What if?

By LonleyDarkLord

114K 1.5K 1.7K

What if thalia turned down the hunt? What if nico had never gotten over Percy? What if calypso has convinced... More

Thalia and the hunters
Nico gets desperate
Calypso keeps a hero
Kronos Might Not Suck
The time the two switched
Thunderbritches son
I Finally Get A Father
Hecate Takes A Break
Raised On Olympus
Terrified Legend
Hangin' with the fishes
Confessions Before Other Confessions.....If That Makes Sense
Kronos Makes A Lousy Dad
Who Needs Memories?
The Choice
Waking Up
Going under the spell of sycho nico
Having to go on a quest
The quest
The Choice (Part 2)
To Those Of You Who Love Nico


4.3K 66 22
By LonleyDarkLord

"Hey, fates?" The demigod asked, staring around at the somehow welcoming blackness.

"Yes Perseus?" The fates answered back, a tad bit of annoyance found in their voice.

"So, um, at one point, I had run away. I was seven, but my mom caught me and made me stay. What if I did manage to leave?"

Percy was taken to the day he had tried to run away. He double checked his bag once again, making sure he had everything.

Clothes, Money, Food, Blanket.

Everything he would need to go on the run. Opening the window, Percy crawled to the fire escape. He had made it down to the front of the apartment building and to the trees near it before he saw his mother.

"Percy?" Sally Jackson asked, "Percy, what are you doing?"

"Mom, I love you, but I can't stay here. Not with Gabe, not without knowing anything about my dad,"

"Percy, you're not really going anywhere. You know this, right?"

"I have to. You can't stop me,"

Before sally could do anything, the seven year old sprinted off towards the woods, only stopping when he was far enough away and sure he wasn't being followed.

In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded. A blond guy in the front with a scar held a sword to his back, a black haired blue eyed girl had a bow loaded and pointed at him, and the dagger longed at his neck belonged to the blond in front of him.

"Who are you?" The blond asked.

"I'm percy Jackson," Percy said, "please don't hurt me. I just ran away,"

The three children in front of them shared a silent conversation before the blond boy helped Percy up, "we won't hurt you. We ran away too, care to hide out with us? It will be much safer,"

The sea green eyed boy smiled, "I'd love too,"

Percy was suddenly taken to the future, one where he only remembered a few things.

He woke up from the coma to see a few familiar faces. Giving a small smile, her groggily sat up. "Hey Luke, Nico, Will, and Grover,"

"Hey perce," they all chorused.

"How long was I out?"

"Two months," Luke responded. "Kronos says it's ready,"

Percys smile became a grin as his eyes grew wide, "it is?"


The two boys hurried out, closely followed by the other three. It was no secret Percy had loved Annabeth, the same thing with Luke and Thalia.

Before Kronos, Percy actually liked the idea of having a parent. That was before he nearly died and don't get as much as a thank you from the gods.

And so, when he and Luke were offered positions with Kronos, it wasn't a surprise to any of their close friends that they joined.

The only bad thing was that Thalia and Annabeth didn't share their positions. Kronos has known that the two boys wouldn't face Annabeth or Thalia, and so capturing them had been their only option.

They won the war easily without Annabeth or Thalia to fight, and the two girls remained in a cell for years.

It's not like no one wanted to let them out, it was that they had to wait for it to be the right time to let them out.

After what seemed like years (although it was years) they finally had the rare ingredients to cast two spells on one person.

And they knew exactly what those spells would be.

It wasn't exactly toying with people's minds, it was more like changing ones opinion.

That's what lead us to the conversation between the four runaways.

"Annabeth, Thalia," Percy smiled as he walked into the prison.

"Perseus, Luke," the two girls spat. "What do yoh want?"

Perch and Luke gave mock faces of hurt, "now, now, are you sure you really want to do that? We have things you don't,"

"Like what?"


Before the two could ask any questions, they blacked out.

Annabeth and Thalia woke up in two twin beds across from each other. Unlike what they were used to when they went anywhere, they weren't cuffed. They had complete control over where they went.

Or so they thought.

They both sat up and walked over to each other.

Noticing the silver swirls around her best friends arms, Annabeth looked closer,  "Thalia, what happened?"

Thalia seemed to notice the exact same thing in annabeths arms, "I don't know, but you have it too,"

"Well, it's fine that you don't know because we know," Percy and Luke appeared in the doorway.

"What is it then, seaweed brain?" Annabeth spat her old nickname for him like it was poison.

"Oh, it just means that the longer you have it on, the harder and harder we are to resist. And soon, you'll find it impossible to say no to our commands," Luke explained.

"Plus, now, when you do tell us no, you'll be overcome by this sickness, the same thing will happen if you are away from us for too long," Percy continued.

"Finally, you've been out for a day now. That means the effects have already made their way to your brain and heart, and pretty soon, you'll be under our control," The blond finished off.

Annabeth and Thalia stared at them in horror, "your monsters,"

"Oh but are we?"

Annabeth thought for a moment. They were forcing them to do things against their will, and they wouldn't even realize it. The bad thing was, she really didn't care all that much. Not with the son of Poseidon with those cute sea green eyes.

'Snap out of it' Annabeth told herself.

Thalia seemed to have the same problems. She really hated the idea she walked lose her free will, but the fact that she was losing it to Luke wasn't that bad.

'No, that's just the spell talking' she mentally chided herself.

"Obviously from the way you guys have been staring at us for the past minute, I'm gonna day the spell is starting to work,"

Worth that, the two boys walked out of the room.

"Do you think they'll be mad at us?" Percy asked once they were out of heading range, sea green eyes filled with a bit of regret and a lot of fear.

"They can't be,"

"Yeah, but what if-"

"No, they literally can't be. It's impossible,"

Percy flushes red, "oh yeah,"

By the time two days had passed, they knew it was time.

"Ready to test it out?" Percy asked nervously.

"It's not like we're gonna make them do anything they'll regret,"

"I guess,"

The two boys walked into the room only to find Annabeth and Thalia sitting on Thalia bed, waiting for them.

"Hey Annabeth, do you love me?" Percy asked.

"More than anything, seaweed brain,"

"What about you Thalia?" Luke also asked.

"I love you to the moon and back," she answered.

"Great. Um, do you think you could do five jumping jacks?" The son of Poseidon asked, checking out his other power.

"Sure," Annabeth responded, doing what she was asked.

"Well, I guess we should be off, right wise girl?"

"Right seaweed brain,"

Percy was taken back to the fates, eyes wide as he realized what had just happened and what he could chose from.

In who knows how many realities, he was with Thalia. Actually, there was no reality where he hated her. So at least that was good.

He loved Annabeth in many realities, but the one where she betrayed him still hurt him.

It was the same story with like, he betrays him in so much, it just hurt.

Then there was the whole nico hypnotizing him thing. Sadly, not his worst option.

There were a few weird realities that weren't consistent, like when he was raised in Olympus.

What hurt was that each reality he looked at brought him one step closer to being evil.

And he still didn't hate it.

Yay!!!! A much longer chapter. I'm going to update most likely a lot on Thursday, and read so much thag you guys will be so sick of me.

Anyway, start keeping in mind which reality you guys like best, because soon I will have you pick and finish up the book.

Of course, after a lot more drama

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