You are special🌱| kageyamaxr...

By annonymusussy

270K 6.9K 6.9K

You met ur elementary bst friend,will u fall for him? completed 27 Apr- 22 dec 2020 More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 31 [extra]
[Short]special (beach volleyball)
Birthday special
game night!!

Part 30

6.5K 162 478
By annonymusussy

Nekoma won...nekoma won...nekoma won...

As I thought this over and over again,tears started appearing in my eyes,I looked down from the stand as they thanked the audience who came to cheer for them,they freaking cried. It hurts me so badly. Kageyama was really holding in his tears though.

I ran out to find them but I realised they were in the boys locker room. I found Kiyoko waiting outside the locker room as she cried. I walked towards her and comforted her,her tears made my tears brawl out.

The boys cane out of the locker room,looking stronger than expected,no cries anymore.

"Its okay,Kiyoko and y/n." Hinata said even though he was the only one crying out of the boys,"w-we did our best. And we are at least third in nationals."

I heaved a sigh,"you're right. No point crying,and you guys did really good.we are really proud of you." I gave a slight smile. Kiyoko too stopped crying. The team left but kageyama stood there motionless. I noticed something odd so I stayed with him until the others left.

"Kageyama-Kun?" I said as I tap his shoulder,"are you okay? The others left already."

He blinked,"I am useless." He said dropping onto the ground,"kuroo is going to snatch you away from me."

"Huh?"I stood there confused as I look down at him,"what nonsense are you spouting!!!!"I gave a small laugh,"you're joking right."

I glance at his swollen ankle,
"shit. Your ankle had gotten worse!!!" I frowned kneeling next to him,"We have to go to the Doctors now."
He looked at me,"Don't go"

"I'm not going anywher-" I felt water on my shirt as kageyama leaned in. He was freaking crying.
I sighed,patting his back and hugging him,"it's alright. Cry it out. I'm not going anywhere."

About 15 mins passed by as he didn't move at all, still leaning against me. I looked at him to see him asleep,"awww~ how did he even fall asleep- he must have been very tired." I woke him up since the team will start wondering where we are.


-no reply-

I facepalmed myself,I forgot-
He was a heavy sleeper and I have to wake him up by kissing him
da-freeeakk. Yes I'm very shy.

*2nd person view;you*
You pressed your lips against his as he woke up but kissed back,the kiss was quite long. He looked you in the eyes as he kissed you. His eyes was filled with sadness but happiness at the same time. He slipped his tongue into your mouth as you played along.

You pulled away and blushed,"what was that for."

"Aren't I the one supposed to ask?" He replied with his usual tone.

You quickly stood up and turned saying to him,"let's goooo" walking further ahead.
He stood up and jogged beside you.

"Y/n" he said,"can we go on a date now?"
You looked at him and gave him a look,"pfft of cours-"

*first person view, I*
"HEYHEYHEYYYY!!!!" The same annoying voice that I heard before ringed my ear,"ITS YOUUUUU"

"Umm? It's me?" I said with a really disgusted look,"kageyama can we leav-"

"Kageyama?" The dude said with his head tilted,"HEYYYYY!!! I'm BOKUTOOOOOO!!!!"

"Whatever." Kageyama replied as he grabbed my hand and walked off.

"HEY! DONT LEAVE ME HANGIN——" the voice faded.

I giggled,"when"

He looked at me,"when what?"

"The date"

He blushed profusely,"are you free tomorrow,after school maybe?"

I nodded,"Oka-"

"WHERE WERE BOTH OF YOU!?" Daichi came yelling at us,"WE WERE FINDING ALL OVER THE PLACE FOR THE TWO AND WHAT WERE BOTH OF YOuu...oh- OKAY! Never mind!" He said when he noticed our hands holding.

We quickly let go of each other and looked at opposite direction,knowing our faces were red.

We got onto the bus and went back to Karasuno, we did a debrief about the third years graduating and stuff which made us very emotional. Of course they will come the next practice or some other practice but it depends.

*timeskip to next day afterschool*
I walked out of my class to see kageyama leaning on the wall with his headphones plugged in,waiting for me. He noticed me staring at him,and leaned close,"enjoying the view?" He smirked. I pushed him away lightly,"stop it"

"Walk home together"he said grabbing my hand.

"Aren't we going to see each other later anyways?" I asked. No reply.
I sighed,"ok fineeee"

As we walked along the corridor with our hands held together,I can hear good and bad gossips like;

"I didn't know kageyama would like a girl."

"Pfft kageyama is handsome and all that but seriously,he has no tastes in girls"

"I knew this would be it! My perfect ship!"

"Who would like a guy like him"

"Eww. Disgustang-  she is not worth Kageyama's time."

I felt Kageyama's grip stronger and stronger. I leaned closer to him and wrap my arms onto his hand warmly,he relaxed a little and looked at me and smirked which gave me a thought of,' I shouldn't have done that'.

He stop in tracks as I followed him,he turned to the gossipers who said mean things that was heard and walked towards them,"let me tell you, y/n is mine,and nobody can change that. Look at yourself before you talk about others."
He walked back beside me and gave me a peck on my lips,walking briskly out of school.

Soon we reached my home,"I'll text you,and come pick you." He said waving bye and walking off to his house.

I ran up to my room,screaming my lungs out,"I am having a d-date?! With tobio freaking kageyama-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" My mom said barging in with excitement and holding a dress.
"MOM!"I Said embarrassed.

"You have really grown up,honey." She said wiping her 'tears' off.
"Here." She handed me a pretty dress (Insert whatever date outfit you want) .

"I found this in my wardrobe" she said smiling,"I used to wear this dress and now I can't wear it,ITS FOR YOU. Try it!!!" She walk out of the door.

I tried it on and fits me perfectly,"mom~" tears formed," I love you mom."
"I love you too ,honey. Go on!go get ready. I'm proud of you " she said walking out of my room proudly.

Hey! I'm outside.

Okay! Out soon.

I took my purse and wore my boots.
I give my mom a hug and went out.

"H-hi" I said embarrassed with what I was wearing.

"Hey."he gave a grin,"you look great." Blushing a little,"thank you" as I looked up and down at his outfit and started giggling,"first time seeing u wear a suit huh."

"Whatever" he looked away with his face a little pink.
"So,where are we going?"

"Not telling" he replied with a mysterious smile.

I sighed,"fine." He held my hand while walking to our first destination. I looked at the place, it was a fancy restaurant,with many couple there eating. We went in,took our seats and ordered our food.
A waiter came with a notepad and asked us politely,"what can I get for the pretty lady and the man?" While his gaze drifted to me,kageyama noticed that the waiter was admiring the look of me. He frowned,before he could say anything I interrupted him with a hungry face,"I would like a (insert food) ,(insert food),(insert desert) and (insert drink) please."  I looked at the waiter with a wide smile spread across my face.
His face was shock but at the same time jealous, he smirked and look at me,placing his hands on top of my hand and said,"Dear,why are you ordering so much? Are you sure you can finish?"

'D-dear!???' I screamed internally,'naniiii!!! Wait-' I giggled internally,'he's jealous.pfft.'

"We can share" I said holding his hands back,playing along.

He tilt his head to the waiter's direction,giving him a glare,"THATS it." He raised his voice a little.
The waiter shook his head immediately and rushed off.

"Kageyama." I looked at him playfully," you are

"No"I replied
I started giggling,"HAH!GOT YOU"
He chuckled and raised his both hands,showing a 'I give up' sign.

"Where are weee going!!!" He was holding my hand and I was blindfolded,leading me to somewhere mysterious.

"Just wait." He said pulling me,as I walked sloppily.

We walked for a few more minutes,and reached our destination.

"Why is there sand in my shoes!!!" I said disgusted but hearing the calm wave-,"WAIT ARE WE AT THE BEACH? ARE YOU GOING TO KILL ME HERE,PLEASE DON'T-" I joked.
He chuckled while removing my blindfold,as my eyes opened but light blinded me. Slowly I gained my clearer sight and danggggg,
"k-kageyama-Kun."I said speechless. He looked at me while I admired the place,"this place is b-beautiful."


I sat on the sand,pulling him down with me. We sat there admiring the scenery. A gust of wind blew,leaving me chills.
Feeling something warm on me,"Thank you " I gave him a warm smile. He was placing his jacket over me,I cuddle into his arms.

"y/n" he look at me,"I like you. B-be my girlfriend."

"Can I ask you something?" I said wrinkling my nose,"what do you like about me even."

He held me at the side of my shoulder,pulling away and looking straight into my eyes,"you are special.and there's no reason for me to dislike you. I love you y/n. Be my girlfriend."

A tear rolled down my cheeks,unknowingly,I pulled him into a deep kiss,"I love you too."

We have come to an end of the story! Thanks for reading!!<3


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