Until I Met Him [Finished]

By _jasewrites

1K 97 18

She was broken & stopped believing that a real love exists.. He came in her life & totally changed it... ~~~~... More

Chapter 1: Aurora Adams
Chapter 2: Austin Walker
Chapter 3: Getting to know each other
Chapter 5: Becoming Official
Chapter 6: i love you ♡
Chapter 7: Misunderstanding
Chapter 8: Suprises
Chapter 9: Cooking together
Chapter 10:Austin's birthday
Chapter 11: Seeing the future together
Chapter 12: Alone at home pt.1
Chapter 13: Alone at home pt.2
Chapter 14: Alone with him pt.3
Chapter 15: Lunch with our families
Chapter 16: Best Suprise Ever
Chapter 17: London
Chapter 18: Spending time with my idol
Chapter 19: Paris
Chapter 20: Made for each other
Chapter 21: Prom proposal ♡
Chapter 22: Heartbreak
Chapter 23: Break up
Chapter 24: Plans
Chapter 25: Text messages
Chapter 26: Getting to know the truth
Chapter 27: Making a decision
Chapter 28: Bringing some old habits back
Chapter 29: Prom Preparations
Chapter 30: Finally Safe
Chapter 31: Prom
Chapter 32: Disneyland
Chapter 33: New house
Chapter 34: Facetiming with Sara
Chapter 35: What if he asks you to marry him?
Chapter 36: Only Mine
Chapter 37: Texas
Chapter 38: Leo
Chapter 39: Pizza Night
Chapter 40: Engaged!!!
Chapter 41: A pregnancy test
Chapter 42: Pregnant?
Chapter 43: Wedding plans
Chapter 44: Wedding preparations
Chapter 45: The Wedding
Epilogue ♡
~A Spin-off?~
~New Book~

Chapter 4: Confessions

36 3 0
By _jasewrites

Austin's POV

Yesterday we had so much fun together.
We talked a lot but one and only thing took me by a surprise, the hug. Hugging her felt so right. She smelled like a flower. When her arms got wrapped around my neck,i wanted to pull her closer and kiss her so bad,but.. you know,i might have hurt her. Maybe she doesn't feel the same way and she'll go away from me. She also said that she likes someone...so Austin, you'd have ruined everything.

1 month later..

Aurora's POV

One month has past. Me and Austin were still good friends. After the time i hugged him,we hugged like 2 more times and that's it. I think,he was a little distant but i was wondering why.

AURORA YOU'RE SO WEIRD! Of course it's because you said that you liked someone but you weren't sure. He might have thought of that. Well i really don't know.

I got up,did my routine, opened my wardrobe and took dark green ripped jeans and white crop top. I paired them with my white Nike shoes. I put a little of makeup and let my hair to fall naturally.

I ate breakfast and went to school. Today i had the most of the classes together with him. We had Arts and Maths the first two classes.

I saw him in the parking lot and went by him.

"Hi Austin!" I said.

"Hi Aurora, how are you?" He said.

"I'm fine,what about you?"i asked.

"Me too." He answered.

"Let's go." I nodded.

Our first class was Arts.

"Students,today you have to draw again an abstract thing. You have to draw how you feel in this moment. Good luck." The teacher said.

How i feel? I'm sitting with the person i like and he's avoiding me. I really don't know what to draw..

Austin's POV

What a weird theme,ugh. Well how i feel? I'm trying to avoid her cuz i don't want to ruin her plans with That Boy which she likes. I was so said for doing this but,it's for her best. I saw her,she was thinking what to draw. She honestly looked sad. Sometimes,i'm asking myself, am i the person that she likes? Hell no, i don't think so.

The whole class i was looking at her. Thinking of what to do and... i decided to... Confess to her.

Aurora's POV

I was thinking for the whole class and i decided to somehow confess to him. But i'm too scared of his reaction.

As i was walking in the hall alone,i bumped into someone. I looked up and i saw that it wasn't Austin it was a random boy. He started flirting with me and he pulled me on the locker and tried to kiss me. I tried to move but i couldn't. People were watching us so i pretended like everything was normal and smiled even though i wanted to knock this boy out and go away.

Austin's POV

I was about to go home,but then i saw her...with a guy. With the fucking bad boy in the school. She looked happy,she smiled until she saw me. I ran and got in my car before she could catch me and talk to me. I was furious, i wanted to kill that bastard.

I went home. Got inside my room,took the guitar and started playing it. It has been a while since the last time i played it.

Aurora's POV

He saw me with that bastard. I started running to catch him and explain but he disappeared. I thought that he was probably going home. I saw how furious he was. This won't go well.

I asked some of his friends what's his adress and one of them gave it to me.
At the same moment, i caught a taxi and went on the adress. He lived in a so beautiful house.

I knocked on the door and a woman opened it.

"Hi,i'm Aurora Adams." I said.

"Hi sweetie, i'm Austin's mom." She said.

"Is he at home?" I asked.

"Yes he is,he's so angry,i don't know what happened to him,i haven't seen him like this in a long time." She said.

"Can i please see him?" I asked.

"Sure,he's in the attic." She said.

"Okay,thank you." I smiled and went to the attic. He was playing a guitar and he was singing.

"I look up from the ground

To see your sad and teary eyes
You look away from me
And I see there's something you're tryna hide
And I reach for your hand but it's cold
You pull away again
And I wonder what's on your mind
And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake
You start to tremble and your voice begins to break
You say the cigarettes on the counter weren't your friend's
They were my mate's
And I feel the color draining from my face

And my friend said
"I know you love her, but it's over, mate
It doesn't matter, put the phone away
It's never easy to walk away, let her go
It'll be alright"

I slowly opened the door and he stopped singing when he saw me. Tears rolled down my cheeks. He liked me..

"Aurora" he said and stopped.

"Y-you l-like me?" I sobbed and asked.

"Come sit here." He told me.

"Let me explain what was happening." He sighed and nodded. I could see that he cried too and that he was sad.

"I don't like him.. i bumped into him..and he without my allowance pulled me to the lockers. Everyone was staring at us,for not to seem weird,i smiled and then i saw you and you know what happened... I was running to catch you and explain but you went somewhere. I asked your friends for your adress and one of them gave it to me..and,i'm here..." i stopped as my tears were falling down.

He looked into my eyes and said the unexpected.

"Yes,i..like you." He confessed to me,but he still had the sad expression on his face,he was probably waiting for me to say that back. So i did.

"I...like you too." He looked into my eyes again, this time he looked so happy and had a big smile on his face.

He hugged me so tight,so did i. We stayed hugged for a so long time. We couldn't get enough of the hug,of the electricity we had right now.

I kissed him on his cheek and hugged him again.

"The reason that you were kind of avoiding me was the thing that i told you when we first met up?" I asked. He nodded.

"Was i the girl you said that you liked?" I asked.

"Yes." He simply answered.

"Now i understand everything..." i said.

"By the way,why didn't you tell me that you are playing a guitar and that you are a good singer? I curiously asked.

"Well,that's my hidden talent. Barely someone knows. Only my family knew but,now you know too." He smiled.

"You know what?" I asked. He raised his eyebrow.

"I know how to play a guitar too." He looked at me so suprised.

"Play something, we can sing together" i nodded and took the guitar.

I started playing "Stuck with you" by Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber.

"We've had some fun, and yes we've had our ups and downs
Been down that rocky road, but here we are, still around
We thought about someone else, but neither one could debate
We thought about breaking up, but now we know it's much too late
We are bound by all the rest
Like the same phone number
All the same friends
And the same address

Yes, it's true, I'm happy to be stuck with you
Yes, it's true, I'm so happy to be stuck with you
'Cause I can see that you're happy to be stuck with me."

Austin's POV

Her voice,the way she played the guitar was just wow..

The song ended. She left the guitar and looked me in my eyes. I did what my heart wanted to.

I leaned in and crashed my lips on hers. She kissed me back. Her lips felt so good on mine. It was a soft yet passionate kiss.

We pulled apart and we both wore the biggest smiles on our faces. I kissed her again and we separated in few seconds.

She's a great kisser to be honest. I really couldn't understand her ex,he missed this beauty and these lips.

She hugged me so tight. We were never about to separate, but my mom came in my room.

"Awwwh finallyy!" She was so happy.

"I see what was the problem, but as i see it's fixed. I heard two beautiful voices singing and i came to see who it was." Mom said as we smiled.

"Mom,this is the girl i talked about. We confessed each others feelings and we are kind of together now." I said.

My mom looked so happy and she went to the kitchen.

"Aurora, it's kind of late,wanna stay here?" I asked her.

"Um,yeah sure. Let me just text my parents." She said.

"They allowed,but no funny business." We both chuckled.

I put my head on my pillow,she lied next to me and she put her head on my chest.

"Goodnight." She said.

"Goodnight." I said.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter, i hope you liked it!!
They are finally together! Enjoy! Ily!♡

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