ultimately causing its complete destruction with no chances for restoration."

"For there to be no choice."

Death looked to Harry softer, "You are born of the Peverells and of the Potter blood; gifted with blood-adoption to the Black heritage through Sirius, Harry. But your magic itself is as if it is my own. You are the only person who can call me to this plane or will me here if needed."

Harry was numb, "And why does the Headmaster want me dead?"

Tom's form came to him and wrapped his arms to him while the entity looked to them a moment, "Because you are what he has always seen himself as; a human gifted with unimaginable power. Power to change the world; power that can be used for the 'greater good of all'"

"A wizard born with everything he hadn't had; the love of his own family unconditionally, the true wealth, knowledge and artifacts of the Dumbledore lineage, and a mate who could still be salvaged from the internal darkness he brought upon himself."

Death's gaze hardened, "But unlike you; Albus was not and will never be suitable for what Life and I intended for the world. He is not incorruptible. He has a dark history that he suppresses, and over the has affected his thoughts and actions. Not always for the better."

Death eyed Harry warily, "While you too have a past that you suppress; your magic is different from others. Yours can be made to cause great suffering with the use of dark intent, but that darkness will never taint your core no matter how malicious you become.

It is a very dangerous ability to harbor, and needs extreme control for.

Light magic is just a bad; it might not literally hurt someone like dark magic would, but being blinded from reality is just as atrocious as causing true suffering. Seeing and witnessing the suffering, abuse and neglect of someone and willfully ignoring it while knowing you have the power to stop it? To change things?

How is that not dark?" Death asked of them softer

Harry and Tom were silent now as Silverfang was listening with great interest; there was something to these words that had meaning to both wizards.

"What's worse is that he holds onto a relic of the Peverell that has untold amounts of power still to this day; the Elder Wand I made ages ago. The wand is not able to be destroyed by anyone of non-Peverell blood, and in hands without the ancestral ties; it can corrupt the persons thoughts and actions faster. And Albus has had the wand now for decades; won from his duel with Gellert Grindelwald."

Death eyed Tom now a moment, "And you have another of the relics; the Resurrection Stone that once belonged to Cadmus Peverell. You found it and utilized what you could surprisingly well, but you never truly realized the full power of the stone. I expect you to return it to Harry; it is his by birthright, and he is the only one who could even use it to full potential without true harm coming to them."

Death then bowed his head to Harry, "And you young master Potter; you have the last relic. One that has been handed down in the Potter clan. From father to son, my very own cloak of invisibility; pulled from this form, and a gift that I gave to Ignotus to help him safeguard his family."

"After you heal yourself; as I know you intend to will need to reclaim the elder wand. You will need it and be able to use it with your other wand; not relying on the wand that was chosen simply because the other was not available to you. Not relying on wandless magic so much that the wands became useless."

Death eyed him, "Take time to think on all I have told you this day; think through it with a clear mind and with rationality. When you are more than ready for the answers that I can show you; all you need to do is call for me.

I will hear you no matter where I may be most present."

Death stood tall again and paused, "Silverfang, please see to it that my chosen shadow-child is filled in for the rest and that the...damage that has been allowed to accumulate; that it does not continue. I will be very displeased should Albus and his Order as well as the Ministry of Magic be allowed to continue to steal from what isn't wise to take from."

He gave a vaguely malevolent look, "I am called the Rich One across all cultures for a reason; I like my luxuries that being the God of Death is afforded. Luxuries that go well beyond gold, gems, silks, knowledge and other...earthly comforts.

My chosen champions have never feared to suffer that way and I will not see it decline to a point where they might have to."

The goblin nodded, "Of course Lord Death, I shall do whatever I can to see it restored and fixed. Of that you have the word of the goblin nation and its honor through me."

He inclined silently; gave one last look to Harry that seemed mixed emotionally somehow, and then turned and vanished from sight in a light puff of dark smoke as all stared to the place he had been.

Harry breathed heavily, "This is more than I expected it to be already; I do not know if I can handle more. I feel ready to lash out again and my magic isn't feeling very healthy for me to hold onto."

He breathed in slowly and then exhaled; trying to gather his overwhelmed mind back to a semblance of calm. He stood up unsteadily as he turned to Tom and Silverfang; his eyes full of remorse now.

"I apologize for my outburst from before; though do try to understand that I am walking on an edge with all this." He said softly with hard eyes to the ceiling, "Now, please tell me what Death alluded to."

Silverfang sighed and warily sat down; praying that another outburst was not likely to happen. The magic showed before was barely the tip of what Harry could have done and it nearly dismantled his wards; never-mind the destruction of his office."

Tom watched as Harry settled into a chair and waited; his magic was still a razor's edge of snapping again. He eased himself into the chair next to his and silently hoped that whatever this was about; it wasn't going to cause the younger wizard to completely snap.

The goblin sighed, "Lord Death is the only one who can truly give you the answers you want, Mr. Potter. He is the only one who has them; I suggest you consider his offer to go to his realm and to hear of them. You will not be unable to return; he would not be able to detain you there; not without endangering this world more than it is already, and you've both heard how he does not wish to do so."

Silverfang watched as Harry nodded and the Dark Lord merely kept his face blank. Both didn't know how to really respond to all that had thus far occurred, and Riddle seemed...conflicted about Harry going there for his answers.

The goblin could understand why, but even so; Death was the only one who could give to Harry what he wanted to know with full totality.

He breathed, "As for what I can do to aid you for him, there is much that will need done and not a lot of time. Albus is already suspicious of you, Harry. After the display of false kidnapping within the Ministry, and when he received no word from you...Albus began to suspect, and he does not believe you to be imprisoned; but rather, merely detained and that Mr. Riddle here is trying to turn you against them."

Harry groaned. He knew Albus had begun not to trust him, but not that much.

"The Headmaster contacted us; he tried to have your assets frozen. But with no reasoning to, we declined. I believe he tried to shut them down to keep you from finding other sorts of information from them."

Harry nodded as his eyes darkened, "He has always kept me in the dark and only ever told me what he thought was prudent. Even if more information could have kept me from doing stupid and dangerous things. But then again; that was what he wanted me to do, so no surprises there."

Silverfang nodded and then hesitated, "I fear I do not wish to anger you, but I also have a need to know in order to consider if the way I want to proceed is correct. You may refuse, but if you do; it may limit my options."

Harry nodded as the goblin sighed, "Before...during your rant and magical outburst; you mentioned abuse. Of several kinds. I would like to know how true this is; in order to bring justice you and your family if need be. It would be one of the quickest ways to take down the reputation of Albus Dumbledore.

Something we both know he prides himself on."

Harry's eyes hollowed now as he stood slow and stiff. He turned his back to them and shuddered in remembrance to the horrible years of abuse and neglect at the hands of his mother's sister and her family.

He breathed sharp and shallowed as he very slowly began to undo the upper part of his robes and Tom's eyes widened as he realized what he intended.

"Harry, if you don't want..." he started

Green eyes met his and Tom silenced immediately; he knew that look. Silverfang looking perplexed between them before his gaze returned to the bare upper-half of one Harry James Potter.

The goblin's eyes widened as he saw the glamor charms fall and to see the evident signs of horrible neglect, malnutrition, and physical abuse to this teenage wizard. He stood slow and walked to Harry cautiously as the teen looked at him warily and with hesitance.

"By all the gifts of magic Mr. Potter, why have you not come to anyone before now?" He asked slow

Harry laughed bitter, "Oh, but I did. I told Albus of this and he merely told me it couldn't be that bad. He sent me back there because of the non-existent wards there that are supposed to protect me due to my mother's blood dwelling there."

He then eyed the wall, "As for why I never tried telling anyone else? What did I think they'd do if I had; run to Albus, who would assuage the worries with his manipulative sparkle and grandfatherly good intentions."

Harry eyed him, "I gave up trying after the first two years. And before I came to my decision to break away; I was not familiar enough with our customs, traditions, and laws to know to come here or to appeal to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

"I was reared outside of them and kept ignorant from them. After coming back, everyone tried their hardest to keep me from discovering things that would detriment their agendas and allow me to make my own choices. To allow me the right to self-independence."

"There was only so much I could do on my own."

Harry then re-did his robes and sighed, "Thankfully, in the months after the tournament, I was very volatile in temper and so my friends kept me at an arms-length. This allowed me to venture more freely about the castle and to...return to places that I knew they didn't want to be in."

Tom eyed him now, "The Chamber. You mentioned having gone there before to find answers and that Salazar's portrait had taken a curious liking to you."

Harry smirked, "Well yes, I did return there more after the tournament and after the last...uh, trial I went through. But to be honest and fair to you, I had been going there for years to learn from Salazar. He was the one who informed me of my sealed magic; without explaining why. He was the one who has helped me contain my magic until now because Death is not able to undo the seals yet."

Harry's eyes dimmed, "He used his ambient magic as a portrait mixed with the magic of Hogwarts to help conceal me from those who wanted to harm or to use me. Salazar; I think he knew of what was before him. Of what my answers were. That I was a child of the underworld; Death's shadow-child and cherished heir. He took a great amount of glee in training me in what he could before I decided to break away.

He knew, somehow, that I would."

Tom was quiet now; that answered a lot to him without really answering anything at all.

Silverfang coughed as they turned to him, "That would definitely be enough to suffice as evidence for a case. However, if you intend to heal from it and be rid of those marks and signs; I do not think you are going to like what I suggest."

Both narrowed their gazes; that didn't ease them.

The old goblin bounced warily on his feet, "I would like permission from Mr. Potter to use what I saw via a Pensieve for the case ahead. He would then be called on before the Wizengamot to testify the accuracy of such a memory."

Harry stilled and seemed to think, "Actually, I rather do not mind that at all. If worst comes to worst; I would end up forcing myself to show them the actual marks, but this is provided that the date for this hearing and case are soon."

Silverfang grinned now, "It could be. I have...good terms with a certain Madame Bones due to my place as the Potter fortune's overseer. The Potter, Bones, and Longbottom families are all allied, and if I were to ask for her assistance on a very serious matter that I...believe to be in need of lawful investigation? She would come."

Harry's grin was now wide, "Excellent. That would definitely be a good step in the right direction. But how do we keep Albus and his flaming flamingos from being told and interfering?"

The goblin grinned wickedly, "The very first step is to remove Albus as your magical guardian; which makes this case even more critical. A Guardian who allowed his charge to suffer abuse and even knowingly sent them back? It's a scandal."

Tom was smirking now as Harry's eyes highlighted with a gleam of delight.

"What makes this easier for us; is that Albus oh so delightfully allowed you to be emancipated without ever knowing it. Part of why your magic is unsettled and trying to change for you now."

Harry's brows furrowed a moment before realization hit, "The tournament...

Silverfang's grin was like a shark, "Yes."

Tom was confused now, "How did that event cause this?"

Harry snickered, "Albus made the age-line for it with Ministry, so that only those who were seventeen and of age could put their names in and to try for the competition. By allowing me to compete; Albus basically agreed to the contract for my participation.

Thereby agreeing that I was...enough of an adult to consider competing."

Tom's gaze held an unholy red light to them, "Meaning he unknowingly agreed to emancipate you by accepting the terms and conditions he set for the tournament."

Harry nodded in satisfaction, "Yes. But I suppose the goblins were confused when I never came to sign the emancipation papers?"

Silverfang nodded, "Yes. But later, and after we realized that the former goblin in charge of the Potter assets was in Albus's pocket, it became clear that Albus was manipulating things as he wanted. So I had the goblin...removed from duty, and I took over your assets and fortune as a precaution just before you were to start your fifth year."

His gaze held fury, "I was rather astonished and disgusted by the level of greed this goblin had. So many things had been allowed done that went unnoticed for years; the estate is rather in a great amount of disarray."

Silverfang then shifted some, "But before I can have you sign the emancipation papers; you will need the presence of a law-wizard. To confirm you have not been coerced in any way, nor forced to be here."

Harry smirked, "Then it is a very good thing that Salazar taught me much in very little time, and that I am rather good at not being where I am supposed to be."

Silverfang's brow rose, "You have a personal law-wizard then?"

Harry nodded and smirked with great amusement, "I do. I am sure that you're familiar to the name Lyall Rainer?"

Silverfang's eyes widened somewhat, "I am familiar to that name, yes. He's agreed to oversee you and everything you own in the eyes of wizard law?"

Harry nodded and smiled, "Yes. He's also been told to expect a fire-call from Gringotts, so if you need him now... all you need to do is to contact him."

The grin on the goblin's face was starting to unnerve Tom; especially as he rubbed his hands together and muttered about unprecedented riches to come. Harry stood there and merely smirked.

Moments later, a young man who couldn't have been older than twenty-three stepped through and smiled to see Harry there. His gaze was warm, but professional.

"Harry, it is good to hear from you again; though I didn't think you'd move this fast." He queried soft, "Has..."

Harry's eyes darkened, "Albus is on the move now; I barely left days ago and he already thinks of me as lost. Well, I am about ready to use his overly long beard to strangle him."

Tom choked on that image as Lyall turned to him a moment and then raised a brow at Harry for explanation.

Harry then turned red and appeared sheepish, "Uh, you can consider him my friend and a personal escort/bodyguard. One who refused to allow anyone else the job."

Tom narrowed his eyes on Harry; that was not really very his thing.

Lyall smirked, "Meaning, he's actually the Dark Lord in disguise and you two have...quit fighting the other, so to speak. That your defection plan worked?"

Harry stared to the wall as Tom and Silverfang seemed rather impressed, "Perhaps..." Harry muttered under his breath

Lyall hummed in appreciative sounds, "Well, either way, I am glad to know I am not down a client. So, Silverfang tells me I was needed to oversee the signing of some documents?"

Harry nodded as he sat back down and waved a hand while a chair manifested for Lyall; Tom staring at the very off-hand way Harry was able to simply use magic without a focus.

"Yes. Albus emancipated me during the Triwizard by agreeing to my ability to compete. Since we are trying to remove him as my magical guardian and bring him to justice for all he has done to me; you are needed for my signing to show I did this on my own of my own free will."

Lyall sighed, "I see. I am glad you considered what I wanted you to. After everything you've done for this world; these people need to be reminded that you deserve their respect and to be treated like a person; not an icon or a tool of war."

Silverfang then cleared his throat as they all eyed him now, "These papers are the least of the problems that are still here to be dealt with. I am praying that as soon as Mr. Potter signs them and then the documents pertaining to his acceptance to the lordships he has; that he himself will not automatically go into an early magical inheritance.

If that does occur; we will be forced to lock down the bank for everyone's safety, which has not happened in many centuries. It also means that we may need to isolate Harry and to be the ones to remove the seals from him; though I fear his patron will likely show up to help as well. Considering the earlier words."

"Albus may very well be illegally tracking and monitoring Harry through his magic, and if so; he will know what has happened. He will act and try to stop us; possibly involving the Order and or the Ministry of Magic."

Harry growled now, "I don't care. Let him interfere and find out how much I am not his 'boy'."

The goblin nodded slow though wary of the intent behind those words, "Very well. Mr. Rainer, since this is rather an unorthodox way of obtaining emancipation; I ask that you read these and see if you can find anything that could force it to be revoked by Ministerial law. I do not believe it could, but I want to be sure."

Lyall nodded and gently took the papers before slowly reading them through thoroughly. His gaze raised at points but he said nothing. Harry watched his expression and didn't know how to take the different looks; as good or bad.

Tom watched Harry intently as he eyed Lyall and waited; the man was very professional, but both of them...they seemed to be very friendly too. He really didn't believe that there was anything of past intimacy between them, but the way they interacted still put him on an edge; Harry was supposed to be his, but would he actually want to be even after everything?

Lyall finally lowered the papers and smiled, "There is nothing here that indicates that the emancipation could be broken. The rules for the tournament were strict and finite; so, the unintended consequences of them are as well."

"In fact, they are so solid that even if anyone wanted to try and break it; they might themselves be facing the loss of their magic for trying to interfere with a binding magical contract. One that has already been put into place and has been legally bound to its intended target for over a year now."

Silverfang nodded and then laid a parchment out to Harry before he slid a quill and ink to him. Harry smiled; finally, some progress was being made. He took the quill and signed his full name to it; watching the page glow in recognition.

The goblin then cleared his throat, "It would take me hours and hours to go over all the titles and lordships if I were to go over all of them one by one. So, I am going to be blunt and say that regardless of what anyone says; the Peverell lordship is the one that matters the most. It is the oldest one left to the living world and has seniority over all others in matters regarding to the Wizengamot."

Silverfang eyed them now, "It is the name that has the most influence to the people; regardless of how they view it. The name conjures as much awe and respect as it does fear. People do not really know the lines abilities anymore; it has been too long.

But they know the legends; they know the stories and how truthful they are. Mr. Potter, before I have you sign the lordship papers, I need to know if you want to revert the name Potter back to Peverell?"

Lyall sucked in a breath; he had known Harry's lineage was ancient, but the teen had never mentioned how much so. Lyall's eyes narrowed; perhaps he hadn't known is why. Albus had hid a lot from Harry.

Harry considered heavily, "Would there be any reason for me to do it that would be advantageous beyond the obvious?"

Lyall chuckled now, "I can think of one, but you'd need a lot of lessons in wizard law and politics. Your title has seniority to the Wizengamot; meaning you now hold the most seats in the governing body that make our laws."

His eyes showed deviousness, "Were you to take that title fully as your name again; you could strip Albus of his position of Chief Warlock. You wouldn't need to become the new one, but you would have a hand in choosing who would take it. A large one."

Lyall considered, "There are only roughly about 100 seats to the Wizengamot; each supposedly filled by a head of a noble line or one of their siblings. However, the last war took many lines to extinction. Most of those seats have either been left unfulfilled and without a voice, or were handed over to someone."

Lyall's brow furrowed, "If I am to guess correctly, I am going to assume that Albus took the unfilled seats from Harry's line and has been using them to further his own goals?"

Silverfang nodded slowly, "Yes and no. Albus has been using the Potter seat since the death of Lord James. He has been using the Gryffindor seat and the Black seat since Sirius's untimely demise mere weeks ago.

"But for some reason we haven't ever figured out; Albus has not used the Meadows seat or the Ravenclaw seat. Nor has he appointed anyone as someone to oversee them for him."

"Of the 100 seats in the body; Harry owns nearly a quarter of them at 23 seats all on his own. That is a lot and not including the potential seats that were left to him from lines outside his when they died out. If you include those; he owns just over 32 seats. Then to combine Tom's own with those...that's about 37 seats."

"Never mind the seats held by those to whom Tom associates." Lyall smirked to them as both Harry's and Tom's eyes widened with the sheer implications.

Harry then thought very fast and smirked, "I have an idea that absolutely ruin Albus once I'm done with him, but if we are to do this; we are going to have to move very fast."

Harry then paused, "But I need some time to fully put all the ideas together to make it work theoretically. Silverfang, you mentioned we might need to set aside some days for all this, so are there rooms here for guests to stay in? For such circumstances?"

The goblin blinked but nodded his head and Harry smiled now, "Then I would appreciate two of them being reserved. One for Lyall; in case his services are needed again for me and Tom." He spoke softly

Lyall raised a brow; Harry was willing to stay alone in the same room as the man who had done much to harm him. Silverfang eyed Harry a moment and then nodded, "And is there anything else you will need?"

Harry considered, "Only for you to begin the hearing for my guardianship removal as soon as you can. I give you my permission to talk to Madame Bones freely of all you saw and heard earlier and to use the memories if need be."

Lyall narrowed his eyes suspiciously; what did that mean?

Harry then sighed, "In the meantime, I suggest that we all adjourn for a break and for lunch so I may inform Lyall of some more...precarious matters. Then later, we can reconvene to talk of my plan once I finalize it."

Silverfang nodded and then eyed his desk, "Very well. I suppose a break is a good idea after before."

He then snapped his finger and likely used some form of magic; as another goblin entered silently as Siverfang directed them to take his very important clients to two guest rooms and to afford them the greatest of hospitality and courtesies.

Tom, Harry and Lyall all followed the goblin out and never noticed how Silverfang eyed Harry warily; praying that the young man could do as he needed without losing himself.

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