Friends? (MLPEG X Male Reader)

By JLoom19

28.5K 350 458

A new student transfers to Canterlot Highschool. As he arrives a lot of strange things start to happen. Now h... More

The New Guy
Welcome to Canterlot High
The Guardian of Canterlot
Helping out a Princess
Opening up a Little
Friends Once Again
More than one Surprise
It Takes One to Know One
A Weekend to Remember

A Night to Remember

2K 29 14
By JLoom19

It was now the very next day and also the day of The Fall Formal. Everyone was in the cafeteria just eating and talking in their respective groups, but what nobody noticed was that Y/N had brought a guitar with him and was quietly getting ready for what was to come. When he looked around the room, all the girls from yesterday gave him the signal telling him they were ready. And with that the plan had started.

As the girls started to make noise, Y/N had given the cue to Spike to start the music. As the song and dance went on, Y/N and Flash started to jam in with both playing their guitars.

A/N: Imagine whatever color you want

A/N: That's Y/N's part in the background

As Y/N was playing, he noticed that everyone was getting into it and actually enjoying themselves. What he didn't know however was that Sunset was also watching them and had something planned. As Y/N and the girls were walking through the halls, he noticed that everyone was now wearing  Wonder Colt ears and tails. He personally didn't due to.....reasons. But Y/N did however wear a Wonder Colt button.

 Rarity: *smiling* Doesn't everybody look fabulous?

Y/N: Ya know, I gotta hand it to ya Rarity, that was a great plan. Heck it worked so well that when we told everyone about your girl's situation with the texts and emails being from Sunset, who knew that she did that to other friendships as well.

Fluttershy: I'm glad that everybody is doing better after that.

Y/N: *frowns* Speaking of "Everybody"....

The reason for that was that Y/N had spotted Sunset with Snips and Snails and they all had smiles on their faces.

Rainbow Dash: What's she smiling about?

Y/N: Don't know...but I feel like her smile is going to be our grimace.

Short Time Skip

And how right he was. Now Y/N and Twilight were in the principal's office talking to both Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. Apparently some how they had been reported and were in trouble for trashing the gym where the dance was going to be taken place at.

Y/N: Seriously!? We weren't even near the gym, we just came out of the cafeteria!

Celestia: I'm sorry Y/N, *shows pictures* But there is photo evidence that puts you and Ms. Sparkle at the scene of the incident.

As Y/N and Twilight looked at the pictures, they saw what looked like photocopied versions of themselves trashing the gym.

Y/N: You can't be serious, this is some straight up Among Us bullshit!

Celestia: Language Y/N!

Y/N: Are you kidding me, Twilight and I are being blamed for something we would never do and you telling me to watch my damn language!?

Twilight:*concerned for him* Y/N please calm down, we can figure this out, there's no need to get angry.

Y/N was trying his best to calm down, but he just couldn't. This wasn't the first time he had been falsely accused and this wasn't the first time that "evidence" was involved either. Luckily though before Y/N would do something he'd most likely regret, Flash Sentry stepped into the office.

Y/N's Mind: Where did this music come from?!

Flash: Principal Celestia Y/N and Twilight are innocent.

Celestia: I'm sorry Flash, but unless you have proof-

Flash: That's just it. Look!

Flash then showed what looked like cut outs and other pictures of Y/N and Twilight.

Flash: These were left in the library. Someone photocopied Y/N and Twilight to frame them.

As Celestia and Luna looked closely at the pictures, they started to see it clearly. When they finished, they knew what had to be done.

End of the song

Celestia: Y/N, I'd like to apologize to you. I was just looking at what I thought was evidence instead of listening to your side of the story.

Luna: And the same to you Ms. Sparkle. Sunset Shimmer had shown these to me and I thought only with the information we had instead of getting the full story.

Twilight: *smiles* Well as long as that is taken care of, can the dance still go on tonight?

Celestia: *frowns* I'm afraid not, with the gym being destroyed, it seems the dance will be postponed till tomorrow night.

Twilight: But can't something be done?

Luna: At the moment I'm afraid not.

That made Twilight a little upset. She turned to Y/N to see if he had an idea, yet as she saw him, he had his head down with his hair covering his eyes.

Twilight: Y/N....are you o-

Y/N: *in a dull tone* So me and Twilight can go now right?

Celestia: Well yes bu-

Y/N didn't even let Celestia finish. He just quickly grabbed Twilight's hand a took her out of the room. As he pulled her away Twilight was blushing from him holding her hand, but she quickly shoot it off and stopped Y/N.

Twilight: Y/N what was that all about?

Y/N: *in a low tone with his back turned towards her* You do realize that we were nearly accused of something we would NEVER do right?

Twilight: Well yes, but Flash helped proved that we were innocent.

Y/N: That's true and all.....but if Flash didn't show, then we would have most likely been punished for nothing. might be alright with being falsely accused, but I'm not. This isn't my first time of getting the blame for something that I never did. I've been accused of many things.....stealing, beating someone up, hurting an animal, brake-in robbery....I was even once accused of rape to a girl, but that was because I refused to sleep with her, and she was one of those snobby rich pricks that had money and power, so I didn't stand a damn chance.....*slowly turns and faces her* You and I were nearly almost accused of destroying the gym.... You know I was serious when I said that after I'm done helping you, I would leave this school....and I think after what just happened, that finalized my decision.

Twilight: eyes widen in shock* Y-Y/N....I didn't know....

Y/N: *darkly chuckles* Of course not, you don't know me like that...*smiles*then again no one does. *turns and starts walking away* Let's go see what the damage was in the gym.

As Y/N started walking to the gym, Twilight stood there in shock and concern. The more that Twilight learned about Y/N, the more she actually wanted to stay in this world and help him with anything he needed. Not just because she felt sorry for all that he went through, but there was something else that Twilight felt for Y/N in a different way. She felt like she didn't want to leave his side and be with him till the very end. She couldn't really describe it, but Y/N made her feel...whole and...warm inside. She-

Y/N: Yo Princess, you coming?

Twilight: *shakes away her thoughts* C-Coming!

As Twilight left, she and Y/N didn't notice that someone else had listened to their conversation, and had heard Everything...and that someone was a certain little Wallflower...

The Gym

As Y/N and Twilight made it to the gym, they saw how everything was thrashed. Tables an decorations broken, trash everywhere, the poor food and snacks was just one big mess. The girls were talking about what they should do, but as they looked for Y/N, they saw that he was bagging up trash and slowly sweeping the floor.

Rainbow Dash: What are you doing Y/N?

Y/N: *while cleaning up* Well I know it might like one big disaster, but if you actually look at it carefully, it's not that bad. I've had to do "community service" and I 've seen worse. This shouldn't be too much to fix.

Twilight: *smiles*He's right, and if we all pitch in and work together, maybe we can get this place ready again.

As they all started to clean up the place, Y/N saw how other kids were coming in and wanting to help out. That honestly shocked him because nobody EVER helped him in any of the other schools. Heck others would pass on all their jobs and take credit for his work!....yet here were all these different students coming together to help honestly impressed him. Then he saw how twilight was with the Mane 5 and how they were all... Happy.

Y/N's Mind: Well they're all friends now again, and I'm pretty sure that Twilight is gonna win her crown back... Yeah they'll probably be hanging out with each other so much, that they probably won't see me slip out and never come back...I mean they'll probably forget all about me and just go on with their's probably for the best that I go. Don't want to cause any more trouble anyways.

When everyone was done cleaning, the gym looked like it was never trashed in the first place. While they were all admiring their work, they heard clapping from behind and when they turned around there was Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna smiling and clapping.

Celestia: Well done everyone, with all of the work you all sowed, the dance will go on planned for tonight.

Luna: Please remember to pick up your ballots for tonight's election of The Princess of Fall Formal.

With that everybody started to go and get ready for the dance. While Twilight and the girls were all heading towards the door they saw Y/N already leaving.

Rarity: Darling, before you go, remember to head to the boutique so we can all go to the dance together~.

Y/N: *turns to them* The dance...riigghht. About that.....

Fluttershy:*concerned* You are going aren't you?

Y/N: Well ya see Flutters, I'm pretty sure that Twilight is going to win the crown, and you're all back to being friends, so I'd rather you all go have a good time...without me. Besides School Dances, have never really been my thing due to MANY reasons.

Applejack: *worried he won't go* But ya have ta go Sugar Cube!

Pinkie Pie: Don't you want to support Twilight and see her win?

Y/N: I'm pretty sure Pink, that with everything that's happened these past couple of days that Twilight has got this in the bag. Don't get me wrong I'm proud of her...I just don't think that me being there will be a good thing. *looks down and starts to head out*

Y/N then turned around and started to walk a little more, but before he could get any further, he heard footsteps quickly coming behind him and in an instant, a pair of arms were wrapped around him in a hug. When he tried to turn to see who it was, he saw over his shoulder that it was none other than Twilight. That immediately made him blush for some reason.

Y/N: T-T-Twilight?! W-W-Why are y-you h-

Twilight: *hugs him tighter while hiding her face* Y/N....please come to the dance.

Y/N wanted to argue...he wanted to say no to this....yet when he saw the other girls they all had looks that begged him to go to the dance. Y/N knew with that many looks that he instantly lost that battle, so with a mighty sigh, he accepted his defeat.

Y/N: *sighs* What time do I show up?

That made all the girls happy and they all gave him a group hug that made his blush go even redder. After a little while, Y/N went back to his place, while all the girls went to Rarity's Boutique to get ready. When Y/N went looking around in his place for something decent to wear, he couldn't find anything, so deciding to look around the house, he went to see if there was anything. Finally after a little bit of searching, Y/N found an old trunk in the attic. When he opened it up, he saw a letter that was addressed to him. He had never fully looked through the house when he first got it, he just mainly used one of the bedrooms, the kitchen, the garage, the restroom, and the living room, so he never fully looked through the house. As he held the letter, he felt like he knew who it was he decided to just put it to the side for now. 

Under the letter though, was a wrapped up package. When Y/N unwrapped it, he saw that it was actually a white dress shirt, with black slacks, a nice pair of dress shoes, and a black trench coat.

A/N: Keep the trench coat and the shoes, Just imagine the dress shirt, and the slacks instead of what's in the picture

He also saw that under that was a nice looking Fedora.

As Y/N looked at the outfit, he decided that it would do. He also decided to add his touch to it by adding his one of his shades and a ring that was given to him as a gift.

Now that Y/N was ready, he knew he didn't have a car that could fit everybody, but he did know about a limo service that he had helped once a little while back. They told him that if he ever needed a ride to let them know, so he decided to cash that in tonight. A few minutes later it hade arrived.

Limo Driver: *honks the horn* Limo for Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah is this Carlos?

Carlos: Si!

Y/N: *gets in*Great, head to the Canterlot Carousal Boutique.

When Y/N arrived he saw that they had made it to the front of the boutique.

When he got out, he told Carlos to wait while he went to get the girls. As he knocked on the door, he saw that Rarity answered, and that she, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were all dressed up.

Rarity: *smiling* Well Darling, what do you think~?

Y/N: *blushes* Wow you all look really good.

Rarity: *blushing* T-Thank you Darling.

Applejack: *blushing* T-Thanks Sugar Cube.

Rainbow Dash: *blushing* T-Thanks.

Pinkie Pie: *blushing* Awww. T-Thank you.

Fluttershy: *blushing* T-T-T-Th-Thank Y-Y-You.

Y/N: And where's Twilight?

Twilight: Right behind you~.

When Y/N turned around he saw Twilight looking over her shoulder in a very stunning dress.

As Y/N blushed even harder, he had a different thought going on in his head.

Y/N's Mind: What's with them and always wearing boots? I mean they all look really good an-No, not again! Bad Y/N! Bad Y/N!

What Y/n didn't know was that the girls were having similar thoughts going on in their heads as well. After all they were all ready, Y/N led them all to the limo and when they saw it, they were impressed. As Y/n held the door open for them to enter in, Twilight was the last to enter, but before she did, she had something to tell Y/N.

Twilight:*smiles* Hey Y/N, thanks for being there for me and helping me to get back my crown.

Y/N: *smiles back and shrugs* Eh, don't mention it princess.

Twilight: And besides that, I kinda also....told the girls everything.

Y/N: *shocked* What do you mean.....Everything?

Twilight: I-I mean everything about Me. How I was a princess from another world.

Y/N: Oh, and how did they take it?

Twilight: Pretty well actually. and ironically Pinkie Pie told them before I could.

Y/N: *smirks* Of course SHE would. I bet all your expressions were priceless.




Pinkie and the girls:

End of Flashback

They definitely were.

After that little talk, everyone was now in the limo and were ready for the Formal. Yet... Y/N didn't know why, but he had a bad feeling. He felt like something might happen and that he should be alert. Yet at the same time, he felt like he was just being over paranoid and that maybe he should just try to let loose and calm for once. Like he had said earlier, dances had never been his thing for many reasons, and most of them was because other people had humiliated him and shunned him at there. But this time he was going with a bunch of girls who he felt like he could be actual friends with. Y/N saw how all the girls were talking with another and just decided to be aware of his surroundings tonight. Who knows, may he WAS just being paranoid.....right?

A/N: And that's the end of this chapter.

Until Next Time :)

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