Friends? (MLPEG X Male Reader)

By JLoom19

28.5K 350 458

A new student transfers to Canterlot Highschool. As he arrives a lot of strange things start to happen. Now h... More

The New Guy
Welcome to Canterlot High
The Guardian of Canterlot
Helping out a Princess
Opening up a Little
Friends Once Again
A Night to Remember
It Takes One to Know One
A Weekend to Remember

More than one Surprise

2K 29 23
By JLoom19

After a little while Y/N, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity had just arrived back at school in time for the dance. Y/N got out first and once again held the door open for the girls to get out. Once they were all out, Y/N thanked Carlos and left with the girls.

Carlos: *while driving away* Don't forget to give me Cinco Estrellas!

As they all were walking to the front, Y/N saw Flash pull up in his own ride.

Flash: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Hey Flash. So are you and your band playing tonight?

Flash: Yep, I even brought my guitar. Me and the band will play later though. So*sees who's with him*....which girl is with you?

Y/N: Actually they technically all are.

Flash: *surprised* Wow...*impressed* Good for you man!

Y/N: *blushing* W-We're just friends man.

Flash: *chuckles*Uh-huh, suure.

With that they all entered into the dance. AT first everything looked to be going on fine. Everyone was dancing and having a good time, Flash and his band were playing, yet both Twilight and Y/N were looking out for a certain bully.

Twilight: *dancing and looking around* Has anyone seen Sunset Shimmer?

Rainbow Dash:*dancing* Maybe she didn't show knowing that you'd win in a landslide.

Y/N: *somewhat dancing and looking around* Well you never know, so everyone just keep your eyes-whoa!

Y/N couldn't finish his sentence cause he had just gotten dragged to another part of the gym. When he looked to see who did that, he saw Vinyl, Juniper, Wallflower, Octavia, and Trixie.

As he saw the girls all dressed up, he could also see they all looked at him with blushes on their face.

Y/N: Uh...hey girls.

Girls: Hey Y/N~.

Y/N's Mind: Why is it always a little creepy when girls do that in sync?

Before Y/N could say anything or think about anything else, Vinyl began to dance with Y/N. After a while, she switched with Octavia, who the went to Juniper, then Trixie, the finally Wallflower. Yet when they were both dancing it actually became a slow dance and as the two danced, Wallflower got closer to Y/N and put her head on his chest.

Wallflower: Y/N.....please don't leave.

Y/N: *shocked* Wh-What do you mean Wallflower?

Wallflower: I...kinda heard your conversation with Twilight when I was heading towards the principal's office. I heard how you were treated in some of the other schools and that after Twilight won the contest you were going to leave....but Y/N...*looks up at him with tears in her eyes* don't go....You've done so much for a lot of us and have given us that we've never had before. 

Y/N: Wallflower I-wait, we?

Y/N then looked around and when he spotted Trixie, Vinyl, Octavia, and Juniper, they all had similar looks as if they were hoping for they were hoping that he'd stay.

Wallflower: Listen Y/N, I'm not the only girl who likes you, and the ones who really like you all want you to stay here. We know that others might have mistreated you, but I know that we will never do that to you.*sniff* Y-You mean too much to us.*hugged him tighter*

Y/N: W-Wallflower...I-

Before he could give her an answer or even an explanation, Celestia had cut off the music.

Celestia: First of all, I'd like to once again congratulate you all once again for all of your hard work on making the gym ready for tonight after it's previous "unfortunate events". Now then it's time to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal Princess.

Vice Principal Luna then came on stage holding a case that had the crown and an envelope. Celestia then took the envelope and opened it.

Celestia: And the winner is............

Everyone then became very quiet waiting to hear the results. 

Celestia: Twilight Sparkle!

And with that, the crowd went wild. Twilight smiled and slowly started to head towards the stage with all her friends cheering her on, while everyone else was clapping. Y/N was clapping as well, but stopped when he heard the gym door open and he saw Snips and Snails... heading for Spike. 

As the two were about to nab Spike, they felt a tight hand on their shoulders. Knowing damn well who it was, they slowly and shakily looked to see a pissed off Y/N.

Y/N: *serious* Don't....I'm only going to say this once.....Are you two doing this because you're siding with Sunset, or is it because you're like everyone else where she's got something on you two where she can supposedly make your lives miserable....answer me... Now.

As the two looked at each other, then Y/N, then back at each other, then Y/N again, Snips began to shake and slowly cry.

Snips: *afraid for his life and crying* It's true! S-Sunset threatened to make us miserable if we didn't listen to her!

Snails: We wanted to tell the principal, but we were afraid!

Y/N: Where is she now?

Snails: At the front of the school near the statue, please don't hurt us *also begins to cry*

Y/N then let the two blabbering babies go and quickly turned and started to head towards the exit. He had enough of Sunset and her crap, and decided that he was going to have to deal with her himself. What he didn't notice was that all the girls that he had hung out with and that secretly had feelings had seen everything that just happened.

Meanwhile, Y/N had just taken off his trench coat, fedora and shades. As he opened the front doors, he placed his stuff on the stoop and made his way to the statue, where he saw Sunset looking at it with a sledge hammer in her hand.

Sunset: Tsc, took you two morons long enough, how hard is it t*turns and sees Y/N* t-t-t...What are you doing here?!

Y/N: You know...I can ask you the same damn question Shimmer.

Sunset: *narrows her eyes* I'm guessing you did something to those two?

Y/N: You mean the two more people you were making do whatever you told them to do?  I gotta ask ya, why are you doing all of this? What5 are you getting out of making others suffer? Do you like seeing them in pain? Why do you do all of this Sunset?

Sunset: *rolls her eyes* Like YOU would ever understand. You look tall and good looking, and scary, so you can easily have anybody do whatever you want, but yet you help them and just have them leave you be! You have the ability to use those traits of yours to do whatever you want, but you just use them to be a goody do gooder!

Y/N: just say I was good looking?

Sunset: *blushes* N-No!

Y/N:.....well, besides that Sunset, no one would ever listen to you and obey you if you treat them like crap the way you do. You just bully and harass them, and use them to your advantage, then when you're done with them, you throw them away like trash! I don't see what's so important that you have to treat others like that?!

Sunset: *getting ticked off* And why would someone like you care?!

Y/N: *also getting ticked off* Well unlike you, I still gave a damn about all of them! From the ones you always bully and hurt, to the ones who try and talk to me, to even the pains in the ass like you! *points at her*. I might not know exactly what's your backstory or your deal Sunset, but what I do know is that, you don't need to behave the way you are.

Twilight: Y/N is right!

That made Y/N turn around to see not only Twilight with Spike, but also Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack, rarity, Fluttershy, Juniper, Vinyl, Octavia, Wallflower, and Trixie all together looking furious at Sunset.

Sunset: *smirks* Just who I wanted to see. *raises the sledgehammer at the statue*

That caused everyone to look at Sunset in shock.

Sunset: Now that I've got all of your attention, *looks at Twilight* Hand over the crown! You and I both know you don't belong here Twilight. Besides, the portal to Equestria will be closing in less than an hour. Give me the crown and you can go, if Not, then I'll destroy the statue and you'll be stuck here FOREVER!

Twilight looked at her crown in her hands, and thought about what Sunset said, but even though Sunset was threatening to stop her from going home, she knew what she had to do.

Twilight: 8looking serious* NO.

Sunset: What!? You did hear what I just said right!? Equestria, all your friends will be gone for good!

Twilight: That might be so, but I've seen what this world can do. I know that Equestria will find a way to survive without my element of Harmony, but this world won't. So go ahead destroy the portal, but you're not getting this crown!

While the girls that knew about Twilight were happy with her choice, the girls that just hung out with Y/N were a little confused. Y/N on the other hand was once again impressed that Twilight would sacrifice going back home, for her everyone here. He was then even more surprised of what Sunset did next.

Sunset: Fine!....You win. *drops the sledgehammer*

Y/N: Why do I have that feeling that it's not over just like that?

It's because it wasn't. When Sunset dropped the sledgehammer, all her friends congratulated her, that caused something in Sunset to snap, because in the next to pounce at Twilight which made her drop the crown. Y/N saw it rolling and he quickly went for it, with Sunset hot on his tail.  When y/N had the crown in his hand, he looked at Sunset ready to throw down.

Sunset: *charging at him* Give me the crown!

Y/N:*gets in a defense position* Make me!

Sunset then pounced at Y/N, but when she did that Y/N had caught her with one arm and was now holding her with one arm, while holding onto the crown. Y/N thought that Sunset was finished, but of course that wasn't the case as she struggled to where she was facing Y/N and in the next instant.....She was kissing him?!


Everything was suddenly still. No one moved a muscle or made any kind of sound. As Sunset was locking lips with Y/N, he was literally in wide eyed shock. That was what Sunset was looking for, because she not only got out of Y/N's grip, but she also took the crown as Y/N was there still stunned by what she did. And just as he snapped out of it, Y/N saw Sunset put the crown on. All of a sudden in the next instant, there was a massive air wave that sent him flying back into the stairs.

The girls:*worried* Y/N!

As the girls went to check on Y/N, yet he was surprisingly getting back up even though he had a bleeding forehead. 

Y/N: Ok...that hurt!

As the girls and Y/N saw Sunset rising off the ground, a spiraling vortex was surrounding her. Y/N was trying his best to think of what to do while also trying to get rid of his massive headache, yet as he did someone was talking to him...someone he didn't expect.

Sunset: No, please stop! I didn't want this!

Y/N: S-Sunset?

When Y/N looked at Sunset, he saw something from her he never thought he'd see....he saw Sunset Shimmer crying.

Y/N: Hold up...if she wanted everybody to do what she wants, and wanted the crown So BADLY, then why is she crying what the heck is that smoke coming out of her hea-

Once again, before Y/N could finish, the vortex started to glow brighter and brighter to where more students saw it. Not only that but it got so bright, that everyone else had to close their eyes. And when that happened, Y/N thought he heard Sunset again.

Sunset: Anyone PLEASE!........Help me.

Just like that the vortex instantly stopped glowing and now hovering in the air wasn't Sunset Shimmer, but instead what looked like a Demon Version of herself.

Demon Sunset: *cackles* Finally! Free at last!

Twilight: Sunset what have you done?!

Y/N: That's not Sunset!

Demon Sunset: He's right~. I am merely a demon made out of all of her negative emotions. Her wants, her jealousy, her fears, her anger, oh it's so delightful! And I have all this thanks to you Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight: Me, what do you mean?!

Demon Sunset: What, did you honestly think that YOU were the only one trying to become Celestia's Pupil in Equestria? Sunset tried to do that as well. The poor thing was so stressed out and was worse when HER PARENTS forced her to do "nothing but her best". They used her as nothing more but a trophy to show off to others and to just boost their name and popularity. Sunset tried to do nothing more but gain her parent's approval, but it was sadly never enough for them. Then one night Sunset begged for Celestia to teach her more advance magic, but she refused. So Sunset took it upon herself to do it. When she tried to do an advance magic spell, there was an accident to where Celestia scolded Sunset for that, but Sunset argued back to where Celestia kicked her out of the school. When the poor girl returned to her family, the only shunned her and kicked her out of her own home. So now filled with only HATERED and ANGER she decided to get her vengeance. Of course that was all the opportunity I needed to"persuade" her to come to this world, act the way she did, and to take the crown. Now here we are, where I only hold power! Everyone will bow down and do as I say, and there's no one to stop me! *evil laugh*

Y/N: Oh....I wouldn't be so sure about that demon.

Demon Sunset: Oh, and what is someone as powerless as YOU going to do about it~?

With that sentence alone, Y/N had put his head down an stared at the ground.

Demon Sunset: Exactly~. There is nothing that you or-

Before Demon Sunset could finish her sentence, she had been cut off by Y/N. The reason she stopped, was that even though Y/N looked like he was hurt and in sorrow....he was laughing.


A/N: Like this but a little longer.

That honestly made everyone around Y/N nervous and concerned for him. Demon Sunset on the other hand was getting agitated by him laughing.

Demon Sunset: What's so funny?!

Y/N: For Months....I've waited for somebody to underestimate me. Somebody to make that fateful mistake and tell me that they're more powerful than I am....and now I can thankfully say....Demon just fucked up.

Demon Sunset: *rolls her eyes* And what are yo-

Once again Demon Sunset wasn't able to finish but this time, it was because she was hit in the back of the head by a levitating sledgehammer. It hit her so hard, she actually had to grab her head to stop it from spinning. When she shook it off, she like everyone else was shocked to not only see a levitating sledgehammer by Y/N...but also Y/N was now levitating off the ground and in the air.

Y/N: Now...before your ass kicking begins, I actually don't want to ruin this shirt so give me a sec.

Of course as Y/N started to unbutton his shirt, all the females there including Demon Sunset were automatically blushing, thinking that they were going to see Y/N without a shirt, but in an instant their blushes were gone and instead replaced with looks of shock, and fear....and the reason for that wasn't because of Y/N's body...but the many scars that covered it.

A/N: That's his front

A/N: That's his back

Y/N: *with arms wide open* Take a good look, cause this right the price you pay of having Magic and "Power" in this world.

No one...absolutely no one knew that Y/N had all of those scars on him...further more NO ONE knew that Y/N had magic?! Then one really knew Y/N. They had all mostly listened him when he said to leave him alone, and the ones that tried to get to know him didn't know THAT about him. Nearly everyone was in shock, but for the girls they were in tears...they just couldn't believe that someone what do such cruel things to Y/N. Twilight was silently crying, but at the same time, she noticed an odd symbol on the back of his right shoulder.

Y/N: *to demon sunset* You really think having this kind of Power is going to help you? It's going to do nothing more than make you feel even more dead and ugly inside than what you already look on the outside.

That made Demon Sunset pissed off, so in return she made a giant fireball and threw it directly at Y/N. now while some of the people watching were afraid that Y/n was going to get hurt, they were instantly relieved and once again surprised when they saw that Y/N had blocked it... by summoning up Black Crystals.

Y/N: Ya know since I've heard the girls sing and do some musical numbers and have music moments, why shouldn't I have one of my own~?

Y/N then flicked his wrist, and in the next moment. music started to play from out of no where.

 A/N: That's what's playing

Y/N then punched some of the crystals towards Demon Sunset, but she quickly dodged them. Demon Sunset then decided to rush and attack Y/n, but that was foiled as Y/N went towards the statue's shadow...and dived inside it. That made the Demon franticly look around to see where he went, but as she was looking around, she didn't notice an odd shadow slowly getting closer and closer to her, until right in her shadow, Y/N popped out and attacked her like the great white shark from JAWS.

Y/N: Hadouken!!

Y/N then upper cutted Demon Sunset right in the jaw and made her hit the ground hard. When she looked up though, instead of seeing Y/N, she saw....Pinkie Pie!?

"Pinkie Pie": Oh "I'm sorry, were you expecting someone else~? How about....this one?

"Pinkie Pie" then glowed a light green and shifted into Applejack.

"Applejack": Don't think this was the one ya wanted so let me try again~.

"Applejack" then transformed again but this time to Spike, then Rarity, then Fluttershy, then Twilight Sparkle, but then it was finally back to the original body, being Y/N.

Y/N: Ah, here we go!

Demon Sunset: How can you do that?!

Y/N: Don't know and Don't care. Oh, by the way... I can also do this!

Y/N then made himself multiply to where he now had a few clones of himself. In an instant they all appeared around Demon sunset and all started to attack her at once. As she kept getting repeatedly punched, she started to get do heated, that she made a wave of flame all around her making the clones all disappear. Sunset then made another giant fireball, but she smirked and instead of throwing it at Y/N, she threw it directly at Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack.

End of Song

Y/N: *shocked* No!

Y/N tried to get in front of the hit, but he had missed it by a second. The Demon sunset then began to laugh thinking she had hurt some of the girls that Y/N cared about...only to stop when she saw that they were all ok and protected by some sort of force field.

Demon Sunset: How?! How can this be?!

Twilight: Well you see, you might have the power of the crown, but there's something more powerful...The Power of Friendship!

Y/N's Mind: Dang, Friendship looks kinda hot.... wait why did I think that?!

All of a sudden the six of them all began to glow and get horse features. Some of their hare became long like manes, while others had wings on their backs, and all of them had pointy ears like horses.

Twilight: Generous, Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty, and Magic! These six elements together make the power of Friendship!

Ten the Mane 6 rose from off of the ground and around came a colorful vortex. As it started to get brighter and brighter and faster and faster around them,  Demon sunset tried to fly away...only to be held in her spot by chains made out of shadows curtesy of Y/N.

Y/N: Going somewhere~?

As she struggled to break the chains, it was too late, when Twilight and the others fired the vortex at Demon Sunset. It hit her so hard that it made a small crater in the ground.

Y/N's Mind: Damn...Who knew the power of Friendship could actually pack some heat.

As the dust and smoked cleared out, there on the ground not only layed Sunset Shimmer in her normal form...but also right by her was another version of herself

Y/N: Huh.....Neat.

A/N: And that's the end of this chapter

Until Next Time :)

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