Part 11

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*2nd person view;you*
Your mind drifted to last weeks practice match:
You went to find kageyama but he was no where to be found. You texted him but he did not reply. WHATS GOING ON. You got really worried and spammed call him; still did not reply- *sigh* where is this guy.
You remembered the tree he sat under the other day and decided to go there and find him.
You see him doing the same action as before but you heard whisperers. This was all you heard ,"why........feeling?"
"Huh???" You said to yourself.
You decided to surprise him and so you went behind the tree and jumped out of nowhere,"KAGE-KUN!" But he did not move an inch.
He looked up and saw you.His eyes sparkled. You tilt your head in confusion but broke the silence,"the team have left already,we cleaned the gym up too. Wanna head home together?" 
He nodded and stood up,slinging his bag on one of his shoulder.

Walking,your hands brushed against his and you both turned your head to the other way to hide your blush.
"Hey,y/n cha-an"
Ch———CHAN!?HE CALLED ME CHAN!? you thought to yourself,screaming ur lungs out in your head.
"Y-yeah?" You turned your head but you regretted it since your face was really red.
"Are you having a fever!?" He stopped and felt your forehead,"no I'm n-not!!" You walked ahead of him and slightly tilt your head to angle so that you can see him,"what were you saying?"
"Heyyy!! Tell meeee!" You shake him left and right,asking him to tell you since he got you curious.
"NoThInG" He got close to your face probably just 2cm apart,smirking.
You jumped away,"HmpfF". You guys chat and talked until you reached home and parted ways.

Oya,note~ you earned the money and paid the rent and made your mother really proud,but exams were coming and you had to focus on studying. Your mother found a new job that also pays well in the end.(what a happy ending🥺) so you had to quit your job.

*During vb practice,first person view;I*
I was finally the first one to reach the gym,since I'm the co-manager and got used to it I had the keys to open the gym. I opened the gym and went in to set up. Since no one was at the gym I decided to practice my own until someone pulled my hair into the storage room.
"AHH-HH! LETT GO!"I was hurting this brought me back to the past where I got bullied everyday.
She threw me into the storage room,I fell backwards and hit the cupboard that hurt my back,"what the f*CK is your problem!"

"Stop being in my way." The familiar tone made me looked up to see the person...I can't believe but believe at the same time.
"K-kiyoko? Why is it you!?" I stood up but fell back onto the floor since I took large impact,my neatly tied up hair became a mess. Heat started boiling in my blood.
Before I could finish we heard the gym door open, Kiyoko then quickly ran away but told me to shut up about today and gave me a death glare. (a/n):(I'm sorry kiyoko I have to make you evil🥺😭)

*Sigh* I stood up but fell back down again. I used all my strength and able to stand up. I composed myself and tied my hair back although it really hurts, i held it in,I always remember what my mother tells me,"stay strong"
I let out a sigh and came out of the storage room,there was a bruise on my face so I tilt my head to the side so no one can see it.
"You guys are here! Um. I need to head to the ladies" I gave them a small smile and ran off. I decided to head to the doctors in school and check the bruise out.
The doctor prescribed me medicine and applied it on me.I thanked him and decided to go the the gardern where I always cool my head.
I got woken up AGAIN by the same voice, kageyama.I quickly tilt my head to not let him see the bruise but it was too late,"y/n! Your face." He cupped my face and took a closer look ,"who did this to you?"
"I- I just tripped and fell..." I give a little smile.
"Stop lying to me." He said firmly,""
I shook my head,"I'm serious!" I pushed his hands of my face,trying to hold my tears back. The more he ask ,the more I wanted to cry.
"Why are you here even."I turned to look at him.
"You were taking a very long time. So I wanted to check on you." He said with his normal tone,"let's head back,everyone's worried."

"You should go first."

"Hah? No way,I can't let you be alone. You're a careless lady,let's go." He pulled me with him.

Shit what am I gonna do Kiyoko is going to find out and "kill" me-

"Hey kageyama!you're here!"Kiyoko gave a fake smile to you but turn her gaze to kageyama and flirted with him.
"Tch." He said,"whatever".
He was still holding my hand,I decided to pull away before kiyoko see it. He turned to see and realised. I stared on the floor,while walking putting my hands behind my back,with a really scared expression.
Kageyama then stopped in his tracks,"its her isn't it."
I looked up,"???"
He lifted the finger and pointed at kiyoko,"HER?"
I sighed and pushed his finger down gently,and shook my head sternly,"mm~ kageyama,I told you,I tripped."I stared into his dark blue eyes for a few seconds and walked off putting my hands into my pocket.Kageyama followed behind~

I have made kiyoko evilll,IM SORRY HAHA. BUT THANKS FOR READING❤️🙌🏻.

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