Alpha Female Princess Book 1...

By heatherbug95

878 12 4

This is about a female girl Olivia, Liv for short, that is daughter of the alpha. she is the youngest of her... More

Shifting for the first time
Training both human and wolf
The same old days
He's my mate. She's my mate. We're mates.
Leaving Home.
New home.
Getting use to everything.
Bestie comes and moves in.
The Ceremony
Family Battle
Big News!!
Bonding Time
😍 Baby Time!! 😍
New Addition/shifting problems
β—βš βš STORY UPDATE!!βš βš β—
New life!
Long Journey Ahead
American Honey (book 2)
The beginning (spin-off book 1)


112 7 4
By heatherbug95

It was just a normal day at Saints High, just me and my few friends that I trusted with my whole life and my two older brothers and that was only part of my pack. Emily, 16, long reddish orange hair, the most beautiful sky-blue grey eyes, was sweet in the inside and such a bad ass girl on the outside. Emily was really sweet, funny, and cute. She had a huge crush on my oldest brother, Parker, 18, short dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, that had already graduated Saints High. Parker was all bad ass all over he was the worst out of me and my other two brothers. But when it came to our pack, our family, he was nothing but loyal and protective. He was sweet sometimes until you piss him off but who isn't. Then there was my bestest, best friend ever Harley. He was the same age as me, but we were only a few months apart. He was older. Harley had the blackest coal black hair with the cutest muddy brown eyes, that sparkles when light had touched them. Then there's the two twin brothers that I go to school with; Max and Jax 17, with reddish brown hair, brown eyes.

Parker looked like our father like dead ass like him, his twin. The twins; Max and Jax they looked like our mother and father mix it was kinda creepy in a cute adorable way. And there was me 15 years old, looking dead ass like our mother with the longest blonde hair ever the cutest bluish brown eyes. That is what I was told. I don't remember much about her. She had died when I born. My father, the Alpha, was very protective of me and so was my brothers. Mostly Parker though. He was always up my ass.

I was almost the most beautiful girl in the high school, the head cheerleader. And I was talking to the most gorgeous boy in school, Sam, 16, and he happened to be the football quarterback. All the girls were jealous of us. Everywhere we walked there were stares not just the girls awing him but the boys jaw drops stares towards me. Saints High was huge with about 400 students in it. Like half or little over half were wolfs and the rest were human. Sam was the son of my fathers' Bata, Charlie.

Being the Alpha's daughter was somewhat hard but easy at some points. It was easy because I got my way with him but hard because I was always followed by like 10 guys from the pack. They were always guarding me wherever I was going. But at least 3 guards came to school with me even though I have like 4 members of my pack came to school with me 2 of them being my brother that always watched my back.

I was walking down the hall to my locker after my 4th class, when Harley came behind me kissing my cheek. "Olivia, did you catch notes for 2nd period?" he asked me.

"Harley why do you keep missing the notes." I told him as I went through my locker looking for my notebook for that class so he could borrow it.

"Because that class is so boring. And me knowing that my best friend always rights down her notes." He said as he took the notebook from my hand.

"Just because I am your best friend don't mean anything. You know I love you, but you have to keep up with these classes." I told him right when Sam came behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hey babe," he said as he kissed my cheek. "Harley asking you for your notes again?"

I nodded at him as I closed my locker. "Yea and he used the best friend card on me too." I told him as I turned around and looked at him.

Sam started laughing at that. He always thought mine and Harleys relationship was funny because I would always help him in anything. Not just because he was the wide receiver of the football team.

"Hey, I have to have good grades to stay on the football team. I would done the same to you so you could stay on the cheerleading team." Harley told me as we walked toward the café,

I turned my head to look at him. "Fine, I'll give you that, not just because my boyfriend is the star quarterback either, Harley. But just try harder." I told him as we hit the doors to the café.

As soon as we walked in everything went quiet and there went the stares. I rolled my eyes and Sam kissed my forehead. Harley cleared his throat a couple times, and everyone went back to normal. Sam and I have been dating for about 5 years now and this are our 2nd year of high school. There was about 10 to 20 packs of wolfs that goes to Saints High. But none of them were an Alpha they were just pups other than me and Sam. I was the daughter of an Alpha and Sam was a son of a Beta.

Sam's mother, Claire was like a mother to me since my mother had passed away. She took care of me when my father had gone out of town to do pack meetings and pack things. Whatever Alpha's jobs is or do. Claire helped when I had started my period. My brothers freaked out thought that I fell and hurt myself. Parker had carried me back to the pack house to see the pack doctor, Larry.

Once we had reached the line to get our food, Emily came running over with the Twins behind her. It was cute sometimes with them.

"Liv!" Emily and the twins were yelling. I turned around fast looking around to see why they were yelling my name. "Liv!" they yelled again when they got to us.

"Why are yall yelling my name like someone is hurt." I asked when they finally got to us.

"You're not gonna believe this." Emily said. "Guess what just happened in gym?"

"What?" I asked.

"Well Coach Kelly asked Riley to do the fly up flip, your special move that only you, me, and a few others can pull off. Well Coach Kelly had Max and Jax help Riley with it right well she ends up twisting her knee out of place. She's gonna be out for the rest of the season." She said.

"What!? Are you freaking serious? Why would Kelly do that she knows that no one can pull that off but you and me. And a few other." I said "Wolfs" I whispered.

"Yea, we all know Riley is human. Like a human can pull that off." Max whispered.

"Exactly," Jax agreeing with Max.

I shocked my head at what they just told me. Sam was the one that spoke. "Well least we know that humans can't pull what my sexy girlfriend, the head cheerleader, can do." Sam laughed at that, Harley joining him.

I growled at them. It was a little loud where people went quiet again and looked our way. I turned around to look at them.

"What yall have a problem. Get back to feeding yalls mouths." I growled at them.

Everyone listened to what I had to say. Only because my father was the head Alpha of our town. And he dared people to tested me or him or anyone in my or his pack. Sam rubbed my arm to calm me down. I turned around and head to the counters to get some food. I had gotten like 2 slices of pizzas, some fries, and a couple of trays of slice apples. Put in my lunch numbers and walked toward our table. I sat down and started eating my lunch.

Sam sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist, kissing me on the cheek. And started eating our food. Max, Jax, and Emily were talking about whatever they were talking about. I just ate my food and was ready to go home. That's when someone started talking to me in my head. Pack linked.

'Princess, Alpha wants to talk to you when you get home.' It was Kevin my personal guard. My dad's delta, his fourth. Also, Sam's uncle.

'Thank you, Kevin.' I told him.

"Liv, are you okay." Max asked me, waving his head in front of my face.

I shocked my head to clear my head. "Yea, Father wants to talk to me when I get home." I said.

"How do you know?" Jax asked.

"Kevin packed linked with me just now." I told them.

"I wonder why Kev didn't packed linked with us, we are fathers' children as well." Max said, complaining.

"Yea, yall are but, Liv is more special though. She's the Alpha's daughter. Those are rare, which means she's gonna be the next Alpha." Emily said, taking her last bite of food.

"She is special alright." Sam said kissing me on my cheek.

I started blushing when he said that. "Guy that don't mean anything." I told them then took a drink of my pop. "It could mean he just wants to talk to me because I am his only daughter or he's about to leave again."

"If he's leaving again then he should talk to all of us. Again, his children too." Jax repeated what Max has said.

The twins kill me sometimes. They think because they look both like our mother and father they are the top dog or top pup in our case. But the isn't that though. It's because I'm the only daughter of an Alpha so like what Emily said I am special. But more special than any other wolf. Everything that we wolves have its like 5x more than a normal wolf. That if I wanted to fight my father it would be hard, it would be a tie, we would be both just tearing us apart, wearing each other down. Until we both had gave up. But they said the male alphas are stronger than the females but if they are old who knows what could happen.

But me I would dare fight my father unless I had too, and it would have been an argument instead of a physical fight. Which I do sometimes win those fights. Because I am a spoiled little alpha brat.

"Boys it doesn't matter. Okay. Yes, were all his children but it's his choice of who he talks to." I told them as I got up to throw away my trash.

That when the bell rang. Everyone had got up and either threw away they trash or walked out the doors. We all had gym/cheer practice for the next 45 minutes. Sam had football practice and I had cheerleading practice. We had a game coming up soon first game of the season. For that past month and a half, we have been practicing our asses off to be ready for our first game of the season. The football players were running out of their locker room to outside to the football field. Sam ran past us, he smiled blowing me a kiss. I started blushing and turned back around looking at the others. They were staring after Sam. I growled at them and they looked away.

Sam and I wasn't mates but we were still together as boyfriend and girlfriend. Yes, I was still jealous of other girls looking at him, but I couldn't really do anything. Wish we were mates, because I really loved Sam. It would work both me and him whenever we do find out mates. But we both had told each other we would be friends still no matter what.

The whole time for the class we had done some moves that we have been working on. Some of the girls were talking about Riley when she had hurt herself because of my move. I heard some of the girls talking about Sam by the benches when I went over there to get a drink of water. They had looked at me when I came by and hurried up and changed the subject fast. I growled a little. I hated when talk about him like I wasn't even there next to him. Then the bell had rung that's when the football players came running in. Sam came running towards me picking me up kissing me on my lips. Making all the girls' awe and sigh because that wasn't them he was kissing. I giggled when he sat me back down on the ground.

"Ima take a shower I'll meet you at our lockers to go home." He said, then walked towards the boy's locker room.

I headed towards the girl's locker room to take a shower myself. It only took me about 7 minutes to take a shower. A few minutes to get dressed, threw my hair up in a wet messy bun. I grabbed my bag and headed towards my locker. Sam was just showing up after a few minutes of me being there. He kissed me on the forehead and opened up his locker, put his books in his locker and grabbed his bookbag and put it on his shoulder. I was fixing up my makeup when he closed his locked. He was watching me smiling the whole time until I was done. When I was I closed my locker, I turned towards him. I smiled at him.

We were walking out towards my car where Emily and the twins were waiting for us. I hit the unlock button on keys for them to get in the car. Sam and I got to the car and got in. Emily and the twins had got in the back of my 2017 hot pink Camaro, Sam in the pass and me of course driver. I was a very good driver for 15 years old. Where I am from you could get your driver's licenses at the age of 14-16. Once I had turned 14 I begged my father to help me get my driver's licenses. He didn't want to at first, but he gave in.

When I crossed the big bay bridge that crosses Indian River. I saw 3 SVU's behind me, one was Kevin in the driver side. Father sure had put more people on me. Something was up and I wasn't liking it. I growled a little and Sam looked at me and patted my leg. It calmed me down a little but since I saw the extra cars, I knew I was about to face some bad news.

I finally got to our gates with 6 guards waiting for my arrival. Two of them had open the gates for me to come in.

"Princess," one of the guards said as I pulled up.

"Is father being here?" I asked.

"Yes, princess he's expecting you in his studies, at the family house." He said.

I smiled a little bit and pulled all the way into the family house. That is where me, my brothers, and father lived at. Emily lived just a few yards from the house on the east side. Sam the same but on the west side and just in the middle of all that was the pack house where all the guards had lived at. And right beside it was where the packed doctor lived with his wife and their children. Harley lived right next to the doctors' house. And just a little way off there was a little park where the little children that lives to play at, then about 5 yards was the training field.

When I got to the family house I had pulled into the garage next to fathers' car and my brothers' cars. When I had turned the car off, we all got out of the car. The twins went into the house, Emily had walked out the garage with Sam to go home.

"See you later babe." Sam said after he kissed my cheek.

"Yea see yea too. Got a lot to study, call me later." Emily told me.

I nodded and went inside the house and walked up to my father's study room. I heard him talking to my older brother, Parker, about some things. I smelled some more people in there but didn't know who it was. I touched the door handle when Kevin came behind me and scared the shit out of me.

"Liv, have to talk to him yet?" Kev asked me. Kevin was about 25 years old, Sam looked just like him just younger. They could pass as brothers not uncle and nephew.

"No, I just walked up here." I told him.

He nodded and I took a deep breath and turned the doorknob and went in. When I walked in with Kev behind me. He stood close to me when I faced the men that my father had in the room. I didn't recognize them, I stiffened up and Kevin put his hand on my shoulder.

"My dear daughter." My father said making me lose my train of focus on the gentlemen. Turn to face him and walk over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Father," I said.

"Excuse my manners gentlemen, this is my sweet loving daughter, Olivia." My father said introducing me to them. I turned to them and smiled a little. "So back to what I was saying, the cleanup needs to be done across state, yea I get it and I am willing to help." My father had said.

I turned my head as fast as he said what he said. "Father," I spoke.

He put his hand up to silences me. "I will bring my best guards that I have to help you and your alpha take care of this." He told them.

Once again I had spoken. "Father!" I spoke a little louder.

He glared at me with cold black eyes. "Silence my child." He said raising his voice at me. The men jumped a little bit, I had a shocked look on my face. I stood my ground and spoke again.

"No!" I spoke back. Parker stood up looking at me. "Don't start Parker," I said raising my voice putting my hand up at his face. "father you can't do this. It's not fair. You have a pack and a life here to take care of. What would something happen there on someone else's territory." I said looking at the visitors getting mad. Kevin put his hands on my arms to hold me down, but I pulled away from him, glaring at the man that stood up.

"Your father,"

"Alpha!" Parker spoke looking at the man that was standing up.

"Yes, sorry. Your Alpha has agreed to come with us to help my Alpha with the problem that we have sweetheart."

"Don't call me sweetheart." I growled at him.

"Olivia!" my father yelled slamming his hand down on the table. "I will not aloud this misbehavior like this. Now go to your room and we will talk about his later." My father ordered me.

I had jerked my head back at him whining like a little puppy dog getting scolded. "Yes, father." I said bowing my head down and turning around. Kevin already had the door open for me and I walked out and headed up stair to the 3rd floor to my bedroom, with Kevin behind me. "So unfair." I muttered under my breath.

"Princess, you shouldn't have done that." Kev told me as we got to my bedroom.

"Kev, I know I shouldn't, but you know how I feel when father leaves. One of these days he's gonna go to someone else's territory and not come back and no one will ever find out or feel it. Because we're here and he's there." I told Kev.

"I know how you feel Liv, but he's our Alpha and he has to do to keep friendly and allies on our side. Your father knows what he's doing." Kev told me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks Kev. You remind me some much like father. I'm glad to have you as my guard."

"I see you as my own daughter myself, even if your dating my nephew."

"Sam is a good man and I love him so much. Just when the time comes when I find my mate it's gonna be hard on both of us." I said as I sat down.

Kevin pulled my desk chair over to the bed and sat down on it backwards. "You both know what is gonna happen, Liv. Yall both understand everything, when that time comes." He said patting my knee.

"Yes, we know. We both had talked about it."

"Good, well I have to go and do a few rounds. I'll check on you later. If you need me pack link me okay." He told me.

I nodded and he got up and put the chair back and walked out my room shutting the door. I laid back on my bed trying to smooth my breathing because I was very upset and worried. About what my father was gonna do. I hated when he left home to do what he had to do, and he knew that. Hell, everyone did. And with Parker standing up on me he just made it worst. The anger just blew up in me. Knowing me as the only female alpha I was the only one that an alpha could have in a pack. It's rare for an alpha to have one but it happens every so often like every decade or century or if the female dies then it takes place months or years later on. No one really understood it.

Sam and Emily had texted me telling me that the guards wouldn't let them come over because that was I sent to my room until otherwise. I told them what happened, and they couldn't believe I did what I did. Standing up to my father, the Alpha, in front of visitors. But them being my friends they got it.

Harley my best friend was the only one that was allowed to come over and come into my room, since his father was my father's 4th. He came walking in, knocking on the door when he opened the door. He saw me laying on my back on the bed. He walked in shut the door and sat down on the bed, laid next to me. We laid like that for about 5 minutes, until we started laughing. Then he both sat up still laughing.

"So, I heard you stood up to your father with visitors here." He said.

"Yes, I did. I don't think he liked it either or he wouldn't have sent me to my room." I said giggling a little.

"Yea, but you always stand up to him so why is this any different?"

"Har, I don't know to be honest with you." I told him. "What really pissed me off was Parker, standing up on me because what I did to father."

"Wow, I get he's the oldest and he has to protect you and everyone but wow!" he said.

I nodded at him when Charlie came in then my father. Charlie shut the door and looked at Harley. Harley stood up and moved away from my bed so my father could sit down next to me.

"Princess," he started to say.

"Father, I 'm sorry but I don't want you doing what your about to do." I told him as I stood up. "I get what you're doing to stay allies with people on other territory. What if you don't come back at all."

"Liv, I have to do that. You know I have to do my Alpha duties. That's what you have to do when you're the Alpha. I have been doing this before you were born. I was doing this by your age when your grandfather couldn't do anymore." He told me.

"But father," I whined.

"Liv, I'll be fine. I'll have all my best men with me. I'll have Charlie and Shelton with me and the others. Kevin is gonna be here with you at all times. Plus, your brother and Sam." He said.

"And me Liv." Harley said.

My father looked at him and I giggled. "Yes, and Harley." My father added giggling with me.

"When are you leaving?" I asked.

"Tomorrow afternoon." He told me. "I won't be home when you get home from school, I'm sorry princess." He told me standing up putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Its fine father. You have to do what you have to do." I told him.

"While I am gone stay close to Sam and Harley at school, stay in touch with Kevin while you're in school. And when your home that stays the same with Kevin and your brothers." He ordered me.

"Yes, father." I said. "Yes, Alpha." Harley said. We both bow to my father, the Alpha.

Then Charlie opened the door and they walked out. I took a deep breath and let it out. Then looked at Harley. He smiled at me.

"What!?" I said.

"Well you heard your father, I'm gonna be stuck up your butt for a while." He told me.

"Oh god. And I thought I couldn't get enough of your ass." I said laughing. Harley joined me. "Well I'm get into the shower and do my homework then hit the hay." I told him.

"Okay, talk to you later." He said kissing my forehead. "Love yea, princess."

"Love you too butthead." I said as he opened the door and walked out.

When Harley left my room, I had gone into the bathroom to take a shower. I turned the hot water on and looked into the mirror for a moment before I had opened the cabinet to get my toothbrush and toothpaste out to brush my teeth. Once I was done brushing my teeth, I had finally got into the shower. It was nice and hot. It felt so good, all over my body. Helping to unloose all my muscles in my body. When I had gone done washing my hair and my body after 10 minutes of being in there, I finally got out of the shower, put a towel around my body and put my hair in a towel. I walked into my bedroom grabbed my robbed put it on the bed so I could dry my body off. Once I was done drying my body I had put my robe on and went downstairs to the kitchen.

We still had our visitors in the house, which I kinda forgot they were still here. When I took the last step into the living room the guy that I got smart with from earlier was sitting on the couch watching tv and eating a sandwich. I growled a little bit making him drop his sandwich on his lap, looked up at me. I walked into the kitchen where one of the cooks were in there making some kind of food for my brothers. When I was fully in view, the cooked looked at me. He bowed when he saw me I waved him off to go back to what he was doing. I went to the fridge to get me something to drink.

"Hey," Max said.

"Hey," I said back, as I closed the fridge door. "What's cooking?"

"Nothing Special." Jax said. "Frank just making bake beans and hot dogs."

"Ah, sounds good. Is it done?" I asked.

Frank had put the bake bean and hot dogs in a 3 bowls and handed them to each of us. "Yes, Ma'am it is." He said. "Enjoy." He told us as he put the leftovers in a bigger bowl put it in the fridge and the pot in the sink and washed it. When he was done, he walked the back door to the pack house.

I eat what Frank had made and but the bowl in the sink. I had kissed my twin brothers on the cheek and went up to my bedroom. When I got back into my room, I had finally got dressed and brushed my hair. When I was done I put my robe and towel in my bathroom and went back to my bed.

I laid back onto my bed thinking about my father leaving.

The danger he could get into for helping outsiders.

The visitors from a few states away, coming into our land to ask for a favor, was just enough. But as being the Alpha, you have to do what you have to do.

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