My Smutty Band Imagines//Fini...

By Summers13

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Book about smutty/fluffy band imagines. More

Author's Note
Miss Jackson turned Mrs. Urie
College Graduation with Patrick
Wedding Day
The Birthday Wentz Surprise
The Night Ryan and Brendon Got Caught
Christmas Miracles are True Mr. Urie
You're My Savior Mr. Stump
Party Plus a Good Mistake
Record Deal to Decay Dance
American Suitehearts
Thanks Pete
What a Catch, Patrick
Patrick's a Sweetheart
Ryan's BDSM Really Did Work
Dandies and the Hunters
The Masquerade Ball
Evil/Possessed Patrick
The Drug Dealer and Fedora Boy
Saint Wentz
Brallon Threesome
Dr. Benzedrine
Baby Walker
Kinky Priest Gerard

To Be Continued...

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By Summers13

"You were amazing out there," you say laughing as you and Brendon walk back to the tour bus.

"Thanks, and I saw you doing your little dance on the side stage," he chuckles.

"Oh my God kill me now," you groan letting your head fall in your hands.

"It's okay. I actually enjoyed watching you dance," he says nudging you with his elbow.

"I dance like an old person," you nervously say laughing.

"Hey at least you dance better than Dallon," Brendon say wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

"Thanks... I think," you say pushing your glasses up.

"Hey, I've been wondering for the past month if you would want to go on a date with me," Brendon asks glancing up at you with those puppy dog eyes.

"Ummm yeah. I would love to, but we would have to sneak behind Dallon's back," you say.

You're trying to play it as cool as possible,  but on the inside you feel like a little kid on Christmas Morning.

"I'm sure he won't mind. We're best friends after all," Brendon says.

"But Bren-," you start to say, but Brendon pulls you in close and kisses you on the lips.

He wraps his arms around your waist, and you freak out because you've never kissed anyone before. You relax and your arms wrap around his neck, and your lips move in sync with his. His body's sweaty and sticky and hot. You two finally pull away from each other, and Brendon gives you a crooked smile. You let out a weird laugh and spin side to side. You wake up to the smell of pancakes. You groggily get out of your bunk, and see Brendon, Dallon, Kenneth, Dan, and Zack eating. Brendon has clothes on at last. He eats a gigantic bite of pancake and looks up at you. He gets this big goofy grin on his face and so do you.

"Hey," he says through a mouthful of pancakes.

"Hi," you say laughing as he quickly gets up and falls in the floor.

Everyone starts laughing,  and Brendon says, "Oh shut up you ass holes."

You suppress a giggle.

Brendon walks over to you and asks, "Is that my shirt?"

You quickly look down and realize that it's Brendon's Blink 182 shirt.

"Oh I'm sorry... I didn't even realize it. It was dark last night, so I just grabbed something. I'll go take it off if you want," you nervously stutter.

"It's okay, and I'm sorry we didn't wake you up for pancakes," he says.

"You mean there's no more pancakes," you pout looking up at him.

"These hogs ate them all," he says pointing at the guys.

"Hey, you had eight of them," Kenneth says.

"But we have a whole pie that's never been opened before," Brendon says.

"Pie," you slightly yell as you run over to the mini fridge and take it out.

Brendon laughs and says, "We already ate our pies."

You laugh and say, "I forgot I even had one."

He chuckles, and you two sit down at the table with the guys. You and Brendon nudge each other under the table and constantly poke. He nudges you foot, and you put yours ontop of his then he puts his ontop of your,  and the cycle just repeats.

"Oww," Brendon whines out loud as you press your feet down on his.

You laugh, and Kenneth asks, "What are y'all doing?"

"Nuthin," Brendon quickly says smiling.

"Is there something going on between you two that I should know about," Dallon asks.

You and Brendon glance at each other, and Brendon says, "I just asked her on a date for Friday,  and we kissed."

"That... this isn't happening! Brendon you're my best friend who's 27, and she's my little sister who just turned 17, " Dallon says getting up and pacing.

"You, dad, and mom try to boss my life, Dal. I'm old enough to make my own choices," you say.

"You have a boyfriend back at home," Dallon says.

"I don't even love him. I'm just with him to make Dad happy," you say.

"Then you can find someone else, but you two being together isn't going to work. Brendon you're just too dirty and mature for her. She's too naive and innocent to know any better," Dallon says.

"Oh but you weren't complaining that one night," Brendon says getting slightly louder.

"You two fucked each other," Dan asks.

"I knew it," Kenneth exclaims.

"I'll do whatever I want to do, and there's nothing you, dad, or mom can say about it," you yell getting up and running into the bathroom.

You sit in the floor and cry. You pull your headphones out of your pocket and play I'm Not Okay by My Chemical Romance. You turn it up as loud as it will go, and you lay your head on your knees. You close your eyes, you eventually fall asleep. When you wake up, your legs are sore from being cramped up. You stand up and turn off the music. You look in the mirror to see a white dried line of drool along the corner of your mouth.

"Ugh," you mumble as you get a wash rag to clean it.

Once you're done, you hesitantly walk out into the bunk area. The bus is deserted. You walk to your bunk and there's a note in Brendon's handwriting. 

It says, 'Gone to look around and to pee. You were kinda hogging it and ignoring us, so we had to find a different way to... you know... Call me, and I'll tell you where we can meet up. xox Brenny Boo ;)'

You let out a laugh and quickly put on your clothes. You grab your phone and walk out of the tour bus. The first thing you see is a sign that says 'New Orleans.'

You start walking, and you come up on a pie store.

"Pie," you squeal only to realize that you gave your clutch to Brendon so it wouldn't get lost. You get your phone out and dial his number.

"Helloooo this is Mr. Urie speaking," Brendon says in a weird accent.

You laugh and say,"Need money for pieeeee."

"That's right I forgot I had your money.... tell you what if you tell me where you're at then I'll just buy you the pie," Brendon says.

"What about if I want to be alone," you ask.

"Well, we can be alone together," he quietly says.

"Fine, I'm at the pie shop just outside of the tour bus," you say.

"Be there in 5," he says.

You sit down in under an umbrella that's part of the outside cafe. You put your headphones in, and you begin to hum Stay With Me by Sam Smith. You're tapping your thumbs together when Brendon walks up and lays an apple pie on the table.

"Pie," you squeal taking the headphones off.

"Hi to you too," Brendon says laughing.

"Oh hi," you say laughing.

"You're obsessed with pies," he chuckles.

"How so," you mumble taking a bite.

"For starters you just had pie this morning," he says.

"Well, I obsess over many things," you mumble.

He smiles and reaches over with a fork and takes a bite of your pie.

"Hey," you say hitting his shoulder as he eats the pie.

He licks the fork, and says, "That's the least I get for buying it," he says inbetween bites.

"Sure thing Mr. Urie. Oh don't you have to do an acoustic show here at a radio place today," you ask.

"Yep, I have to be there for sound check and interviews in about three hours," Brendon says.

                                     3 hours later

You're standing off to the side with Zack as Brendon, Dallon, and Kenneth finish up an acoustic version of Miss Jackson.

"Requests," Brendon asks the audience as he avoids eye contact with Dallon.

"Fuck Her Gently," one girl shouts out.

Then the whole audience starts chanting that.

Brendon chuckles and says, "I haven't played that one in a really long time if you know what I mean, but I can try to remember."

"I remember some of it," Kenneth says.

"I know none of it," Dallon says.

"Then Kenneth will help me with what he knows,  and I'll go from there," Brendon stiffly says.

"Okay," Dallon says resting his arm on his bass.

"One, two, three," Brendon counts off as they start playing.

"Don't always have to fuck her hard..." Brendon sings looking at you.

You start smiling and blushing.  You look down at the ground. You've never heard of this song before.

Your mind wonders and when you look back up at Brendon he's singing, "Then I'll fuckin fuck you discretely."

He raises his eyebrows up and down at you, and you giggle. After that song, they do Lets Get It On. As Brendon's singing it his eyes never leave yours, and you wonder if it has anything to do with the beer that he's been drinking. When the shows over, the guys sign some stuff. After they sign some stuff, you all head back to the tour bus. Brendon's tipsy, and hehas his arm around your waist.

"I don't like you two together like this at all," Dallon finally says.

"Too bad Dal, I'm in love with your sister and there's nothing you can do about it," Brendon slurs.

You stop dead in your tracks. Did you really hear what you just heard?

"I can do something a-," Dallon says getting interrupted by Brendon sliding his hand under your shirt and kissing you.

You stand on your tip toes, so you can kiss him. It all comes so naturally. Brendon's lips press against yours, and you nervously start kissing him,  but your lips gradually fall into sync with his. His tongue presses against your mouth wanting a way in, so you let him. Eventually,  you two manage to pull yourselves apart, and Dallon's giving you both the evil eye.

"Oh what's the matter Dal cat got your tongue? I know whi had my tongue," Brendon slurs smirking.

You quietly giggle as he picks you up bridal style.

"We're off to see the tour bus thw wonderful tour bus of Panic," Brendon sings as he skips towards the bus.

You laugh as he sits down in the makeshift living room area.

You try to get out of his lap, but he doesn't let you, "No, I want you to stay," Brendon whispers against your neck.

Goosebumps appear all over you as you laugh, "You're so cute when you're drunk."

"I'm sexy and I know," Brendon quietly says as he raises his eyebrows up and down.

"Oh my God," you mumble trying not to laugh as Dallon, Kenneth, Dan, and Zack walks on.

"Classic drunk Brendon," Kenneth says laughing.

You giggle as Brendon kisses you against your neck. You look at Dallon who's frowning and giving you a deadly look.

"I think I'm going to go take a shower," you mumble trying to get up.

"I'll come with you," Brendon slurs staggering behind you.

You step inside the bathroom and peek around the door at Brendon.

"You can't," you say trying not to laugh.

"Just watch me," he slurs pushing against the door.

You let go of it, and he falls  into the bathroom floor with a thud. You bust out laughing at him, and he sits up and shuts the door.

"Can I get a little halp here," he asks looking up at you laughing.

"It's help not halp Mr. Urie," you laugh helping him up.

He pushes you against the walk and whispers, "I'm going to get you back for that one."

"How," you nervously whisper as he presses his lips against yours.

He wraps his arms around your waist, and you pull away whispering, "How about we play a little joke on the guys... especially Dallon?"

"Like what," he whispers.

"Make them think we're doing it then we walk out like nothing happened," you whisper back as you turn on the shower.

"Love it," Brendon whispers.

"Alright what do we do," you ask him.

"You don't know what sounds to make or anything," Brendon asks laughing slightly.

"Well, no," you mumble.

"That's alright I'll show you," he whispers.

Brendon begins kissing you on your lips, and his tongue searches for a way in. You let him, and then he slowly works his way down your cheek down your neck to your collar bone. He gently nips after each kiss. You slip your hands under his shirt and take it off. He kisses and nips at you harder, and you let out a soft moan.

Brendon smirks against your skin and breathes, "You're going to have to moan a whole lot louder than that for them to hear you."

He quickly takes your shirt, and you take his pants off. Brendon slips his hand down to your pants, and lets them fall to the floor. You wrap your legs around his legs and moan which makes him smirk in return. He roughly presses you against the wall, and you let out a whimper. He slides his hand down your stomach to your panties and slips his fingers under them.

You let out a muffled whimper, and Brendon whispers, "Before you say anything this isn't technically fucking each other it's just... another way to without actually doing it."

"What are you talking about," you whisper.

"I'll go nice and slow since I can see it's your first for everything," Brendon whispers back smirking.

"Bre-," you moan as he slips two fingers into you.

He begins to slowly move his fingers slowly around in circles.

"Brendon," you loudly moan as you try to move your hips closer to Brendon.

"This is me going really slow," he says smirking.

"Not slow enough," you moan as he slides a third finger in.

"Oh f-," you moan as he starts moving his fingers slightly faster and deeper.

You grab his shoulders tightly,  and he winces in pain. You can't contain ypthe moans from slipping right out of your mouth, one after the other each louder than the next.

Brendon begins going faster and deeper than he has, and you whimper, "J-J-Just f-f."

"Yes," Brendon asks shoving his fingers in deeper.

"Just fuck me already," you loudly moan.

He stops and you let out a whimper in frustration.

He pulls his fingers out, and whispers, "I don't think I've ever made a girl so wet before, but I'm good right now. I don't want to pressure into doing something you'll regret."

He washes his hands off in the sink and puts his clothes back on. Disappointed and out of breath you quickly put your clothes back on.

"Brendon please-," you start to whimper when he opens the door.

"What the f-, what was all that," Dallon loudly asks standing right in front of your and Brendon's faces.

"A preview of me fucking your sister," Brendon says walking to his bunk smirking.

"What the fuck man," Kenneth asks laughing.

Dallon stands there stunned, and you smirk and walk to your bunk.  You lay there listening to Brendon and Kenneth talking.

"You're not even drunk," Kenneth says.

"I know, but it's fun acting like I am," Brendon clearly says.

'So he was acting the whole time? Hm,' you think to yourself rolling over.

Later on that night, you're staring up at the top of your bunk thinking about Brendon laying up there alone, shirtless, and maybe even sweaty. Everyone else is asleep,  so you quietly crawl out of your bunk.

You climb into Brendon's bunk, and he asks, "Whatcha doin," he ask smiling.

"I heard you and Kenneth talking earlier," you say smiling.

"Oh," he says smirking.

"And why didn't you finish what we started earlier," you ask messing with his hair.

"You know why," he says.

"I don't know why. I do know I want you to finish it," you say  climbing on top of him.

"You'll regret it," he says.

"No I won't,  Brendon pleaseee. I need it," you whine kissing him on the lips.

"No," he says in between kisses.

"What'll it take," you ask.

"You have to let me do anything I want with you," he whispers.

"Done deal," you whisper smirking.

Right when things are getting heated, Dallon pulls you out of the bunk.

"I called mom and dad, and they're coming to get you," he says.........

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