The Apprentice's Choice (an A...

By TheGreatestConWoman

97.9K 4.1K 1.4K

Book 2, Sequel to "The Concubine's Apprentice" "Are you done?" Her blood ran cold as she realized she w... More

Chapter 1: Promise
Chapter 2: Duties and Visits
Chapter 3: Meetings
Chapter 4: One Year Later
Chapter 5: Memories
Chapter 6: War for Yu Dao (Part 1)
Chapter 7: War For Yu Dao (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Date with Fate
Chapter 9: Old Chen
Chapter 10: Paperwork, Pillow, and Parents
Chapter 11: Terms and Conditions
Chapter 12: A Bumpy Ride
Chapter 13: Another Sibling Rivalry
Chapter 14: The Forgetful Valley (Part 1)
Chapter 15: The Forgetful Valley (Part 2)
Chapter 16: Are You Happy?
Chapter 17: Confrontations and Revelations
Special Chapter: Chiyo as a Firebender (Part 1)
Special Chapter: Chiyo as a Firebender (Part 2)
Chapter 18: Denial and Decoy
Chapter 19: The New Ozai Society
Chapter 21: Disappearing Acts
Chapter 22: Secrets and Confessions
Chapter 23: Her Return
Chapter 24: Chaos
Chapter 25: The Invitation
Chapter 26: Chiyo Alone
Chapter 27: The Festival of Szeto
Chapter 28: His
Chapter 29: Price and Possession
Chapter 30: Interlude
Chapter 31: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 32: The Wind from the East
Chapter 33: Drunk Mind, Sober Thoughts
Chapter 34: Tea and Things

Chapter 20: And So, It Begins

2.1K 100 88
By TheGreatestConWoman

Zuko: Guess who uploaded the chapter a day late because instead of hitting the Publish button yesterday, she clicked the Save button instead?

Author-nim: ...

Author-nim: It was Momo.

Momo: *angry, undignified screeches*

"Here we are." Aboard the airship, everyone got back to the palace free from any further obstructions from the New Ozai Society.

Fire Lord Zuko gave his utmost gratitude to his uncle, the Kyoshi warriors, as well as Mai and Kei Lo. After getting the much-anticipated autograph, Mai dragged a happy, limping Kei Lo away and headed back to the city.

Zuko led his family towards the tall, gilded, red oak doors of the palace. He opened the doors himself, eager to see their reactions, most importantly, his mother's.

Kiyi jumped down from her father's arms and took in her surroundings. "Wow! I knew it'd be big, but I didn't think your house would be this big!" Kiyi gushed as she marveled at the tall pillars that marked the pathway of the grand hall. "Come on, daddy! Let's go exploring!"

Noren laughed as his daughter tugged excitedly at his hand. "Kiyi, maybe we should rest first? After all, we've had a pretty... dramatic afternoon."

"Aww, what's the big deal?! I knew Zuzu would keep us safe the whole time! Come on! Come on!"

Chiyo suppressed a chuckle, watching shock and confusion cross Zuko's face. "You have to admit; the nickname is cute!"

He breathed out a sigh and shrugged. "It sounds much nicer coming from her than from Azula." He took Chiyo's hand and led her in. "Let's all go inside. I'll have them prepare dinner soon so we can rest early."

They were already halfway into the grand hall when they turned back and saw Ursa hesitating by the entrance, eyes anxiously flitting from pillar to pillar, and to the shadows they cast.


Ursa smiled reassuringly and smoothed out her clothes before taking the first, shaky step through the palace doors. "Sorry, I'm just... tired from all the excitement."

"I had the handmaidens prepare your old bedroom. It was left the way it was before you—"

"One of the guest rooms will be fine." Ursa trudged on ahead of them without looking back. She was all nerves, but not because of the ambush incident that happened on their way here.

The walls of this palace held too many of the memories of the past that Ursa had long wished and had forgotten.

Zuko felt her fingers twined with his own give an affirming squeeze. "She'll be okay, Zuko."

"You think so?"

Chiyo nodded. "Time heals all wounds. Some longer than others, but eventually, they will."

"I heard from Mai that the decoy procession was attacked as well at the switchbacks. Were you hurt anywhere? Is your leg fine?" Zuko held both her arms firmly and checked her once over, brows furrowed with worry.

"I'm fine!" She laughed over his fussing. "Though I may have ruined the outer kimono that Lady Reiko lent me."

Now that they were in the safety of the palace walls, Zuko had the time to fully see her as she is now. Back in the site of the ambush, he was briefly stunned by how she looked after paralyzing a man about to attack his family and tossing him off the fallen logs.

Truth be told, he felt paralyzed as well right now, just by looking at her dressed fittingly, mesmerizing like a princess of the Fire Nation.

"I can buy you a thousand dresses and more, if you'll let me."

He couldn't help himself as he leaned down and kissed her deeply. One of his hands wound around her waist to pull her closer against him, the other snaked through her tresses to tilt her head up, giving him more of her lips to claim.

Her eyes slid close as she returned his passion, letting the tension of the morning's events go as they sought the warmth of each other's embrace.

Zuko pushed her up against one of the tall pillars and his lips found their way to her neck, sucking and nibbling at the soft skin beneath her ear.

Chiyo bit her lower lip to keep from moaning licentiously at the inexplicable pleasure she felt. Butterflies raged inside her entire body to the tips of her feet, wanting nothing more than to feel more of this warm sensation, more of his warm touch and kisses.

"Stay the night..." He whispered, his hot breath against her ear as he nipped at the delicate, reddening lobe gently. "We can have... dessert after dinner."

"A-ahh... D-dessert?"

"Mhmm..." He hummed teasingly as lips traced the curve of her ear, taking note of delicious shiver she made as he did so. "Something sweet... or perhaps, you want something else?"

She felt the familiar rush of blood to her cheeks, warm at his words, her imagination running wild at the thought of what that "something else" entailed.

But before she lost all sense and rational thought, she shook her head. "I-I can't..."

Zuko pulled away to gaze deep into her eyes, a palm cupping her cheek, thumb running across the blush on them. "Why not?" He could barely restrain himself as he saw her flushed expression, lips parted slightly as her breath came in slow heaves. Her hair had fallen of their pins and braid, now hanging messily down over her shoulders and back.

"I... I have to get back to the troupe quarters. Lady Vira's orders."

Something akin to resentment and anger crossed his face. Chiyo saw his jaw clench and unclench as if he was deeply troubled and was having an inner argument with himself.

She lifted hand up to appease him, placing it gently on top of his chest, against his racing heartbeat that mirrored her own. "I'll be back soon... They're starting to plan my coming-of-age party, and debut as a full-fledged entertainer."

"So soon?"

Chiyo nodded. "My eighteenth birthday is in two months, but they're planning the debut as early as now. I'll be practicing new routines for sure... a-and—"

"Is it really that important?" He couldn't stop the bitterness from coloring his tone.

She blinked, stunned at his sudden change. "Y-yes... I mean, t-this is what I have been training for my whole life!" Chiyo smiled awkwardly, hoping to diffuse the tension. "A-and soon, I will follow Lady Suiren's footsteps and become the greatest entertainer in the Fire Nation—"

"Don't you have any other dreams besides becoming an entertainer?"

At his question, her brows knit in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

"I asked you a question first, Chiyo."

"And I asked you a follow-up question regarding your question!"

They were silent for a few minutes, staring into each other's eye, willing the other to back down first.

"Zuzu! Chichi! Are you coming or what?!" Kiyi shouted from the other end of the hall, arms waving to catch their attention. "You should see the gardens! The flowers look so beautiful and there's a pond of baby turtleducks!"

"Zuzu's coming soon to join you, Kiyi!" Chiyo called back. "Chichi is going back home."

"Okay! See you tomorrow!" The kid ran back to the royal gardens, leaving the two of them again once more.

Chiyo straightened up and smoothed out her clothes and hair. "I better get going before sunset, Fire Lord Zuko." She stepped away from him and walked towards the doors of the palace.

She had only taken a few steps when she felt a powerful grip on her wrist, pulling her back into a solid chest, strong arms wrapping around her like an iron cage unwilling and unbending.

"I'm sorry..." Zuko said, barely above a whisper. He buried his nose against her hair, closing his eyes as he held her tighter. "I'm sorry... Please, don't be mad at me..."


"Can I walk you there? I'm sure they won't mind. I'll ask the guards not to follow us and—"


Hand in hand, they walked out of the palace, down the stone steps and out the iron gates. Everyone who saw them stopped whatever they were doing to openly stare and gawk at the pair walking down the streets. Occasionally, a few would greet them, and they would the reciprocate the greeting with a slight nod of acknowledgement.

No words left their lips the whole time they walked towards the troupe quarters. Zuko took the longest route to get there, and Chiyo didn't mind at all.

Unfortunately, they reached the quarters sooner than they would've liked. A couple of entertainers gushed amongst themselves and hurried inside, presumably to gossip and call the attention of the 'mother'. "Thank you for taking me here." Chiyo faced him but found herself unable to look directly at him. "I better head inside."

Zuko looked around the street, there weren't too many people milling about, and the few that were are too preoccupied with other things to notice. He stole another kiss from Chiyo, a quick one that shocked her still. "I'll see you soon, love."

She nodded, her blush drowned by the rays of the setting sun. 

And at that moment, she wished she could stop the time and stare at Zuko forever.

"Welcome home, little Chiyo." Lady Vira greeted from the entrance, a delicate smile on her lips as she held her pipe away after a hit. "And good evening to you, Fire Lord Zuko." She bowed her head lightly and raised it again. "Would you like to come inside for tea?"

"Oh, no it's okay. I just wanted to see Chiyo off safely."

"How very... thoughtful of you, your Majesty." The smile never left the lady's lips. "I'm sure Chiyo is grateful for this kind act of chivalry. Right, Chiyo?"

"Y-yes. Thank you."

"It's getting dark. We best head inside now, we don't want our young apprentice catching a cold now, do we?" The women bowed as Zuko left, and as soon as he was out of sight, Lady Vira ushered Chiyo into the troupe quarters.

It was the first time she stepped into troupe quarters in years, the last time being the night before Lady Suiren's proclamation as the Royal Noble Concubine. Though vague in her memories, she recognized the polished wooden floorboards they walked on, as well as the tall, trees in the garden situated in the middle of the quarters. Music could be heard from a room where playing different instruments were taught. Lilting vocalizations of young girls accompanied the music.

It was just as it was when she was younger. 

But somehow, something didn't feel right.

Lady Vira led her to the last room at the end of the long walk path. The room reserved for the 'mother' of the troupe. The room was filled with all things lavish and extravagant. Racks of clothes, jewelry, priceless items and more. It looked more like a treasure trove than an office.

Her flitting gaze was diverted back as Lady Vira poured hot tea into the cup in front of her. Chiyo bowed once and took the drink that was offered.

"Now... I'm sure you know that your debut is looming right around the corner." The lady didn't drink, choosing instead to take another hit from her kiseru, letting the smoke crawl out of her lips slowly.


"And I'm sure you know that this is what your mentor has planned for you all along, ever since you were a little girl in our little troupe... right?"


Vira chuckled and set her pipe on the table. "Then this means... you have decided to become an entertainer, just like your Lady Suiren... right?"

Chiyo eyed the pipe warily, the owner even more so. "Yes."

"Good." Vira said simply and called two women into the room. Chiyo didn't understand what was going on until the women grabbed both her arms and jabbed her shoulder blades to paralyze her from the neck down.

She panicked even more as they started taking off her clothes, piece by piece, not being gentle at the very least. "W-what are you doing?!"

"It's just a simple routine check, Chiyo! Nothing to be scared of!" Her smile was still the same, but perhaps now, Chiyo saw that there was more to that smile than meets the eye.

"W-wha—" She had been stripped naked, bare in front of the women. And she was unable to move to cover herself. Tears of humiliation streaked down her cheeks, powerless to even struggle against  the women.

"Of course, we have to see if your maidenhood is still intact! How else could we go through the coming-of-age ceremony if you have already... done the deed with the dear Fire Lord?"

First of all, I would like to thank BrittanyBrockcampagn for this amazing work she sent in last week! I was so amazed and touched by her work, and I still couldn't believe it! Thank you a thousand times and may your coffees and teas taste brighter every day! If you want any artworks done, drop by her DMs and get in touch with this amazing artist!

I am LIVING for these!

Lastly, a not-so-good update on recent happenings. (It's totally okay if you wanna skip this part. It might get too political.) 

For those who know me, I am an active critic of our administration, especially on social media. They have failed us time and time again, this time deliberate to the point of sabotage and serving only their self-interests.

Our government is no longer WITH or FOR us.

And if this so-called "Anti-Terror Bill" becomes a law, several inhumane practices violating existing sections of our constitution will be made legal, i.e., arrest upon suspicion WITHOUT warrant, and detention of up to 14 DAYS. Do take note of suspicion. Even our social media outcries may be classified as terror works.

And like the badass that I am, I will CONTINUE.

I am trying to type several chapters in advance at the moment. And in the event that I "disappear", someone will upload the chapters I successfully finish.

Stay safe! Stay vigilant!

#JunkTerrorBill #OustYouKnowWho

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