Hunter x Hunter || Boyfriend...


251K 3.8K 5.6K

Well well, it's the consequences of my bad decisions. Took awhile for them to catch-up to me Gon Killua Kurap... अधिक

1 | How You Meet | ✓
3 | Hanging Out | ✓
Illumi Catch-up | ✓
4 | Confessions | ✓
5 - Rainy Days [UNEDITED]
6 - Nen [UNEDITED]
7 - Birthday(s) [UNEDITED]
8 - Will you be my partner? [UNEDITED]
9 - First Kiss [UNEDITED]
Chrollo Catch-up (1)
Chrollo Catch-up (2)
Chrollo Catch-up (3)
10 - Jealousy [UNEDITED]
11 - Your Theme Songs
Feitan Catch-up (UNEDITED)
Special: Tonpa x Reader

2 | Second Encounters | ✓

18.1K 311 467

This chapter is for: melizabeth44life

I swear the motivation to write was thanks to them. I recommend reading their book and following them if you like Melizabeth (MeliodasxElizabeth from Seven Deadly Sins)

Sorry if this seems rushed, I tried to keep the scenarios under 1000 words since I know some people dont like reading that muxh


Gon - 15 

You - 14

"Stop pushing me!" You told Orenji. Right now, you were walking through the food stalls and your brother wouldn't stop pushing you. His one objective was to get you to bump into people.

He pushed your shoulder harshly, so you pushed his back. He 'tch-ed' and pushed you back twice as hard. You tripped over someones foot (Your brothers) and, out of reflex, your arm shot out for the nearest object.

When your hand clenched down on the object, you weren't expecting to feel some warm, gooey, substance in your hand. You fell on the ground, your brothers laughter could be heard in the distance, and you were left wondering what you just grabbed. Sitting up, you looked at your hand. Your hand was coated in some red substance that smelled suspiciously like tomato paste.

"Are you okay?!" A recognizable voice asked. I looked up and saw Gon standing there.

"Well, guess you could say it's to-made-to be," I responded.

Did I just use a pick-up pun on him??

"That was worse then the puns you use at home," Orenji gave you a flat look.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him down with me, wiping some of the tomato paste on his face. "Now we're even."

"What's going on here, Gon?" Another person came to join the party. Gon, in response, sat down on the ground next to me and Orenji.

"We were making dust angels," Was what he said.

"And why does one of them look like they killed someone," The person asked.

"They accidentally popped my calzone when Orenji pushed them," Gon summarized.

"Hm," The boy hummed. He sat down on the ground next to Gon. "I'm Zoldyck Killua."

"[l/n] Orenji," Your brother introduced himself.

"[l/n] [f/n], this dummies brother," You pointed at your brother.

"How old are you?" Killua asked.

Well isn't he nosy,  You thought.

"I'm 12," Your brother said proudly.

"14," You said quietly.

Gon sat straight up, "Killua and I are 15."

"Anyway," You dusted off your pants. "We have to get going home. Mama is expecting us," You helped your brother up and wrapped your arm around his shoulders.

"Nice meeting you! Again!" Gon yelled.

Those two have some strange auras,  You shook your head. It doesn't matter, it's not like we'll see them again.

And after some few chance happenings, you all somehow became friends.

Killua - 12 

You - 13

After Mr. Netero explained how the last phase was going to work, you looked for your photo on the brackets.

I'm up against some old guy first? Guess I shouldn't underestimate him, he did make it to the final phase afterall,  You looked over and saw the Albino Dudes picture. He made it too? What rotten luck.

The first match pit Gon up against Hanzo. You had no idea who Gon was, but with everyone shouting his name you picked it up pretty quickly. Gon refused to give up, so Hanzo ended up knocking him out. He was carried to the infirmary and the next match began. In a few matches came Albino Dude and needle guy. They talked for a bit before needle guy started pulling out his needles. His face seemed to morph and change, and soon he turned into bug-eyed long hair guy.

Your mouth was rightfully agape, your eyes wide with wonderment, and your hands itching. 

I-Is it wrong that I want to run away? Just a feeling I get?  You looked around and saw everyone else wonder what was going on, except for clown guy ("Look, I would know these people names, but I'm terrible at remembering such trivial things such as that," You said during your interview with Netero). Clown guy seemed to have known this would happen or, at least, he wasn't surprised when it did.

"I... I do want something," When Albino Dude spoke, your focus snapped back to the fight.

"Oh? And what is that?" Bug-eyed boy asked mockingly.

"I want...I want to be friends with Gon," Albino dude said, his fist clenched at his side. Bug-eyed boy seemed to laugh a little at that. 

"You're not capable of making friends," Bug-eyed boy said. "When you do, you're just going to spend your time wondering whether or not you could kill them. And one day, you'll want to test that theory," He continued on.

Albino Dudes eyes seemed to be open with fright, his gaze stuck on Bug-eyed boy, and a frown placed on his face. Some middle-aged man yelled something. ("You are Gons friend! Get it in your head!") and Albino Dude 'tch-ed.'

 "This is stupid, I give," He stuck his hands in his pockets and walked away.

"Then it seems I pass," Bug-eyed boy said, walking away as well.

You tapped middle-aged mans shoulder and he turned to look at you.

"Who was that Albino kid?" You asked.

"You seriously don't know?" Middle-aged man asked. After you nodded, he explained, "His name's Killua Zoldyck."

"So he isn't named Albino Dude. Man, I knew I was bad at guessing names," You sighed. "Thanks for telling me Middle-aged man," You smiled.

"Hey! I'm a teenager!" Teenager man yelled. The person next to him let out a small chuckle. "And the name's Leorio."

"[y/n]," You told him.

"I'm Kurapika," The person next to him introduced himself. He held out his hand, which you took.

"Guess I'm up now," Kurapika sighed and went up to fight Clown guy. Shortly into their fight Clown guy told Kurapika something and gave up. Kurapika looked a bit shaken up and was quiet for the remaining matches. Soon, it was your turn to fight.

You were fighting some martial arts elder, but before you could even start Killua interrupted. He stabbed the martial arts elder, blood splattered on his face and his hand was coated in the red substance. He was disqualified from the exam and he soon walked away, hands in his pocket like normal. You stood there, staring at his back as he walked away.

During orientation, Gon barged in and started yelling at Bug-eyed boy.

After a minute, Leorio joined in, "Technically, he interfered with [y/n]s fight, therefore they should be the one that gets disqualified."

At first you were pissed at Leorio even suggesting the notion, but the more you thought about it, the more he was right. You stood up from your seat and added in your two cents, "He's right! I should be the one that gets disqualified."

"The decision has been made, that is final," Was all Mr. Netero said. You, Leorio, and Kurapika were forced to sit down.  You impatiently tapped your fingers on the table as you waited for orientation to end.

When it finally was over, you overheard Gon talking about going to see Killua.

"Hey," You walked up to them. The three turned to look at you. "I want to come."

"You were eavesdropping?" Leorio asked.

"I was... Yeah basically," You told truthfully. 

"Are you friends with Killua?" Gon asked, his lips forming a smile.

"No," You answered. Pointing your thumb at Leorio, you said, "But I want to know what's so great about him that he tried to get me disqualified."

"I guess you could come along," Kurapika said.

"Then it's decided," Gon yelled. "Let's go visit Killua."

After a long ride, walk, having to open a two ton door, more walking, watching Gon get hit by an apprentice butler, meeting Killua's mom and younger brother, them running away, more walking, and finally making it to the butlers quarters. 

The butlers were all lined up and bowed when you came into view. They escorted you inside and patched up Gon and Canary.

Soon, one butler put a knife up to Canary's neck and the head butler proposed a game. We just had to guess which hand held the coin.

"I choose right," Leorio said. The rest of us chose left and Leorio was out.

"I choose left," Kurapika and Gon said.

"I choose right," You said. The butler said you were out. Next Kurapika guessed wrong and all that was left was Gon.

"Hey, Leorio, can I borrow your knife?" He held out his hand.

"Uh, sure," Leorio said, handing him the knife.

Gon grabbed the knife and took off his eye patch. Bring the knife across his face, he cut his eye to reduce the swelling. Adding some bandages to his brow, he said, "Now, I'm ready!"

The guards played again, and again, and again, and... again. It only ended when Killua came in.

"Hey Gon!" He said. "Hey Kurapika.... Deorio and random person."

"It's Leorio!" Leorio shouted. "But at least Deorio is better then middle-aged man."

"I said sorry," You told him.

"No you didn't!"

"Oh, well then, sorry," You apologized. 

"It's too late now," Leorio said.

"So who're you?" Killua asked.

"I'm [y/n]," You introduced yourself.

Kurapika - 19 

You - 19

When your grandma was finally released from the hospital, the bookstore was back to running 24/7. Your cousin was placed on day shift while you were on night shift.

"Great, now my sleep schedule is messed up," You muttered to yourself. "Then again, I didn't really have a sleep schedule."

Why'd I have to get [parental guardian]s genes? Being an insomniac sucks.

You sighed loudly to yourself and sat at the front desk. Tapping your fingers on the desk, you looked around the bookstore with dull eyes.

Maybe, I can read a book to pass the time.

The problem was, the book you wanted was on the top shelf. You walked over and tried to reach for it, but couldn't.

Thinking even more cleverly, you grabbed a chair and reached for it, but still couldn't get to it. So you looked at the stairs.

When Kurapika came back to pay for the book, he didn't expect to see... This. You were on top of the bookshelf, rage-shouting, and there was a chair piled with books at the top of the stairs.

"Of course I had to get on the wrong shelf!" You shouted, shooting a hand at the bookshelf you needed to be on. You didn't notice Kurapika there until he coughed. You stiffened and looked at the source of the sound.

Oh, it's very manly man.

After you, somehow, got down, you went and greeted him.

"Hello very manly man," You held out your hand.

"Very manly man?" Kurapika asked. He took your hand, "The name's Kurapika."

"Yeah, I knew that," You lied and walked to the register. "What do you need?"

"What were you doing?" He dodged the question.

You scowled at the bookcase and said, "I was trying to get a book, but I couldn't reach it."

"Maybe I can," He said. You shrugged and brought him to the bookcase.

"That one," You pointed.

Kurapika looked up and looked at you, "I'm not that tall."

"Maybe," You wondered.

When your cousin came in to do his shift, he was most definitely not expecting to see you standing on some blonde guys back, while he crouched on the chair, and to see books surrounding you.

"It's the last one on the shelf," You said.

"How did you miss it all the other times??" Kurapika asked.

"I don't have very good hand-eye coordination," You shrugged.

Hisoka - 28 

You - 28 

"Crap! Wait, I'm an adult now. I can swear. Shi-" You were cut off.

"There are children here," Some random person glared at you. You huffed and held your, now hurt and sad, pinkie toe. You bounced around on one foot and glared at the table. See, you stubbed your toe and you were supposed to go into work at the moment. You had guessed right and wrong. During the Hunter Exam, you did fail, but you made it to the fourth phase before failing. And currently, you worked as a publisher. You just wanted to grab some pastries before dealing with rude writers. Not all writers are rude, but the one you worked for was especially rude.

Since making an embarrassment of yourself is your specialty, you just had to stub your toe and gain everyone's attention. Perfect. This is exactly where you wanted to be. 

You sighed and walked out the bakery, deciding that you could go without sweets. You walked to your publishing company and clocked in. You sat in your office and waited for the writer to come in. And waited. And waited. And waited.

When he finally did come in, he lazily handed over his manuscript.

"Good luck with that," He said and walked out.

You rolled your eyes and began reading. When you finished reading it, you underlined the errors and handed it back.

"[Jason/Random name], your manuscript was messy and I couldn't see what message you were trying to convey. It was packed with spelling and grammatical errors, the characters all had the same personality, and the dialogue was terrible," You told him. You left the manuscript on the desk and went to grab lunch.

"That was quite blunt," A voice called from behind you. You jumped, stiffened, and turned around. When you saw that it was a guy with magenta hair, joker suit, and odd markings below his eyes, you went into defensive mode.

"Maybe if he wasn't such a pig, I wouldn't be so mean," You huffed and continued walking. Normally, you wouldn't be this mean to someone, but [Jason/Random name] really riled you up.

"How could you be the same person who bumped into me?" The guy drawled out.

"I don't know what you mean, I bump into lots of people," You confessed. You had your back turned to him while you were walking and you felt your cheeks warm from your bashfulness. 

"Does the Hunter Exam ring any bells?" Now that made you stop and turn around. Now that you're taking your time staring at him, you saw that he was the person you bumped into before the first phase started. He was wearing a different outfit from then, but it was most definitely him.

"Oh, yeah I remember you," You sighed and turned around. Ever since the Hunter Exam, you were less naive and ignorant. Although, you were still completely clumsy and got embarrassed easily. "Surprised you remember me."

"Yes, well, you did bump into me," He placed emphasis on the 'me.'

Well, isn't he cocky,  You thought. 't's kinda hot, seeing a guy with actual confidence.  You felt your cheeks flare up as soon as you thought those words.

"Anyway, do you need s-something?" You asked, annoyed that your voice cracked.

I thought I was pass puberty??

"I was just curious. Now that 'pig,' if that is what you called him, what'd he do to annoy you so much?" He asked.

You narrowed your eyes and wondered what he was getting at. "It's nothing, none of your business." You walked away.

"Hm, how interesting," Hisoka said to himself.


Do I want to talk about how long this took me to write? Because it didn't take to long. Just four days lol.

Hope you enjoyed and sorry if any of them are too OOC!

And I changed my mind

It's every Sunday and Thursday I'll update

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