A Hybrid's Tale (ninjago x re...

By anon13mus

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Originally from Quotev... A girl who possesses many elements is taken in by a strange man offering a life of... More

Masters of Spinjitzu (Part One)
Masters of Spinjitzu : Your New Family (Part two)
The Golden Weapons
The Golden Weapons ( Part two )
Rise of the Snakes
Never Trust a Snake
Can of Worms
Snake King
Tick Tock
Powerful Secrets
Once Bitten Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
Green Ninja
All of Nothing
Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Last Voyage
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope
The Return of the Overlord
The Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
The Surge
The Art of the Silent Fist


3.2K 66 86
By anon13mus

The five ninja were outside training. They used their Golden Weapons in the course, teaching theirselves how to contain the power within.

As the four other ninja trained, the white one jumped from obstacle to obstacle, interrupting each ninjas focus.

It all came to an end when Zane ended up freezing the entire training course with his icy Spinjitzu.

"This roof isn't big enough for the five of us." Comments Kai.

"Correction. This roof isn't big enough for him." Corrects Cole.

"It's like he's in his own world." says Jay as Zane slowly stops his spin.

"I bet he can't even hear us." He shouts at the White ninja.

Zane jumps up, and throws his Shurikens.

" I mean, he is different, I'll admit. But isn't difference what makes someone unique?" The Indigo ninja says, trying to get them off the topic as she threw her fans in the air. The fans flew back into her hands, like boomerangs.

Sensei Wu approaches the gossping ninja. "Sensei, Zane's weird." Says Kai immaturely.

"What is weird?" Questions Sensei. "Someone who is different, or someone who is different than you?"

"No Sensei, he's "weird" weird. This guy walked into an occupied bathroom, that I was using, and started to comb his hair!" Exclaimed Cole.

"Uh huh. And while Nya and I were watching one of the rom coms on tv, he started laughing during a sad scene!" Jay says.

"Yeah, the same guy who also sat in the fridge to eat his bologna sandwich? Wait, you and Nya?" Snapped Kai.

"Uh hehehe. Sorry dude."

Kai looked like he was burning holes through Jay with his deadly glare.

"What about you Y/n? What's something weird this Ice lunatic has done around you?" Cole questions.

"Well I stand by what Sensei Wu said. And I don't find Zane to be weird or strange, it's just...him. And I don't want to spend our time pointing out each other's flaws. So can we please continue?" She says while throwing her fans at a target on a dummy.

It hits the target dead in the center, which catches the ninjas attention. Even the Master of Ice.

When she turns to look at Sensei, he nods, with a small smile.

Zane's attention is captured by one of the dummies on the course, and he properly bows to it.

Leaving the ninja with confused faces.

"We like the guy, he's really smart." Kai pauses to look at the ground. "He's just, uhh, a little off sometimes."

"Zane is a brother, and brothers are often different. I should know." Says Wu.

The doorbell is rung, and all the boys, except for Zane, shout ,"Mail!"

(Y/n's pov)

I sat on the stairs while I watched the boys unravel and collect their mail.

I didn't expect anything from the post man. I never get a thing from the rest of my family. Not that I've ever been in touch with them. I look up to see Zane walking around with a glum expression upon his face.

"Zane." I call out for him. He walks over, putting a smile on his face. I pat on the step next to me, as he gladly sits down. "So, nothing to expect either?" I question him while leaning on a nearby post.

"No. I do not have any parents. I have been an orphan all my life. Or at least from what I can remember." He said, returning to the same gloomy expression as before.

"Oh Zane. I'm sorry. It was insensitive for me to ask such a-"

"Do not apologize. It is quite alright. After all, I don't mind this....." he looks up at me,"...us."

"U-Us? Wh-What ab-about us?" I suddenly start to stutter.

Huh. That's strange. I've never had a stutter before...

"Well, when we have conversations, I find myself enjoying your company. Along with the conversations that come along." he simply states.

"O-Oh. Yes I see." I look up at him. "Well I too, enjoy our little chats. You always know what to say." I smile.

We're interrupted by a curious blue ninja.

"Hey Zane! Y/n! How come neither of you ever get any mail?"

I look at the ground, as Zane stands up and sighs.

"I do not remember my parents, I've been an orphan all my life."

I'm still interested in the ground, as Zane looks to me.

"A different story lies with Y/n. Her parents were...." he pauses to take another glance at me. "They passed away in an explosion. Leading her down the same path as I."he softly explains.

You mean you've never had a home?" Kai asks Zane.

He didn't have to ask me because he already knew.

Zane sadly shook his head.

The three teens give each other guilty glances.

"The monastery is your home now." Says Wu to both me and Zane.

I give a small smile, but quickly return to a frown. I sigh and head back to my room, and Zane goes to his.


As I sat in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and became lost in thought.

I felt a presence around me and assumed it was just Nya. I didn't hear anything, so I opened my eyes.

I opened them to see a smiling white ninja. I jump and squealed. "Ah! Zaaaane."

I playfully hit him. "Not funny." I pouted.

"So sorry Y/n. I walked in to ask something of you, but I didn't want to disturb you. You looked very peaceful." He bowed and apologized.

"No no no it's quite alright you just scared me. " I giggled.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "So what's up?"

"Oh. I just wanted to know if you wanted to help me cook? I can teach you how to make those dumplings you seem to really enjoy."he offers.

I smile brightly. "Yes, of course. Sounds like fun."


We arrive to the kitchen, and get out the ingredients.

He starts teaching me how to make my favorite dumplings, while he also works on his infamous soup.

Hes wearing a pink apron, which I don't really mind. I just giggled at it, and instead offered him a blue one. He politely declined and said," It is ok. I do not mind wearing the pink one. It still serves the same purpose, and works just as well." He concludes.

As we continue cooking, I decide to ask him ,"So where did you learn to cook so well?"

"I do not know. Perhaps it's just something I was born to be good at."

"Well, I believe it. After all, you're the best cook here. Don't tell the others." I whisper in his ear.

"Thank you Y/n."

"No problem."

He picks up one of the dumplings I made, and takes a bite. "Mmm. It is very tasty. Good job." He smiles.

I take the remaining piece of the food in his hand, and pop it in my mouth. "Well I had a great teacher."

He smiles and hands me the pot of soup. "You go on and join the others, I can handle the rest."

"Smells delicious,Zane."

And I walk out the door.


I place the pot on the table, and find everyone already seated. I sit between Cole and Kai.

"Hey Y/n, hows it going?" Cole asks scratching his neck.

"Doin fine. Yourself?"

"Good. Good....I hung out with your dragon for a while. She's friendly and pretty cool. Just like you." He side smiles.

"Ha thanks. Glad your warming up to those dragons."

Zane walks into the room with the plates of food.

"Dinner is served."

I smiled at Zane who noticed, and smiled back.

I heard small snickers from the surrounding ninja. Then, within seconds, they became laughing hyenas. Including Sensei.

I looked over to Zane, who still wore his pink apron. I giggled just a little, and only because he looked adorable in it.

He looked at all of us in confusion. "What's so funny?"

I stopped laughing.

"Zane! You're wearing a-" Nya started to laugh.

"Even I wouldn't wear that."

"You laugh because I take steps to ensure I am clean after cooking?" He questions.

"Ha-ha! No. We laugh because you came out wearing that ridiculous outfit."

I shot an angry glare to Kai. Not that he noticed.

"I....I guess we don't share the same sense of humor."

Oh Zane.....

"Well how about this?" Cole dumps a plate of shrimps on his face. Everyone burst out with laughter.

I giggle and grab one of the shrimp. "Mmm. Yummy. You guys are wasting perfectly good food." I lecture in a jokingly matter.

"Now how could you not find that funn-"

Sensei walks over, and pours a bowl of soup on top of Coles head.


"There. Now you two are brothers." I laugh loudly, and clap my hands.

Everyone breaks out into a food fight, and I'm hit with some food myself. I throw some food in the air and catch it with my mouth.

I didn't want to waste all the food Zane worked so hard on.

I see Zane walking out of the dining room. So I wipe my mouth and follow him. I see him standing alone, with the apron in his hand. I stand by the front gates, about to say something, when a falcons cry catches his attention.

I look up at the mysterious bird, as it does a little dance. Zane flaps his arms, as the bird copies. I giggle a little.

The bird hops on the little branch, and takes off. Zane turns around to where I'm standing, and I hide behind the wall. When I peek out again, I see him running down the stairs. I'm quick to follow him.

But not loud enough for him to hear me.

The bird made us follow him into the forest, and finally stopped on a branch.

When we stopped, I saw a big treehouse, full of Serpentine, and a young Lloyd Garmadon. I looked at Zane, and walked up to him. I tapped his shoulder, and he quickly brought out his Shurikens.

I jump back, and say ," Hold your fire! Or your ice...I don't really know." I chuckle.

"What are you doing here? Did you follow me?" He questions.

I guiltily nod. "I'm sorry. I just felt bad about the whole dinner thing, and when you started to run off, I didn't want you to get hurt following that falcon."

"Well, thank you Y/n. Thank you for caring."

"Of course.


The next morning, we were off. Zane and I explained what happened the previous night, leaving them all in confusion.

"Uhhh, can you repeat to us how you stumbled across Lloyd's hideout again?" Jay asks.

"I followed a bird."

"Why did you follow a bird?"

"Because it danced."

"Oh ok." Jay pauses to look at me. "Was it a cuckoo bird."

All the ninja except for Zane start to laugh. Y/n giggled but replies to Jay, "No, Jay. It was this brilliant falcon. I think it knew exactly what it was doing."

Zane then spoke up, "Well still, it couldn't be a cuckoo bird. After all, everyone knows cuckoo birds are not indigenous to these forests."

He and I then run off in the direction of the tree house.

I scanned the forest for the treehouse, and my eyes finally laid on them. "Yeah, Jay. A cuckoo bird lead us here." I roll my eyes.

"Hehe." He nervously scratches his neck.

"Holy cannoli! Frosty and Sarcastic were right!" Crying exclaims.

"Told ja." I smirk at him. "Wait, What?"

Cole smirks and playfully hits me.

"We can't let that brat and those snakes get a foothold in Ninjago." The red ninja points at the building. "We have to destroy that thing before it becomes operational."

(3rd person pov)

Everyone agreed to the fire ninjas plan. Except for a certain blue ninja.

" Oh, are you sure? I mean, it does look like a pretty cool tree house." he gasps, " Oh, there's a rope course! Ooh, and a tree swing!"

Y/n waves a hand in front of him. "Um hey? Aren't we on the same team here? We're supposed to be defeating the Serpentine, not supporting them. Get your head in the game."

"Yeah, Jay. Who's side are you on?" Cole smiles.

"Heh...sorry." Jay apologizes.

"Alright guys what do we do." Continues Cole.

Kai looks around at the house, when he finally points out three trees. "It looks like the entire place is being supported by those three trees. Once those ties are severed, the whole thing is gonna fall like a house or cards."

Zane looks at Kai with confusion. "But why would one make a house of cards? Such construction would be careless."

"Oh brother. "

Y/n and Jay giggled like idiots.

Kai jumped up, and started taking out vines with his sword. He used the vines to swing onto the house filled with Serpentine.

They all arrived safely on the villain infested tree, watching a busy Lloyd, discussing his plan.

"It's almost finished. Soon, my fortress will be complete." He smirked and pointed at one of the snakes. "You! Pick up that sign for me."he demands.

As the snake picked it up, the ninja read it.

"No girls or ninja!"

"Well, he'll be in for a nasty surprise." Y/n whispers and smirks.

Lloyd pull a lever, sending the same snake through, making him fall down to the ground.

"BOOBY TRAP!" The young Garmadon yells out.

They all take that as a sign to start cutting ropes. Jay and Zane head over to the first two ropes. They both use Spinjitzu to knock out the lines, making each sides of the fortress lean over.

"Cole! Only cut the last rope until all of us get out." Y/n yells.

He nods, and watches as the ninja jump across the trees. Zane, Jay, Kai, and Y/n all meet on one of the roofs, and wait for Cole to strike the last rope.

"Where's Cole?" asks Jay.

"He's supposed to cut the last rope, what happened?" Asked Y/n, very worried.

"The whole place is coming down!"

The structure was falling apart by the minute. As each piece fell off, so did a snake.

"We've gotta get off while we still can!" Yells Kai.

"But...but what about Cole?" Y/n asks. It shakes so much, that she loses her balance, and tips over the edge.

"Augh!" She shouts.

She grabs the edge, and hangs on for dear life. She struggles to pull herself up, but as Jay rushes to grab her hand, Cole jumps in the way. He waves his Scythe in front of them.

"No one goes anywhere until you deal with me."

Cole tries to hit the ninja with his Golden Scythe, but misses. He growls at them like a rabid dog.

"What's gotten into him?" Questions Kai.

Y/n looks around, until her eyes land on a certain snake.


He was the same snake who tried hypnotizing Cole a few day previous.

"He must of succeeded." She thought.

The Indigo ninja quickly looked into Coles eyes.

"So that's why I thought I was seeing red. He WAS hypnotized." she thought.

"He's been hypnotized by those slithering idiots." Explains Y/n.

"Yes, he is under their control." Confirms Zane.

The Indigo ninja,still hanging from the edge, sneakily shuffled towards the troublesome reptile.

"Yeah, well he better snap out of it quick, because this whole place looks like it's about to go down!" Exclaims Jay.

As the boys tried to snap Cole out of it, Y/n shuffled across the edge, closer to Scales. She successfully made it to to the snake, and she pulled herself up. She snuck up behind him, and said ,"Hey! Leave Cole alone!"

And with that, she pushed him off. But when he was falling, he swiftly grabbed on to her leg, and pulled her down with him. She screamed, as she was holding the weight of a full grown snake man, along with her own.

Cole instantly snapped out of the trance as soon as Scales lost focus. When the ninja were about to welcome him back, Cole rushed to Y/n.

She tried kicking the snake with her unoccupied foot. His grip was stable, so there wasn't no way he'd be slipping off. The building shifted harshly, making her lose her grip.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Y/n was falling down from the heights, Scales pulling her down with him.

Her arms flailed around as she screamed, and her eyes were closed shut. The ninja watched in disbelief, as they watched their friend falling from the heights....and there was nothing they could do.

As she fell, Cole grabbed one of her flailing arms, and caught her. Scales had let go by this time, and he was sent falling down. Luckily for him, he landed in a bush.

His feet kept him from slipping, as he managed a tight grip around her hand.

She gasped and opened her eyes. She saw a wide eyed Cole, whos expression changed to a happy one. "You know, people do say I'm quite the catch." He winks.

"Save it, Rock head." She rolled her eyes.

He pulled the Power Ninja up, and jumped down to safety. The three ninja embrace the girl in a warm hug. "We thought we were gonna lose you." Kai said with his head buried in her gi.

She shook her head and raised an eyebrow. "Really? You thought I was gonna go down that easily?"

He only responded by hugging her harder.

"Just glad you're okay." Says Zane.


(Kai's pov)

Wow. After that stunt she pulled to save Cole, it hit me like a bullet train. I could've lost her. We all could've. And I didn't want it to be for real next time. I didn't want there to be a next time.

We looked up to see Sensei Wu and Nya arriving on my dragon.

We quickly boarded when Sensei said , "We must hurry. The monastery is left unguarded."


We rush to the monastery, only to find piles of ashes and flames where the monastery once stood.

"We're too late!" I exclaim in anger.

"Those slithering...." I hear Y/n softly yell, as she whispers the rest so we can't hear her.

They all rush down to release their trapped dragons. However, after they free their animals, I see Y/n's face drop.

It was her first real home.....

I was seething with anger. "Our home..."

"Shard! Put this out!" Zane ordered his dragon. The ice dragon spat out mist, putting out the scorching flames. The flames were replaced with frozen ice.

"The training equipment, gone." He says.

Jay shook Zane, " OUR VIDEO GAMES! GONEEE!"

A solemn expression took over Sensei's face. "They stole their staff back."

Cole was petting his pets head,"What do we do now?"

I picked up a pile of what barely remained of the monastery off the burnt ground, and squeezed it in my hand. I tightly shut my eyes, ready to say something when Y/n tried stopping first.

"Kai, please."

"No. If you guys hadn't followed that silly bird, none of this would've happened."

"K-Kai..." she tried to speak up. Her voice cracked.

Jay walked in front of Kai, putting his hands up.

"Y/n. Kai is right." He got in front of Zane's face, "Because of you, my highscore has been deleted!"

Y/n lightly pushed Jay out of the way of Zane. "Hey! Back off. In case you haven't noticed, we're not the enemy. They are." She motioned to monastery.

"And no one cares about your bloody games! We'r-"

She's cut off by Jay , " BLOODY GAMES?!" He yells at her.

"This is a teaching moment. We must learn to-" Zane's cut off by Cole.

"A teaching moment?! What's wrong with you?! Don't you get it? Everything is gone!"

"ENOUGH." yells Sensei. " Y/n is your sister, as Zane is your brother. Apologize to them at once."

Cole only sighs, as we turn around to apologize.

"Y/n, Zane, we're so-" We start.

But when we looked up, we saw them flying their dragons out into the sunset. Never looking back.


(Y/n's pov)

They scolded us for things we were not at fault for.

With their backs turned, I turned to Zane with tear filled eyes. "Come on Zane. We don't need to take this." I say. He only nods, but then, we spot something flying in the air.

"The falcon."

We mount our dragons, and I look back at the still bickering ninja. We then take off, and follow the bird off into the sunset.

After following it for miles, it finally lands. Revealing an empty ship, deserted on the warm sand.

We walk in, and smile to each other.

"That falcon really is something." I smile.

"Yes. Most interesting."

We find old cooking appliances, and learn how to use the ship. Together, we prepare food, and finish off with multi flavored pies.

We take a minute before tracking down the ninja, to sit down and relax in the new 'home'.

"So, how are you holding up?" He asked me.

"I'm feeling better. Thanks for asking." I smile back.

"Just...I just didn't think they'd get so angry about it. It wasn't our fault...." I looked down. "Was it?"

He looked at me with his bright eyes.

"Of course not. If anyone was to be at fault, besides the Serpentine,it would be my own. I followed the bird first, you only followed me."

"Yeah, but..." I felt a finger lift up my chin to face him.

" There are no buts. It was not our fault. The Serpentine are a bad group of misfits who need to be stopped. They were simply doing their job, as we do ours." He explained as he moved his hand to my shoulder.

I felt my cheeks heat up. " Thanks Zane. You really are a cool one." I snicker.

"And you are a beautiful one." I feel myself heat up even more.

"Zane...what am I to you?" I quickly asked, regretting it instantly.

"A very close friend. Someone I can always talk to. You are the closest friend I've ever had." He smiles warmly.

Yeah Y/n. Friend. Don't think things like that...he is your "brother" anyways. Even though it's not by blood.

I put on a small smile. "We should start heading out. To go find them I mean."

"Yes, I think that would be ideal."


We walked around the sandy deserts, in search of the others. I finally spot Nya. And soon, all the others come to view.

Nya says something, and everyones faces turned to look at us. Their faces brightened up, and they bolted to us.

Kai, Nya, and Cole came up to me to greet me. While Sensei and Jay walked up to Zane. I received a huge hug from the siblings, and soon a bear hug from Cole.

We all laughed for a little bit, and soon, silence filled the group. The good kind.

"Oh Y/n, Zane, we're so sorry about for everything we said." Apologized Jay. "We're a team. And that means we're all responsible."

I look to Zane, and he nods his head.

"Yeah. What you guys said really sucked." I said, trying to sound upset.

They all looked down to the ground in shame.

"We're just kidding! Yes we accept your apology, but there's nothing to apologize for." I giggle.

"But...what about all of those awful things we said?" Kai questions. "Isn't that why you guys left?"

"Of course not. Although, that might be the reason Y/n left. We saw the falcon again, and decided to follow it."

"That's our Zane." Says Cole.

"We're happy to have you back." We all formed a group hug.

Zane looked at them,"Why? Is it my turn to make dinner?"

I pulled away to laugh at his question.

"Yes, Zane. We would love for you to make dinner."

"But we already have." He looks to me, grinning ear to ear.

"Come along guys. Let us show you what we found. I think you'll like it." I wink at them.


We are heading to the ship when Zane's speaks up, " I can't explain it , but I share a strange connection with the falcon. I think he's trying to help show us the path we need to take."

As we nearest the ship, everyone's eyes lit up. "Our new home." Zane and I said at the same time.

Jay deeply inhaled, taking in the scent of pie coming from the insides of the ship.

"Do I smell pie?" He asks.

Zane turns to Jay and says,"Cobbler-berry."

I giggle," Don't forget the Myrtle-berry and apple!"

Everyone excitedly sprinted towards the new ship we call home.


(3rd person pov)

As the family of 7 ate, Y/n could've sworn she saw some sort of figure,standing outside the ship as they had yet another food fight. But when she turned around to look again, it was already gone.

She shrugged it off, knowing what ever was out there, she wouldn't be facing it alone.

At least, not anymore.


After dinner, the young girl Y/n walked up to the black ninja, Cole.

"Um hey. Can we talk?"


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