The Bad Girl

By Whatitdofifthharmony

37.7K 1.2K 336

Struggling with life- parents putting her out, having no friends -Normani took off a job becoming a stripper... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29

Episode 30 (Finale)

596 25 6
By Whatitdofifthharmony

I stood on the stage and smiled. I let my back hit the pole and looked around at the club.

"Hey Manz." Dinah greeted me and I looked down at her.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Our wedding is tomorrow so maybe you could you know...get some rest?" Dinah suggested and I rolled my eyes

"I have a better idea." I smirked at a thought.

I climbed off the stage and sat Dinah down before straddling her waist.

"What are you about to do?" Dinah questioned wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Give you a private show, it's been a while...boss." I replied putting on my mask and Dinah smiled slightly.

"I don't think I'll last long..." Dinah muttered as I started to peck her lips softly.

"Hm." I hummed before moving to her neck.

"HEY MOMS!" Elijah yells making me pull away and look at the boy guiding his little brother to the us.

"Wassup kiddo?" Dinah asked as she rest her head on my shoulder.

"I taught Niklaus how to crawl...see!" Elijah moved away from Niklaus and ushered for him to crawl towards him.

"That's so sweet." I commented as I get up off of Dinah causing her to pout.

I took the mask off and put it on one of the tables. When Niklaus reached Elijah, I picked him up and checked his diaper.

"I think I should get him to bed, you take Elijah." I ushered and Dinah got up slowly.

"Where?" She asked and I gave her that look before walking away.

As I made my way to the car, I unlocked it and put Niklaus in the back of the car before pausing. I leaned up against the car and thought about something.

"Hey what's wrong?" Dinah asked in concern.

"I don't really feel like traveling to the house, let's just sleep in the club." I faked yawn to persuade Dinah for us to not go home.

"Great because I made a new room to the club and I been wanting to show it to someone." Dinah smiled.

"Okay." I smiled back and grabbed Niklaus while Dinah picked up Elijah again.

After locking the door to the car, we made our way back into the club. Dinah lead us upstairs and into what used to be a closet.

"I made this room just incase I like work late or something." Dinah notified me and I nod before taking off my shoes before plopping on the bed after setting Niklaus down.

"Can you believe it Deenah." I teased and Dinah shrugged.

"Believe what exactly?" Dinah nervously laughed and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Tomorrow I'll become Mrs. Hansen-Hamilton." I tell her my smile getting bigger.

"Ohhh yeah! I didn't expect you to be my wife and I do not mind." Dinah comments before sitting next to me.

"Mommy I need a cover." Elijah held out his hand and I got up and Dinah pass him the sheet.

We both plopped back onto the bed and ended up falling asleep after 30 minutes of funny arguments and conversations. When we all woke, it was like 7 in the morning and Niklaus was the cause of our abrupt awakening. I go to grab the crying Niklaus and made my way to the bathroom. I grab the bag with the baby stuff in it and rest Niklaus a towel that is on the toilet lid. I changed his diaper quickly then redressed him for the day, I sat him on the sink and gave him a bottle of milk that I made while changing his diaper. After doing that, I started to brush my teeth and wash my face. Leaving the bathroom, I make my way down into the club and I see Camila.

"Hey hey." I greeted first and she jumps.

"Wait, you were!? Thank goodness!!!" She praised and prayed.

"I was always here, and plus what's going on?" I questioned.

"Your and Dinah's house was on the news-" Camila started to explain with her hand.

"What why?" I cut her off and she put her hand down.

"Somehow it exploded, they said they couldn't find any casualties and I got so worried." Camila explained making me bite my tongue.

I didn't think it would be real and I just thought I was being paranoid.

"Hey Chancho." Dinah greeted with a yawn.

"Hey Cheechee, I'll call Lauren and Ally telling then that you guys are okay." Camila directed that to me and I nod and Dinah raised an eyebrow.

"What's going on?" Dinah wondered.

"Alright I have something to tell you but you have to sit down." I tell her and she nod before sitting down with Elijah next to her.

I put down Elijah and started from the dream to picking Niklaus name and then the house explosion.

"Wait so you basically had a vision?" Dinah commented.

"It was a dream and yes." I replied.

"Ohhh my goodness, dios bendiga." Ally says as she runs to us and squeeze all of our faces then planted many kisses on it.

"Ally we don't speak Spanish." Dinah stated.

"She only said God bless." I patted Dinah head.

"Man I'm just happy the wedding is going to happen and we gon get to eat that big ass cake." Lauren did a little dance before Ally slapped her in the back of her head.

"No cussing." Ally scolded.

"Yes ma'am." Lauren groaned as she rubbed the back of her head.

"So...breakfast?" Dinah suggest and we all agreed.

Before I knew it I was being dressed into my wedding dress.

"Oh Normani, you look so cute!" Becky squealed and I huffed.

"Damn I wanna get married now." Victoria laughed and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Are you sure the wedding is perfect?" I wanted to make sure and Victoria laughed, mockingly.

"Of course not, your grandmother is walking you down the aisle girl, how is that perfect?" Victoria commented and I just laughed.

It was time for Becky and Victoria to also walk the aisle. Kehlani is going to take Victoria and Naomi id going to walk Becky. After they did it was about my turn and my grandma came up to me.

"I'm proud of you sweetheart."My grandma tells me before kissing my forehead.

The doors open and the music started playing then BOOM I'm in front of Dinah.

"Hey." She greeted with a little cough.

"Were you crying?" I asked.

"No, no." She clearly lied and all I did was smile.

The officiant who I imagined as Ally started and locked eyes with Dinah. The officiant asked for the rings and Elijah came out all dressed up. He gave Dinah the box of rings and I peck his forehead and he runs back to his seat with a smile. Dinah opened the box and took out the rings before passing the box off to Lauren. She put the ring on my hand first and I do the same then the officiant continued...

"Okay, I, Dinah Jane, take you, Normani Kordei, to be my wedded wife. I promise to stay by your side through good and bad times, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I vow to stay true to you and love you unconditionally for the rest of my days." Dinah tell me and I bite my lip.

"And I, Normani Kordei, take you, Dinah Jane, to be my wedded wife. I promise to stay by your side through good and bad times, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I vow to stay true to you and love you unconditionally for the rest of my days." I repeated and Dinah smiled with a blush...

"Do you, Dinah Jane, take this woman to be your wedded wife?" The officiant asked.

"I do." Dinah nodded.

"Do you, Normani Kordei, take this woman to be your wedded wife?" The officiant asked again but time with my name.

"I do." I say with my eyes close.

"Now I pronounce you wife and may now kiss the bride." The officiant finished the wedding and I felt a pair of lips on mine making me smile during the kiss.

"Dinally finally got married." I hear Lauren teased and Dinah pulled away from our kiss to give her a death stare.

"To the reception!" My grandma called causing everyone to scatter while most of us including Dinah and I took our time.

"Damn you're gorgeous." Dinah complimented before twirling me.

"Thank you, you look just as beautiful." I complimented back as I checked her out.

"Oh stop it, I can call you wifey now wifey." Dinah smirked with a little blush.

"Okay you two, stop flirting." My grandma interrupted and I smiled.

"Ooh gimme." I ushered for Niklaus and she gave me my baby boy.

"Mommy looks so pretty Grandma." Elijah complimented and Dinah gave him a high five.

"Thank you." I giggled and Elijah bowed.

"Cake time!" Lauren yelled before running to the party.

"Hey dude!" Dinah called as she ran after Lauren.

I shake my head before walking with Elijah and my grandma to the party as well. Niklaus fell asleep on my shoulder and we walked over to a table in which we sat down. I really had to rest my feet. I look down and back up in two seconds then BOOM my mother is here...great.

"Grandma..." I groaned and she shrugged.

"It wasn't me this time." Grandma commented as Victoria gave her some snacks.

"Wow, there you are." Andrea started and I stood up.

"Do you need something?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I came to apologize or whatever." Andrea huffed.

"Yeah you aren't a year late." I roll my eyes and Dinah come up from behind me.

"Well you were right, my necklace was at the bottom of my shirt's drawer." Andrea explained but I really didn't care.

"Hmm that's something." I say as I look at my ring.

"Well I'm grateful you lost it." Dinah spoke up and we both look at her.

"What are you talking about?" Andrea asked.

"I married to your daughter now, have fun at the party mom." Dinah smiled before patting Andrea shoulder then walked away.

"That happened." Victoria whispered and I stood there stunned.

"I'm sitting back down now." I ushered and sat down slowly.

After a little while, Dinah basically dragged me to the dance floor so we could have our dance. As we danced I started to imagine me as Chocolate Goddess.


I felt Dinah pull me into herself and I looked up at her biting my lip. She raised her eyebrows knowingly and smirked. She continued the dance and then it ended just like that. After the dance, Victoria and Lauren had gotten ready for their maiden of honor speech.

"Okay okay, I worked my ass off for this weddin- OW Ally!" Lauren says rubbing the back of her head.

"Stop cussing." Ally scolded again and we all laughed.

"Anyways, I want a piece of that cake so let's hurry this up Vicky."

"Alright Laurenza." Victoria cleared her throat.

"Touché." Lauren nodded.

"So if it wasn't me then it was Becky, Normani is like a main character to a tv show. She got the looks, she got the talent, and she got the personality. She is all around an amazing person and I am happy to be her sister because we both are single children so having a sister like her is the best thing ever, I love you sis and congratulations." Victoria finished and everyone clapped and I had to wipe my tears because damn that was beautiful.

"I love you too." I mouthed back at her and she bowed like Elijah did.

"Alright, I really didn't expect to be Dinah's maiden of honor but I am grateful to her that bi- I mean girl in my life. Yes maybe I did crush on your now wife before but I'm well over that. Since we was kids you haven't done anything but save my life so thank you and you're the best bro. Anyways I hope you stay healthy and also don't forget to buy a new house." Lauren reminded causing Dinah and I to groan.

"Dammit I forgot about that." Dinah huffed.

"I know right." I sucked my teeth.

"OKAY THANK YOU! NOW TIME TO CUT THE CAKE!" Dinah basically roared and we all nod or put up our thumbs.

Dinah interlock out hands and we walk over to the cake, Camila passed us the knife and we cut the cake after someone counted from 3. By the time everyone gotten a piece, it was gone.

"This is so good." Dinah moaned and when she went to take another bite I ate the piece then whispered in her ear.

"I'm really turned on right now." I tell her then sat down as Dinah swallowed her food slowly.

"Damn alright." Dinah put down the plate and took my hand leading us out the party.

I told my grandma to watch the kids and she threw us a thumbs up. Dinah took us to the hotel most people had booked in and picked me up.

"I just picked up my bride bridal style." Dinah joked and I giggled.

"You're so corny!" I let out through the giggle and she stuck out her tongue teasingly.

When we entered the hotel room, Dinah put me down and kissed me then pulled away.

"How do you take that off?" Dinah pointed at the dress and I shrugged.

"No idea." I laughed and she shake her head with a smile.

Somehow Dinah managed to get it off and her jaw dropped as she seen what I had on underneath.

"Okay now I'm really turned on." Dinah says before stripping out of her cloths quickly.

She practically tackled me and kissed me faster than I could reply. I felt her hard on causing me to moan a little in the kiss. Dinah smirked and attacked my neck softly making me wrap my legs around her waist. She started grinding her hips into mine making me squirm a little. Both our breathing got a little heavy and I haven't even done anything yet. She pulled away and started kissing down my body. She looked up at me and smirked. Reaching my underwear, she licking me through the piece of cloth then took it off. Before I knew it she dove her tongue inside me making me bite a pillow. Her pace was slow but she applied a lot of pressure, I was already feeling my self about to release. It was after the, I don't know, the third stroke from her tongue I had hit my orgasm. I watched as she pull off her underwear and raise my leg onto her shoulder. She was definitely going in raw. I hugged the pillow and got myself ready to moan in it. I felt her rub the tip against me first and I closed my eyes because it felt really nice then practically whimpered when she pushed her self inside of me. I felt my leg being pushed to my chest but stopped then felt her started to pull herself out and right back in. Once again it was very slow but deep, I gripped the pillow so hard and had my eyes close shut. She then hit my g-spot a couple of time pushing me over the edge. Then my orgasm hit again. Dinah moved my leg and straddled my waist, kissing my lips very slowly then pulled away.

"It feels like so long since we had sex." Dinah muttered while breathing heavily and then pulled out of me.

I sat up and huffed.

"Before we started I wanted to give you my show I promised you yesterday." I told her and her jaw dropped.

"Right I forgot but you was looking so beautiful that I couldn't help myself." Dinah replied sitting on the edge of the bed and I giggled.

"I'mma still give you that show." I husked and Dinah smirked.

"I'm ready Mrs. Hansen." Dinah replied and I bit my lip to hide my smile.

I moved to stand in front of her slid my hands up her chest and in her hair to yank her head back slightly so I can give her a couple of hickeys. Once done that, I turned my self around pressed my back against Dinah's front before guiding her hands up my body. My body slowly fell and I started to grind my ass on her then shook my ass in front of her, also slowly. She stood up and pressed me against the wall with my front pressed up against the cold wall. She sucked on my sweet-spot and stroked her fingers in and out of me while her other middle finger was in my mouth. As I get close, Dinah pulled away and bent me over to enter me again. I bit my lip as she "hit it from behind". After a few more strokes, I hit yet another orgasm then she pulled out and finally hit her's. She let out a sigh of relief and picked me up as if I was a small woman.

"Let's get you in a bath." Dinah tell me and I fell half asleep on her chest.

"Mm, I love you.." I muttered while listening to Dinah heart beat.

"I love you too, Manz." Dinah replied.

Yeah...I thankful to be married to this woman.

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