Part 4

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Soon,we all ate our meat buns.
It was about 10pm,I was supposed to get home by 11pm.
"F*ck." I cussed.
"Woah there, you gotta chilllll!"Tanaka lift both his hands up and down,making a "calm down" sign.
"sorry but I got to go back home.Thanks for the meat buns!"I waved goodbye.
"I need to go too. I'll send y/n home. It's dangerous." Kageyama said. The others agreed and waved us goodbye.
I blushed hearing that line. Knowing that I'm as red as a tomato I turned my back,walking as fast as I could but not suspiciously.
"yo,y/n! Walk slower!"
I stopped in my tracks and turned to him,"fine." Soon he was beside me and we walked together.
"So..." I said.
"So?" He replied.
"I saw you in newspapers during middle school..." I mentioned,"king huh?"
He suddenly stopped,"don't call me that." He frowned. I got confused,"why? Isn't 'King' a good nickname.You are like so coooool.Everyone admires you..."
"Stop!"He shouted,giving me a glare.
"Um...sorry."I apologised,"I can walk from here. Thanks." From then I walked to the direction of my house alone. I took a quick look at him without him noticing. He was releasing a dark aura around him for a second,looking at the floor, I felt guilty for what I did...

*next day*
I woke an hour early. Since I woke up,I couldn't go back to sleep just something I can't do always.
So I decided to head to school.
After I changed and ate my breakfast,I walked to school lazily,dragging myself there with my backpack slung on one side of my shoulder.

Once I reached my class, I sat on my desk and lay my head on the table and looked out of the window. A dark figure below a tree outside caught my eyes so I sat up straight and looked closer curiously.

"Who is that? Why is that person sitting there? Is that person crying???" I asked myself since I see the person curled up and head down arm crossed. I lay my head on the window so I could get a better view when his head looked up at the window I was at.
My eyes wide....

You are special🌱| kageyamaxreader ✨| ✨completed ✨Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora