Faithless Memories

By chaosmoon75

7.3K 504 46

"Can you really not remember your name? If that's the case, why don't I give you one for now?" Zack found a g... More

Stranger in Our Midst
Encounter in the Woods
Part of the Family
Confronting the Future
Locked Memories
Heartbreaking Decisions
Breaking the News
Setting Out
The Adventures of Traveling
Crossing the Ocean
Making it to Midgar
Settling In
Coming of Age
Becoming a Soldier
Why Purple?
To Sector Five
Unexpected Offer
First Date - Sort Of
Join Shinra?
Job Offer
Weighing the Options
Surprise Lunch
Time to Decide
New Friends
Finally, A Real Date
Male Pride
New Job
First Kiss
What Had Been Hidden
A Brother's Defense
Appreciative Gift
Brighter Than the Stars
End of Summer
Together Yet Apart
Tell Her Something
Letting Go
What Was Lost...
...Now Is Found
Man or Monster
A Hint to the Past
A Decision Made
Unbury the Past
Even Angels Have Their Demons
Facing the Facts
Cold Hard Truth
Next Steps
Despite the Uncertainty
Healing Genesis
Happy News?
Still Work to be Done
Back to Midgar
Unexpected Addition
To Junon
Face From the Past
Meeting the In-Laws
Stop in Gongaga
Into Nibelheim
The Devil Within
Enter the Gunman
Still Under the Influence
Up Mount Nibel
Into the Reactor
Facing the Beast
Impossible Choices
Time to Decide
Revelations of a Madman
Breaking the News
Home Again
Home is Where the Heart Is

By the Skin of Our Teeth

42 4 0
By chaosmoon75

Chapter 82

As soon as the Turks were gone, the three Soldiers turned back to continue their efforts to find a way past the barrier. They were all shocked but pleased when they found it had shrunk. They were still unable to get to Kris, but they were closer than they had been.

Unfortunately, it was not nearly close enough. By that time, the whole room was shaking, and even Hojo realized the danger he was in. He had been practically covered by the vines, so he was still stuck to the wall, even though the barrier no longer held him in place. His position was tenuous at best.

The situation was made worse when Minerva in Kris' body levitated into the air. Once she was up, the vines crept across the floor as well. The only surface that was not covered was the spot where Chaos had been standing.

The flames had finally died down, and the alien's body was nothing but ash. The ex-Turk was on his knees next to the charred container. It took the gathered men a moment to realize the significance of that fact. It wasn't until they noticed he no longer had wings that they realized something had changed. Vincent staggered to his feet with a hand on his head.

Despite the uncertainty all the men had about the gunman, that didn't keep Zack from yelling out to him since he was the only one inside the barrier. "Hey, you! Vincent! Get Kris, and let's get out of here. This place is about to fall on our heads!"

Vincent looked over with a frown before his gaze scanned the rest of the room. His frown deepened when he saw Kris suspended in midair. Before he could rush to try and haul her down, his attention was snagged by Hojo. The scientist had somehow managed to free at least his arms and had pulled the vines away from his face.

"Wait! You cannot leave me here." Hojo then looked over at Sephiroth. "I can give you all the details about yourself. About your mother." Vincent growled at him, and Sephiroth glared, but neither man could even respond before the vines had tightened, and Hojo was silenced.

Despite the gunman's glare, he hesitated. He didn't know the girl, but he somehow doubted she would be okay with letting the madman die. He had a choice. Try to save Hojo, or attempt to get close enough to pull the girl down so they could escape. When a chunk of the ceiling fell between where he was standing and Kris, his decision was made for him. As much as he wanted Hojo to face justice, it was more important to get the girl and her child out.

However, he was not allowed to get close to her. The barrier that was still around her had shrunk to the point that he was no longer inside. The goddess obviously did not want him to interfere either, as he was barred from getting closer. By that point, the other three had managed to cut through the worst of what was in their way and joined him. Though the path behind them filled almost immediately. Genesis growled in frustration when their efforts did not get them close enough, and Kris was still suspended in midair.

By that point, Hojo had somehow managed to get part of the way out of the vines. "I demand that you come and get me at once. You are Soldiers. It is your duty to protect me."

All four of the men shot glares his way, but to their shock, Sephiroth jumped over the vines and stopped in front of the madman. Hojo gave him a smirk as the General sliced through the restraining mako-vines in one swoop. The scientist faltered as he dropped, but was able to keep from falling. He stood and gave Sephiroth another smirk. "See, I knew you would come to your senses."

The smirk fell off his face when the Masamune came up faster than he could see. He felt it along his neck before the movement registered. Somehow, he still held onto his arrogance. "You will not kill me."

Sephiroth's impassive mask cracked a little as he put a tiny bit of pressure behind the blade. Before he could do more, Vincent was already by his side. His was the voice of reason. "I agree that this man has done enough to warrant death, but this is not justice."

Sephiroth's glare transferred to the stranger, but it was Genesis that called out. "If you bring him over here, I'll kill him myself."

It was at that point that Zack yelled to get their attention. "Uh, guys!"

Unfortunately, they either didn't hear him over the sound of the building falling apart, or they were ignoring him, as Genesis continued. "He wants Kristobel and our child. I refuse to-"

Zack called out again, and this time his yell was loud enough to cut across all the noise, including Genesis' threats. "GUYS! Over here, now!"

He succeeded in getting their attention finally, but they also noticed that the writhing mako was finally settling down. It started to lose shape as soon as it stilled, and the liquid was beginning to fall like rain. That was not good news, but more than that, they all noticed the glow around Kris was fading.

Genesis felt his heart in his throat as she started to fall. He leapt forward and prayed that the barrier that had kept him back was finally gone. Thankfully, it must have disappeared when the mako started shifting back to its original form. He made it just in time to keep her from hitting the ground. Though his fear was far from tempered.

Kris' face was pale, and her eyes were closed. It was several seconds before he saw the rise of her chest. At least she was breathing, though he doubted she was not still in danger.

His contemplation of his fiancé's condition was interrupted by the others. Zack had been hard on his heels when he saw Kris fall, but both Sephiroth and Vincent were not far behind. The gunman had Hojo in what looked to be an uncomfortable grip, but it was the General that spoke next. "We must leave. I do not believe we have long before this whole building collapses."

Genesis had not lost his glare, but he nodded. None of them needed to say anything else before they bolted for the exit. They had barely made it out of the core when a large piece of steel nearly fell on them. Sephiroth was thankfully in front and made short work of the potential obstacle. Still, he turned back and pinned Zack with a hard look. "Take point with me. We will cut our way out if we have to."

The youngest Soldier didn't need to be told twice. He jumped over one side of the downed steel with his sword out. Not only was it a command from his General, but his sister's wellbeing depended on him forging a path. With those two in front, the debris that continued to fall did not reach the rest as they ran through the now unfamiliar passages. When a clear path could not be found, the two Soldiers made one. There was no way they were ready to give up. Not yet.


Outside, all the Turks were gathered. Even Reno had managed to find a spot to land after the shadows disappeared, and was standing with the rest of them. They all watched in growing horror as the whole building seemed to be shaking itself apart. The only sound that could be heard from the group was the occasional curse from the red-head as the minutes ticked by, and there was still no sign of the Soldiers or Kris.

After nearly twenty minutes, Rufus pulled Veld off to the side. The shaking had subsided, but there was still evidence that the building would not stand for much longer. The two of them were discussing possible rescue efforts if it came down to it. Veld was all for waiting until things settled, but much to everyone's shock, Rufus wanted to proceed as soon as they could arrange the manpower.

Their argument was interrupted when a loud bang preceded a large section of the wall flying out toward them. Luckily the gathered men had enough sense to stand far enough back that it never reached them. Though their attention was on the gap that had been created. The dust had not even settled before a small group came crawling out of the hole.

Zack was coughing as he tried to wave away the dust. None of the group of Soldiers were unscathed, but it did not take long for the Turks to count and realize they all made it out. With an addition as well. Reno let out an excited exclamation before he ran to check on them.

Rufus and the rest were not far behind, but no one was able to ask what had happened before Hojo spoke up. "Finally, I demand that you unhand me. It is imperative that I find the children and get back to my experiments."

Rufus pinned him with a cold stare. None of the others spoke either, though Vincent did put the man down. Not that it mattered, as he was still surrounded. Once Hojo was on his feet, he scanned the area until his eyes landed on the Vice-President. He took a step toward the young man but was stopped when Rufus raised his shotgun and pointed it at him.

Rufus' eyes were cold when he spoke. "Take another step, and there will be no need for us to worry about what to do with you."

Hojo sneered at the open threat. "And what will you do afterward, boy? I am the greatest mind on Gaia. You cannot kill me. That decision isn't yours to make, you are only Vice-President. Once your father learns of this, you won't even be that."

The only response from the blonde was a slight tilt of his head as he raised one brow. He smirked slightly as he answered. "You are assuming that my father will be in power long enough to have a say." He then paused and gestured around him. "Do you really think that these gathered men won't have something to say about that? The leader of Soldier and the Director of the Turks along with me, the second-in-charge. Your mind must be slipping if you believe things will continue the way they were before. That, or you really are the madman everyone claims you to be."

Hojo sputtered but was not allowed to speak. Genesis pushed his way to the front and pinned them all with a heated glare. "Now is not the time for your posturing. Kristobel has still not woken. We need to get back immediately!"

Rufus let out a soft sigh, but he ignored Hojo's renewed complaints as he turned to the Commander with a nod. He then gestured toward Reno. "Get us in the air as soon as everyone is on board."

Reno gave him a half-hearted salute, though his eyes were grim when he answered. "You got it, Bossman."

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