Until I Met Him [Finished]

By _jasewrites

1K 97 18

She was broken & stopped believing that a real love exists.. He came in her life & totally changed it... ~~~~... More

Chapter 1: Aurora Adams
Chapter 2: Austin Walker
Chapter 4: Confessions
Chapter 5: Becoming Official
Chapter 6: i love you β™‘
Chapter 7: Misunderstanding
Chapter 8: Suprises
Chapter 9: Cooking together
Chapter 10:Austin's birthday
Chapter 11: Seeing the future together
Chapter 12: Alone at home pt.1
Chapter 13: Alone at home pt.2
Chapter 14: Alone with him pt.3
Chapter 15: Lunch with our families
Chapter 16: Best Suprise Ever
Chapter 17: London
Chapter 18: Spending time with my idol
Chapter 19: Paris
Chapter 20: Made for each other
Chapter 21: Prom proposal β™‘
Chapter 22: Heartbreak
Chapter 23: Break up
Chapter 24: Plans
Chapter 25: Text messages
Chapter 26: Getting to know the truth
Chapter 27: Making a decision
Chapter 28: Bringing some old habits back
Chapter 29: Prom Preparations
Chapter 30: Finally Safe
Chapter 31: Prom
Chapter 32: Disneyland
Chapter 33: New house
Chapter 34: Facetiming with Sara
Chapter 35: What if he asks you to marry him?
Chapter 36: Only Mine
Chapter 37: Texas
Chapter 38: Leo
Chapter 39: Pizza Night
Chapter 40: Engaged!!!
Chapter 41: A pregnancy test
Chapter 42: Pregnant?
Chapter 43: Wedding plans
Chapter 44: Wedding preparations
Chapter 45: The Wedding
Epilogue β™‘
~A Spin-off?~
~New Book~

Chapter 3: Getting to know each other

47 4 1
By _jasewrites

Aurora's POV

Since we separated on our different ways yesterday, i couldn't stop think about Austin. We didn't even talk much but it felt so good.

I woke up,did my routine and opened my wardrobe. I took a pair of ripped jeans,green crop top and a pair of black vans. Then i put on a little mascara and a lip gloss. My hair was falling naturally. I looked nice to be honest.

I went downstairs,said hi to my parents and took something to eat. After that i rushed to the door and went on my way to school.

As i passed the parking lot, i saw him. Gosh,he looked so handsome even though he was wearing a simple outfit.
I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turned behind to see who it was and it was him,Austin Walker.

"Oh,hi Austin." I said and smiled.

"Hi Aurora, how are you?" he asked me as we kept on going to our lockers.

"I'm fine,what about you?" I asked.

"Me too." He said.

"So,let's see our schedules. Well,my first class is Biology. What about you?" I asked him.

"My first class is Chemistry, ughhh."he said.

"What's the class after this one?" He asked.

"Sports. You?" I asked.

"Same. Let's get going or we'll be late." I nodded and we went on our separate ways.

Biology was boring,soooo boring. I mean,i loved that subject but the thing that we are learning is weird. Ecology, i'm wondering when we will stop with learning that easy stuff.

The class ended and i went on my way to the sports gym. I saw him and smiled to him as i went to change in the changing rooms. I was wearing a white shirt paired with black shorts. I put my hair in a ponytail and made my way in the gym.

I saw him,he looked so hot. I was literally staring but i didn't realize that. What's frkn happening to you Aurora??

Today we had athletic. I honestly enjoy running. When we were in Texas,i was going for a run every morning. It's making me feel better.

It was my turn to run with one of my classmates.

"3...2...1..RUN!" We started running as fast as possible. I was first!!! The class was cheering for me,i was so happyyy.

Then it was Austin's turn. The coach started counting and when he said "RUN",Austin sprinted.

Omg woww,he was so frkn fasttt,if i was racing with him,i would have been
1 km behind him. Literally.

He won and we all cheered for him. He saw me cheering and smiled to me. I BLUSHED.

The class ended,i changed in my previous clothes and made my hair once again.

As i walked out of the gym,i saw Austin waiting for me. I smiled and went to him.

"Wow,you're a very fast runner! Congrats on your win." I said.

"Same goes to you too." He said and started walking to our next class.

The classes ended and we walked out of the school together. As i was about to go,he stopped me.

"I'll drive you home" he said.

"You know you don't need to,but if you insist okay." I said and he opened the door for me. What a gentleman..

We talked about simple things then when i was about to exit the car,he stopped me.

"Umm,would you like to meet up later,we'll get to know more about each other?" He asked,i really could say that he was nervous.

"Sure." i answered him and smiled. He smiled back.

"Can i have your phone number?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I gave him my number and he gave me his.I got out of the car and waved "goodbye". He waved back still having the smile on his face,so did i. He really sends me positive vibes and makes me happy.

I walked in the house,said hi to my parents and went in my room. I was still smiling like crazy. What the fuck Aurora??

After 2 hours,my phone beeped. I saw it was a text from him.

Austin: Be ready at 7,i'll wait for you outside.

Me: okay. See ya!

I got ready. I was wearing ripped jeans and white crop top with my white vans.
It was 6:50 and i got a text from Austin.

Austin:i'll be there in 5 mins.

Me:okay,i'm waiting for you.

After 5 mins.

Austin: i'm outside.

I said bye to my parents and went out of the door. I got inside the car.

"Hi Aurora". He said.

"Hiii, where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." He answered and smiled. Okay mister.

After 10 minutes, he stopped the car on a hill. I've never been there before.
There was also a blanket. I smiled and looked at him. He guided me and we sat on the blanket. Wow,what a perfect view..

"I really like this place. It's so beautiful. We can see the whole LA from there." I got lost in the view.

"Yeah,i always go there but the first time with someone. I always go there alone." He said.

"Oh wow." That was the only thing i could say.

"Let's get to know each other." he suggested. "Tell me about yourself." He said as he looked in my eyes.

"I moved there with my family. I have a little brother, his name is Marty. You really should meet him,i'm sure he will like you." I said as he chuckled.

"Sure,one day i'll meet him with you" he said. Then i continued talking.

"I want to become a photographer. I'm also good in other things,like dancing,acting,singing,drawing you saw that on our Arts class, and many other things. My favorite color is green,i love nature. Tell me about yourself." I said.

"I'm a simple person too. I love dancing, singing,Maths you know this." He chuckled so did i. " my favorite color is blue and i love nature too." He ended.

"Well,umm,i don't know it i have to ask you but i will. Umm,why were you crying yesterday on our Arts class?" he asked. I didn't know if i had to tell him but i did.

"Okay,i'll tell you. So...i was thinking about my ex. When i was in Texas,i was in a relationship with a guy called Leo..." a tear rolled down.

"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to,you know.." he said.

"I feel like i have to." I smiled, so did he.

"He's the reason why i moved here. He broke up with me because he couldn't stand hiding his other girlfriend from me. He was cheating on me..The next morning,i asked my parents if we could move. I actually wanted to move alone,but they wanted to come with me, so,they did. My parents started looking for some houses here. Once they found,we moved. I live there for almost a month. LA is so beautiful, i can't say no. Life is better there. If i haven't moved,i wouldn't have found a great person as you to be my friend. I used to be bullied in my other school,they looked me as a nerd and stuff........ so yeah,that's what happened and i'm here." I finished. He wiped my tears and caressed my cheek.

"Don't worry,everything will be fine."he smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled too and he nodded.

We stopped talking for a while. But then i decided to break the silence.

"So Austin, is there any girl in your life?" I asked.

"I like one,but i don't know if she likes me back. I'm scared that if i confess, she'll go away from me." He said. "What about you?"he asked.

"I don't know,maybe i started liking someone." I smiled.

We talked a lot,we got to know so much for each other. He's a nice person.i think that i...like him.

It was getting late so we started getting ready to go home. We both got up and got inside the car. He drove me home and we exited the car.

"Thank you so much for tonight, it felt so good to be out and share many things about myself to someone." I said and smiled.

"Thank you so much for accepting my offer and it felt good to know more about you." He smiled.

"Bye Austin, see you tomorrow." I said.

"Bye Aurora." He said.

I went on my way to the door,but i felt like something was missing. I did what my heart wanted.

"Austin wait!" I said.

I went by him and hugged him. He was kind of shocked at first but then he hugged me back. We stayed like that for about 5 seconds then we separated. We both smiled and i went inside my house with a wide smile on my face.

I went to my room and smiled again. What i did,felt so right. I liked the hug,his smell and everything.

I like him..♡

Thank you so much for reading this chapter, i hope you liked it! I love y'all♡

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