Take Me With You (Deadlox/End...

By Clouds-of-Anime

7.8K 326 289

Everyone's dream is to meet a Youtuber on Minecraft. It was what all my schoolmates talked about. Too bad I d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
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Chapter 5

267 10 9
By Clouds-of-Anime

~Layla's POV~

~In Minecraft~

"Yes, I am Enderlox," the boy replied. I kicked away my iron sword and got a stick instead. A shadow detached itself from the boy and disappeared. I decided to ignore it.

"You're real?" I poked his chest with my stick. He was trapped in a net, from my trap.

The boy snorted. "Im here, arent I? Now let me out."

"So you're really Deadlox?" I asked again, throwing away the stick and getting my sword again. The boy nodded. I stuck ny sword between the holes in the net and sliced through the net. The shadow appeared again, but it disappeared again, so i continued to ignore it. I sliced through the net again.

Instantly, Enderlox pounced and had me pinned to the floor.

~In real life~

Wait what was happening? Why wasnt Ender_Slayer responding to my commands? I hit the left-click furiously. No?

I knew the game didnt crash. I could see Enderlox moving, the torches flickering, the chat still going.

Wait a minute. I glanced around my bedroom. It was all normal. I clicked on the mouse again, but i couldnt feel it anymore. I stared at my hand.

I was losing my grip on reality. Literally. I looked back at the screen. Enderlox was staring straight back at me, his purple eyes glowing in the Minecraft moonlight. I could feel myself getting sucked in...

"What are you doing?" I shrieked. I couldnt hear myself, but i could see my words popping up in the chat screen in my computer.

~In Minecraft~

Suddenly there was pain. A lot of it. And it seemed like my eyes were closed. I opened them and saw that it was snowing. And that i was looking up at a round face with brown hair and glowing purple eyes.

"GAAAAAH," i shrieked. Enderlox didnt even flinch. I glanced sideways. He was digging his claws into my arms and that was the cause of the pain.

"Ouch?" I said in his face. He didnt respond, just looked at me curiously with those unsettling purple eyes of his.

"You're... Um, hurting me," I squeaked. Enderlox only dug in his claws deeper. I could see my ten hearts slowly draining away, half a heart at a time.

"I havent had human meat in a long time," Enderlox whispered in my ear. I shivered. Please tell me he was joking. I felt something wet touch my face. I then realized it was his tongue. Alright, i confess i do lick (and bite) people to get them away from me, and i am generally immune to licking, but this was both weird and gross.

I wriggled. "Get off me!" i wonder if ender dragon hybrids have private parts. I decided to take the chance and i thrust my knee up as hard as i could. Luckily, i found my target and Enderlox howled, rolling off me and curling up into a ball. I quickly got up. No time to wonder how i ended up getting stuck inside Minecraft, i grabbed my chest and lugged it away at a really fast pace before Enderlox could recover.

I guess i had found Deadlox. Only he was also Enderlox. That was kind of a bonus... I loved Enderlox. Just not when he's trying to kill me.

I heard a low growl behind me and turned around, expecting him to be behind me. Luckily it was just a zombie, but i shouldnt have looked behind me, because the next thing i knew i was face-down on the floor with something heavy on my back.

"Prey that can fight back," I heard Enderlox chuckle in my ear. It was an eerie feeling, having someone whisper in your ear. Its also a bit ticklish. "I havent had a good hunt in years. You do know people tend to avoid these forests. Because its haunted. By me."

"Dont hurt me," i tried playing innocent girl. I still had a diamond dagger in my boots. I could feel the cold metal against my skin. I could also feel Enderlox's claws digging into my back. The pain was almost unbearable.

"I wont hurt you..." Enderlox whispered. It sounded like he was smiling. "Yet."

He got up and for a moment i thought it was a trick. Then i got up also, and stared at Enderlox. He had Deadlox's skin, only all the green parts had turned purple, and he had an ender dragon tail and wings. Not to mention the purple fireballs floating right above his hands.

He bared his fangs at me. "Run."

I guess i didnt have a choice. I slipped my hand into my boot and got out my dagger. I charged straight at Enderlox - well, he didnt say which direction to run in - and stabbed him in the shoulder with my dagger, dragging it and slicing the skin open.

I dont want to do this! My mind screamed at me. He was my... My favorite person in the world, I guess you could say. And yet here he was, trying to kill me.

Enderlox screamed in agony. I skidded to a halt and turned around, seeing his black blood dripping onto the snow. The blood had glowing purple particles in it... I stared at the blood for a second too long. In a moment, Enderlox had charged me and i was flying backwards.

"Avani! Nerina!" I started to call out. I think my ribs were broken. I touched my chest gingerly. No, not broken. Just badly bruised. Besides, my friends should be back by now.

Enderlox approached me, setting purple fire to the trees surrounding us. "Your friends cant hear you. This forest is mine. Now you will come with me this instant, or you can die a slow and painful death."

To be honest, i would've chosen the slow and painful death, but before i could reply Enderlox had already gotten me in a very very tight hug and was lifting me off into the air. I couldnt breathe, and that wasnt because me was squeazing me too tight. It was because my favorite person in the whole world was - broadly speaking - hugging me.

We were flying across the forest at top speed. Maybe if he dropped me i would die and go back to real life.

Wait, i shouldnt be thinking these. I think Enderlox's hug just got tighter. What did the legends say about Enderlox? Teleportation powers... Sorcery... Mind-control... Oh shit wait he can read minds.

I looked up and found Enderlox grinning down at me. "Hello, Layla. Not so much an Ender-slayer now, are we? We're going to have so much fun." Before i could think what he meant by that, he swooped into a cave in a mountain and dropped me unceremoniously onto the cave floor.

I saw two bright purple lights and knew it was Enderlox's fireballs. He blasted them onto sticks on the wall snd the cave lit up.

"Whats this?" I gasped. There were needles everywhere, and chains and everything else you could find in a science lab. Or a torture room.

"Ok, c'mon, you're going here," Enderlox grabbed my hand and pulled me into a corner of the cave. There was an obsidian cage there, with a huge lock made of... Was that ender crystal? Oh gosh... If ya didnt have the key the lock would blow up in your face... I've always wanted one of those.

He shoved me inside. "Theres a potato in there, for dinner if you're hungry. Also, some rules. If you dont listen to me, you get punished. If you disobey me, you get punished. If you do something that i dont allow, or i dont know of, you will be - "

"Punished?" i interrupted naturally, since it was kinda my thing.

Enderlox growled. "You did not have permission to speak. Do you wish to be punished so soon? I will not stop you. I will quite enjoy the punishment, actually."

Oh shit. Ah well, whats the worse that could happen, i get pregnant?

Enderlox unlocked the cage and stepped inside. Oh gosh i do not want to get pregnant. He grabbed hold of my arm and shoved my half-sleeve even higher up my arm.

He stroked the pale skin. I looked at him. What were the chances of me breaking his nose if he tried anything? I jerked my arn away but he hissed at me and used both hands to steady my arm.

"You deserve extra punishment," Enderlox growled, and bit into my arm.

I sunk to the floor, not even able to scream. Was there poison on his fangs? What? It hurt to think. Whats poisun?

"Dont get all weak just yet," Enderlox laughed cruelly. I glanced up at him, tears streaming down my cheeks. I looked at my arm. Two big red dots, followed by two streams of red blood.

Enderlox seized my arm again and bit into it again, and i didnt think it was possible, but i could feel more pain as he started sucking on my arm, probably drinking my blood. I closed my eyes and wished i could just die already.

"No sleeping!" Enderlox snapped and used his tail to slap me awake, spiking my back with his spines. I didnt bleed though, he just bruised my back a bit. He abandoned my arm and leaned in close to my face.

"That is only a taste of punishment," he breathed onto my face. I nodded weakly. He left me in the cage and i closed my eyes, welcoming the darkness that overwhelmed everything.

I woke to something being thrown at my face. It was a wet towel, soaked with water.

"Your breakfast" Enderlox nodded at the towel. "Its a pancake."

I peeled the towel off my face. It was obviously a towel. Was it? The pain was still in my arm. It was just in my arm, thankfully, which meant he didnt have poison in his fangs.

I ate the towel. Hmm, it really was a pancake. Just too soggy. I curled back into the corner to sleep, but Enderlox forbid it.

"Get up and go to those chains over there," he jerked his head over to a wooden chair with metal chains attached. I groaned inwardly, but slowly got up and shuffled towards the chair. I couldnt even think... Except sleep. All i could think was "sleep."

Enderlox licked off some of my dried blood from my arm. He muttered something and chained me to the chair. My head lolled to one side as i drifted off to sleep. Enderlox pulled on my hair and i woke again.

He grabbed something off the table. I squinted at it. It was my diamond dagger. He sliced at the air in front of me, and after he had done that a symbol appeared in the air and floated towards me. It touched my skin and it felt like i was being burnt alive. But, well, i was too tired to do anything.

"Interesting," Enderlox went to his work table with thousands of dangerous, sharp metal object and wrote something down with a pen.

He then continued to do a series of experiments, all of which i slept through, except for one when he sliced open my skin close to my heart and took some of my blood. I had been wide awake for that, Enderlox made sure of that.

When i woke up again it was another day, and there was a chicken leg in front of the cage door for me. The wound on my arn was healing up nicely, with Enderlox licking it every day. I think ive been here for like a whole week already. My clothes were tattered and torn but to be honest i didnt mind.

Enderlox didnt cut me anymore, just continued to draw those strange symbols in the air and blowing them at me. Some were burning me, others felt like ice, but most of the time I just felt nothing. It was all very strange.

And he keeps muttering to himself more and more, sometimes looking out the cave entrance, like he was waiting for someone.

The one thing im actually worried about is why he isnt changing back. I think its a gradual process... He was so rough and angry on the first day, but now he's more gentle, and i dont get anymore soggy pancakes, so i guess thats a good sign.

I sat in the corner of my cage waiting for Enderlox, humming a little tune to myself, and then i shut up when i saw someone moving outside. A boy peeked into the cage, and he looked familiar.

"Hello," he said. I peered through the obsidian bars. Brown hair with bangs, emerald eyes, headphone, white shirt, black pants. This was Deadlox.

"Where did Enderlox go?" I asked, curious.

"He left when my friends arrived," Deadlox said and opened the cage. I stepped out hesitantly. The wound on my arm still hurt but it had formed a scab now.

What friends, i was about to ask when i saw two figures standing in the middle of the room, looking at me. I immediately took two steps back and bumped into Deadlox, who shoved me forward.

"Hello Layla," said the first one.

"Have you been nice?" the other one said, although it seemed more directed at Deadlox than me.

Deadlox shrugged. "Layla, this is Skybrine and thats WitherMU."

More hybrids! Yay!

Fun fact: i wrote about Enderlox in my english writing exam! I hope i dont fail XD

Happy new year!!

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