Robocop: Apocalypse.

By epitomepublishing

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Robocop Fan Fiction: In the desolated wasteland of the American expanse. law and order are all but a memory... More

Chapter One: Data log
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
To My Readers ❀❀❀❀
Bonus: Robocop Apacolypse The Videogame

Chapter Sixteen

16 1 0
By epitomepublishing

(Robocop is powered down, gone into a type of a power save mode ment to keep only his most important systems working. While in this state he is tormented by his most haunted of memories.  The parts of his mind and dream that still cant come to terms with the fact that most his body is gone and has been replaced by cold machine.
Murphy dreams of horrible things, but this one is very particular is that he thinks about the day that Louise was buried,  Robocop tries to fight his way to her grave but his body is being taken apart by machine crows with glowing red eyes that pick apart the bodies of an unmarked graveyard of cops. All the while Robocop still tries to make his way to louise who is still on life support as she is being lowered into a grave. Robocop can see his own thought being written in the distance as he things them. The torturous scramble of words and images that his robotic brain doesn't know how to describe.)
"Mirphys log the pain, god the pain. Pulled apart by the law, put together by the law, over and over and over. Is their nothing of me left. Is thier nothing of any of us left. All the other cops died in the line if duty, but me. I was sown into the thin blue line that divides cops from the monsters they try to stop. Made more into a number than a man, then any man should. These people. These unmarked graves. These other officers lost in a bloody conflict, in a war against our own homes and our own people. Our own cops.
Louse, why couldn't save you? Why would you choose to haunt me like this? Why would you let them make you like me when the life of a machine is nothing more than a standing hell and no ovations, or pension and no retirement. Only so many choose yo uphold the law. But how could I uphold you when their is nothing of me left, but couple of chunks on a table."
(The cows continue to pick apart Robocop as he gets closer to Louses Grave. As he is about to reach her he is nothing left but a bloody skeleton, stripped of flesh. That is when she comes in. The Orical she appears in a bright light her body is almost pure energy as she breaks apart the darkness all three of her eyes peering through the blood mist of the endless graveyard of cops at Robocop who sits stripped of all of his body.
The Oracle watches him, looks at robocop as he suffers through the tournaments and trauma of his own tortured soul, and she can do nothing else but take pity on his suffering. Watch him in his struggle of a man versus the past he has burried and knows that he is not to blame.
She reaches out and grabs him by the hand, and in that moment the swarm of crows is broken and Robocop is restored to who he once was. Charles Murphy the man with out the machine.
As the darkness disappears Charles finds himself standing in a world of white clouds confused and frightened as to why he has been brought to this place the power of this little girl is terrifying. Something Robocop has never seen before not in his many years of fighting against the machines and science experiments of OCP.)
"W-Where am I?" Robocop asks as he looks at his very human hands.
The oracle speaks her voice us all consuming as the two converse.
"You are inside your head. You are safe inside a place with friends."
"You think, I am your Friend?"
"You saved me from my family. If we are not friends than I at least hope we can learn to be. It seems you have many friends. People who look after you, watch you when you sleep. Do you not trust me?"
"I don't know. I cannot be sure of anything at this point."
"Then may i ask why you chose to save me, you didn't have to, but."
"You asked me to. And I had no reason to kill you or arrest you. You are a just a bi-standard in all of this. Not a killer or a criminal."
"Is that how you think? Always analysing people for weather or not they deserve to die? Choosing people for their innocence and not for their worth?"
"Choosing people because of their value isn't the reason why I became a cop. Living life by the value of a dollar and how others relate to that value is a meaningless existence. Its something you learn when things like society fall apart."
"What is a cop?" Asks the Oracle as someone who was born into a world where cops do not exist.
Murphy has to think for a moment. Looking through memories of the horrors he has seen and the terrible things he seen cops do. Their history and their current state. As an organization made to capture escaped slaves murphy knows his place in explaining this to a slave he just set free. But a Cop in Murphies mind was something much more than someone who followed inflammatory laws, but upheld a system of honor and dignity that meant something more than just a person in a uniform.
"They are heroes. The people you are suppose to look up to for dignity or protection even when things fall apart."
"Are you a cop?"
"I dont know any more."
"When i was young i knew a Cop. A really good one. But now I've been changed so much, my mind altered by machines. I don't think i can remember who that person was."
"You forgot who they where?"
"Why? Who would do that to you? Why would they make you forget?"
"They never wanted a man in a bullet proof suite.  They wanted a machine they could program. They wanted allot of my memories gone so they could fill me with their programs and computers."
"Then can I help you?"
"Can you help me what?"
"Can i help you remember?"
"I don't know. I don't know if i want to remember."
"Its okay. Let me help." The oracle takes murphy by the hand, and suddenly the white fog they stand in takes the shape of a grassy yard. In the middle of the yard is a house one of moderate size and stature. The door has a catholic Cross on it, and the field and home are sunny.
Murphy looks around, he is on awe as he looks about trying to make sense of it. "This is, where I grew up."
"Is this okay."
"Yeah its just. I didn't think I would ever see this place again. Not like this. Not as I remembered it. How are you doing this?"
"I don't know. This is just what I do. I have just as many questions as anyone else. But for now what little i know is all that I care to know."
This statement is morose. As the Oracle is just a little girl lost in a world of drug addicted mutants and false gods built on an dark cult. She is probably more lost in life then anyone else. Just as confused as any child but cast in a dark shadow of a nuclear apocalypse. Raised from the ashes of a world distorted by the killers and creeps that kept her locked in that sewer for her gift. A place like this must seem like some sort of fairy tail to a girl like her. This shows as as she runs about playing on the near by swings, that murphy remembers where in his childhood yard.
Murphy watches her enjoy her childhood for a second, in the memories of a man who fights for the future. But things are strange twist of emotions as murphy notices something strange creeping down the front door of his childhood home.
As he gets closer he tries to inspect the odd substance that now leaks from the cross of his house. As he touches it and looks at his finger. He realizes that its a drop of blood.
"No." Murphy says as he falls to his knees before the cross. His body is then reduced to that of a child. As he looks up at the tall door.
Suddenly an Nuclear explosion goes off in the distance and the blast destroys  everything that it touches.
As the smoke and chaos clears, Charles is standing their surrounded by hundreds of dead bodies. Faces twisted by the deadly radiation that killed them, ans Murphy's hands covered in blood as he stands before the cross.
The cross falls and is about to crush him before murphy is finally shown a reboot screen. Letters across his eyes saying. Powering on) 

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