
By one_more

4.8K 35 41

Zac and Kayla were once in love. The type of love that few people ever get to experience. But it was a love... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
I interrupt this program... to say Hi! :)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 43

49 0 1
By one_more

Later in the evening, once Isaac, Taylor, and Zac had finished work for the day, they parted ways and began their separate drives home.  The rest of the day had gone by uneventfully; no strange calls or text messages freaking anyone out.  Diana had called Isaac, no doubt after she'd spoken to Walker, but Isaac had decided to leave it be, and hadn't answered the call.  He told Nikki he'd pick up the kids, since he needed to talk to her anyway, and that they'd meet her at home.  

He pulled into his mother's driveway, and shifted his SUV into PARK, before killing the engine and making his way up the short walk and the three steps that led up to his mother's front door.  Before he placed his hand on the knob, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, followed by voices.  He looked left, shifting his weight so that it wasn't so obvious that he was spying, and focused on the scene unfolding before him.

"Thanks again," Kayla said, as she hugged the man she'd followed out of her front door.  They retreated from the hug, and turned to face each other.  Isaac wanted to know who the man was, be he knew now wasn't the time to find out.  His sons were inside waiting for him, and he knew Diana was itching to open the door and drag him in, so he shook the thoughts out of his head, moving his eyes from Kayla and the mystery man, and took a deep breath, before heading into his mother's home.  He shut the door and stepped into the living room, the quiet surrounding the house hitting him all of a sudden.

"Mom!" he called out.  He paused for a moment, listening for movement, before he heard his mother's feet coming from the kitchen.

"Hey, Ike.  What's up?" she asked, as she dried her hands on the dish towel she'd brought in from the kitchen.  She reached over and gave her oldest son a kiss on the cheek. 

"Nothing," Isaac replied, suspiciously, "I came to get the boys.  And to talk to you.  I didn't get a chance to call you back earlier." 

"You hungry?" Diana asked, ignoring Isaac completely, and making her way back to the kitchen, "I just packed everything up, but it's still warm.  I can make you a plate.?"

"No, thanks," Isaac said, still trying to decipher her behavior, "Where are the boys, mom?" he asked.  

Diana sighed as she folded the dish towel into a rectangle, before laying it over the side of the sink.  She turned her body towards her son, and took a breath before she replied, "I had Taylor take them home.  He just left, not five minutes ago," she finally answered.

"Didn't Nikki call and tell you I was coming to get them?" He asked, somewhat annoyed.

"She did," Diana answered matter of factly, "But I wanted to talk to you alone.  Sit down, please," she said as she pulled out one of the table next to the table Isaac had been leaning on.  He made a slight face before pulling out a chair for himself.  He pulled out his phone, "I already called Nikki back," Diana remarked.  

Isaac nodded, then set his phone down, "Thanks.  So, what's up?" he asked, knowing it was a loaded question; he knew what Diana wanted to talk about.  "I feel like if Taylor was already here, he could have told you what you wanted to know."

"Well, your brother can be vague," she answered.  

Isaac scoffed, "Are we still talking about Taylor?  Or was it Zac who took my kids home?" he asked sarcastically.

"I don't trust him, Isaac," Diana said, suddenly no longer concerned with tact.  "I feel like he's just going to tell me what I want to hear."

Isaac sighed, growing more frustrated with his mother.  

"Mom, what did he tell you?" he finally asked.

"About you guys carrying on with that girl last night?  First he told me some crazy story about Kate showing up--"

"It wasn't a story mom.  She did show up," Isaac cut her off.  "I feel like you already know the whole story Mom, but let me give you the run down again since your trust is so off these days; Kate showed up to Kayla's.  She didn't say much, we think she was..." Isaac trailed off, not sure if this was a detail Taylor had shared with her earlier, "upset about something that may have happened with Zac earlier.  Anyway, Kayla offered her something to drink and when she came back in, Kate was passed out.  So she called me.  We came to get her, and apparently that's when Nikki dropped the kids off with you, and saw the truck next door, so she went over to make sure Zac was okay.  We all talked, trying to put the pieces together and make it make sense, Zac decided he was in for the night, so he took Kate home.  Kayla invited us to stay for dinner, so Tay called Nat and she came over, and we had dinner," he finished.  "Now, is any of that varied from what Taylor told you?"

Diana shook her head, no.

Isaac sighed again, "Look, Mom.  I'm really trying not to be insensitive to you.  But you have to get over whatever it is you're still holding onto with Kayla."  He stopped, looking at his mother for her reaction.  She didn't say anything, but Isaac could tell she felt somewhat sheepish.  She looked at her son, but still didn't speak, "I know you went to her house yesterday morning," he finally said.  Diana widened her eyes.  "She has cameras mom; everyone in this neighborhood has cameras.  Did you think she wasn't going to know it was you?  What did you even go over there for?" he asked, his voice growing in volume as he spoke.

"Don't yell at me," Diana countered.  Isaac paused again, recomposing himself as he dealt with his mother.

"I'm not," he said, his voice lower, "All I'm saying is, she's not going to bother you.  She's not going to come over here and tell you what a horrible person you were or that you ruined her life.  She's here to sell her house.  So just let her do it.  If the rest of us decide to talk to her, then you're going to have to get over that too, Mom, I'm sorry.  It sounds harsh to hear, but it's the truth.  We're all adults, we can choose our own friends.  Kayla doesn't talk about you, she doesn't ask about you, and she very politely asked us not to talk about you either, unless you are around to defend yourself.  So... I'm not sure what it is that you are actually worried about, but Kayla Martins shouldn't be one of them."

He watched as his mother took in his words, still not showing much expression or emotion at hearing his words.

"I'm not going to tell you how to feel, Mom.  Ever.  And I know Dad told you that we all had a really good time and that, most of us, will probably want to hang out with her again.  And if he didn't, I'm telling you now, so that you don't feel blindsided, again, if anyone does.  I'm also going to tell you, as your son, if you don't want to cause any more damage between you and Zac, then let this go.  Please.  She'll be gone at some point.  And in case you missed it the first time, it's because she doesn't want to have a reason to come back.  Somewhere in my mind, I have no doubt, that that particular decision, as hard as it might have been for her, took you into consideration at some point." Isaac continued.  He rose from his chair, his mother following his actions.  He took her into a hug, "We love you, Mom.  Zac, too.  He's trying.  Dad is trying.  You have to try too," he finished as he gave her a small peck on the cheek.  She let go of him, and nodded her head to let him know she'd heard him.  "I gotta go.  I'll call you tomorrow. I love you," he said as he gave her another quick hug.

"I love you, too," she said as Isaac made his way towards the front door.  He walked out and got into his car, reminding himself to ask Kayla at some point who the man who had been in her home was.


"Zac?" Kate called out softly as she knocked at the doorjamb leading into Zac's music room.  When he didn't turn his head, she called out a little louder, "Zac?"

"Yeah?" Zac called back as he turned his face towards the doorway, "What's up?" he asked, the wrinkles disappearing from his forehead as he broke his concentration.

"I'm sorry," she said as she walked in and sat down on one of the various stools around the room, "I didn't mean to bother you."

"No, no!" Zac said as he set his guitar down on the stand next to him, "It's fine.  I'm just jammin.  This isn't for the EP."

Kate nodded.  She watched as Zac made himself comfortable on the stool, trying to show her that she had his full attention. "I wanted to talk to you about what you asked me earlier?  About the therapy?" she began.  Her voice was small.  He nodded, but didn't speak.  "I was wondering what you thought about maybe us doing it on our own first?" she finished.  Zac looked at his wife, with honest love and regret in his eyes.  It hurt his heart that Kate felt that she had to watch her words about him.  He let out a deep sigh before taking one of Kate's hand in his.  He squeezed gently.

"We can do it however you want to do it," he replied.  "I'm just glad you didn't say, 'no' right away."

"Nat had already kinda presented the idea to me when I was staying with her," she admitted.  Zac chucked, "What?" she asked.

"Taylor and Isaac brought it up to me.  I wonder if they know they both told us?" he chuckled.  He looked over at his wife, who still looked concerned, "What's wrong?" he asked.

"If we aren't going to start with couple's counselling, even if we both start going along for ourselves first, it's not going to do much for the way things are with us... right now," she lowered her head.  

"Sooooo, what are you saying?" Zac asked, not making heads or tails of what she was saying.

"I think I should move out for a little bit," she finally answered.  Her voice barely above a whisper.  

Zac stiffened, but kept hold of Kate's hand, "Is that what you want?" he asked.

"I'm not sure.  But I just feel like... if we are gonna do this, we're both going to be revealing the honest way we feel about each other to someone... don't you think that might cause us to act a certain way towards each other?  Once all those old wounds are opened?" she went on.

Zac remained quiet.  Her words had stung.  He knew what old wounds she was talking about.

"Zac?" Kate called out.  He looked over to her, but didn't say anything.  "I want to save this marriage.  But only if you do.  We've done this before, haven't we?  Lied?  Hid our honest feelings about each other, from each other?  We both have to be honest.  We both know this is deeper than my 3 day a week, part-time job."  She was looking him straight in the eyes now and he could hear the conviction behind her words.  She was genuine and sincere when she said that she wanted to save their marriage.  "I know that doing it this way...." she trailed off as she continued.  She took her hand from Zac's grip, and sat up a little straighter, "It might not end the way we are expecting it to.  I need to know how you feel about that before we commit to it though.  And if you don't have an answer right now, I'll understand.  And if you don't feel comfortable with it and want to try it another way, I'm up to discussing that too.  I just don't want to keep living in silence anymore.  I don't want either of us to have to keep going through that.  I know I'm not the only one hurting."  She rose from the stool.  Zac watched as she made her way to the doorway.  She turned to face him, and leaned up against it.  He quieted his mind and watched her through a set of eyes he hadn't used to look at his wife with in a long time.  "Just think about it.  I know it's a lot.  I've been thinking about it since I was a Natalie's, so I know your brain needs time to catch up."

"Thanks," Zac said, the sound of his own voice breaking through his trance.  He rose to his feet and made his way over to his wife.  He took her in his arms and held onto her tightly.  She exhaled, allowing her body to relax after having had the difficult conversation she'd been dreading.  She felt his grip tighten as she tightened her own.  She felt Zac's body shake as he silently wept into her neck.  She caressed his hair with one hand, and raked the other up and own the length of his back.  It felt good to bring him comfort for once.  She felt her own eyes starting to fill with water as Zac loosened his grip.  She sniffled silently as Zac turned around and walked towards the small desk on the opposite side of the room.  He kept his head down as he sniffled loudly and then cleared his throat.  Kate heard him exhale loudly before he turned around.   He made his way back over to the stool he'd been sitting on earlier and grabbed his guitar. 

"I'm gonna sleep in the basement for now," she spoke.  Zac snapped his head up at her.

"Why?" he asked.  She softened her face, offering him a small, tight lipped smile.  "I mean.  I get it... just... there's other rooms isn't there?"

"We don't have any liquor in the house, Zac," she replied.  He immediately felt bad for even thinking of accusing her, "I got rid of it when I came back from Natalie's."

"I'm sorry," he said, offering her a sincere smile.

"It's alright," she answered as she lifted her body from the door frame and began walking towards their basement door.  

Zac sat still for a long time before he even noticed he was doing it.  He tried to process all of the things Kate had proposed to him just minutes earlier.  It made sense to him, he understood how it would be hard to go complain about each other to a therapist, even if it was individually, and then have to come home and pretend that it hadn't happened.  From the moment she'd finished suggesting it though, he knew why it was bothering him.  The fact that he could so easily acknowledge that, made him feel worse.  The thoughts made him feel guilty, instantly, and he shook them out of his head before quickly setting his guitar back down and standing in the middle of the room, feeling dumbfounded.  He pulled out his phone and quickly sent Kate a text.

I'm going out for a little bit.  Might be out late, so don't worry if I'm not back before you go to bed.

He stuffed the phone back into his pocket as he walked towards the door.  He flicked the light off and made his way towards the coat closet next to their staircase.  He grabbed a light jacket and threw it on before making his way to the front door.  He double checked to make sure it was locked, before he skipped down his porch steps and walked towards the sidewalk.  He stuck his hands into his pocket as the crisp night air hit him, and began his walk.  He had no particular destination, he just needed to get out of his house.  He kept his head up, taking in the scenery that surrounded him.  He said a quick prayer in his head and thanked God for his many blessings, as he continued to take in the landscapes and lights around him.  He made a right at the next corner he got to, opting to walk towards the quiet of the neighborhood versus the business of the main streets he'd just been closer too.  He continued walking, feeling nostalgic.  He couldn't remember the last time he'd taken a walk, alone, much less at night.  The dark cast that the moonlight covered everything in had always made him feel more calm than the bright sun ever had.  He always felt that the night was for him.  He had countless memories of the night sky flashing on forever through a tour bus window stored in his brain.  He'd discovered early on in his career that it calmed the buzz he always felt throughout his entire body when they were coming off of a show.  His favorite nights were the ones spent with the windows open; allowing him a clearer view.  The wind enveloping him in cool comfort.  

At the sound of a car door shutting loudly, Zac was brought back to earth.  When he heard a voice call out, "Zac?" he instantly became confused.  He stopped in his tracks and turned his face over his right shoulder, following the sound of the voice calling his name.  He gave his eyes time to focus on the body standing only a few yards behind him. "What are you doing here?  Walking?" the voice asked.  He focused against the light coming from the porch behind the body.

"Kayla?" he heard himself ask, realization hitting him as he spoke.  He turned his body the rest of the way around and took in his surroundings.  He turned back to Kayla and then past her towards her house.  He turned to the right and looked at his mother's house, "Um," he began as he took a couple of steps towards Kayla.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her tone now one of concern as she saw how confused Zac looked.

"This is going to sound crazy," Zac began, raking his hand through his hair, "But I'm not exactly sure how I got here," he finished.  He watched Kayla for a reaction.

She scrunched up her eyebrows, slowly turning her face from Zac to the sidewalk he was just on, and then down the street towards his mother's home.  She looked for his truck and when she didn't see it she turned her attention back to Zac, "What?"

Zac chuckled nervously, "Okay.  Let me start over.  I meant to go for a walk, I just hadn't noticed whenever it was that I made the turn down this particular street," he explained.

"Are you serious?" Kayla asked, as a huge grin appeared on her face.  When Zac nodded, she erupted into laughter.  Zac chuckled along with her as she quieted herself down, "I'm sorry," she said, still trying to hold back her laughter.

Zac let himself relax, finally, as he took in the scene before him, "It's alright.  I guess I was just thinking things."

"Maybe you subconsciously were thinking about coming to see your mom?  Or talk to her about whatever things you are thinking?" Kayla offered.  "Her house is right there," she finished, pointing towards the house to her left.  

Zac scoffed, "I doubt it."

Kayla caught onto his tone quickly, and decided to stop talking. 

"Anyway," Zac said after a few more awkward moments, "I guess I'm gonna start the walk back.  See you later, maybe?  Night."  He gave her a small wave before turning and taking a step towards the sidewalk.

"Are you hungry?" Kayla asked, the words coming out before she could stop them.  Zac stopped and turned to her, "I mean.  I fed your brothers.  I kinda owe you.... you know... since you, um, had to leave before they did."  She watched Zac's eyes for a reaction, but she wasn't able to keep her eyes focused, and turned them down as he made his way back to her.  He stopped in front of her and she turned her face up to him.

"Did you ask me that on accident?" Zac asked, a small grin on his lips.  He watched as Kayla relaxed, letting out the breath she'd taken in when he'd made his way over, making her look smaller than she already was, "Also, have you always been this short?" he asked, breaking the tension.  They both let out a small laugh.

"Haha," Kayla replied, "I'm sure I'm the same height I was when you last saw me," she said as they both giggled a little more, "And no, I didn't." 

He looked at her and cocked his head slightly to the left.  

"Maybe," she said, causing them to both laugh again.  "But I mean it."  She looked up at him again, this time her tone a little more serious.  

Zac took a breath, buying him some time, hoping to conceal his surprise, "I probably shouldn't," he finally said, the words coming out as if he was using all of his energy to force them to do so. 

Kayla diverted her eyes before she nodded, "Right," she said, trying to hide her disappointment, "I meant, you're right."  She cleared her throat as she took a couple of steps backwards towards her porch, "If you change your mind," she said.  He lifted his eyes to match hers as she walked up her steps.  She pointed towards her home, "You know where to find me!" She smiled as she turned around, and stuck her key into the door lock.  She opened her door and stepped in, tossing the 3 small bags she'd been carrying to the side.  She turned around and put her hand on the door as she looked back outside.  

"Thanks," Zac said as he made his way back to the sidewalk. He waved quickly as she closed her door.  He smiled to himself as he started walking in the direction of his house.  He got the the front of his mom's house, as he turned his head towards her front door.  He stopped, and cocked his head as he squinted his eyes to get a clearer look.  He moved through the yard and towards the front door as the body that stood at it came into focus.  He stopped short as he realized who it was.

"Mom?!" he called out as he watched his mother turned around and reached for the doorknob.
"Mom!" he called out again.  Diana turned around and looked at her son, her eyes giving him a once over before she stepped through the door and shut it.

Zac huffed as he shook his head and continued to the front door.

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