Remnant's Black Snow Hope [Un...

CameronKiller535 tarafından

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Rwby Harem x Depressed Fem Reader Rights Belong To Roosterteeth Daha Fazla

Volume 1 Bio Updated
Chapter 1 Redux: Chilly Start
Chapter 2 Redux: Chance For Change
Chapter 3 Redux: Burdens
Chapter 4 Redux: The Initiation
Chapter 5 Redux: Chained Jester
Chapter 6 Redux: Faltering Wills
Chapter 7 Redux: Rise & Fall
Chapter 8 Redux: Useless
Chapter 9 Redux: Erased
Chapter 10 Redux: Last Act
Chapter 11 Redux: Comfort
Volume Two Bio Redux
Chapter 12 Redux: Fatal Chapter
Chapter 13 Redux: Food Fight!
Chapter 14 Redux: Schemes
Chapter 15 Redux: Night Out
Chapter 16 Redux: Iron Claws
Chapter 17 Redux: Affections
Chapter 18 Redux: Sharing
Chapter 19 Redux: Just Dance
Chapter 20 Redux: Setting Out
Chapter 21 Redux: Purpose
Chapter 22 Redux: Duty-bound
Chapter 23 Redux: Risking It All
Chapter 24 Redux: Inversion
Chapter 25 Redux: Intertwined
Chapter 26 Redux: Treatment
Chapter 27 Redux: Petaling Snow
Chapter 28 Redux: Sick Queen
Chapter 29 Redux: Radiant
Chapter 30 Redux: Lamenting Jester
Volume 3 Bio Redux
Chapter 32: New Territory
Chapter 33: Scorpions Tail
Chapter 34: Painful Answers
Chapter 35: Struggles
Chapter 36: Renewed Hope
Volume 5 Chapter 37: Changes
Volume 5 Bio
Chapter 38: Marching On
Chapter 39: Evolution
Chapter 40: Back Together
Chapter 41: Old Times
Chapter 42: Mercy
Chapter 43: Shattered Part 1
Chapter 44: Awakened Part 2
Chapter 45: Blade
Chapter 46: Fight Club
Volume 6 Bio
Chapter 47: Journey to Argus
Chapter 48: Immortal
Chapter 49: Hope Lost
Chapter 50: Apathy
Chapter 51: Argus
Chapter 52: Ruby's Resolve
Chapter 53: The Plan
Chapter 54: Bonds
Chapter 55: Leviathan
Chapter 56: Atlas
Volume 7 Rival Bio
Chapter 57: New Territory
Volume 7 Bio
Chapter 58: Elites
Chapter 59: Need to Improve
Chapter 60: Queen's Blade
Chapter 61: Empress vs Queen
Chapter 62: Panic
Chapter 63: Family Revelations
Chapter 64: Trust
Chapter 65: Fear
The Plan
Chapter 66: Courage
Chapter 67 is out now
Chapter 67: War on Atlas
Volume 7 Ending Chapter 68: New Snow Fall
Epilogue: Black Snow At Peace
Chapter 70: Strange Yet Familiar
Author Route Volume 8 Bio
Volume 8 Karen and Akame Bio
Chapter 72: Memories Hurt
Chapter 73: Little Moon
Chapter 74: Ayuki's Past
Chapter 75: Queen's Trials
Sorry Once Again
Chapter 76: Memories Unraveling
Chapter 77: Secrets Revealed
Volume 8 End: Promise Between Empresses
Small Idea
Slice of Life Chapter 1: Video Game
SOL Chapter 2: Frozen Lemons 18+
SOL Chapter 3: Fear Of Belonging
SOL Chapter 4: Moon and Snow
Mother's Day

Chapter 71: Feelings Of Pain

881 22 6
CameronKiller535 tarafından

Koyuki POV:

I get home after class along with Yue, and Miyuki as Neo, Karen, and Akame come to greet us.

Karen: How was teaching today?

Neo: [Was it fun?]

Akame: How was helping them out Yue?

I try to hold back the tears as I see Miyuki and Yue doing the same as I fake a smile.

Koyuki: It was fun, that class had a lot potential.

Miyuki: They really know how to put up a great fight.

Yue: It was really embarassing as everyone stared at me when I transformed.

Miyuki: We're going to freshen up and I'll get dinner started okay?

Neo: [I'll help set up]

Miyuki: Thanks Neo.

The three girls head upstairs as Yue is the first to break down and starts crying running towards Koyuki, who hugs her back.

Yue: (crying) S-She looked just like her...

Koyuki: I know...

Yue: (crying) And the way she held me was the exact same way Y/N used to do too...

Miyuki: (joining in the hug) Just let it all out.

She continues to silently sob before calming down and kissing me and Miyuki on the cheek.

Yue: I'll freshen up...

She takes her leave into her room as Miyuki and I look down.

Miyuki: I'll um...get dinner ready downstairs.

Koyuki: Okay...

I go to my room as I sit on my bed and pull out my scroll going to a picture of Y/N as I start tearing up.

Koyuki: (Is this what you were trying to tell me...?)

Koyuki: (Or is this just a cruel remainder that you're never coming back)

I continue to silently cry to myself before I hear Miyuki calling out to me and Yue.

Miyuki: Dinners, ready!

I clean myself up and walk down along with Yue as I pat her head and she warmly smiles.

After finishing up dinner with the others heading off to bed Miyuki and I start cleaning up the dishes.

Miyuki: Today sure was full of surprises.

Koyuki: Yeah...

Koyuki: I really hope our second lesson goes well with the students.

Miyuki: They seemed to like today's exercise, so I'm sure they'll be happy with it.

Koyuki: Right...

We finish up as silence fills the room.

Koyuki & Miyuki: Do you want to take a bath together?

We both stare at each other for a second since even though we're seperated we can still somehow tell what the others thinking.

Miyuki: (embarrassed) I-I mean if it's okay with you.

Koyuki: (embarrassed) No, no it's fine I-I mean I'm okay with it.

We both calm down and finish up the dishes before heading upstairs into the bathroom as we set up the tub and undress and sit in it having a lot of room due to the tub being large enough for two people.

We continue to stare at each other in embarrassment as despite being together for such a long time it still feels awkward to see each other like this.

Miyuki: I...I wanna know about what happened to you this morning.

Koyuki: Hmm?

Miyuki: This morning you seemed so shaken up and I saw the redness of your eyes like you've been crying for awhile.

Miyuki: I know you don't want to talk about it but I really want to help you.

Koyuki: I...I had a really strange dream, I was in a field of snow and I could hear someone humming as I looked up and saw Y/N walking away from me.

Koyuki: I chased after her but she just disappeared leaving me in the snow storm as I heard the humming again and I saw a girl wearing a black hoodie.

Miyuki: A black Ayuki?

Koyuki: Yeah...I feel like...Y/N was trying to tell me something, that's why I visited her this morning and once I got there to talk I heard the humming again and I could've sworn I saw Ayuki standing right there.

Miyuki: I see...Koyuki what if I told you I had a similar dream, I heard Y/N humming too but I didn't see that girl I was just left in the field of snow.

Miyuki: I just don't understand if Y/N is trying to tell us something this can't be just a coincidence that Ayuki arrived in Vale the same time we had a dream.

Koyuki: Right...should we just ask her?

Miyuki: I don't know I don't want to scare her if we suddenly start asking her questions especially with how badly she reacted when her hoodie fell.


After Ayuki's hoodie fell Miyuki, Yue, and Koyuki try to hold back the tears as this doesn't go unnoticed by Ayuki.

Ayuki: What's wrong?

She notices her hoodie has fallen showing her face.

Ayuki: Oh! I'm sorry! I should've been more careful!

The bell rings as Ayuki puts her hoodie back up and starts running out of the classroom.

Miyuki, Yue, Koyuki: Wait!

Only for their voices going unheard as the rest of the students exit the classroom.

Flashback End~

Miyuki: We better apologize to her tomorrow.

Koyuki: Right...

The two girls continue to clean themselves up until Koyuki breaks the silence.

Koyuki: Miyuki...can you teach me something?

Miyuki: What is it?

Koyuki: Can you teach me how to smile right?

Miyuki: How to smile...?

Koyuki: I can never smile right without straining myself.

Miyuki: Can you show me?

Miyuki: (laughing) You weren't kidding.

Koyuki: See! I can never make it work no matter how hard I try.

Miyuki: Look all you have to do is fill your mind of thoughts that make you really happy and your body will do the rest.

Miyuki: Like this.

Koyuki: You make it look so easy.

Miyuki: Just try it.

I close my eyes and try to think of the happiest times I've had with Karen.

Miyuki: There you go.

Koyuki: Am I really doing it?

Miyuki: Mmhm that's definitely a real smile...a really cute one actually.

Koyuki: (blushing) T-Thank you.

Miyuki: It's no problem.

Miyuki: Why did you want to learn how to smile anyway?

Koyuki: Because...I want to show Karen just how happy she makes me.

Koyuki: I'm scared that she'll be fed up with me sooner or later since I'm ya

Koyuki: You and Yue always show others exactly how your feeling while I'm always the expressionless doll that only knows how to cry and it took Y/N leaving just to bring that out of me.

Miyuki: Koyuki...

I start to tear up and cry.

Koyuki: (crying) I'm tired of being the one that can't express anything!

I continue to cry until I feel Miyuki hug me.

Miyuki: To be honest I've always been jealous of how you've always been able to keep calm and cool despite everything.

Miyuki: Yet you've been feeling this way the whole time while taking care of us alone.

Miyuki: I've been a terrible sister.

Koyuki: That's not true.

Koyuki: I should've told you and Yue how I've been feeling.

Miyuki: No, I should've known sooner and talked to you more like this instead of balling my eyes out and not being there for you too.

Miyuki: Koyuki...I think you're fine just the way you are and I know Karen feels the exact same way.

Miyuki: We all of us just wants to see you happy.

Koyuki: You really feel that way about me?

Miyuki: Of course I do.

I continue to cry as she comforts me until we finish up our bath and get dressed into our night attire.

Miyuki: you think we can sleep with each other, just for tonight?

I nod despite how embarrassed I am.

With no other rooms available we walk into Y/N's room to see it's still in great condition despite no one being inside for awhile.

Miyuki leads me towards the bed as we both lay down as we both stare each other.

Miyuki: Do you feel better now?

I nod.

Koyuki: Thank you.

Miyuki: Hey, it's what sisters are for.

She kisses my forehead as I stare at her with my face heating up.

Miyuki: Goodnight Koyuki.

Koyuki: G-Goodnight Miyuki.

I close my eyes and eventually drift off to sleep.

The Next Day~

After heading out and preparing for class the doors open as I see Ayuki walking in with her hood still up.

Miyuki & Koyuki: Morning Ayuki.

Ayuki: M-Morning Professors.

Ayuki: I-I wanna apologise for running out of class yesterday.

Ayuki: I shouldn't have freaked out like that.

Ayuki: Is Ms.Yue, okay?

Ayuki: I hope I didn't hurt her.

Miyuki: It's okay you didn't do anything wrong at all!

Koyuki: Yue's fine! You did great using her.

Ayuki: B-But I saw how you all looked at me when my hood fell off.

Ayuki: You all looked really sad.

Ayuki: I didn't mean to hurt any of you.

Miyuki & Koyuki: It wasn't like that.

Miyuki: You just reminded us of someone that was really important in our lives.

Koyuki: It was just a shock is all.

We both smile at her as she holds her arm shyly.

Koyuki: Ayuki, you can have your hood down whenever you like.

Miyuki: We promise that you didn't do anything wrong at all and you can act like yourself.

Ayuki: O-okay.

She takes her hood off as Miyuki and I smile at her to ensure everything is fine.

Ayuki: (smiles) T-Thank you Professors.

3rd Person POV:

Back in the laboratory the girl in the test tube is placed in a chamber with a black sphere of energy in a second chamber.

Male Scientist: Is Semblance transference ready?

Female Scientist: Yes, both the subject and energy have been prepared for the process.

Male Scientist: Understood.

He presses the button on the console.

Male Scientist: Engaging Project EMPRESS.

The black sphere of energy flows into the chamber the girl is in as the room is filled in a dark purple light as it soon fades as the chambers enters with the girls apperance fully changed as she slowly steps out of the pod.

???: I?

Male Scientist: You're in Atlas my dear snowflake.

???: At...las?

Male Scientist: Yes my dear, Atlas.

The girl suddenly clenches her head in pain as a memory flashes of two figures being mawled alive by Beowolves.

???: Mommy....Daddy.

Female Scientist: What's wrong snowflake?

???: No!!!!

Her aura suddenly explodes knocking the scientist back with a shockwave.

Male Scientist: Use the programming!

The female Scientist struggles to press a button as the girl experiences a shock through her very body.

???: Ahhh!!!

She falls to her knees as the Male Scientist walks up to her.

Male Scientist: Have you calmed down now?

The girl nods.

Male Scientist: Good, now with the rest of the programming installed you'll be most useful as our we-

The girl grabs his neck and starts to choke him out.

Female Scientist: Stop this at once!

She presses the button to shock her again as electricity goes through her body only for the girl to absorb the power and create a dark blue sword.

She lets go of the scientist and decapitates him as blood erupts from his neck, the female scientist let's out a scream only for her head to explode as the girl stretches her arm out.

???: Must...find...Mommy and Daddy.

She flies out from the lab as she looks around only seeing airships as she flies around amongst them with only one thing going though her mind.

???: (I will find my Mommy and Daddy)

A scientist runs into a office.

Scientist: Sir, she's escaped!

The chair spins to show General Ironwood.

Ironwood: I'm aware.

He pulls up his scroll.

Ironwood: Send in an Air Fleet! And only aim to subdue the target!

Female Atlas Soldier: Understood!

Ironwood: She can not leave Atlas otherwise she'll become an even bigger threat then Salem.

In another office we see a figure walk out from the window placing a hand on the glass as it reflects to a grown up Weiss Schnee.

Weiss: What is happening out there?

Chapter End

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