Kion and Fuli: Until the Prid...

Da Active_Ace

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As the Pride Lands become Increasingly dangerous, Kion and Fuli become closer and closer as they discover gre... Altro

Chapter 1: Just a dream
Chapter 2: Another Day Changing
Chapter 3: A Night Together
Chater 4: Scars
Chater 5: The Fire Begins to Burn
Chalter 6: Only the Beginning
Chapter 7: The Journey of 1000 miles....
Chapter 8: ...Begins with a Single Step
Chater 9: Hostile Takeover
Chapter 10: Fury of the Ancients
Chapter 11: The Darkest Day
Chapter 12: Upendi Day
Chapter 13: Kion's Breaking Point
Chapter 14: A Whole New World
Chapter 15: The Calm before the Storm
Part 2-Chapter 1: Alone Together
Part 2-Chapter 2: Do you trust me?
Part 2-Chapter 3: Revelations Pt. 1
Part 2-Chapter 3: Revelations Pt. 2
Part 2-Chater 5: What a Heart Desires
Part 2-Chapter 6: Trial by Fire
Part 2-Chapter 7: Ukali
Part 2-Chapter 8: The Final Hope
Part 2-Chapter 9: Home is Where the Heart is
Part 2-Chapter 10: A Change of Heart
Destiny (Part 1)
Destiny (Part 2)

Part 2-Chapter 4: Demons

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Da Active_Ace

Fuli stirs as she begins to wake from her slumber. It was another rough night for her. She keeps seeing him in her dreams. She tried not to say his name anymore, it only brought her pain. That didn't mean she didn't miss him, because she did more than anything. Her dreams continued to torment her in her sleep, showing what could've been if he was still here.

The Outlanders have been silent since their major battle where Scar had revealed himself. It scared her to think about what the Outlanders could be planning, and while she thought it best to take the offensive and attempt to take the enemy by surprise, and Simba agreed with her, the Pride Landers thought it best to not trek uncharted territories, and rely on the home field advantage. They all agreed, especially with him, a major offensive is risky at best.

She shook her head, she couldn't think those thoughts, not anymore. She told herself he was never coming back, but deep down, she held on hope he'd return. She and Kiara made their daily trip to the edge of the Back Lands, looking out over the horizon. They were silent the entire trip for reasons neither one of them completely understood.

She's seen him leave her in her dreams at least a dozen times, each time harder than the last until eventually she went numb. Fuli had transformed from a fiery, fierce, cheetah to a cold, dark, and almost heartless animal. She blamed herself for Kion's sudden and panicked departure. If she had done more, she could've prevented it, and she would've never fallen into the darkness of her own creation.

"Fuli?" Kiara said very softly. She looked at the princess whose eyes were filled with concern. "We need to talk, I don't know what changed in you, but whatever it, it needs to stop. Nobody has ever blamed you for Kion running away. So why do you blame yourself?" She looked at the cheetah and she thought maybe for a second, she could see the old Fuli's eyes flicker before being quickly extinguished by Fuli's new cold and dark ones.

"If I had done something more, maybe make him feel more comfortable or talk to him more, he'd still be here," she replied quietly, breaking eye contact with the princess.

"Do you really believe that Fuli? Or is it just what you tell yourself?" Kiara replied almost as coldly as Fuli had.

"I...I," Fuli struggled to find the answers to what she thought was a simple question. But when she really thought about it, she felt the internal conflict that started the day Kion left push itself to the forefront of her mind.

"You'll have to confront your demons Fuli, only then will you find the peace you so desperately seek," a voice from behind speaks. They both recognize the voice to be Makini. They turn to the young mandrill standing behind them with an unusually serious expression on her face. "Rafiki wants to see you both, it's important." They both follow the mandrill to Rafiki's tree, which normally had a good amount of Pride Landers protecting the old shaman, but the surrounding area was empty of an animal. As they reached the top, they observed the old mandrill meditating with his staff on his lap. The wind swirled around the mandril as he was listening to the great lions of the past. He eventually opened his eyes and smiled, as he made his way over.

"Ha ha, welcome, welcome. It has been some time no? Makini, the great lions, they are very pleased with your progress, you will soon be a full fledged royal mjuzi," he says in his usual over the top and flamboyant manor. He then turns to the two large cats in the entrance. "As for you two, I have some very important news to tell you. Jasiri was able to pose a hyena in Janja's clan and was able to steal this." He pulls out a large golden fruit and holds it out in front of them. "It is a fruit from the tree of life, it contains great power and is able to bestow healing powers to certain animals, and it is even rumored to be able to bring animals back from the brink of death." The two marvel at the fruit held out in front of them. They could feel the aura of sheer power that emanated from the fruit.

"But why are you telling us this?" Ask Kiara, sensing a larger purpose to the story.

"Ah, perceptive as ever princess, there is indeed a great purpose. The great lions of the past have told me of a concoction that can be used to link two minds together in a dream state using the fruit and. Only problem is, I only have one fruit. I have to King Simba and Queen Nala, and they have both agreed that it should be one of you two who should talk to Kion."

"Well, it should obviously be Kiara," Fuli said immediately after.

"That is for you two to decide, I will begin work on the mixture, it will be ready by nightfall, come to me with your decision," the old mandrill states as he turns around and begins his work. Kiara and Fuli exit the tree and begin their short journey back to Pride Rock.

"Fuli, I think you should be the one to talk to Kion," said Kiara as they walked.

"Why?" Fuli replied softly.

"Because, I think that talking to him will help you."

"How, ever since he left, he's only brought me pain."

"Like Makini said, face your demons. If you think it's truly him that's hurting you, then you need to face him."

"Don't you miss him and want to talk to him?"

"Of course I do, but you need this more than me, and I know he'll be happy to see you."


"No Fuli, you're going to do this. You're  going to drink whatever Rafiki makes, and you're going to talk to my brother," Kiara firmly stated. Fuli knew by now that there was no way Kiara was going to change her mind. She would have to face him again, but what would she say? What would he say?

"Fine," was all she replied with.

The leaders of the Outlands animals with their respective groups gathered in the volcano, as Scar  had called an immediate meeting. They hadn't met since the large skirmish a few weeks ago, but in that time they had all managed to recover from their wounds. Except Nuka, who's leg was still unusable. He had been given the right to rule the Outlands by Scar and Zira when they take over the Pride Lands. With his already unstable personality and newly found lust for power, control, and vengeance, the Outlanders thought he fit in just fine.

Scar finally entered with his mate and queen, Zira, right behind him. They were followed by Scars newly resurrected Lion Guard, who acted as his personal guard. But only three of the four killed members were resurrected, and Scar also seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Who was Guard the fruits from the tree of life?" Scars voice boomed, echoing off the volcano walls.

"Um...I think it was Cheezi and Chungu...boss. I mean my king," said Janja sheepishly. Scar turns to his resurrected lion guard and begins to whisper to them.

"Find those two baffons and put them in the prison, I will deal with them later," commands Scars. They nod and quickly run off to find the two hyenas who failed their King. He turns to address the group of Outlanders in front of him, they had much to discuss. "I called you all here on such short notice due to some concerning matters. The failure to properly protect the fruit from the Tree of Life has resulted in one of them being stolen. Because of this I cannot bring back the final member of my guard, which by itself is a major inconvenience. But we have confirmed that the fruit is in the possession of none other than Rafiki. That old baboon will no doubt know if it's potential and will most certainty use it." By this time everyone's face had a surprised expression, if the fruit was powerful enough to bring back the dead, then what else could it do?

"Then what do we do?" Ask Kiburi.

"It's quite simple really, we attack. The Pride Landers does not know about our new allies. My lion guard will easily be able to deal with any mission I give them. So we use a full frontal assault as a decoy, then my guard will go after the royal family. The Pride Landers will instantly surrender if the royal family is captured, and we can then rule the Pride Lands."

"So when do we attack, me liege?" Asks Ushari.

"In two nights from tonight. I will brief my guard and give them time to formulate a plan to capture the royal family, finally the Pride Lands will be ours!" Cheers erupted from the leaders and their groups. Scar's army chanted "Long  live the King! Long live the King." Scar couldn't help but smile, and felt a feeling he had not felt in a while...excitement. 'Be prepared Simba,' was he could think...and sing.

"So prepare for a chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for sensational news
A shining new era
Is tiptoeing nearer
I know it sounds sordid
But you'll be rewarded
When at last I am given my dues
And injustice deliciously squared
Be prepared!"  He sang with an evil, blood curdling smile the entire time.

"It's great that we'll soon be connected
With a king who'll be all-time adored," his army chanted back at him. His grin could only grow, as his time would soon come.

"So prepare for the coup of the century
Be prepared for the murkiest scam
Meticulous planning
Tenacity spanning
Decades of denial
Is simply why I'll
Be king undisputed
Respected, saluted
And seen for the wonder I am
Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared
Be prepared!"

"Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared
Be prepared!" Everyone chanted.

Fuli stood on the edge of Pride Rock as she started intently at the volcano that stood taller than anything else in the Outlands. The darkness the night brought  allowed her to the bright red light that the magma gave off, it was a bit unsettling for her. As her eyes were locked on to the source of evil that plagued the Pride Lands, she remembered a song her mom and dad used to sing to her.

"No one mourns the Wicked
No one cries "They won't return!"
No one lays a lily on their grave
The good man scorns the Wicked!
Through their lives, our children learn
What we miss, when we misbehave
And Goodness knows
The Wicked's lives are lonely
Goodness knows
The Wicked die alone
It just shows when you're Wicked
You're left only
On your own
Yes, Goodness knows
The Wicked's lives are lonely
Goodness knows
The Wicked cry alone
Nothing grows for the Wicked
They reap only
What they've sown"

She sighed. "I miss you mom and dad, and I need you more than ever now," she whispered to herself as she looked up into the sky..

"It is time, Fuli," Rafiki said as he approached her.

"I'm not sure I'm ready Rafiki."

"You are ready, speak from your heart young cheetah, and everything will work out."

"I'll do my best Rafiki." He guides her into the den, where the royal family and the Lion Guard are waiting. "Any requests ?"

"No," said Simba stepping forward.. "This about you and him Fuli, just tell my son we all say hi and we miss him, but focus on yourself and Kion."

"Of course your highness," Fuli says with a bow.

"Now everyone, go to sleep, give Fuli some space, you can all talk to her in the morning," says Rafiki, ushering the animals away. "Now Fuli, when the link is made between you and Kion, you will only have a short period of time to talk with him, ok?"

"Yes Rafiki, I got it."

"Drink this, and good luck," he said as he laid down a small shell with a golden liquid in the middle. He then left the den, leaving Fuli with the mixture, and her friends. She took a deep breath and quickly drank the mixture. It has weird taste to it, but almost resembled tuna, a meal that she had only once with...him. The taste was quickly overshadowed with a mind splitting headache, quickly followed by dizziness and her vision beginning to tunnel. She quickly passed out on the dens floor, as a deep, induced sleep took over her.

She blinked her eyes a few times as her eyes began to refocus. Her headache was gone, as was her dizziness. She slowly stood up and looked around and recognized the area to be the watering hole that resides near Pride Rock. She looked up and noticed the sky was lit by the moon and sun, both visible in the sky, frozen in time. She noticed some movement across the watering hole, and knew exactly who it was. She braced herself for the upcoming encounter, still not knowing what to say. She saw a red mane make its way through the bushes, pushing its way to the center. She took a deep breath as the red mane breached the bushes. They instantly locked gazes as Kion's expression changed from confusion to shock.


(I'm going to start putting the songs I use in the book in the thing up top, i don't know I just am. The first song is obviously "be prepared" but the second song is "no one mourns there wicked" from The Wicked medley Incase you were wondering. Anyway enjoy.)

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