I met the love of my life at...

By lsmiley05

103K 4K 251

Hanna Smith was a 22 year old single mom with a normal life but what happen when she goes to the club and mee... More

New year
I thought i'd never see him again
New job
My new life
What are we
Japan business trip
I dont think this is working
Our first date
Luke meets kayla
One year anniversary part 1
One year anniversary part 2
I love you too
Meet the parents
Move in with me
Kaylas room
Merry christmas
The news
Gender reveal
Mom problems
Chapter 22
Baby shower
The babys coming
Everyone meets the baby
The past
Wedding planning
The perfect wedding dress
The wedding
Authors note
Leilanis first birthday
Cast members
Two years later
doctors apointment
Baby shower
Chapter 40
Baby shopping
Liam and kyle
Back home
Book 2


761 55 4
By lsmiley05

Luke's POV
I woke up in a hospital bed with some pain in my head. I grabbed the remote and pressed the nurse button. The nurse came in the room. "How are you feeling" she asked me. "I'm ok. How long have I been out" I asked. "About a day" she said. "Can you tell me what happened" I asked her. "You were in a car accident and hit your head on the steering wheel pretty hard" she said. "Is my wife okay" I asked. "What's your wife's name" she asked. "Hanna Jacobs" I said. "Okay I can go get some information for you about her" she said. "Please" I said. "I'll go get the doctor" she before she handed me a bag with my things in it from the car and left the room.

I took my phone out the bag and called Hannas mom. "Hello" she said. "Hey it's luke. Me and Hanna were in a car accident and are at the hospital. I just woke up a few minutes ago and the nurse just left to go give me an update on hanna" I said. "Oh my god I hope her and the babies are ok" she said. "Are you ok did you get hurt" she asked. "Few stitches on my head and few cuts and scratches" I said. "Oh I'll keep the girls as long as you need me to" she said. "Thank you and please don't tell the girls we're in the hospital just tell them something a little more happy and won't make them worried please" I said. "Of course" she said. "Keep me updated ok" she said. "I will" I said. "Ok call me later" she said. "Ok bye" I said. "Bye" she said before I hung up.

The doctor came in a few minutes later. "Hello mr Jacobs how are we feeling today" he asked me. "I'm ok" I said. "Any pain" he asked me as he checked my pulse and my heart. "My head a little bit" I said. "I can give you some more pain meds but I'd like to keep you tonight and if everything's ok tomorrow I can discharge you" he said. "You'll just have to come back in a few weeks to get the stitches out" he said. "Ok" I said. "Any questions for me" he asked. "No sir" I said. "Ok I'll have the nurse bring you some medicine" he said before he left.

The nurse came back a few minutes later with some medicine. "Here's this for the pain" she said as she put a cup of two pills on the table and a cup of water. "About your wife I can take you to her room and let you talk to her doctor if you'd like" she said. "I would like that" I said. "Ok let me go grab a wheelchair and I'll take you to her room" she said before she left the room.

She opened the door to Hannas room and wheeled me in. "Oh honey" I said as I grabbed her hand and looked at her. "She was just laying on the bed with her eyes closed. The doctor came in a few minutes later and grabbed the clipboard from the end of the bed. "Your her husband" he asked me. "Yes" I said. "She's in a coma and has a few cuts and scratches" he said. "And what about the babies" I asked. "They are fine and healthy" he said. "When do you think she will wake up" I asked. "I'm not sure comas are a unknown, she could wake up in the next few hours, days, weeks Im not sure" he said. "I can bring another bed down here if you'd like to be with your wife" he said. "Could you" I asked. "Any questions for me" he asked and I shook my head. "I'll have a nurse bring the bed and the police are going to come talk to you about the accident" he said before he left.

The nurse brought another bed and my stuff from my room to Hannas room. I was still right by her side holding her hand. "Come on baby you gotta wake up for me, for the kids, for everyone that loves you" I said.

A police officer came in the room. "Hello mr Jacobs I just wanted to talk to you about the car accident that happened two days ago" he said. "Ok"I said. "What do you remember on that night" he asked. "Me and my wife leaving the movies and on our way home when a car hit us" I said. "And that's the last thing you remember before waking up here" he asked. "Yes" I said. "Ok. I need you to fill out this form" he said handing me a piece of paper. "The person that hit you was hurt to but the doctors found alcohol in his system" he said. "Was it a lot of alcohol in his system" I asked. "Yes is he will be going to jail once he gets out of the hospital" he said. "We haven't talked to him yet and haven't gotten his statement but You should have nothing to worry about after you fill out this form" he said. "This man will be responsible for the damages right" I asked. "Yes sir" he said. "Ok" I said.

It has been 3 days since I woke up in the hospital Hanna still hasn't woke up. I called the girls everyday to see how they were doing I missed hearing their sweet little voices. I hope hanna wakes up soon I don't know how much longer the babies will be safe with her in a coma. My doctor discharged me two days ago, I stopped by the house that day and got some clothes and my phone charger since I knew I was staying in the hospital until she woke up. I pray everyday hoping she'd wake up. My dad and Hannas mom have been taking care of the girls while we're at the hospital. Hannas mom wanted to come see how her daughter was doing so I called my dad and told him what happened and asked if he take the girls for a few days. Of course he said yes so it's been me and Hannas mom on each side of her bed holding her hand.

"Luke you need to eat something I'm gonna go downstairs to get you some food ok" Hannas mom said. "Ok" I said. She grabbed her purse and left the room. "I love you so much baby I can't loose you" I said as I was holding her hand when I felt her squeeze my hand. "Baby if you can hear me squeeze my hand again" I said and she did. "I need you to wake up, you gotta open those beautiful eyes of yours" I said. I grabbed the remote and pushed the button to bring the doctor in. "Luke" Hanna said slowly and quietly. I looked at her and her eyes were open and she was talking. "I'm right here baby the doctors on the way" I said.

The doctor came in and checked her pulse and heart beat. "Can you tell me your name" the doctor asked. "Hanna Jacobs" she said. "Do you know what day it is" the doctor asked her. "No" she said. "You were in a car accident 4 days ago and went into a coma" the doctor told her. "Are my babies ok" she said holding her stomach. "There fine" the doctor said. "Are you in any pain" the doctor asked. "A little pain on my stomach" she said. "I'll get you some medicine for that" the doctor said. "Luke can you help me up to the bathroom please" she asked me. "Yeah baby I got you" I said getting up. She moved her legs to the edge of the bed and put them on the floor then grabbed my hands so I can help her up. "Slow steps baby" I said as I walked slowly next to her. We were almost by the bathroom door when we heard water hit the floor. "Hanna are you ok" I asked her as she was looking down at her legs. "I think my water just broke" she said.

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