Hightown [Narry Storan]

By dearpatience

4.4K 307 830

"The saddest thing about betrayal that it never comes from your enemies" When Edward stepped on the cursed gr... More



280 17 57
By dearpatience

Flashback starts...

"How could they do this?" Liam said smashing his hand on the table. "We are not the only gangster in this whole wide world, then why they are behind us?"

Louis and Zayn looked at each other. Liam was not quite famous for his anger management and the only person in this whole world who can control Liam is Harry. But where he is?

"It's because we are going to be the biggest gangster in upcoming years" Harry chimed in with a broad smile on his face and Liam's face lit up.

"Yeah, Harry's right, Liam" Zayn joined in "Moreover, if the police keep on arresting our men, we'll keep on bailing them out."

"It's not the deed of Police. It's because of the new police commissioner that our men are getting arrested" Louis said and everybody nodded.

"We need to give him a memorable experience that he'll never forget" Liam finally responded and this time, calmly.

Harry was listening to the whole conversation silently and was smiling to himself.

"I've heard he has a son" Zayn uttered.

"Ya, something by the name Nail or Neil Horan" Louis approved.

"It's Niall" Harry corrected with a sly smirk.

"Harry!" Liam finally looked up to Harry's face. "Tell me, what's going on? You kidnapped him, didn't you?"

Harry smiled but shook his head.
"I never said anything about kidnapping"

Liam frowned at his response.

"Or did I?"

Harry looked at Liam, smirking, and Liam knew Harry's this expression.

"I knew it!" Liam shot from his chair and embraced Harry in a hug "I knew you are messing with me! You kidnapped him. Oh, what will I do without you?"

Harry just smiled and Liam was dancing around the halls, like one excited kid.

"Now" Harry said in a serious tone "Liam call that commissioner and Blackmail him on bailing our men out, while I go home and see what that kid is doing. I locked him while he was sleeping but he's commissioner's son, so I really don't trust him"

Liam nodded approvingly and Harry made his way to home.

"Should we ask for some money too, or should we just ask to bail our men out?" Zayn said suggestively.

"Nah, don't be greedy Zayn" Liam affirmed "For us our gang, our men should be first priority, not money"


As Harry opened the front door, he saw Niall sprawled on his couch eating an apple and watching TV.

Harry cleared his throat to make his presence noticeable.

"Oh hii" Niall looked up to Harry. "You're home, I see"

"Yes, I guess" For the first time in forever, there was a normal person who isn't scared of Harry which made Harry nervous. Like he kidnapped this boy, and he isn't even scared.

"Are you not scared?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

"Why should I be scared?" Niall raised his eyebrow.

"Because I'm your fucking kidnapper!"

"So?" Niall asked and Harry was just confused. "I'm not even intimidated by you. I know, you'll not kill me or even hurt me. So, what's the point in getting sacred? You'll let me go as soon as you'll get your money"

Harry couldn't help but nod, maybe he had a point. But still he's the same age as Harry and is supposed to be scared from him.

"As a matter of fact", Niall continued " You didn't kidnap me. I got myself kidnapped. If I wanted I could shout or yelled while getting kidnapped, but I didn't" He boasted

"And why's that?" Harry asked.

"Oh dear kidnapper" Niall sighed "You're so dumb. It's so fucking nice to be kidnapped. It is thrilling. Moreover, If I shouted or yelled, you would be harsh on me or even hurt me. If my security guards helped me, you would beat the crap out of them which would get them hurt. So, it's better this way, don't you think?"

"You're the most practical person I've ever met" Harry admitted.

"Thanks" Niall blushed and Harry couldn't tear his gaze from the blond.

It's the first time Harry found someone attractive. Not only physically but emotionally too.

There's no doubt that he was handsome. His golden hair, piercing blue eyes and soft lips, everything is so beautiful about him. And the way his cheeks go pink when he blushes, just captures everybody's soul.

But the fact that his personality is as charming as his body. The way he's so cool about the situation and knows that panicking will not help. The way he thinks about others before his own safety.

He's probably the first person who made Harry feel like a human and not like a monster.

Harry never felt this way before. His mind was always preoccupied with business since childhood that he actually forgot about stuffs like love, attraction, lust.

He shrugged off all these unwanted thoughts from his head. He doesn't have time for all this, he needs to think about how to kill people rather than how to love them. These feelings were never meant for Harry Styles.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry asked Niall, who was gaping at Harry the whole time.

Niall couldn't help but wondered what's behind this bad boy persona of Harry.

Sure, with emerald green eyes, long luscious hair and perfectly fit and tattooed body he was damn attractive and looked like a typical gangster. He could actually make a straight man find him attractive, Niall being gay doesn't help either.

But behind Harry's stern and rugged look, he could almost see a teenager, who wants to live the world to fullest. Who doesn't want to have any responsibility. Who can go wherever he wants without being scared of death.

Harry can be a dreaded gangster for others, but for Niall he's just a normal teenager.

"Uhh", Niall broke out from his stance " yeah sure".

"How are you so calm about everything? Why are you not shouting or yelling at me, like others do? Don't tell me you have a plan because you're gonna regre-"

"Woah!" Niall threw his hands in defence "Calm down, dude. I am not having any plan. I just believe in this principle, whatever happens it happens for our good only, so no need to panic about everything. Just live the life to the fullest."

"No, you're wrong" Harry argued looking away from Niall "Not everything happens for good"

"Nah, man" Niall argued back "Every cloud has a silver lining"

"Then, How Can You Explain My Mom Abandoning Me At A Tender Age Of Five In The Orphanage?" Harry yelled.

Niall looked at Harry, surprised, and calmly replied. "Seriously, a family that abandoned you at the tender age of five and you wanna live with them"

Harry was silenced. Niall had a point.

"They'd probably kill you or abused you if you hadn't been abandoned. Just see how lucky you are!" Niall's eyes sparkles as he look towards Harry who was deep in thoughts.

Harry plopped down to the couch beside Niall.
"12 years have passed away and I haven't thought about it like this" Harry muttered to himself.

"Look, Harry" Niall turned towards Harry and looked him in his eyes "There are two principles of life, firstly, just think positively. Everything has a good and bad side. But we must focus on only good side"

Harry nodded, taking in the information.

"And secondly,-"

Just then, Harry's phone went off and they both broke from their stance. None of them noticed that while talking, they were really close to each other, Their faces just inches apart.

Harry awkwardly excused himself and went in the kitchen.

He glanced at the caller ID and it was as usual, Liam.

"Hello!...yeah...okay...fine...ya I know that, Liam...hope not...okay...bye"

The call lasted barely ten seconds, much to Harry's relief.

He leaned back on the kitchen slab, with his arms supporting his upper body.

Harry's mind was clouded with thoughts of his personal life, which he thought he had none.

Maybe, all along he was wrong that he would've had a better life if he was not abandoned.

He was thinking over and over about Niall's words and Niall himself.

He felt a strange kind of attraction with Niall and his personality. For him, every attraction is strange cause he was never attracted to a human before, not even his friends Zayn or Louis, with whom he had spent most of his life, not even Liam.

No, Harry Style can't be vulnerable, never. He's Harry fucking Styles. What would people think if he showed his soft side? Nah, he needs people to be dreading him and he's been successfully created that image for himself, but only this blue eyed boy didn't give a shit about it!

He sighed and shrugged off his thoughts and walked toward Niall.

"Niall!" He said in his deep, groggy voice and Niall startled "Your father has done what he's supposed to do, now time to go back home"

He turned back with Niall following him.

"Harry," Niall said while swinging his bag around him "Can we wait for two more hours, so that I don't have to attend it for today?"

Harry was almost about to say yes but then he remembered what he'd promised to himself before.

"No!" Harry said sternly "Look Niall, I am not your fucking friend, I'm your kidnapper. So you don't tell me what to do!"

Niall gulped down his saliva as Harry yelled at him. He's not gonna lie, he was surprised by sudden change in Harry's attitude. But then again, he didn't want the Harry Styles to go soft on him.

"Stop staring at me, and use your legs to walk!" Harry continued with his attitude "I don't have the whole day! Louis and Zayn is waiting downstairs."

Niall tied his shoe laces and went down the stairs as Harry locked his front door.

Throughout the ride to the dropping point of Niall, they didn't speak to each other. The car was filled with chattering of Louis and Zayn who were cussing the other drivers on the road, boasting about how they killed people yesterday and occasional sarcastic remarks towards Niall and Niall's dad.

But Niall couldn't care less. He was still wondering about why Harry suddenly had a  mood change. And Harry throughout the ride didn't even glanced at Niall, but could see from the corner of his eyes that Niall was looking at him. He low-key liked that.

When Louis and Zayn's chatter grew and they completely forgot about two persons who were sitting in the back seat, Harry whispered to Niall.

"And secondly?"

Niall raised an eyebrow at Harry with his what-the-fuck-are-you-talking-about face.

"You said there are two principles of life, but when you were about to say the second one, a phone call interrupted us. What is the second rule?"

As much as Harry wanted to act all  bad boy in front of Niall, he had the curious five year old kid inside him who wanted to ask this question as soon as the phone call ended.

Niall nodded absentmindedly, as he tried to recall what he was talking about earlier.

"Oh yes!" He finally remembered "The second rule is, just be yourself. Do whatever you want to do as long as you think that's right. Don't let people tell you what to do. Just do as your heart says, every time. Just fuck the people around you"

Niall smiled at Harry, as he could see the boy thinking about it.

"I thought you were not listening to me" Niall admitted.

"Just because I'm uneducated, doesn't mean I don't understand things, Niall" Harry shot him a look.

"Oh god! I didn't mean it in that way" Niall panicked "I thought you were like other teenagers who doesn't take me seriously"

Harry opened his mouth, wanting to say something but then Zayn, oblivious to the things happening in backseat interrupted.

"Here's your stop, weakling" Zayn said amusingly.

Niall looked at Harry for the last time, and even before Harry could process anything, Niall lent forward and pecked his cheeks.

"You're a nice man, Harry" He said once he pulled out and got out of the car.

"Take care, yeah?" Niall said and went towards the bus stand ahead of him. He didn't even glanced back at Harry while three pairs of surprised eyes were gaping at him.

"Look! Harry's got a lover" Louis said teasingly.

"Nah" Harry replied quickly "I don't know why he did that. It's just that he's ..."

"Weird. A whole lotta weird" Zayn completed him and Louis and him started laughing.

The whole ride back to their den went on about how weird Niall's actions were.

Harry was in a no mood to explain that Niall's not weird, it's just he sees the world differently. He sees everything positively, unlike them.

But his mind was totally off the conversation going on. He kept on thinking about the kiss Niall  gave him on the cheeks, and every time he thinks about it,  he can't help but smile and blush.

Shit! He wasn't supposed to feel like this. Harry Styles never blushes.

It's probably for the best that he never sees the lad ever again.

But fate had other plans...


Huge chapter for me...

Also thanks for your impeccable support for this story and also 'little things'.

I hope you're liking both of them

And Moral Of the Story is soooooooooooo gooooooooood...
Niall's voice is just medicine for me.

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