Christal Chambers

By brandymacdaveine1234

116 15 0

His footsteps echo into the room and I press my body against the thick cold wall. I place my hand over my mou... More

chapter one
chapter three.
Chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
Chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine.
Chapters ten
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Chapter thirteenth
chapters forteen

chapter two

10 1 0
By brandymacdaveine1234

My legs can't walk anymore.

We have literally walked the whole mall. I'm shocked  on how Riley can walk that long, especially in heels.

We left the house three hours ago. I had to clean up and give refreshments  to the workers. My mum apparently gave Riley two credit cards .

" I can't believe there's no dress in this mall that matches you eyes."

Riley is frustrated. We've tried sixteen stores looking for a dress for tonight's event, which I don't have much information about. Riley doesn't even have to ask for an invitation,she always welcomed . She's like my sister and literally the only friend I have. It gets boring being around grown ups.

" Do you remember that lady from the fifth shop we went to. I swear I wanted to fork her eye balls out . She had the nerve to ,say that we are wasting her time looking for a dress. ' you can't afford anything.'  She can't even remove the wax from her ears properly." I cover my mouth before a laugh erupts out of me. It's clear that she's mad and I don't want to be the next victim .

" I think we should  rest. We've been walking for hours. Maybe get some snacks. And once we are re-energized we can go on with our dress hunt." One thing that can cheer Riley is food. She signs a couple of times before smiling and fixing her hair.

We head for the ice cream shop that's not so far from where we were. We go hand in hand ,still talking about the rude lady.  We enter the shop , Make our order and head towards a table by the window not far from the entrance. I've always loved this ice cream shop. It has a good view of  the whole city. You could see hills and plantations from up here. It's usually amazing at night,when every single light in the area is turned on. I find it peaceful.

" Did I tell you about the new hot exchange student. He has me bowing down at his  knees. His tall, muscular and I mean a whole lot of muscles, black puffed wavy hair. His sides are shaved in a fading way and has a lightning bolt perfectly cut out. He has a cross silva earring dangling on his left ear and a diamond one on the other and let me not mention those eyes." Riley closes her eyes as if she can practically see him. She breathes in and out clutching her chest. She flutters them open and rest her head on the arm that's supporting her on the table.

" Those silver eyes are enough to make me pregnant. And the weirdest thing is that , when his standing in the sun his eyes look green - ish and icy. " She looks at the ceiling
obviously thinking of him. I roll my eyes and sit back on my chair.

" Does this beautiful creation have a name?"  She snaps out of her daze and looks at me.

" His name is Jasper . And he loves white ,black ,blue and green. It's been a week and he already made it into the football team and hangs with the popular guys in school. And he has the best taste in fashion. He can rock with or without clothes off..."

"TMI Riley. Your obsessed ,I get it." Our orders come and she dives right into it. I ordered strawberry mint while Riley has vanilla. Both of our orders have sprinkle toppings on them.

A cool breeze hits my skin when the door to the shop is pushed open. Riley drops her spoon and shuffles on her sit.

" What's wrong?" I ask , looking at the weird expressions on her face.

" Brain freeze. Brain damage. Speak of the angel and they appear."

I turn to see a group of good looking guys walk in . The air around is tense. And the other girls in the shop fix themselves up, trying to catch their attention. I look back at Riley whose doing the same.

" Do girls do this to every boy they meet?"

" Not just any boy sweetheart. Only hot snacks like them."

I turn to them again. They all sit and a waitress who looks like she's about to fall takes their orders . One of them looks at me for too long for my liking and winks. I turn back to my ice cream bowl to find it empty.

" Hey!! That was my ice cream." I say folding my arms over my chest.

" I'm sorry . I'm just nerves." Great now I have to buy another one.
I get up and head to the counter. I order another strawberry mint and look over to the boys who are all staring at me. Isn't that awkward. I look away pretending to be busy with my phone. I hate attention. I receive a text from my mum asking me if I'm done. I text her back informing her I still don't have a dress. I put my phone in my pocket. And wait patiently for my ice cream.

Riley slides to my side with her empty bowl asking for a refill.

" You do realize that all of them are looking at you. Especially Jasper."

I shrug my shoulders and take my order. It's cold ,just the way I like it. I take a scoop and moan at it's deliciousness.

"I bet I can make you moan louder than that sweetheart."
I turn around to be met by a guy in brunette hair,his brown eyes roaming my body. Creep.

" Back off Nate." Riley hisses stepping Infront of me. The guy smirk not taking his eyes off me.

" How come you never told me you have a very delicious meal of a friend ,sweet Riley." He reaches for her face but she slaps his arm away.

"Stay away from her."
Riley holds my wrist pulling me back to our table.

" Jerk!"

"Who was that?" From Riley's face, his not on her hot guy list.

" His the guy whose been bullying me around since seventh grade. I hate him , so much. "
She always mentioned something about a guy trying to touch her and pull pranks on her. He has a beautiful face if you ask me but  he does sound like a jerk.

" You can't hate me that much sweetie. I know you love me. Don't deny it."
He stalks towards Riley with a disgusting smirk on his face.

"Now sweetie , introduce me to your friend."

The nerve. I don't like his vibe at all. Riley suddenly has a shift in moods . She no longer looks tough, she's terrified. She swallows hard closing her eyes and I watch as he snacks his hand near her breast.

" Take your filthy hands off my best friend. "
He finally looks at me with a smile on his face. He leans on the table lowering his face to mine.

"Aren't you a feisty one. I must admit I like my girls bowing to me, but your worth the chase, my precious."

" You are legit the most disgusting thing I have ever come across."
He places his hand on his heart pretending that I pierced him.

" That hurt. But I doubt that's what little sweet Riley here thinks. "

He reaches for her again and I swear all the patience in me runs out . I get up and grab his arm twisting it behind his back and pinning him to the transparent window. I press harder until his faces is squashed. I push his legs apart and he falls on his knees , groaning in pain.

" Listen here you fat ass eguana. No one and I mean no one, touches my best friend inappropriately or even dares to hurt her. And when I say get your filthy hands off her I mean it. If I ever see you near her or even an inch close to her,I will personally hunt you down  and scare the shit out of you ass. I'm I clear!" I say loud enough between gritted teeth on his ear.
When he doesn't respond,I hit his head on the window and he groans louder.

" I said...I'm I ..Clear!"
He nods his head vigorously and I let him go. I look over to Riley whose shocked.

" Are you okay?"

She nods her head and I sign in relief. Aware of everyone's stare at me. I pay for the ice cream and the bowls too. There is no way I'm not finishing my ice cream because of that douche.

I hold my ice cream on one hand and the other one locks with Riley's. She has that ' that's my best friend '  look. I smile up to her and she takes her bowl too.

" Let's go best friend ." She says. We look at Nate on the ground . Who looks shocked and amused at the same time. I can't help but look over to the guys at the table. There all smiling up to me ,but one of them looks at me intensely. And if Riley's description were right that's Jasper.

I lick the ice cream on my spoon and Jasper smirks at me. We flip our hair in unison and walk out of the store.

We burst out laughing once the ice cream shop is out of sight.

" You should have seen his face. He looked like he just got whipped by a baby."

"He messed with the wrong girls. "
The spark in Riley's eyes when she looks at me makes me frown.

" What would I ever do without you Cassey. I was literally hopeless. I didn't know what to do or how to react. It's just that he scares me. Thank you for standing up for me. I love you."

I swing my hand over her shoulder and hug her close.

" And I love you too girl. And I will defend you from giants ...once I get my black belt."

We laugh until something shiny catches our attention. We have our mouth agape as we stare at the beautiful masterpiece.

"Cassey ,are you seeing the beauties Infront of us?"

"You bet I see them."

There are two magnificent dresses displayed on  manicans . One black the other red. They have thin straps and a v - shape design on the chest area , showing exposed skin. Around the waist of the dresses are belts with diamonds covering it. They have two high slits on both thigh sides . They also have strap like design on both thigh sides. More of like those things combat girls wear when they're going to kick ass. Mainly used to hide weapons unless needed. It also comes with diamond chokers and black combat heels.

" We are so going to rock this night . Both dresses are cute . Which one do you want?" Riley asks. She's practically having an internal conflict just like me. Red and black are some my favorite colours.

" I think black suites you better bunny." A deep husky sexy voice says behind us. Riley already turned by the first word. I take my time before looking up to those luring eyes. I can't help but stare at them. Jeez! his dangerously gorgeous.

He stares right back at me intensely I can't breath for a second. His friends are walking up to him. I manage to break the silence around us.

"Pardon?" I say pretending to be unnerved by his presence. I thought Riley was exaggerating about his features. His huge and tall. I feel so small .

" The black dress," he points over my shoulder " It will bring out those gorgeous Christal eyes you have ."

He neither drops his humor nor his smile. His friends reach him and playfully punch each other. Riley is still shocked. I turn away from them and take in deep breathes.

" Hey." Another guy from the five call out.

" It was cool how you stood up for your friend. Not many have a solid friendship like you two." He winks at me and I turn away without a word. It's not long I hear a slap.

" Leave the girl alone . Or your ass will be whooped next. But I must admit that was dope. It was like watching wonder woman fight off the bad guys." I want to leave so bad. Its enough that I already attracted the attention of five heart throbs.  I catch Jasper watching me as the four boys  repeat what I did at the shop. I stare at him noticing a tattoo snaking out of his shirt.

I tear my eyes away pushing Riley into the store.
That was awkward. I look through the window and they're gone. Pheeeww!
We try the dresses on and they surprisingly fit. I ended up with the black one eventually. They had to makes some adjustments to mine because I have wider hips and a small waist.

" We look like bad ass girls." Riley comments when we look at our images in the big mirror Infront of us.

" I feel like a bad ass."

The red dress really looks good on Riley. Her brunette hair is already in
Waves. Her brown eyes are more defiant . The guy attending to us is sweet and funny.

" Girls , you gotta do something about the hair. They're gorgeous but a trim and probably a colour change would make a difference." He hold our hair up and ruffles them up.

Riley and I exchange looks and giggle. Totally my stylist from now on.

" You sugar. We can add streaks of blond to your brunette hair and make it more wavier. And you angel, your blond hair,is too long and too blond for life,so I suggest we cut it at least to reach your lower back. We want to see those  big butt cheeks of yours wiggle around. We can make it look blond and sunset orange at the same time. What do you think?"

Wow ! I mean I do fashion but his is legit madness. I love the idea .

" I love it." Riley says excitedly.

" I don't know about my hair being orange."

" Not completely orange sweetie. We have this new color,that popped in last week. It's for Blondie's like you. And I haven't tried it on anyone. But with those shimmering eyes you have mmmmh ! girl you will  kill that look. It fades into the hair. People can't tell the difference between you being a Blondie or a perfect sunset radiance at the beach."

I guess I could try something different. Another guy walked out at the back of the store holding scissors and a blow-dryer.

" Let's turn you into hot girls." I'm excited . Both of them
seem like professionals. It seems like they rarely get customers. The store is at a corner of the mall ,you can't see thou.

Sam the guy who walked in attended to me while Josh attended to Riley. We bantered and talked through the whole process. They had our eyes blind folded. They didn't want us to see their' talent.' And boy are they good in massages.

They tell us about some of the celebrities that they have worked with and how unappreciative they were.  Sam places the hair he cut  on my hands.

" Feel it while you still can precious."
Its a lot. How much hair did he cut. I reach to peek out of the blindfold but he slaps my hand away.

" No peeking precious." I rub my hand touching the hair on my palms anxiously.

It's not long when they sign and remove the blind folds .

" From beauty,to smoking hot ladies."
I can not believe my eyes. I have never felt so beautiful in my entire life. The orange does blend in with my hair. You have to get closer to see it better. Some strands are purely light orange . It looks like I have flames on my hair. The length is on my lower back and it's all waved up.

Riley looks stunning. Both of us have perfectly cut out lines on the center , dividing the hair into two sides. The front strands of Riley's hair are dirty blond and the rest of her hair has strands of blond here and there. She also has waves. This two really know how to make a lady feel amazing.

I look at my phone and I have six missed calls from my mum . This stupid phone can't even vibrate. I need a new one.

It's 5:50pm, we're late.

" Riley were late." Good thing we both cleaned up at home. How are we going to make it there on time.

" You girls look bothered."
Josh says putting everything back in order. Sam has his brows furrowed in confusion.

" We have this event to go to in the next hour and we are not ready. I don't have my make up on. And jewellery . I can't breathe." Riley breathing increases and Sam massages her shoulders and she relaxes .

" Don't worry sugar ,we can help you with that too. For free though. "
I snap my head to him.

" For free?"

He smiles waving his hand around .
" Of course for free. You guys already paid for the dresses and hair change. You two are the best customers I have ever attended to in my whole life. I really want to see you guys again. People who come in here are always rushy and don't want the experience of a life time. But you two are something else. And I'm assuming you don't have a ride too. We can arrange."

Both of them exchange looks and there back to us.

" Can I at least repay you guys in any way?"
He laughs and hold my hand in his.

" Come visit sometime." Its official these two are amazing. Riley nudges my shoulder and pulls me to the side.

" Remember that beauty shop your mum has near that big hotel she owns in the city?"

Knowing what  she's about to say by that smirkk on her face,I turn to the guys .

"What if I could offer you two a job near one of the biggest hotels around. If you ask me some of the tourists around there need a change in style."

I smile up to them and they look dumbfounded.

" Your serious?" Sam looks like his about to faint. He supports himself on a chair and looks at Josh. I nod my head and look over to Riley whose anxious for their answer.

" It's a deal angel. From now on you guys are in our favorite no pay list."

They sit us down and do the final touches. I texted my mum telling her we are on our way home. We still have the dresses on. Sam disappeared through the door after finishing Riley's make up. She has a shiny silva eye shadow a nice wedged eye liner.

I on the other hand have a shiny light orange eye shadow with a nice thin wedged eye liner too. They found it best to only  do our eyes. No foundation, which I hate and a little lip gloss.

Sam rushes inside with a set of two big jewellery boxes.

" I thought it would be nice to add a nice friendship bracelet and chain."

He opens the boxes revealing two charm bracelets and two half love heart chains. When joined together it reads boss bitches.

They help us put them on and we look at ourselves in the mirror. We look different. A good different.

" Assuming you guys have no time left, the car is right outside. We have to run for it."

They close the shop and we literally run through the halls laughing at ourselves. Few people stop to stare and whistle at us but Josh and Sam give them death glares. We reach the elevator and press the button but it won't budge. After pressing it so many times it finally closes. We sign in relief . Listening to the soothing music. All four of us look at each other and laugh. The door opens when we reach the ground floor.

The guys from earlier are sitting near a water fountain. One of them motions the other boys to look at us. One of them falls off the chair when he see us, the others have their eyes wide open. Jasper isn't with them.

I lock eyes with Nate on the other side . That stupid smirk on his face. I raise my middle finger to him and he laughs .

A black Camaro is waiting at the exit and I look at Josh.

" When you said a ride ,I thought it was a taxi or a normal car."
He places his hand on my lower back and pushes me through the door. Riley turns around heading back inside.

" Where are you going?"
I call out to her .

" There is no way that you are going anywhere with that phone of yours."

She disappears out of view and comes back later with an iPhone 11 and two small black purses. That's one expensive phone.

" That's expensive . You are so not getting a credit card again." She rolls her eyes throwing the phone at me slides into the car beside me.

" Drive them to their destination safely and fast." Sam says to the guy who has a suit on and shades.

" I have your numbers we'll keep in touch." They wave us off and the engine roars to life. We give the driver the address and say our last good byes. I miss them already.

" Girls. Put your seat belts on. gonna be one hell of a bumpy ride." The grin he has indicates that it's about to go down.
He turn the volume up and Rockstar by Dababy and Roddy Rich plays. He speeds into the main road and Riley and I sing along to the song.

" Let's go........ Brand new Lamborghini fuck a cop car...."

We made it home in ten minutes. His an insane driver. It's surprising how we didn't get pulled over.

My mum is pacing near the entrance with her driver waiting in the black  CUV . She looks stunning. She has a white sleeveless pull neck dress that reaches the ground and it has a slit on her right leg. She wears simple pearl earrings and Silva high heels. A simple love heart chains dangles on her neck,her  slightly waved at the ends . And the red lipstick that she always wears finishes the look.

When she sees us ,  she signs in relief and walks towards us. We get out and tip the guy before he disappear out of view.

" I called and no one picked up. Both of you had me worried sick."She embraces us and looks down at us.

" You girls look amazing. Oh my gosh, Your hairs. " She holds the ends and gaps at us. She tells us to spin around and a tear escape her eyes. She quickly wipes it away and embraces us again. We have big smiles on our faces.

" You look stunning mum. I'm pretty sure every man in the room will be uggling at you."

" You guys are growing up too fast. It was just few years back your mother and I would change your diapers and do dress up competitions between you two." We laugh and someone clears there throat behind us.

"Ladies,I'm sorry to ruin the moment but we might have to get on the road if we want to make it there early." Kevin says looking stunning as always.

We head towards the car and he stops me.
" I've never been so proud to see you this happy. You should smile often. You look amazing."
I smile and embrace him before heading to the car.

My mum still hasn't informed me where the we are going. It's out of town. The place is covered by many trees than back at home.

You can hardly see any life around here. My stomach and Riley's growl and we look at each other.

" You guys didn't eat?"

" We had ice cream." I say looking out the window. We are above a hill. I can see the whole city better from up here. The lights already out.

" You'll have plenty to eat when we get there."

Riley has a bag of m&m's on her lap. I take seven without her noticing.
I wonder who lives all the way up a hill.

The city is no longer in view so I close my eyes and the image of Jasper flashes through my mind and I smile. How could a guy have such perfect brows and that smile. He looks like an Italian guy,but has a British / American mixed accent. Those eyes were captivating.

Riley elbows me, startling me. I follow her gaze and I'm left speechless. A big storey building comes into view . It's magnificent. I look over to my mum who has a smile on her face looking ahead.

I've lived here my whole life and I've never seen this before. It's so tall I don't think I'd miss it. Cars and limos come into view. We pass them heading towards the big entrance. People dressed in high fashion clothes walk in after handing in there invitations.

We stop near two gold polls with a read carpet running from inside the building to outside. Guys in black tux help people out with their luggages,others have walky talkies, probably the security. The door on my mum side is opened and she steps outside with her purse. All my documents from my previous phone go to the new one and I leave the old one inside. Riley follows my mum out and I follow suite after placing  my new phone in the purse Riley bought.

A chilly breeze hits my skin and I rub my arms to gain some warmth. It's not long when furry white coats are dropped on our shoulders. The men smile up to us and usher us inside. A well decorated stair case goes up with two big doors wide ajar. Music comes from inside.
My mum hands in our invitation and we walk inside. We get few stares but I don't mind. I'm used to it.

We walk gracely up the stairs and the guards at the door eye us up and down. Riley smiles up to them and they smile back.

We reach the top and they bow ,whichnis definitely weird. My mom nods and we step in. Another stair case heads down where everyone is.

" I have an idea. Let's walk down together like we own the place. Your mum at the front and us behind  but at her sides." Riley says.

We laugh at her idea but we agree. We have our heads up walking with our hips swaying delicately at each step. Our heels click getting people's attention. My mum is way good at this. We push our hair back in unison and I spot some guys spilling their drinks out of their mouth. Some females hit their escorts for staring.

I smile and give Riley a fist pump. We are so nailing it.

Oh! This is going to be one hell of a night.


Isn't it amazing to always have someone to look out for you.   Woooooohh!Girl power🥳🥳

Lovely reading.😘

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