The Next Generation [My Hero...

By ChillyMillie13

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(DISCLAIMER: I do not own My Hero Academia or its characters. It's clear in the title that this is a fan fict... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Thirty One

669 16 8
By ChillyMillie13

One Week Later
Midoriya's POV:
I was in the bathroom in the morning, puking my guts out. But Shoto was next to me and trying to help in any way he could, which unfortunately, wasn't a whole lot.

I'd been in there for about fifteen minutes by that point, and my throat was seriously starting to burn from the vomit.

Todoroki: Do you need me to get you anything?

I shook my head.

Midoriya: It feels like this time is twice as bad as when we had Yuki... I'm already looking forward to when this baby is born in five months... I told my agency about it last night, and I'll need to take leave in two weeks since that's the government's policy with pregnant heroes...

Todoroki: Okay. I'm looking forward to when they're born, too. What do you think they'll be this time? Another girl? Maybe a boy?

I shrugged.

Midoriya: I dunno... I kinda want to wait until they're born to find out.

Then Shoto gave me a hug and gently pecked me on the cheek.

Todoroki: So do I.

It was quiet then, and I heard Shoto take a deep breath.

Todoroki: Are you ready for the visit?

Midoriya: Oh my gosh I forgot it was today... I'm more worried about you, Shoto. Are you going to be alright...?

Shoto shrugged.

Todoroki: I can probably sit through it. As long as we keep it short.

I nodded in agreement and morning sickness eventually stopped. For a while.
Yuki was asleep already when Shoto's family made it to our apartment, since it was getting late, and I made sure not to let go of Shoto's hand.

Shoto and I let them in and greeted them, though I could hear Shoto forcing it out, so was I.

Then we were all sitting at the table. It was quiet for a bit before Endeavor spoke up.

Endeavor: So, you're Number 4 now?

Shoto nodded.

Todoroki: Yeah, I am.

Endeavor: That's pretty exciting, right? The same goes for you, Midoriya.

Shoto muttered a thank you and I made mine more clear. I didn't know how to handle this. And the air was thick with tension.

Finally Fuyumi decided to bring up what was said at the announcement.

F. Todoroki: So, you two are married now?

I nodded and spoke up.

Midoriya: Yeah, five years, we got married in Osaka, a few days after graduation, actually...

Then Fuyumi got a worried look on her face.

F. Todoroki: Oh, then you weren't super upset by what Natsuo said the night you two left, were you?

Natsuo flinched. I shook my head.

Midoriya: No, not really. And it's not like it's the only thing we've heard. Those comments are few and far between anyway, thankfully.

Fuyumi nodded right as Natsuo decided to speak.

N. Todoroki: Actually, going back to the whole running away thing... was it planned?

I wasn't sure how to answer that, but Shoto spoke up.

Todoroki: We were planning to move into a new home together, but not as soon as it happened.

N. Todoroki: Did you stay with your mom then?

I shook my head.

Midoriya: No, I actually gave up trying to contact her three months ago. I used to send her a letter every month, but decided to stop since it's been so long... and she hasn't shown any sign of wanting to see me again.

Then Fuyumi remembered the argument.

F. Todoroki: I'm, actually curious, did the fight with your mom actually have something to do with Shoto?

I nodded my head.

Midoriya: I'm not sure why, but my mom never liked Shoto, so when she found out we were married, that's when the fight happened.

Shoto's mom tilted her head.

R. Todoroki: So you didn't tell your parents either?

Midoriya: Well, my dad knew and he went to the wedding, my parents are currently divorced.

F. Todoroki: Wait... Mom, you knew...?

Shoto's mom nodded.

R. Todoroki: Shoto told me that the two of you were engaged during your final year. Sometime before he got that detention.

Shoto looked down, Natsuo looked at him.

N. Todoroki: Wait, was that why you got in that fight? Was Midoriya involved?

Shoto shrugged.

Todoroki: Partly, yes. The classmate I got in a fight with made an attempt to harm him, and as we learned later, had I not intervened, Izuku could have needed medical attention.

Natsuo looked down.

N. Todoroki: Oh, I thought it was just because you wanted to stir up trouble.

Endeavor: Natsuo.

N. Todoroki: What? Fuyumi thought the same thing. He's lied about stuff before to get sympathy. Plus, it wouldn't really come as a shock if it was done unprovoked. Didn't he freeze Toya when he was five, and then burn him?

Endeavor breathed out and spoke with a guilty tone.

Endeavor: That first part was an accident. And I'm sure Shoto told you, I was the one who burned Toya. The whole reason he was sent to the hospital was because I got mad at Shoto for unfreezing Toya when he could do it himself, then Toya tried to fight back, and you know what happened next. Your younger brother is blameless. In fact he tried helping Toya.

This silenced us for a moment.

Those burns that Toya had on his skin, that require staples to keep attached to the rest of him, that caused him daily pain... I believed Shoto when he told me at the start of our relationship, but now that I'd actually seen them... I became slightly more afraid of Endeavor.

I looked back at Fuyumi and saw she had shadows over her eyes.

F. Todoroki: So, all these years we've been brushing Shoto off, and getting upset with him for taking mom and your attention away from us, and getting mad when he'd tell us how much he hated spending time with you... was Shoto really exaggerating...?

Endeavor shook his head immediately.

Endeavor: No, he wasn't. If you were skeptical you could have asked your mother...

Natsuo shook his head.

N. Todoroki: We did, but...—Why is it still a big deal? Why did you cut contact with all of us when the problem was with dad? Why run away? We thought you were dead or something! You still had people in this family that cared about you.

Then Shoto shot back with a calm tone.

Todoroki: Did I? Did I have any family members that cared about me?

The four went more quiet, but Endeavor raised his hand and spoke softly.

Endeavor: Yes. I care.

Shoto didn't seem to believe him.

N. Todoroki: It's called tough love, Shoto. You weren't going to learn anything if you weren't punished for anything. And look, you still turned out bad.

Natsuo raised his voice a bit which made me worry about Yuki, since she was still sleeping, and I quickly glanced back at the hallway. Shoto seemed mindful and didn't raise his voice.

Todoroki: Punished for what exactly? And I think we can agree that the main thing I learned was not to tell you guys anything. Even if I got hurt at school or during training.

N. Todoroki: Look, I just think it's a bit selfish and disrespectful to go ahead and run away at eighteen, get married behind our backs, cut contact, and not even consider passing on your quirk.

Todoroki: Wait... what about my quirk?

Rei spoke up again.

R. Todoroki: Your brother has a point. It is a bit weird that you have such a strong quirk and yet you never thought about passing it on. Especially after you picked your strongest classmate to go out with. Speaking of which... You, *looks at me* are you sure that Shoto's really the person you want to stay with...? You know you could always divorce him if you think otherwise.

I was taken aback. And was about to speak when Shoto replied.

Todoroki: Just because I have a good quirk doesn't mean I'm automatically required to have a child just to pass it on. Wouldn't that make be a bad parent if I was only concerned with their quirk? Besides I started going out with Izuku and married him because I fell in love with him. The reason I married him had nothing to do with his quirk. I don't care about what his quirk is. No matter what he'll still be the same person that taught me that everything I have in my being is mine, not anyone else's. And he's still the one who's inspired me from day one. I wouldn't even care if he was quirkless, I would still love him! If having a child to pass on a quirk is the only purpose for marriage, then I wouldn't want a part in it. If or when Izuku and I have a child, our choice for their existence would have nothing to do with their quirk.

This made my heart melt and I spoke up.

Midoriya: I agree. And, for the record, I'm more happy than I've ever been since I started seeing Shoto. He's inspired me just as much as I have him. I don't have any doubts about our marriage, because I love him with all my heart. And I think we're both on the same page when it comes to kids. If we were to have them, passing on our quirks would not be classified as a reason. Plus, my quirk can't be passed on genetically in the first place. So there's no reason to bring quirks into the conversation when it comes to Shoto and I having children.

N. Todoroki: Yeah, well you can't, can you?

Endeavor: Natsuo!

Endeavor's tone surprised me a bit, he almost sounded desperate. Shoto raised his hand a bit.

Todoroki: Let him speak, this will probably be the last time we see each other, so it's a good idea to get all thoughts in the open.

Natsuo looked at Endeavor who still gave him a stern look. And I could see Endeavor looking down as Shoto said that last part.

N. Todoroki: Well... It's true, isn't it? You can't make life with two sticks... biology isn't really on your side here. Still would have been nice to get a heads up about the marriage. But I can't say I'm surprised that you lied.

Todoroki: Didn't you call me a derogatory word the night we left, make inappropriate comments about Izuku, and make it clear that you didn't approve of me being gay? How would you have acted if I told you about the wedding and even invited you? Tell me.

N. Todoroki: Don't use that tone! It's just weird. I wouldn't have gone off at you or Midoriya if you really did love each other. I wouldn't really have liked it, but I can't control who you decide to sleep with and marry. And there's no way I can control either of your emotions.

Todoroki: Then why did you slap me? Twice, in front of Izuku?

N. Todoroki: That wasn't just because of what you said about being gay! You had already pissed me off to the point of no return by then! I know I shouldn't have said or done anything like that in front of Midoriya, and I'm sorry about it believe me, but don't think that it was about one factor. I was still angry about everything else from the past several months, the detention, the call, you faking those injuries after the detention, my friend... not to exclude the fact that Midoriya was there in the first place without us being aware initially.

Todoroki: You are well aware at this point that he had no where else to go, and that I just didn't want to burden you. Frankly neither did Izuku.

N. Todoroki: You absolutely did not succeed in doing that. What made you think that you could help and hide a person your age from us for who knows how long? Did you think it would be the same effect as when you lied about my friend? When you made shit up about him hitting and raping you when you were a kid? Were you just trying to bring attention to what father was doing? That's a poor way to do it!

Endeavor instantly turned his head to look at Natsuo.

Endeavor: Wait, what did you say? He hasn't said anything like that to me.

I saw Shoto curl up a bit in his seat, earning a confused look from me.

N. Todoroki: Well Shoto's been making up stories of my friend hitting, kicking and just beating him up. He even faked being injured when he came over and taught him a lesson for the detention.

Shoto looked down.

Todoroki: Are you talking about Kiken-San...?

Then Natsuo looked pissed.

N. Todoroki: "Kiken-San"?! Are you kidding me? Were you trying to convince yourself that he was bad, too?

Endeavor: What else did you say about him?

N. Todoroki: That Shoto made up some BS about my friend raping him when he was six or seven.

My eyes widened and I looked at Shoto, who clearly wanted Natsuo to stop talking. I quickly grabbed Shoto's hand.

N. Todoroki: How many lies have you told Midoriya, actually? Now that I think about it, Shoto, you'd be an awful parent! You seem like you'd be a really sucky husband so far! I'm glad you can't have kids!

Shoto looked at me and then back at Natsuo.

Todoroki: Whether or not I'm a good parent is not a call you can make at this point, you haven't heard one word from me in five years up until now. *looks back at me* Are you okay?

Midoriya: I'm fine... What about you...?

Todoroki: I'll tell you about it, I promis—

N. Todoroki: Oh, right. And Shoto, you were the reason that Midoriya's mom kicked him out and cut contact! I was mainly pissed at you for that! Hell I'll bet that you were the one who pressured Midoriya into giving up!

Then I spoke up. My blood was completely boiling by this point, and I didn't seem to remember my usual filter.

Midoriya: Shoto didn't pressure me into anything!!! It was my choice to stop giving my mom chances! I kept giving her chances to see me again for five years, but every time she would ignore me I would shut down for the rest of the week, it took a serious toll on my mental health. It was seriously starting to drain me. I kept feeling worse and worse every time she would ignore me, I thought it was my fault she didn't love me anymore, and Shoto only brought it up gently because he was genuinely worried about me! And rightly so, I was miserible!

I didn't even realize what came out next when I initially said it.

Midoriya: Plus I knew that the stress wouldn't be good for me with my current condition. So if I didn't want that to start affecting the pregnancy, I needed to cut it off! So don't accuse Shoto of doing such a thing when you barely seem to know him! He would never pressure me into stuff like that!

Shoto's family suddenly started staring at me, and I realized what I said. Shoto's mom spoke up loudly.

Midoriya: *muttering* Oh...

R. Todoroki: What condition...?! What did you just say?!

I felt a bit fed up at this point, and Shoto nodded for me to go for it, so I did.

Midoriya: I said I'm pregnant! It turns out, we can have children! We are right now even! Shoto and I are going to have a baby!

Then everyone but Endeavor started to shout at Shoto.

R. Todoroki: How—why?!

Endeavor: Really? How far along are you?

F. Todoroki: What about being heroes?? What about your jobs?!

N. Todoroki: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, SHOTO?! How could you do this to Midoriya?! We were just talking about him leaving if he wanted to, but now you've burdened him with your child by making him stay! This could seriously affect his career! Do you realize how irresponsible this is?! Do you even know anything about raising children?!

Todoroki: We are well aware the risks! And yes, we do know how to so far. We've been down this road before!

N. Todoroki: Oh, really? Prove it, I fucking, dare you! What was it? A scare or maybe a miscarriage? What else did you put Midoriya through while we weren't around?! How much more are you going to put him through?! Cause now it seems like he's stuck with you!

Endeavor seemed shocked and my blood started to boil all over again. Shoto was not burdening me, and what gave them any right to insist that I didn't love Shoto and call our children a burden?!

Shoto was about to tell them to get out when—

Yuki: Papa...?

Shoto and I immediately turned around to see Yuki rubbing her eyes and looking between us. After a few seconds Shoto walked over and knelt down to pick her up, giving her a small hug as he did so.

Todoroki: It's okay, sweetie, we were just having a discussion...

I could hear Natsuo behind me stammering and trying to find his words.

N. Todoroki: Wh—wha??

I peered back to see Shoto's family looking between us in shock, then at Yuki, then Fuyumi spoke up.

F. Todoroki: Shoto, how old is she?!

Shoto motioned for them to quiet as he got Yuki to start falling asleep.

Todoroki: She's five. January 26.

The group was quiet for a moment before Rei sputtered out after the family did the math.

R. Todoroki: S—so you're telling me that you two had a baby at eighteen, two months before you graduated, and then ran away? At least that explains the hasty marriage... But you didn't even think to tell us?

Todoroki made a shushing gesture again and responded.

Todoroki: How would you have taken the news if I did tell you?

N. Todoroki: We probably would have said to consider adoption! That's the more responsible thing to do at the age you were. That is if you know what responsible means. And, hey, worst comes to worst you could have just left Midoriya if that made things easier for him! And if we could have gotten him to consider adoption, he wouldn't be stuck with you in the first place!

Midoriya: Or I would have just ignored you?!

Shoto glared at his brother at the last suggestion.

Todoroki: I'm glad you told me that. Because that was a key reason why I didn't tell you, so thank you for validating that reason. Besides, I thought that father would hurt her or Izuku if he found out about it. And as for your suggestions, the first thing I did when Izuku told me was promise I'd be there for him and support him. And if he chose to keep the baby I'd stay and help raise them, I'd stay by his side the whole time no matter what. And that's what I did. I wouldn't even consider doing something like that because I love him and our daughter so much. Now, please keep your voices down, she was supposed to be asleep right now. I'm going to put her back to bed, if you want to keep talking you may stay a bit longer. As long as you don't wake our daughter up again.

Then Shoto left the room, Endeavor quickly followed. Shoto's family looked at me.

Midoriya: I promise it wasn't intentional to have her at the age we did. Without going into detail, I have a rather common genetic kink that makes it possible for me to get pregnant and give birth. I didn't know I had it until we went to UA and had a mandatory health examination. Shoto and I don't regret having our daughter, or this second baby on the way, but again I swear that the first time didn't happen on purpose.

N. Todoroki: Running away and getting married sure sounded intentional.

I sighed and continued.

Midoriya: We didn't get married just because of our daughter, like Shoto said, we love each other. I can't see myself marrying anyone else and being as happy as I am with Shoto. It wasn't a shotgun wedding, either, we spent months planning it out. And I can back Shoto up on what he said before he left. The first thing he promised when I told him was that he'd stay with me and support me in every way he could. That's what he did, all that time he was out of the house, he wasn't sleeping around, he was at school helping me with the baby and making sure I was okay.

F. Todoroki: I guess that makes sense, but, did your parents know...?

Midoriya: Actually, my dad was the first person I told aside from the school nurse. As for my mom, that was the main thing that initiated our big fight. And right after I told Shoto what happened, he came over, got our daughter and I out of the rain and helped me take care of her. Then I was at your house and it went on from there. So going back to what you said, Natsuo. I beg to differ and say that Shoto's a really great father and husband so far. And I don't have any doubts about how well he'll do this time. Especially since we're older and have previous experience.

Natsuo tried to respond, but didn't know how to reply.
Todoroki's POV:
I walked quickly to Yuki's room and walked to her sleeping mat as I heard Izuku talking.

Yuki: Papa...? Is everything okay?

I nodded and gently laid her down on the mat after kneeling down.

Todoroki: Yeah, everything's fine, sweetie. Just get some sleep, okay?

Yuki: Okay, Papa...

After tucking her in I laid a gentle kiss on her forehead and went back out the door to see Endeavor.

Endeavor: So, I take it that the baby I found upstairs the night you left was your daughter?

I looked down and nodded.

Todoroki: Yes, it was her. Did you figure it out just now? Or...?

Endeavor: I figured it out a little before you left, you mother told me about your engagement before you ran away. And she looked like you and Midoriya. Midoriya even fessed up to being one of her parents. Though, I'm not sure what Natsuo was saying.

Todoroki: Hm?

I quietly closed the door.

Endeavor: I mean, you seem like a really good father so far... at least better than I could ever be.

Todoroki: What do you want?

Endeavor: Shoto, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am.

I looked up, not expecting and apology from anyone.

Todoroki: For... for what...?

Endeavor: For everything you went through because of us... Shoto, you had a mother who disliked you from the first moment and permanently scarred you, siblings who treated you badly because of an early assumption of you, a dead sibling that really did love you, and me, probably the worst out of all of them. You had to hide your husband and child from all of us because of what you thought we and especially I would do to them. You never did anything to deserve that... for all you went through, I wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I should have been the one who was there for you, not the one who started all this... This is for both you and Toya, but I am so, so sorry...

That's when he gave me a hug, it felt warm—obviously—, comforting and, safe. I felt safe and even tempted to hug him back. But I stood still for a moment.

Endeavor: I know you didn't believe me when I said that I care about you. But I mean it. You're my son, Shoto. Even if I didn't treat you well as a child. I swear that I really do regret everything that happened to you. I even kept the note you left when you ran away so I never forgot how much I messed up. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just want you to know that I'm happy you're doing so much better now. I wish the same went for Toya.

I was planning on staying silent about Toya. But for how honest he was just now... I should at least return the favor and relieve some of his pain, I slowly started to hug him back, like I was cautiously trying to pick up a hot item.

Todoroki: Toya isn't dead.

I immediately felt Endeavor freeze, then he pulled away slightly so we could look each other in the eye.

Endeavor: What?

I spoke again.

Todoroki: Toya is alive, he never died. He faked his suicide so he could get away. He only reached out five years ago, since he thought that his current lifestyle is just as bad as us thinking he was dead. Or at least, not much better. He even helped Izuku and I when we had our daughter. And he visits when he's free.

I could tell that Endeavor was trying to process this, so I let him.

He looked back at me after a minute.

Endeavor: Can I see him...? I've wanted—needed to apologize to him for such a long time. You aren't kidding, right?

I shook my head.

Todoroki: I missed Toya just as much or more than my mother and siblings, so I wouldn't joke about him being alive. As for your first question, I could ask him, but I can't guarantee that he'll want to see you. Partly because he's still upset, but the main reason is that he doesn't know how you'll react when you see him now.

Endeavor nodded in understanding.

Endeavor: Could you please ask him...? I need to give him that apology, and I want to know if he's doing okay...

I nodded.

Todoroki: Alright, I'll ask. But we should probably head back.

Endeavor nodded and we sat back down.

I immediately felt my relatives staring, and I gently grabbed Izuku's hand, since I knew he was uncomfortable.

I took a deep breath.

Todoroki: Alright, one question at a time, don't raise your voices too much this time, please.

My mother talked first.

R. Todoroki: What's her name?

Todoroki: Her name is Yuki. It wasn't one of the names Izuku and I talked about before she was born, but when we saw her, we decided to name her Yuki since it fit her better.

F. Todoroki: That's, a really cute name...

After a minute Natsuo spoke up.

N. Todoroki: You said that you'd leave quirks out of it, right?

Todoroki: Yes. She hasn't actually shown signs for having a quirk yet, if ever, and I only worry about her getting treated badly by other people. Other than that I really don't care that much.

F. Todoroki: Wait, Midoriya, what did you mean when you said that your quirk can't be passed on genetically?

Izuku paled a bit, I knew why, but then he answered calmly.

Midoriya: Well, my quirk is a bit weird in how you inherit it, it has to be voluntarily given to another person by the holder via consuming their DNA, like blood and hair, and that's not exactly possible during conception or during pregnancy... even after birth since you'd need to extensively and intensely train your body, since the initial impact of using it for the first time can be very major and painful. Not to mention that the quirk itself is very difficult to master. The first time I used it, all my limbs broke, even when I spent ten months training my body for it.

Everyone went quiet after that, then Fuyumi spoke again.

F. Todoroki: What exactly is going to happen after this...? Are we going to go our separate ways again? Or get back in contact?

I honestly shrugged. I felt better after talking to my father, the others however... then Endeavor spoke up.

Endeavor: In the very least, I'm sure that your brother would appreciate an apology for your comment on his parenting skills, Natsuo.

N. Todoroki: What do you mean? I didn't know. It was an educated guess!

Endeavor: It was a rude assumption. Shoto seems like he's a fine father so far.

N. Todoroki: How much did you actually see? For all we know he's just faking it.

Then Izuku spoke up.

Midoriya: I think I told you while they were gone, but Shoto really has been great. He's supportive, understanding, patient. Our daughter loves him. I don't see a reason to call him a bad father, and he's been doing so well even in the first five years. I can't imagine how much better he might get as time goes by. He was a huge help during my pregnancy, too. Like I said earlier. I understand that you haven't seen him in years, so you don't know what he's like now. But really, you'd be surprised at how great a parent he is, he's kinda giving my dad a run for his money, so to speak. But, back to the whole contact thing, I'd be okay with it, Shoto will make the main call, of course. If he says yes I'm down for it, as long as Shoto is treated properly, as well as our daughter, and our second baby on the way.

Endeavor: I'll put as much effort into making myself an acceptable family member as I can. But, Rei, Natsuo, Fuyumi, what about you?

Fuyumi spoke next.

F. Todoroki: I'm still in a bit of shock, but I will try as well, and if I'm not allowed much or any contact, I understand. I also still have plenty of questions that I doubt can be answered right this moment. And I'm sure the same goes for you.

Natsuo and Rei were quiet, Izuku looked at me and grabbed my hand.

Midoriya: Shoto, how do you feel about this? This is mainly your choice.

I looked down and squeezed Izuku's hand. I gave it a lot of thought.

Todoroki: I... I would be willing to open contact again, but I would rather not introduce our daughter right away. For now I'll mostly consider this as testing the water. I'm open to answering any other questions sometime later. This time you all can decide when and where to meet up if you have a place in mind, as long as you let us know early enough for Izuku and I to adjust our schedules.

Everyone seemed to take that news decently, and they left after a few quiet minutes. Endeavor left last and I stopped him before he walked out.

Todoroki: I'll remember to call Toya tomorrow, and I'll ask about him seeing you.

Endeavor nodded.

Endeavor: Alright, thank you.

After that it was just Izuku and myself, it was getting late, and we usually went to bed around that time. I heard Izuku approach me, and he gently touched my shoulder.

Midoriya: Shoto, what your brother said about his friend—did that really happen to you...?

I knew this question would come up once Natsuo mentioned it. I just nodded.

Todoroki: It did happen, unfortunately. I remember making Natsuo's friend angry about something, and he just took my upstairs to, teach me a lesson... I tried telling my family about it, but Fuyumi wouldn't listen because she had a crush on him, Natsuo got angry and he and mom scolded me for making up lies for attention. I was too scared to tell Endeavor, I thought he would blame me for what happened, mostly because my other family members were so harsh with me...

Izuku looked horrified and gently approached me.

Midoriya: Oh, Shoto...

Izuku pulled me into a hug, something I really needed at this point.

Midoriya: I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, and it wasn't your fault. Especially considering how young Natsuo said you were... they had no reason to get upset with you like that. You didn't deserve to have that happen to you, and you didn't deserve to get treated that way, Shoto.

I felt my heart melt and I hugged Izuku back, gently kissing him on the cheek.

Todoroki: I really needed to hear that, thank you...

Midoriya: You're welcome... at this point every time I think that how your family treated you couldn't get worse... something like this comes up... I'm so glad you don't have to put up with that much abuse anymore. And, honey? I'll always be here for you if you need me, okay? If there's more you need to talk about, I'm listening.

I hugged Izuku tighter and smiled.

Todoroki: And I'm so glad I met and married you... I love you, my Izuku.

Izuku smiled sweetly, leaned up, and gently laid a kiss on my scar. I smiled brighter, he always did that as a way to tell me: "I don't care about your scars, I still love you."

Then Izuku looked at me with a smile and spoke.

Midoriya: I love you, too, my Shoto. I'm glad I married you, too.

Once he said that we pulled each other in for a kiss. When we pulled away, Izuku looked at me again.

Midoriya: So, do you want to talk about it more?

I gently shook my head.

Todoroki: Not until tomorrow, at least. I'd rather forget about my relatives and all of those memories for now. Besides, we usually would have gone to bed and would be asleep by now.

Then Izuku shot a playful smirk at me.

Midoriya: Aw c'mon, you made that sound like sleeping is the only thing we do around this time. Because it's not, and we both know that.~

My face went beet red and I decided to respond, putting on a small smirk myself. I knew the other reason he was saying that as well.

Todoroki: Oh yeah? Would you care to show me what else we do in bed? Or at least remind me, Bunny?~

Izuku blushed and nodded. We looked it up a while ago, since this time around Izuku tended to want to get, closer, to me due to hormones. And we were relieved to find that it was totally safe with his condition. Izuku was especially relieved, on account of him wanting to sleep with me more.

We both went to bed afterward. But didn't fall asleep for a little while. When we did fall asleep we were hugging each other tightly, and were both completely naked.

I still remembered to call Toya the next day.

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