Deep Blue - The Descent

By ToddCowden

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More people have visited the moon, than have found their way to the bottom of the ocean. Test piloting the mi... More

1: The Neptune
2: Close Encounter
3: Running Late
4: Mission Briefing
5: The M.A.N.T.A.
6: Welcome to Deep Blue
7: The Grand Tour
8: Doc's Briefing
9: The Bottom
10: The Need for Speed
11: Rock Collecting
12: Damage Report
13: Mission Report
14: Commander Kennedy
15: The New Sheriff in Town
16: Shifting Focus
17: Shaking Things Up a Bit
18: Early Morning Chat
19: What Light From Yonder Window Breaks?
20: The Perfect Plan
21: A Change of Plans
22: The Second Run
23: Get Out of the Way
24: Follow the Light
25: Not Alone
26: Racing Back Home
27: Meeting the Neighbors
28: He's Not From Around Here
29: A New Guest
30: You Were Right
31: Put On Some Coffee
32: The Dream
33: Surprise Gift
34: Date Night
35: Plan B
36: Another Unexpected Guest
37: One Theory
38: Empathy
39: Let the Party Begin
40: Out of the Fire
42: Lost and Found

41: Saving the World

2 1 0
By ToddCowden

Nick trudged his way through the rising water in the Moon Pool, leapt over the railing and onto the wing of the M.A.N.T.A.

"Syndi, can you start up the engines?", Nick asked.

"Yes Lieutenant Commander."

"And pop the rear hatch."

"Yes Lieutenant Commander."

The rear hatch of the M.A.N.T.A. opened as Nick ducked his head below the rising door to enter. The ship's holodisplay controls were still blinking to life and moving into place as he threw himself into the pilots seat. Nick cringed as a sharp pain stabbed his ribs, reminding him of his still untreated injury.

His grimace and sharp increase in heart rate didn't go unnoticed by Syndi.

"Lieutenant Commander, you still have not been treated for your broken ribs.", Syndi scolded.

"One crisis at a time Syndi.", Nick said as he completed the M.A.N.T.A. start up procedure.

"Are you all aboard?", Nick asked as he made his final ~pre-launch checks.

"No.", Syndi reported. "I'm afraid I've only successfully transferred 24.6% of my programming to the M.A.N.T.A.'s computer."

"24 percent!"

"24.6.", the A.I. corrected.

"Syndi, that's not enough.", Nick stated. "How long before...all of you is in the M.A.N.T.A.?"

"The transfer should be completed in 22 minutes.", Syndi calculated then added, "Unfortunately, the water level in the room will reach the servers in approximately 8 minutes and 54 seconds."

"Syndi!", said with an exasperated expression. "That's not okay."

"I'm sorry Lieutenant Commander," the A.I. apologized. "But I have no way of decreasing the flow of water to the room or speeding up the transfer..."

The M.A.N.T.A. rocked and dropped several inches suddenly as the station shifted once more.

"We've got to get out of here.", Nick said stating the obvious. "Can you transfer while we're on the move?"

"Yes. It's a wireless process."

"Great.", Nick said as he pressed a button releasing the M.A.N.T.A. from the station's moorings. The ship rocked back and forth as it attempted to level itself as Deep Blue released it's grip on the small craft.

"Then we've got a torpedo to catch."

Nick steered the M.A.N.T.A. toward the large open doors that led to the ocean beyond.

The shift in the stress points on the station caused the collapse of yet another main support under Deep Blue. As the ship approached the bottom moon pool opening, the cool blue of the M.A.N.T.A. suit made a noticeable jump toward purple as Nick watched the opening he was headed for fall away. The central sphere of Deep Blue was collapsing and if the M.A.N.T.A. didn't make it out before the sphere hit bottom, it would become a permanent resident of the station.

Nick pushed the twin engines to full power as he altered course and slipped through the opening, scraping the tops of the turbine casings against the moon pool doors, just before it crashed into the sandy ridge below.

"Woooo!", Nick shouted. "That was a little close."

Outside the moon pool, in the thick, murky water with zero visibility, Nick was piloting strictly by instrumentation and instinct. The doctor's data of the surrounding area again provided a triangular display of the surroundings informing Nick exactly when he flew beyond the ridge that Deep Blue rested on even though couldn't see it.

What Nick didn't expect was the immense sonar contact they saw pulling away from the station and heading toward the bottom. Something that size could only be one thing, and Nick wanted a closer look.

A moment later the M.A.N.T.A. shot out of the debris cloud and into open water leaving two wispy trails of muck spiraling behind the ship's twin turbines.

As Nick had suspected, there, a short distance ahead of them, was the large, tear drop shaped ship that Nick hoped was taking Eugene home. Nick turned the M.A.N.T.A. toward the ship and within seconds was right on top of it. Nick performed a barrel roll over the ship to inspect any damage that may have occurred from the avalanche.

Nick saw numerous scars and gouges in the rounded dome of the craft. Blue electrical arcs leapt intermittently across the damaged areas. But, all-in-all the craft seemed to be fully operational.

"Yeah, it may have left a mark, but honestly, they're in much better shape than I thought they would be after deflecting a mountain."

Nick gave a quick one-handed salute toward the craft, "So long Eugene."

"Syndi, plot an intercept course for that torpedo.", Nick ordered.

"Yes Lieutenant Commander."

Nick aimed the M.A.N.T.A. at the newly projected waypoint on the holodisplay and threw the throttle to full. The twin engines whined as they spun up to their max velocity pressing Nick back against the pilot's seat.

With the course and throttle set Nick got back to the issue of getting Syndi downloaded to the ship.

"Syndi, status report.", Nick began but his specific request was unclear.

"What would you like a status on?", Syndi asked.


"I'm fine.", Syndi answered.

"No, you're not fine.", Nick exclaimed. "How much of you is in the M.A.N.T.A.?"

"32.3% of my programming has been downloaded to the M.A.N.T.A.", Syndi reported.

"How much time before the water hits the servers?"

"The water will reach my server in 6 minutes and 13 seconds."

"That's not enough time."

"No.", Syndi replied with a bit of regret. "It's not. Only 48% of my programming will be on the M.A.N.T.A. when I go offline."

"Then you need to prioritize what you transfer first.", Nick stated. "Whatever code is most important, move that over first."

"How will I know which parts of me are important?", Syndi asked.

"I don't know.", Nick replied with a hint of frustration.

Nick finally suggested, "Whatever makes you -- you."

"I see.", the A.I. responded apprehensively. "But isn't all of it a part of me."

Nick rolled his eyes, he didn't have time for a deep philosophical debate.

"Listen Syndi, just pick the most critical things and download them first. Leave the information about a million sci-fi movies and research on test pilots for the end. If it were me, I'd probably drop all that Shakespeare stuff as well."

"But I like Shakespeare stuff.", Syndi argued.

In addition to attempting to sort out Syndi's transfer, Nick kept an eye on his depth and speed. He knew in order to activate the Cavitation Drive he had to be traveling at a minimum speed of 60kn and a minimum pressure of 500 bars. That's roughly 500 times the amount of pressure you would feel standing at sea level. Basic physics calculated 500 bars of pressure at a depth of roughly 16,200ft in ocean water. The M.A.N.T.A. was currently traveling at 42kn and 15,532ft as it streaked through the darkness.

"How much time before we reach the torpedo?", Nick asked, knowing that Syndi was much better at calculations than he was.

"That depends on when you engage the Cavitation Drive.", Syndi responded.

"Let's go with 3 minutes to Cav Drive ignition."

"If you engage the Cavitation Drive in 3 minutes, it will take an additional 2 minutes and 15 sections to intercept the Yu-60."

"And how much time does that leave us before it reaches the crevasse?"

"30 seconds.", Syndi replied.

"That's not going to leave us much breathing room."

Nick turned his focused on keeping the M.A.N.T.A. on course and steady trying to buy even the smallest fraction of time he could.

"Lieutenant Commander, you'll restart me after I go offline won't you."

"What?", Nick asked, confused by the question.

"When the servers on Deep Blue stop working and I go offline, you'll restart me here in the M.A.N.T.A. won't you."

"Yes.", Nick replied, "Of course. That's the plan."

"Thank you.", Syndi replied with almost a hint of what sounded like relief.

After a moment of silence, Syndi asked another question, "What if you can't?"

"What if I can't what?", Nick replied, amazed that even in a time like this Syndi had no trouble conjuring up an endless list of questions.

"What if not enough of my programming downloads to initiate an initial launch?"

"Syndi, it's gonna work.", Nick reassured her the best he could, noting that there was notable tension in her voice.

"But it won't be all of me."

Nick shook his head, "No, no it won't. Like I said, that's why you have to pick the things that are important to you, the things you have to remember, and download those first."

"How would you pick the things that are important to you Sheppard? How would you pick the things that you want to remember?", she inquired.

"Well, I can probably name a few nights I'd like to forget as well as the following mornings, but I'm human Syndi.", Nick answered. "I don't have the luxury of picking."

Nick kept the throttle on full, and monitored his steadily increasing speed and external environmental pressure. 50kn and 15,883ft. He estimated 2 minutes remained before he could engage the Cav Drive.

"I want to remember you.", Syndi said wistfully. "And Doctor Marshal. And Commander Kennedy. I've categorized those things as important."

Nick smiled at the sentiment of Syndi's statement, "Thanks Syndi."

"This is gonna work.", Nick reassured her.

As the M.A.N.T.A. continued to dart through the darkness Syndi's struggle caused Nick to think about what was really important to him. He found his thoughts drifting to Jordan and his last moments with her. There she stood soaking wet in the doorway of the life pod, illuminated primarily by the glowing crystal within the sphere in her hands. Water ran down the contours of her face, trickling down the ridge of her lower lip down to her drenched t-shirt below. There was an uncertainty in her eyes, possibly driven by the concern that this may be that last time they would see each other.

Syndi interrupted Nick's reflection, "What do you plan on doing once we intercept the Yu-60?".

"Well,", Nick began, "I figure our best chance, is just to shoot it. We've got the latest cutting edge torpedoes in the M.A.N.T.A., we fire a couple of those and they'll take care of the rest. We just have to get in range."

"But if you destroy the torpedo, won't that detonate the torpedo?"

"That depends on whether or not it's armed.", Nick replied.

Syndi pondered his answer for a moment before asking, "How will we know if the torpedo is armed?"

There was a noticeable pause before the Lieutenant Commander's response.

"If we're around after our torpedo hits it, then it didn't arm."

Nick's answer seemed less than what the A.I. was hoping for.

"I thought we were trying to stop the detonation.", Syndi stated.

"A nuke that size will be tactical, with a smaller detonation.", Nick said in an attempt to reassure her. "We need to stop it from blowing up inside the crevasse. We should still be a mile or more away by the time we get there."

Nick's "plan" seemed to have a high percentage of risk.

"You don't usually do the planning do you?", Syndi asked.

"I do plenty of planning. Thank you.", Nick replied, slightly insulted by her insinuation.

"Yes, I plan lots of things.", Nick said aloud more to himself than the A.I.

"Would you like me to make another plan?", Syndi asked politely, yet firmly.

"Seriously?!", Nick thought to himself, now he's being second guessed by a computer.

"No.", Nick told Syndi. "My plan is fine. I want you to get ready for the Cav Drive, we just reached minimum depth."

Seeing that the M.A.N.T.A. was now at the minimum required speed and pressure to engage the Cavitation drive Nick pulled up the drive controls.

It was apparent Syndi wasn't done with the previous conversation, "Your plan has a high degree of risk."

"Engaging Cav drive." Nick said, ignoring the A.I.'s statement.

The M.A.N.T.A.'s computer voice echoed through the ship.

"Cavitation Drive engaging in 10...9...8..."

"Did I want her to make another plan?!", Nick muttered to himself as the countdown continued.


"My plan is fine. It's a good plan."


As the drive engaged an invisible hand pressed hard against Nick's chest causing a stabbing pain in his ribs. In an instant the cavitation bubble formed and swallowed the ship whole. The M.A.N.T.A. shot through the water like a bullet, leaving a solid trail of bubbles in its wake.

Inside the M.A.N.T.A. the whine of the twin turbines was replaced by the roar of the Cav Drive. Nick was attempting to ignore the stabbing pain in the side of his chest while he kept the ship on course toward its nuclear rendezvous. The velocity of the ship continued to increase at an astonishing rate. They increased to 175kn within the span of only a few seconds.

"Syndi,", Nick said through gritted teeth, "how much time before the torpedo reaches the crevasse?"

"Two minutes and forty seconds."

"Give me that number in a timer on the display would you?"

Almost instantly, a small countdown timer floated into the holodisplay in front of Nick.

Syndi noticed an increased heart rate in the Lieutenant Commander as well as a shift in the color of the M.A.N.T.A. suit. It didn't take advanced artificial intelligence to determine what was wrong.

"Lieutenant Commander, you really should have had the Doctor examine your injury."

"He's not that kind of doctor Syndi.", Nick growled as tiny beads of sweat began forming on his forehead. The last thing he wanted to think about right now was his injury. He knew that if he could just bear through the pain for another two minutes it would ease as soon as the Cav Drive shutdown. What he wasn't looking forward to was the actual shutdown. That was going to hurt.

"How's the transfer coming?", Nick asked, attempting to shift his focus from the pain.

"The transfer is 45% complete.", Syndi replied. "The water is almost to the server."

"Did you drop the doc's music library?", Nick asked with a forced smile. "That could really save you some space."

"No Lieutenant Commander, his music library did not require excessive storage."

Nick rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I'll bet."

The M.A.N.T.A. was speeding along at 447kn. Nick kept constant tabs on its speed and depth, as well as the countdown timer which currently read 1:35.

Nick's constant pain, combined with the levity of the situation had the M.A.N.T.A. suit glowing deep purple, shifting more to "red" than he'd ever had it before.

"Lieutenant Commander Sheppard, my transfer is 47% complete.", Syndi announced. "I'll be going offline soon."

Nick could sense the uncertainty in her voice.

"I'll get you restarted as soon as I shut down the Cav drive."

"Thank you.", the A.I. replied. "I transferred enough of the core files that shouldn't be a problem. Most of what will be left behind are data files."

"Then I'll talk to you in a couple of minutes.", Nick said encouragingly while fighting back the pain.

Then Syndi did something unexpected. She chose to spend the last few seconds before the flood waters shorted out the servers to quote Shakespeare of all things.

"Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow

That I shall say good night...", before her message was abruptly ended.

As the comms fell silent Nick was surprised to find that he felt a sense of sadness for Syndi; a computer. Being left all alone trapped in Deep Blue while the waters rose uncontrollably around her. He also had hope that everything would work as planned, and he would be talking with her again, and answering her millions of questions, in just a few minutes, but for now, he was alone.

With only 30 seconds left before the scheduled torpedo rendezvous, Nick armed the M.A.N.T.A.'s weapons systems. Once he visibly confirmed all the weapons status were green he turned his attention to the countdown clock as he prepared to shut down the Cavitation Drive.

As the timer ticked down the final seconds, Nick did his best to brace himself for the sudden stop that was inevitable.


Nick disengaged the Cavitation Drive which brought the M.A.N.T.A.'s velocity to a very sudden stop. It was like hitting a brickwall while traveling at 50mph. The restraints on the pilot's seat saved him from hurtling into the control console like his previous trip, but it also applied the shift of momentum directly to his chest and shoulders. With broken ribs, it felt like being hit in the chest with a sledge hammer.

Nick let out and audible scream of pain as the world flashed white and the M.A.N.T.A. suit turned red. He was able to fight his way out of blacking out but it was going to take another moment or two for the world to stop spinning.

The cavitation bubble flew forward ahead of the ship and imploded on itself before exploding and repeating the cycle one or two more times.

The M.A.N.T.A. sailed ahead through the water at a much slower 60mph and continued to steadily decrease in speed while the twin turbines rotated 90 degrees into the ships primary flight mode.

Nick coughed several times while he attempted to catch his breath, and his bearings, the taste of blood filled his mouth. Nick brushed the corner of his lips with his hand and got a bright red confirmation that somewhere inside, he was bleeding.

"Well that's probably not a good sign.", he remarked aloud.

Nick scanned the area both visually and with the sonar but there was no sign of the Yu-60. In the distance he recognized the glow of the crevasse, as well as the glowing clusters of crystals on the ocean floor below, but no torpedo.

As promised, the first thing Nick did after shutting down the Cavitation Drive was restart Syndi. Maybe she would have some ideas on where the torpedo was.

"Computer.", Nick called out to the M.A.N.T.A.'s onboard computer. "Run application Syndi."

The monotone computer voice responded, "Application not found."

"What do you mean not found?!", Nick exclaimed, "You just downloaded it."

"Search for application S.Y.N.D.I.", Nick clarified thinking that there could be confusion in the spelling.

"There is no application found with that name.", the cold voice responded.

This couldn't be happening. Nick knew the program had to be there. He wasn't about to lose Syndi.

"Show me a list of the most recently downloaded applications.", Nick ordered. He refused to believe she wasn't there.

A textual list of applications was projected holographically in a small window in front of Nick. They were sorted in chronological order with the most recently downloaded at the top. Nick browsed the list and the computer was right, there was no listing for "Syndi", but upon reading the name at the top, Nick knew exact where his request had gone wrong.

"Oh doc.", Nick lamented as he shook his head.

"Computer, run application Chase."

"Running application Chase.", the computer acknowledged.

Chase, the doctor's lost daughter. So Nick was right, at least at some level the doctor was trying to bring his daughter back by creating Syndi.

"People deal with loss in their own way.", Jordan had said. "You don't have to understand it."

For the first time, Syndi's 3d holographic bust was projected above the control panel of the M.A.N.T.A.

"Hello", she said. "I'm Syndi. Deep Blue's Synthetic Digital Intelligence. How can I help you?"

Then upon completing her preprogrammed startup sequence, her eyes locked onto Nick's and there was an instant moment of recognition as she exhaled and smiled. "Hello Lieutenant Commander Sheppard. Thank you for saving me."

"Welcome aboard the M.A.N.T.A.", Nick smiled. "We've got a torpedo to find."

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