
By die_schatz

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What if likes attract and unlikes repel? Earth has several selected people with supernatural abilities and ma... More

Posnega (Author's P.O.V)
Chapter Two: Way To Trigonous
Chapter Three: Trignonous-The Planet Of Superlatives
Chapter Four: Two Cities
Chapter Five: The One And Only
Chapter Six: Uninvited Touch
Chapter Seven: Rules
Chapter Eight: Can't we be normal?
Chapter Nine: How Big is Trigonous?
Chapter Ten: Quest For Answers
Chapter Eleven: So, I can't tell you anything
Chapter Twelve: To Clear The Useless Population.
Chapter Thirteen: The fear of heights
Chapter Fourteen: What does Posnega Mean?
Author's Note (Please Read)
Chapter Fifteen: Dance Party
Chapter Sixteen: Campus Tour
Chapter Seventeen: One thing on my mind
Chapter Eighteen: Up For This
Chapter Nineteen: Events To Roll In
Chapter Twenty: Now We Can't Go Back
Chapter Twenty One: One More Rule
Chapter Twenty Two: Not Again
Chapter Twenty Three: Breakage Of Rule Breakers
Chapter Twenty Four: It's Complicated
Chapter Twenty Five: This Feels Good
Chapter Twenty Six: A Joke
Announcement! (Not An Update)
To all my Posnega Readers

Chapter One: Electring

1K 55 42
By die_schatz



[Important: To each and every reader: please read the last sentence of the author's note in the end of the chapter.]

Dedicated to trishakantol
She is one of my biggest supports on wattpad and because of her I am giving this book a go!


"Oh gosh! It is so hot today!"

Today is the day of electring.

"Yes, this sounds surprising for a teenager but I Hate Summers."

Mom and dad had always taken care of me the whole time but also taught me to be independent and take care of myself.

"Gret, pass me the Nutella."

People said that I was weird in a way, like I didn't act normal. That's why I was not miss popular and surrounded by friends instead I was a loner with only one cliché blonde girlfriend. Tessa.

"Gret....are you there? Pass me the Nutella."

My younger sister Delena once told me that, when I was thirteen I accidently touched a live wire but-

"GRET!! PASS ME THE NUTELLA!" Tessa bellowed and banged the table. I don't know what she was blabbing since the last ten minutes. She was saying something about Nutella. I guess.

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down, it's just a Nutella." I said and grabbed the jar of Nutella across the table and passed it to her.

"To calm down? I asked you softly twice but what can help your habit of daydreaming?" She muttered and started spreading Nutella on the bread for both of us.

I just heaved a sigh and poured some juice for me. It was not a Sunday morning when you sit on the dining table with your family and eat breakfast; it was just a random Tuesday.

"I hate this season. It's so hot, I am sweating. You know what, I hate this day of electring. Everything remains closed and we are forced to stay in our houses! The only place I could think of coming was your home because you know I hate it to be at my house." Tessa completed and munched on her toasted bread.

We live in Vancouver but in 2025 the Earth has become hotter. Global warming has increased and several new problems have arisen. That is why new ways are being found to conserve the earth.

And maybe one of them is electring.

The day of electring doesn't have a fixed date, it changes every year. On this day every shop, every public transport, every business everything on the whole earth is shut.

It's because any one of us can be chosen to go to Trigonous. The planet far away in Milky Way.

Well not any of us, but any of the superlative beings on Earth can be chosen. Nobody particularly knows who is superlative because their firststage is competitive.

Competitives are born on Earth and are recognized by the government of Trigonous. They are taken to Trigonous to train them and transform them into superlatives.

Electring is an event meant for selecting the competitives that are ready for the conversion to superlatives.

Usually the competitives in the age bar of Fifteen to Eighteen are electred for Trigonous. Because many of them are ready for transformation in this age. It does not mean that you cannot get electred at the age of more than eighteen or less then fifteen.

Competitives can get electred at any age; it depends at what age they can transform to superlative.

Yes, they show some non-significant symptoms but they are noticed through keen observation only. At times if someone is competitive their family members get the vibes of them and try to study them.

"It seems that you hate everything today." I mocked Tessa and she just rolled her eyes at me.

"Where's Linda?" Tessa asked.

"Oh, mom is not feeling well so she is still sleeping." I answered. It was just 8 in the morning and I and Tessa were fat with breakfast. Many people consider the day of electring as a public holiday and act like that.

Electring started at 8 in the night. Twelve more hours to go.....

Sometimes it was exciting to know who went but at the same time we lose someone close forever. But that happened once in a decade or more because only four citizens are picked up from a country.

So just imagine four persons from the whole U.S.A.?

That will not make a lot of difference.

Every year about 600 people from earth are carried to Trigonous.

"Is everything alright? What happened to Linda?" Tessa acted like she is my mom's childhood friend.

"Nothing major. Just a headache." I mumbled.

Actually last night mom was silently sobbing. I and Del were asking her what was up but she just ignored. Dad tried soothing her and suddenly out of blue mom engulfed me in a hug.

She made me sleep beside her the whole night, which I had never in the last ten years. She didn't leave my side and kept kissing my forehead as if her life depended on it.

"Okay. Hey, why don't we hang out today? Maybe just by little chances one of the both of us may get electred..." Tessa said in monotone.

"No. We are not competitives. At least, as far as I know. We practically know each other since we were in diapers; don't you think we would have noticed? "I tried cheering her up.

"Hmm...." She said nothing after and gave me the look that said, 'you know that you are weird in an abnormal way'.

Her dubious face made me question myself, Am I a competitive?

I shook my head to wish away the dreadful thought. Just because I am a loner or some unexplainable not so ordinary incidents happened to me does not confirm anything.

"Tessa, we cannot hang out in my house and besides everyone's still asleep." I mumbled softly not wake someone up.

Our house isn't a big mansion but a medium row house. It has a kitchen hidden behind a big wall, a hall, two bedrooms down and two upstairs.

My mom ran a mini restaurant two blocks away and my dad was an engineer. Dad sometimes helped mom to run the not-so-populous restaurant when he got time.

"Good morning Margaret dear." There came my mom. A lady in her mid-forties with surprisingly wrinkle-free face, a lean figure and brown hair. She was a loving person which you will come to know about soon.

"And a very good morning Tessa!" She exclaimed. She planted a kiss on my forehead, which she rarely did and hugged Tessa.

"Good morning mom." I said dully, still not getting what's behind her sudden sweetness towards me. It was not like she was the rude mother or something, she loved me a lot but she never kept it on loud show.

"Good morning Linda!" Tessa returned mom's hug. They greet each other like this whenever they meet. They were basically best friends and they acted like they met after ages.

In reality, yesterday evening they were discussing my imaginary boyfriend, whom I never had. For a seventeen year old it's weird to know that I haven't dated anyone.

"Tell me how you are now?" Tessa asked my mom and they parted away.

"I am fine dear." She answered, placing the pan on the stove. She wore her apron. "Gret, actually everyone's awake. Your dad and Del are out jogging," Now she would say 'go out and join them.'

"And now I am preparing your favorite flavoured cupcakes with extra butter and almonds!" Wow! I was stunned at her words.

Last year due to studying a lot I gained a couple of pounds and at this my mom freaked out. She restricted me from having any junk food or anything containing cheese and butter. And apparently the cupcakes were one of them.

That's why her words sounded so foreign to my ears. But they brought a new smile and brightness on my face. I pounced up from my chair and hugged her from behind.

"Thank you mom! Thank you! I love you sooo....much!!" Now I sound foodie but that I am, so be it!

"Aww....love you too!" She replied and continued cooking.

I got back on my seat and Tessa gave me a thumbs up and I grinned from ear to ear. After like a year I was going to eat something heavenly.

Not that I haven't eaten anything tasty but the cupcakes had some spell which lured me for them. I started fiddling with my fingers because mom and Tessa.....

The breakfast was delicious. Mom still prepared them very well like it was in her blood. I literally finished my food within ten minutes and usually I took half an hour.

The chit chat between my mother and Tessa gave me time to think. The thought of competitive crossed my mind.

How will it be to be one of them? We were never informed what happened on Trigonous so I didn't have a clue. For a certain period of time competitives were sent back on Earth but they were not allowed to disclose anything to anyone, not even the family members. It was a punishable offence.

So nobody on Earth had any idea about Trigonous. In schools a brief chapter about it was there in ninth grade but that's just about how and why it was formed blah ......that's all I know.

I squirmed in my seat at the sudden curiosity to know about it. But it was short lived because I know; I would never be able to fulfil my curiosity.

"Gret how about visiting Tinker's? And in the way we will fetch Mike too!" Tessa chirped.

Tinker's Foundation is an orphanage where I had always served and helped. I like meeting those poor kids who are not gifted with parents. I spoke, mingled and played with them whenever I find time. And the day of electring is one of them.

And Mike is not our gay best friend, actually he is dating Tessa. They are the 'it' couple of the school. He is the quarterback and she is the cheerleader. God! I talk so cliché.

But both of them are my best friends.

"Yep sure but first I'll take a shower." I replied to her and got up for doing the early duties. Tessa is a morning person and she is already ready.

After my shower I came out to get dressed but instead of my jeans and tee, I found a beautiful floral one piece. A note was stuck to it.

'Wear it today. It's from me! -D'

This was written on it. How did my sister manage to buy me a dress? Because all I have bought for her is stationary and clips.

But the strange thing was, was why did she buy me this? Without further thought I slipped into the dress. It fitted me perfectly; the sleeves grew till my elbows and shaped my hands. The dress ended on my knees and I matched it with my green pumps.

I grabbed my purse and descended downstairs. Delena was sitting on the couch with Tessa in the hall watching T.V. When they saw me, their smiles stretched and Delena captured me in a hug.

"You look beautiful sis! Thank you for wearing this." She held me by my shoulders. She and I are of the same height even when she is two years younger than me.

"But why did you buy me this? What's special? And also my birthday has passed two months ago." Her face dropped and so her hands.

"Why can't a girl buy a dress for her elder sister? Oh....c'mon don't get formal." She muttered and crossed her arms.

"Gret! You should thank your sister for this rather than investigating on how and why she bought this." Tessa injected in our conversation. "Anyways, I am going to get my car from the garage. You be outside in a minute." Tessa said in her signature bossy tone and hugged Del and mom goodbye. She left the house for her car.

"Uh....sorry Del. I was just asking. Sorry." I apologized with the puppy dog eyes. Del smirked and nodded.

"Thank you for the dress! I always loved your taste." Del grinned and again hugged me. I left the house with a goodbye to mom and her.

Tessa was waiting in her advanced Volvo. I am not a big fan of cars but they are attractive I cannot stop admiring them. I hopped in the car and we left. Even though I resolved the matter with Del, the question was still bugging me: Why did she buy me this?

When I went back in history, she hasn't gifted me anything big let alone anything small. She and I had never been on the same side. Ya, we love each other but usually we end up arguing on smallest of things.

Even mom.

Out of the blue she plans on making me my favorite cupcakes which she hasn't allowed me to touch or even look for over a year. I am still wondering on what they have got in the store tonight.

The car took an abrupt halt and pulled me out of my revive. We were in front of Tinker's, which shocked me. Was I overthinking things? Didn't I notice Mike coming? Shit!

I whirled around and saw the green eyed Tessa's boyfriend, watching me coolly. "Hello to you too Miss Stone." He grudged. I slapped my forehead and mouthed a sorry to him.

"Yeah! Where were you?!" Tessa grumbled on my side causing me to face her. There was a deep frown on her forehead and her lips twitched. These two characteristics of her clearly indicate that she is mad, like really mad.

I raised my eyebrows to mask my surprise and just blurted, "Let's go."


The orphanage has always warmed my heart and gave me peace. Whenever I feel distracted, disturbed I run my way here.

I occasionally bring cakes for the kids but this time the job was done by Mike. I walked straight to nun Trina but before that I got blocked by two small hands winding around my legs.

I peeked down to find little Sera smiling up to me. I bent down and picked her up in my arms and watched her with pleasure and anticipation. Sera is a cute 5 year old girl. I always felt like adopting her but you know our family has their own issues.

So as I cannot do that I meet her frequently at Tinker's. While this time we formed an unbreakable bond and looks like she also enjoys my company.

I kissed her cheek and she beamed at me, "Magalet!!" She squealed and I laughed at her curtness.

"Hello Sera dear! How are you?" I asked in that childlike tone. I caressed her cheek and gave it a small squeeze.

"I am very good! How aal you?" Her mouth formed an 'O' at the pronunciation of 'You'. I brushed away a lock of her red hair off her chubby face.

"I am very good!" I mirrored her words and she touched the pendant of my necklace. The cool metal disconnected from my skin being examined by Sera.

"You like it?" I inquired her. She looked at me locking our gaze. She nodded in return. I placed her back on her feet and unclipped my chain.

Then I bent on my knees, leveling with her height and kept the chain in her tiny palm. "Take it. A gift from me." Her face brightened like a hundred watt bulb.

"Leally?! Thank you!" She squeaked and rounded her hands rounded my neck. I pulled her into my arms and stroked her small back. She was like my little sister who I never played with.

When we parted away her hazel eyes found my blue ones. She grinned again and asked, "Will you go away folevel?" I felt a pang of hurt on her question.

"No. Never. I will never leave you. Why did you ask that?"

"Nun was saying that, today many people leave theil family and go away folevel." I knew, she was talking about electring.

"Did she say this to you?"

"No. She was talking to someone."

My mouth went dry. The girl was too innocent to know about this. She doesn't even know how many fingers are there on her hand, it is too much for her to take in.

"No baby. I am not one of them; I will never leave my Sera baby." I cooed.

"Plomise?" She put forward her palm. I glanced at it, still unable to analyze the situation, still unable to confirm my obvious thoughts. I am no competitive.

Thinking so, I placed my palm on hers and intertwined our fingers. "Promise. I promise I will meet you again." Like another kid of her age she agreed without further promises and hugged me again.

I brushed away the tear that just travelled down my cheek.


It was around one when we left the orphanage. We bid our last goodbye to the kids and Nun Trina and departed from there.

Tessa dropped me back at home. She got all squeeze on me when she hugged me. "What will I do, if you are not there?" She muttered, displease lacing her words. "Love you. Bye."

"Love you too." I didn't get her sentiments but thought to go with the flow rather than negotiating small things.

Mike hugged me and kissed my forehead, "Hope to see you again." He whispered and hopped in the passenger seat. I waved them bye and went inside my house.

I was not convinced by the way they did my farewell. They were confusing in a way but I let go because I would tangle myself in another negotiation.


It was seven thirty in the evening and at the same time I decided on rearranging my wardrobe. I started it on six thirty but you know time fliesfast and I was still tidying up.

"Gret be quick! We are leaving now. You can take my bike; I have kept the keys on the table. Come fast!" Dad yelled from downstairs.

I agreed and heard the thud of the door signifying that they left. They were heading to the Field of Electring. It's the venue for electring.

It's like any other baseball field with bleachers but had its own specialties. They are all over the world, in all districts of the world. Now it's quite obvious I cannot count them on my fingertips.

After cleaning up the room I washed my face and decided on the current dress I was wearing.

I got down, grasped the keys and locked the house. I read my watch it said,


Without wasting a minute I ran into the garage and got on the bike. I inserted the keys and turned the accelerator for ignition but there was no roar of the engine, it was as lifeless as it was a few minutes ago.

It was out of gas!

It was obvious by now that I had only one choice, my legs.

I sprinted through the way to the Field. Time was slipping away so I stuck to my plan. I knew the shortcut but that won't buy me much time.

I was no runner and my stamina was also not supporting. But there was one factor which favored me, I was tall. I have long legs and can cover a larger distance in a go.

Sweat was dripping down my face; don't know due to tension or fatigue. Running without taking a break I saw the lights of the Field.

Holy shit on toast! I was fast!

I tried increasing my speed cutting through the warm air. Scratching the idea of resting I stride faster and soon I was able to view the main gate.

Then I heard the gong of the gigantic clock on the field signaling that I was left with just a minute.

Second gong.

Third gong.

I was almost there just a few feet remaining. The gate was open and people standing there gestured me to quicken.

Fourth gong.

I jumped the last two yards and a man at the gate pulled me inside. The fifth gong went, the gate closed and the atmosphere outside the field was launched with, the waves of cessation.

These are waves to punish the ones who are not on time or are missing out on the electring. They are powerful, they attack the heart and the stop beating of the heart resulting in the instant death of the person.

I shivered at the thought. The small bunch of ladies near the gate scolded me for taking such a big risk. Finally they ushered me to find my family.

I strolled through the crowd in search of my parents. Brushing through bodies and the crowd barged me forward. My eyes scanned the huge field and caught sight of them.

Mom and dad were standing on the second last bleachers. Mom was crying on my dad's shoulder and dad soothed her, he also in silent tears.

I dashed towards them and when mom saw me she crashed me in a bear hug.

"Oh god! I thought that....." She trailed off and wetted my shoulder with her tears. Dad patted her back and stroked my cheek.

"We almost thought that you were late." He said in a cracked voice. I shook my head and parted from the hug.

"Mom. Now I am fine." I cupped her face. She nuzzled in my palm and didn't move her hands from my shoulder.

"You are sweating. What did you do?" She enquired. Whoa! She knows how to negotiate. I am got this from her.

"I came running. The bike was out of gas."

"What?" She screeched. "What's this Ron?" She faced my dad.

"Oh...It is the day of electring so I wasn't able to refill it." He almost whispered. My mother turned red and they dived into a conflict.

Meanwhile, Del came and we shared a hug. I apologized again for the morning and thanked her for the glorious dress.

Seriously, if anything I had proper on me, was the dress. My hair was a mess and what not.

The electring was about to begin and like on cue the announcer spoke through the speakers, "Vancouver," The crowd silenced.

"Today is the day of electring. But unlike many years, this year the radar shows difference." Radar is a device which traces the nearby UFOs if they are coming our way.

Actually they are not called UFOs but they look like one. These are flying objects coming from Trigonous to get the electred.

One comes to every field but only when some competitive are present there. And looks like some of us are, this year. The last time it came here was ten years ago.

"They are nearing." The announcer proclaimed. People let out cries of agony and closed onto their loved ones. Nobody likes electring.

The four of us pulled into a family hug. I sucked in air and gulped the lump in my throat.


It was here.

The saucer was pitch black in colour camouflaging with the night sky. I viewed it keenly. What would it be from inside? Is there a totally alien technology in there?

I pushed the thought to the back of my head. Of course, again, I cannot fulfil my curiosity.

But when I saw the saucer approaching towards us my breathe hitched. And soon the saucer hung in the sky above me.


A/N: HAPPY 2015 PEOPLE!! I published a new book in this new year, on it's first day!!!!

Here ends the first chapter! Please tell if you like it.

Thank you for reading!

This is my first science fiction story. Hope it goes successful like my other book. This is the start so may be it sounds boring but it will pick up....

Edited by @mialuvsreading

Watch the book trailer for this book here! It's made by me! Do like and share it!

Untill next time...



P.S.– Please consider the word 'COMPETITIVE' as a noun not an adjective. I changed it.....I hope it's fine with everyone of you as every language tends to change....

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